Stay Healthy Magazine September/October 2018

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1. PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OIL This nemesis of heart health is the primary source of trans fat. Manufacturers like it because it reduces costs, increases shelf life and stabilizes flavor, but it’s a lose-lose for consumers. Trans fats are twice as difficult for the body to dissolve as saturated fats, and because they boost bad (LDL) cholesterol and have been shown to decrease good (HDL) cholesterol, they’re active agents of heart disease, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies and cellular deterioration.

ble protein, yeast extract, and even citric acid. Ultimately, more than 40 forms of this processed additive can be found in grocery store aisles. MSG is also a chemoinducer of obesity, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Bottom Line: It’s often found in canned soup, diet beverages, an array of popular fast food, packaged sausages and frankfurters, beef stew, instant soups, salad dressing and some packaged vegetarian foods.

4. BHA (BUTYLATED HYDROXYANISOLE) and BHT (BUTYLATED HYDROX• YTOLUENE) Antioxidants are normally good, right? Not in this case. BHA and BHT are anti• oxidant preservatives used in cereals, potato chips and chewing gum to keep • them from going rancid. The Depart• BHA (BUTYLATED HYDROXYANIment of Health and Human Services Bottom Line: Avoid foods containing SOLE) and BHT (BUTYLATED HYtrans fats, including margarine, vege- pegged them as known carcinogens, DROXYTOLUENE) ... but, mysteriously, the FDA allows table shortening, crackers, cookies, • SODIUM NITRATE AND SODIUM baked goods, salad dressings, breads them. The additives negatively impact NITRITE. ... sleep and appetite, and have been and chips. associated with liver and kidney dam• PROPYL GALLATE. ... age, hair loss, behavioral problems, 2. HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP • SODIUM BENZOATE AND BENZOThough chemically similar to table sug- and cancer. IC ACID. ... ar (sucrose), this cheaper alternative is • POTASSIUM BROMATE. 5. SODIUM NITRATE AND SODIUM a highly processed form of glucose converted into fructose—the type of NITRITE These additives are used as colorants, Everyone knows to keep an eye out sugar ordinarily found in fruit. Some for calories, fat, and carbs when studies have shown that it inhibits lep- and to preserve the shelf life of meats they’re browsing the supermarket tin—the hormone responsible for tell- like hot dogs, bacon and sausage. That all sounds OK until you note that they aisles. But are you paying attention to ing your brain that you’re full. And the little-known, flavor-enhancing, while some people will argue that it’s mix with stomach acids to form nitrosoften lab-generated chemicals that essentially just sugar, one thing is cer- amines, potent cancer-causing cells associated with oral, stomach, brain, manufacturers pump into food to cut tain: esophageal and bladder cancers. Nocosts and keep you hooked? Just because it isn’t making you fat doesn’t Too much sugar will harm bodily pro- ticeable side effects include dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting. mean it’s not rotting you inside and cesses in countless ways, including Want quick deli meats without the out. increasing risk for diabetes, obesity drawbacks? Stick to choices like NatuIf you look out for only nine ingrediand other metabolic disorders. ral Choice Hormel, which is additiveents the next time you go shopping for free. food, make them these. And as a rule 3. MSG of thumb, aim for whole foods— MSG goes by many names: monosodi6. PROPYL GALLATE minimally processed stuff that will get um glutamate, maltodextrin, sodium you the important nutrients without caseinate, autolyzed yeast, autolyzed This next antioxidant preservative is any extra processed crap. vegetable protein, hydrolyzed vegeta- used by food manufacturers to prevent fats and oils from spoiling, and is Note: Products that contain partially PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OIL. hydrogenated oils, but have less than This nemesis of heart health is 0.5g of trans fat per serving can carry a the primary source of trans fat. ... “trans-fat free” label. Also keep in HIGH-FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. ... mind that “fully hydrogenated oil” does not contain trans fats. MSG. ...

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