St Barnabas Church - Mission and money 2016 17

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BANK STANDING ORDER (our preferred method of giving)

Managing our finances

Please send completed forms to The Finance Administrator (contact details overleaf)

Mike Vamvadelis, Church Manager

St Barnabas Church PCC Date D D M M Y Y

Here at St Bs we have a good record of scrupulous financial management. So you can be assured that all of your giving will be spent carefully on things that really

To the manager of Bank plc Of (full address of your bank branch) (Please pay to Nat West Bank PLC; 786 High Road, North Finchley, London N12 9QT)

Code 60-15-20 for the credit of St Barnabas Church PCC, Account number 31658091 The sum of £ (please insert in words and figures) On D D M M Y Y and MONTHLY thereafter until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed Account No Sort Code Account Holder’s Name Address Postcode This is a new / replacement / additional mandate. (Please delete as appropriate) For: St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, London N12 7DN Tel: 020 8343 5783


Inland Revenue Ref. X60915

Name Address Postcode I want you to treat this/all donation/s that I have made from D D M M Y Y (please insert date from which you wish us to claim tax) and I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Barnabas will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Please notify us if you change your name or address. Signature Date D D M M Y Y

Our financial challenge

Why do we give We give because the Bible tells us to give. But there are four principal reasons:

1. Giving is part of our worship: we give because we want to honour God with everything in our lives, including our money. Worship is not worship unless it costs us.

2. Giving is good for us: it is so easy for us to get overly attached to the things of this world. Giving helps us to loosen our grip on our material possessions and adjust our perspective on what is truly valuable.

3. There is great need: the church needs our money. St Bs is not subsidised by any external organisation and has no other resources to pay for the ministry we are undertaking, apart from the voluntary giving of our members.

4. We share a vision: we all spend money on things we are committed to. We give to St Bs as a mark of our commitment to our community and the vision that God has given us.

At St Barnabas we believe that everything we have comes from God and in return he calls us to serve him with our whole lives, including our time, our talents and our treasure. Giving to God’s work at and through St Bs is an act of discipleship and part of our worship offered in response to all that he has given us. We also believe that each of us is called by God to play our part in releasing the resources required to turn our vision of ‘transforming lives, changing the world’ into reality and enable the many activities and ministries at St Bs to happen. As a mark of your commitment to what we are doing here at St Bs, we invite you to join the committed giving scheme. We encourage people to give generously. (A tithe,10% of income, is the basic benchmark in the Bible, although we are not under law and many can go beyond this.)

Sarah Restall, Treasurer This year we are continuing to keep prudent restraint on our budget, especially in the light of our huge financial commitments with the Go and Grow project. Of course it is important that we do not divert our regular giving to Go and Grow, or we would risk jeopardising the main mission of the church. So over most of this year’s budget we have retained a nil-increase position, keeping costs at roughly last year’s

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

matter. As a result we manage to deliver an amazing amount for what we spend in terms of the extent of the ministries and the mission that our finances sustain. However, it does cost a lot to run a church like St Bs and so we unashamedly invite you to become part of our regular committed giving scheme.

levels. However, after commissioning an external review, we realise that we have fallen a little behind on levels of staff remuneration. We feel that the Godly response is to move towards paying our staff at a better level, and so this will mean an overall increase in our budget of £15,000 this year. To achieve this modest increase we would ask you prayerfully to consider reviewing your giving, so that we can meet the financial challenges during this exciting time of the life of our church. It is important to us that our members continue to commit to regular giving every month, so that we each play our part in funding the St Bs community.

How can I give? We invite everyone who considers St Bs to be their spiritual home to join the regular committed giving scheme. Regular systematic giving is not only a mark of your commitment, it also helps us plan our expenditure through the year and it helps you to be responsible in the way you give. This can be done in a number of ways: Bank standing order Give as you earn This is our preferred method of giving and it helps us keep our administrative costs down. To give in this way, simply set up your own Standing Order with your bank using the bank details below (please let Siming Hill know when you have done this):

Some companies operate a payroll giving scheme and in some cases the employer will match or add to your gift. If this is available to you, then please discuss this with your employer. Then please let us know if you decide to give in this way.

Bank Name: Natwest Account Name: St Barnabas PCC Account Number: 31658091 Sort Code: 601520

Legacies and Wills

If you prefer, you can fill in the form overleaf and return it to Siming who will forward it to your bank. If you already give by Standing Order, don’t forget to review the amount you give. If you want to increase it, please do not fill in another form – simply contact your bank yourself and let us know for our records.

St Barnabas welcomes gifts in wills, however large or small. We promise to use such gifts to make a difference in the work of the church, and will consult with the executors to identify the sorts of projects the donor would have liked. If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to the church in your will, please pick up, or ask for, one of our Legacies & Wills leaflets from The Arch.

Laying foundations

Gift aid If you are a UK taxpayer any gift can be treated as gift-aidable, which means that your gift of £10 is worth £12.50 or your gift of £500 is worth £625. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration, whichever of the methods of giving you use, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration overleaf.

For further information, contact: Mike Vamvadelis Church Manager 020 8343 5774

Siming Hill Finance Administrator 020 8343 5783

All correspondence should be sent to: Siming Hill, St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, Woodside Park, London N12 7DN Charity No: 1131412


Mission and Money

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

BANK STANDING ORDER (our preferred method of giving)

Managing our finances

Please send completed forms to The Finance Administrator (contact details overleaf)

Mike Vamvadelis, Church Manager

St Barnabas Church PCC Date D D M M Y Y

Here at St Bs we have a good record of scrupulous financial management. So you can be assured that all of your giving will be spent carefully on things that really

To the manager of Bank plc Of (full address of your bank branch) (Please pay to Nat West Bank PLC; 786 High Road, North Finchley, London N12 9QT)

Code 60-15-20 for the credit of St Barnabas Church PCC, Account number 31658091 The sum of £ (please insert in words and figures) On D D M M Y Y and MONTHLY thereafter until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed Account No Sort Code Account Holder’s Name Address Postcode This is a new / replacement / additional mandate. (Please delete as appropriate) For: St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, London N12 7DN Tel: 020 8343 5783


Inland Revenue Ref. X60915

Name Address Postcode I want you to treat this/all donation/s that I have made from D D M M Y Y (please insert date from which you wish us to claim tax) and I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Barnabas will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Please notify us if you change your name or address. Signature Date D D M M Y Y

Our financial challenge

Why do we give We give because the Bible tells us to give. But there are four principal reasons:

1. Giving is part of our worship: we give because we want to honour God with everything in our lives, including our money. Worship is not worship unless it costs us.

2. Giving is good for us: it is so easy for us to get overly attached to the things of this world. Giving helps us to loosen our grip on our material possessions and adjust our perspective on what is truly valuable.

3. There is great need: the church needs our money. St Bs is not subsidised by any external organisation and has no other resources to pay for the ministry we are undertaking, apart from the voluntary giving of our members.

4. We share a vision: we all spend money on things we are committed to. We give to St Bs as a mark of our commitment to our community and the vision that God has given us.

At St Barnabas we believe that everything we have comes from God and in return he calls us to serve him with our whole lives, including our time, our talents and our treasure. Giving to God’s work at and through St Bs is an act of discipleship and part of our worship offered in response to all that he has given us. We also believe that each of us is called by God to play our part in releasing the resources required to turn our vision of ‘transforming lives, changing the world’ into reality and enable the many activities and ministries at St Bs to happen. As a mark of your commitment to what we are doing here at St Bs, we invite you to join the committed giving scheme. We encourage people to give generously. (A tithe,10% of income, is the basic benchmark in the Bible, although we are not under law and many can go beyond this.)

Sarah Restall, Treasurer This year we are continuing to keep prudent restraint on our budget, especially in the light of our huge financial commitments with the Go and Grow project. Of course it is important that we do not divert our regular giving to Go and Grow, or we would risk jeopardising the main mission of the church. So over most of this year’s budget we have retained a nil-increase position, keeping costs at roughly last year’s

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

matter. As a result we manage to deliver an amazing amount for what we spend in terms of the extent of the ministries and the mission that our finances sustain. However, it does cost a lot to run a church like St Bs and so we unashamedly invite you to become part of our regular committed giving scheme.

levels. However, after commissioning an external review, we realise that we have fallen a little behind on levels of staff remuneration. We feel that the Godly response is to move towards paying our staff at a better level, and so this will mean an overall increase in our budget of £15,000 this year. To achieve this modest increase we would ask you prayerfully to consider reviewing your giving, so that we can meet the financial challenges during this exciting time of the life of our church. It is important to us that our members continue to commit to regular giving every month, so that we each play our part in funding the St Bs community.

How can I give? We invite everyone who considers St Bs to be their spiritual home to join the regular committed giving scheme. Regular systematic giving is not only a mark of your commitment, it also helps us plan our expenditure through the year and it helps you to be responsible in the way you give. This can be done in a number of ways: Bank standing order Give as you earn This is our preferred method of giving and it helps us keep our administrative costs down. To give in this way, simply set up your own Standing Order with your bank using the bank details below (please let Siming Hill know when you have done this):

Some companies operate a payroll giving scheme and in some cases the employer will match or add to your gift. If this is available to you, then please discuss this with your employer. Then please let us know if you decide to give in this way.

Bank Name: Natwest Account Name: St Barnabas PCC Account Number: 31658091 Sort Code: 601520

Legacies and Wills

If you prefer, you can fill in the form overleaf and return it to Siming who will forward it to your bank. If you already give by Standing Order, don’t forget to review the amount you give. If you want to increase it, please do not fill in another form – simply contact your bank yourself and let us know for our records.

St Barnabas welcomes gifts in wills, however large or small. We promise to use such gifts to make a difference in the work of the church, and will consult with the executors to identify the sorts of projects the donor would have liked. If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to the church in your will, please pick up, or ask for, one of our Legacies & Wills leaflets from The Arch.

Laying foundations

Gift aid If you are a UK taxpayer any gift can be treated as gift-aidable, which means that your gift of £10 is worth £12.50 or your gift of £500 is worth £625. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration, whichever of the methods of giving you use, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration overleaf.

For further information, contact: Mike Vamvadelis Church Manager 020 8343 5774

Siming Hill Finance Administrator 020 8343 5783

All correspondence should be sent to: Siming Hill, St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, Woodside Park, London N12 7DN Charity No: 1131412


Mission and Money

BANK STANDING ORDER (our preferred method of giving)

Managing our finances

Please send completed forms to The Finance Administrator (contact details overleaf)

Mike Vamvadelis, Church Manager

St Barnabas Church PCC Date D D M M Y Y

Here at St Bs we have a good record of scrupulous financial management. So you can be assured that all of your giving will be spent carefully on things that really

To the manager of Bank plc Of (full address of your bank branch) (Please pay to Nat West Bank PLC; 786 High Road, North Finchley, London N12 9QT)

Code 60-15-20 for the credit of St Barnabas Church PCC, Account number 31658091 The sum of £ (please insert in words and figures) On D D M M Y Y and MONTHLY thereafter until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed Account No Sort Code Account Holder’s Name Address Postcode This is a new / replacement / additional mandate. (Please delete as appropriate) For: St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, London N12 7DN Tel: 020 8343 5783


Inland Revenue Ref. X60915

Name Address Postcode I want you to treat this/all donation/s that I have made from D D M M Y Y (please insert date from which you wish us to claim tax) and I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Barnabas will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Please notify us if you change your name or address. Signature Date D D M M Y Y

Our financial challenge

Why do we give We give because the Bible tells us to give. But there are four principal reasons:

1. Giving is part of our worship: we give because we want to honour God with everything in our lives, including our money. Worship is not worship unless it costs us.

2. Giving is good for us: it is so easy for us to get overly attached to the things of this world. Giving helps us to loosen our grip on our material possessions and adjust our perspective on what is truly valuable.

3. There is great need: the church needs our money. St Bs is not subsidised by any external organisation and has no other resources to pay for the ministry we are undertaking, apart from the voluntary giving of our members.

4. We share a vision: we all spend money on things we are committed to. We give to St Bs as a mark of our commitment to our community and the vision that God has given us.

At St Barnabas we believe that everything we have comes from God and in return he calls us to serve him with our whole lives, including our time, our talents and our treasure. Giving to God’s work at and through St Bs is an act of discipleship and part of our worship offered in response to all that he has given us. We also believe that each of us is called by God to play our part in releasing the resources required to turn our vision of ‘transforming lives, changing the world’ into reality and enable the many activities and ministries at St Bs to happen. As a mark of your commitment to what we are doing here at St Bs, we invite you to join the committed giving scheme. We encourage people to give generously. (A tithe,10% of income, is the basic benchmark in the Bible, although we are not under law and many can go beyond this.)

Sarah Restall, Treasurer This year we are continuing to keep prudent restraint on our budget, especially in the light of our huge financial commitments with the Go and Grow project. Of course it is important that we do not divert our regular giving to Go and Grow, or we would risk jeopardising the main mission of the church. So over most of this year’s budget we have retained a nil-increase position, keeping costs at roughly last year’s

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

matter. As a result we manage to deliver an amazing amount for what we spend in terms of the extent of the ministries and the mission that our finances sustain. However, it does cost a lot to run a church like St Bs and so we unashamedly invite you to become part of our regular committed giving scheme.

levels. However, after commissioning an external review, we realise that we have fallen a little behind on levels of staff remuneration. We feel that the Godly response is to move towards paying our staff at a better level, and so this will mean an overall increase in our budget of £15,000 this year. To achieve this modest increase we would ask you prayerfully to consider reviewing your giving, so that we can meet the financial challenges during this exciting time of the life of our church. It is important to us that our members continue to commit to regular giving every month, so that we each play our part in funding the St Bs community.

How can I give? We invite everyone who considers St Bs to be their spiritual home to join the regular committed giving scheme. Regular systematic giving is not only a mark of your commitment, it also helps us plan our expenditure through the year and it helps you to be responsible in the way you give. This can be done in a number of ways: Bank standing order Give as you earn This is our preferred method of giving and it helps us keep our administrative costs down. To give in this way, simply set up your own Standing Order with your bank using the bank details below (please let Siming Hill know when you have done this):

Some companies operate a payroll giving scheme and in some cases the employer will match or add to your gift. If this is available to you, then please discuss this with your employer. Then please let us know if you decide to give in this way.

Bank Name: Natwest Account Name: St Barnabas PCC Account Number: 31658091 Sort Code: 601520

Legacies and Wills

If you prefer, you can fill in the form overleaf and return it to Siming who will forward it to your bank. If you already give by Standing Order, don’t forget to review the amount you give. If you want to increase it, please do not fill in another form – simply contact your bank yourself and let us know for our records.

St Barnabas welcomes gifts in wills, however large or small. We promise to use such gifts to make a difference in the work of the church, and will consult with the executors to identify the sorts of projects the donor would have liked. If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to the church in your will, please pick up, or ask for, one of our Legacies & Wills leaflets from The Arch.

Laying foundations

Gift aid If you are a UK taxpayer any gift can be treated as gift-aidable, which means that your gift of £10 is worth £12.50 or your gift of £500 is worth £625. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration, whichever of the methods of giving you use, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration overleaf.

For further information, contact: Mike Vamvadelis Church Manager 020 8343 5774

Siming Hill Finance Administrator 020 8343 5783

All correspondence should be sent to: Siming Hill, St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, Woodside Park, London N12 7DN Charity No: 1131412


Mission and Money

BANK STANDING ORDER (our preferred method of giving)

Managing our finances

Please send completed forms to The Finance Administrator (contact details overleaf)

Mike Vamvadelis, Church Manager

St Barnabas Church PCC Date D D M M Y Y

Here at St Bs we have a good record of scrupulous financial management. So you can be assured that all of your giving will be spent carefully on things that really

To the manager of Bank plc Of (full address of your bank branch) (Please pay to Nat West Bank PLC; 786 High Road, North Finchley, London N12 9QT)

Code 60-15-20 for the credit of St Barnabas Church PCC, Account number 31658091 The sum of £ (please insert in words and figures) On D D M M Y Y and MONTHLY thereafter until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed Account No Sort Code Account Holder’s Name Address Postcode This is a new / replacement / additional mandate. (Please delete as appropriate) For: St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, London N12 7DN Tel: 020 8343 5783


Inland Revenue Ref. X60915

Name Address Postcode I want you to treat this/all donation/s that I have made from D D M M Y Y (please insert date from which you wish us to claim tax) and I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Barnabas will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Please notify us if you change your name or address. Signature Date D D M M Y Y

Our financial challenge

Why do we give We give because the Bible tells us to give. But there are four principal reasons:

1. Giving is part of our worship: we give because we want to honour God with everything in our lives, including our money. Worship is not worship unless it costs us.

2. Giving is good for us: it is so easy for us to get overly attached to the things of this world. Giving helps us to loosen our grip on our material possessions and adjust our perspective on what is truly valuable.

3. There is great need: the church needs our money. St Bs is not subsidised by any external organisation and has no other resources to pay for the ministry we are undertaking, apart from the voluntary giving of our members.

4. We share a vision: we all spend money on things we are committed to. We give to St Bs as a mark of our commitment to our community and the vision that God has given us.

At St Barnabas we believe that everything we have comes from God and in return he calls us to serve him with our whole lives, including our time, our talents and our treasure. Giving to God’s work at and through St Bs is an act of discipleship and part of our worship offered in response to all that he has given us. We also believe that each of us is called by God to play our part in releasing the resources required to turn our vision of ‘transforming lives, changing the world’ into reality and enable the many activities and ministries at St Bs to happen. As a mark of your commitment to what we are doing here at St Bs, we invite you to join the committed giving scheme. We encourage people to give generously. (A tithe,10% of income, is the basic benchmark in the Bible, although we are not under law and many can go beyond this.)

Sarah Restall, Treasurer This year we are continuing to keep prudent restraint on our budget, especially in the light of our huge financial commitments with the Go and Grow project. Of course it is important that we do not divert our regular giving to Go and Grow, or we would risk jeopardising the main mission of the church. So over most of this year’s budget we have retained a nil-increase position, keeping costs at roughly last year’s

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

matter. As a result we manage to deliver an amazing amount for what we spend in terms of the extent of the ministries and the mission that our finances sustain. However, it does cost a lot to run a church like St Bs and so we unashamedly invite you to become part of our regular committed giving scheme.

levels. However, after commissioning an external review, we realise that we have fallen a little behind on levels of staff remuneration. We feel that the Godly response is to move towards paying our staff at a better level, and so this will mean an overall increase in our budget of £15,000 this year. To achieve this modest increase we would ask you prayerfully to consider reviewing your giving, so that we can meet the financial challenges during this exciting time of the life of our church. It is important to us that our members continue to commit to regular giving every month, so that we each play our part in funding the St Bs community.

How can I give? We invite everyone who considers St Bs to be their spiritual home to join the regular committed giving scheme. Regular systematic giving is not only a mark of your commitment, it also helps us plan our expenditure through the year and it helps you to be responsible in the way you give. This can be done in a number of ways: Bank standing order Give as you earn This is our preferred method of giving and it helps us keep our administrative costs down. To give in this way, simply set up your own Standing Order with your bank using the bank details below (please let Siming Hill know when you have done this):

Some companies operate a payroll giving scheme and in some cases the employer will match or add to your gift. If this is available to you, then please discuss this with your employer. Then please let us know if you decide to give in this way.

Bank Name: Natwest Account Name: St Barnabas PCC Account Number: 31658091 Sort Code: 601520

Legacies and Wills

If you prefer, you can fill in the form overleaf and return it to Siming who will forward it to your bank. If you already give by Standing Order, don’t forget to review the amount you give. If you want to increase it, please do not fill in another form – simply contact your bank yourself and let us know for our records.

St Barnabas welcomes gifts in wills, however large or small. We promise to use such gifts to make a difference in the work of the church, and will consult with the executors to identify the sorts of projects the donor would have liked. If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to the church in your will, please pick up, or ask for, one of our Legacies & Wills leaflets from The Arch.

Laying foundations

Gift aid If you are a UK taxpayer any gift can be treated as gift-aidable, which means that your gift of £10 is worth £12.50 or your gift of £500 is worth £625. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration, whichever of the methods of giving you use, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration overleaf.

For further information, contact: Mike Vamvadelis Church Manager 020 8343 5774

Siming Hill Finance Administrator 020 8343 5783

All correspondence should be sent to: Siming Hill, St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, Woodside Park, London N12 7DN Charity No: 1131412


Mission and Money

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

BANK STANDING ORDER (our preferred method of giving)

Managing our finances

Please send completed forms to The Finance Administrator (contact details overleaf)

Mike Vamvadelis, Church Manager

St Barnabas Church PCC Date D D M M Y Y

Here at St Bs we have a good record of scrupulous financial management. So you can be assured that all of your giving will be spent carefully on things that really

To the manager of Bank plc Of (full address of your bank branch) (Please pay to Nat West Bank PLC; 786 High Road, North Finchley, London N12 9QT)

Code 60-15-20 for the credit of St Barnabas Church PCC, Account number 31658091 The sum of £ (please insert in words and figures) On D D M M Y Y and MONTHLY thereafter until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed Account No Sort Code Account Holder’s Name Address Postcode This is a new / replacement / additional mandate. (Please delete as appropriate) For: St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, London N12 7DN Tel: 020 8343 5783


Inland Revenue Ref. X60915

Name Address Postcode I want you to treat this/all donation/s that I have made from D D M M Y Y (please insert date from which you wish us to claim tax) and I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities (including churches) and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Barnabas will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Please notify us if you change your name or address. Signature Date D D M M Y Y

Our financial challenge

Why do we give We give because the Bible tells us to give. But there are four principal reasons:

1. Giving is part of our worship: we give because we want to honour God with everything in our lives, including our money. Worship is not worship unless it costs us.

2. Giving is good for us: it is so easy for us to get overly attached to the things of this world. Giving helps us to loosen our grip on our material possessions and adjust our perspective on what is truly valuable.

3. There is great need: the church needs our money. St Bs is not subsidised by any external organisation and has no other resources to pay for the ministry we are undertaking, apart from the voluntary giving of our members.

4. We share a vision: we all spend money on things we are committed to. We give to St Bs as a mark of our commitment to our community and the vision that God has given us.

At St Barnabas we believe that everything we have comes from God and in return he calls us to serve him with our whole lives, including our time, our talents and our treasure. Giving to God’s work at and through St Bs is an act of discipleship and part of our worship offered in response to all that he has given us. We also believe that each of us is called by God to play our part in releasing the resources required to turn our vision of ‘transforming lives, changing the world’ into reality and enable the many activities and ministries at St Bs to happen. As a mark of your commitment to what we are doing here at St Bs, we invite you to join the committed giving scheme. We encourage people to give generously. (A tithe,10% of income, is the basic benchmark in the Bible, although we are not under law and many can go beyond this.)

Sarah Restall, Treasurer This year we are continuing to keep prudent restraint on our budget, especially in the light of our huge financial commitments with the Go and Grow project. Of course it is important that we do not divert our regular giving to Go and Grow, or we would risk jeopardising the main mission of the church. So over most of this year’s budget we have retained a nil-increase position, keeping costs at roughly last year’s

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

matter. As a result we manage to deliver an amazing amount for what we spend in terms of the extent of the ministries and the mission that our finances sustain. However, it does cost a lot to run a church like St Bs and so we unashamedly invite you to become part of our regular committed giving scheme.

levels. However, after commissioning an external review, we realise that we have fallen a little behind on levels of staff remuneration. We feel that the Godly response is to move towards paying our staff at a better level, and so this will mean an overall increase in our budget of £15,000 this year. To achieve this modest increase we would ask you prayerfully to consider reviewing your giving, so that we can meet the financial challenges during this exciting time of the life of our church. It is important to us that our members continue to commit to regular giving every month, so that we each play our part in funding the St Bs community.

How can I give? We invite everyone who considers St Bs to be their spiritual home to join the regular committed giving scheme. Regular systematic giving is not only a mark of your commitment, it also helps us plan our expenditure through the year and it helps you to be responsible in the way you give. This can be done in a number of ways: Bank standing order Give as you earn This is our preferred method of giving and it helps us keep our administrative costs down. To give in this way, simply set up your own Standing Order with your bank using the bank details below (please let Siming Hill know when you have done this):

Some companies operate a payroll giving scheme and in some cases the employer will match or add to your gift. If this is available to you, then please discuss this with your employer. Then please let us know if you decide to give in this way.

Bank Name: Natwest Account Name: St Barnabas PCC Account Number: 31658091 Sort Code: 601520

Legacies and Wills

If you prefer, you can fill in the form overleaf and return it to Siming who will forward it to your bank. If you already give by Standing Order, don’t forget to review the amount you give. If you want to increase it, please do not fill in another form – simply contact your bank yourself and let us know for our records.

St Barnabas welcomes gifts in wills, however large or small. We promise to use such gifts to make a difference in the work of the church, and will consult with the executors to identify the sorts of projects the donor would have liked. If you would like more information about how to leave a gift to the church in your will, please pick up, or ask for, one of our Legacies & Wills leaflets from The Arch.

Laying foundations

Gift aid If you are a UK taxpayer any gift can be treated as gift-aidable, which means that your gift of £10 is worth £12.50 or your gift of £500 is worth £625. If you have not already completed a Gift Aid Declaration, whichever of the methods of giving you use, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration overleaf.

For further information, contact: Mike Vamvadelis Church Manager 020 8343 5774

Siming Hill Finance Administrator 020 8343 5783

All correspondence should be sent to: Siming Hill, St Barnabas Church, Holden Road, Woodside Park, London N12 7DN Charity No: 1131412


Mission and Money

Key Priorities 2015-17

Over the next year we will be laying down the foundations for the transformation of St Bs into a major High Road presence, as the amazing Go and Grow project to relocate our church finally looks like becoming a reality.

The main strategies from last year took longer than expected to fulfil.

Of the five dimensions of the Go and Grow vision (1. Community Hub, 2. Mission Port, 3. Social Enterprise, 4. Resourcing Centre, 5. Church Base), the only one fully familiar to our current experience is ‘Church Base’. In other words we now need to engage in an exciting gearing-up of our mission as we start to look forward to our move to Solar House in 2017. We want to seize the incredible opportunity ahead of us and see God use us in transforming lives and changing the world. But this is unlikely to be an easy journey. Over the season we are planning significantly to increase our activities and mission outreach. For instance we are formulating plans to launch social enterprises, run new courses, provide community space, and start new mission initiatives. This will take additional resources of people, talent, and money. We feel we are on the cusp of an exciting new future for our church; a new vision is emerging, plans are being drawn up. I invite you to be part of what God is doing here.

Henry Kendal

So this year, for the first time ever, we have kept the same four priorities as last year, believing that this is what God wants us to focus on.

We have long held both training and mission as incredibly important features of our calling. This autumn we will launch Mission for Life as an exciting new resource.

Having established missional communities for some years now, we want to move on to the next phase of their development where, starting with a community, mission is developed to match the felt needs of the specific locality.

2016 – 2017 Budget £840,000

Mission Aims

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder 1 Corinthians 3:10

God has called us to be a large missional church committed to: • • • • •

Love that is outward-focused, creating vibrant community Encountering God in intimacy and passion Discipleship that transforms and equips in community for mission Serving as a lifestyle for all our members Sending out people and resources, including planting churches

Mission Aims

St Barnabas

This year we will prioritise: Launching a mission training hub Starting new neighbourhood Missional Communities Undertaking a review of St Bs’ spiritual life and health Finalising Go & Grow









transforming lives • changing the world

World Mission and Resourcing

Church and Worship

Common Fund





Through World Mission Support (WMS) we are now supporting over 20 long term mission partners across the world as well as several teams and other short-termers. All of this money goes to projects away from St Bs.

Much of running St Bs church is in this area. This includes our Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter, and the production of all our music.

This is the cost of running our Vicars, Henry Kendal and Colin Brookes, and contributing to clergy training and other church matters.

Led by David Brown, here we run our main adult programmes, resource our growing network of Missional Communities, and the training programme.

Children, Youth and Young Adults

We have a number of very wellused buildings to maintain. The cost of heat, light, maintenance and the salary of our Facilities Coordinator are all in this section.

The smooth running of every other area of church life is dependent on the efficiency of this operation. This is a low cost judged against comparable organisations. All our publicity, printing, stationery, computers, and of course office staff are paid out of this budget.

This ministry reaches out to our local community and beyond, with a special focus on Strawberry Vale. Helen Shannon is assisted by a committed team.

St Barnabas

Having recently undertaken a spiritual health check of the church to evaluate our underlying health, now is the opportune moment to look towards the future and plan for how the church will grow and operate once we move to Solar House. Over the next year we will develop a comprehensive mission action plan for the next five years.

Key Priorities 2015-2016

We are at the planning application stage. Over the coming year, God willing, we will get our permissions and start building works up at Solar House. We anticipate moving up to the High Road by the end of 2017.

We have wonderful vibrant ministry with young people and lots of activity. Staff members, trainees and many volunteers are all involved

The Finance Administrator St Barnabas Church Holden Road Woodside Park London N12 7DN

The coming year

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