sixth form brochure

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sixth form

St Bede’S C O L L E G E


Thank you for considering St Bede’s for your Sixth Form study. This is a Catholic College committed to living by and teaching the gospel values of love for God and love of neighbour. We are also academically ambitious for all our students. These two major aims are complementary, as we intend to send out into society highly educated and articulate young men and women whose core values are those of the Michael Barber, Headmaster gospel.

welcome to sixth form

The information contained within this brochure will give you a flavour of the College as you approach the next important stage in your education. Obviously you will be keen to achieve the best possible examination results at the culmination of your A Level courses, and I can assure you that you will receive high-quality teaching in a disciplined, academic environment here at the College. There will also be a wide range of extra curricular opportunities available to you. St Bede’s is renowned for its excellent pastoral care, and in the Sixth Form you will be supported by an experienced team of tutors and dedicated pastoral staff. It is this caring and supportive atmosphere that will enable you to develop to your full potential. Although academic achievement is important we aim to allow the individual to develop socially, morally and spiritually. To that end, our dedication to the Catholic faith is at the heart of everything we do. Dean Grierson Head of Sixth Form

Sixth Form Team: Dean Grierson, Head of Sixth Form (seated) with Assistant Heads, Helen Jordan and James Dumbill


academic We are committed to providing an academic Sixth Form in which each student has the opportunity to fulfil his or her academic potential. Sixth Form classes are taught in small groups of fewer than 15 students to enable maximum support from the teacher. We offer 26 subjects which can be studied in almost any combination. Students typically study four subjects in the Lower Sixth and three in the Upper Sixth. Dedicated teachers pride themselves on

being available when students need help. They are highly qualified and experienced and will stretch the most able students, inspiring them to study beyond the confines of the A level syllabus. The AQA Extended Project Award is available for students who wish to pursue a particular area of study which goes beyond the bounds of the A Level curriculum. It is an excellent preparation for Higher Education, developing your skills as an independent learner.


… more important than the academic encouragement has been the outstanding all-round support our daughter has received…

pastoral As a Sixth Former, you will belong to a small tutor group consisting of an experienced tutor and about fourteen students. The tutor will guide and assist you on any matter of College life and monitor your well-being. The tutor will support you during your two years in the Sixth Form and can be thought of as a critical friend. They will work with you to set targets and assess your progress. Crucially, the tutor will help you prepare your university applications. However, in general he or she will be your first port of call if you need to discuss any problem, however small. The Heads of Sixth Form visit the Sixth Form Common Room each day and are always available to talk to students. They work with tutors to ensure you make the most of your opportunities in the Sixth Form and are well prepared for life beyond St Bede’s.

extra curricular In the Sixth Form you will enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Each Wednesday afternoon is set aside for sport, stage management or community service. We have a number of very successful teams and you will be encouraged to participate in these. However, if you would like to adopt a more leisurely approach, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy sport socially. For girls, there’s netball, hockey, rounders, tennis, dance and athletics and boys can enjoy football, rugby, cricket, tennis and athletics. Those who wish to can take advantage of the facilities at Sale Leisure Centre. You can also sign up for the Reach Out programme, Charity Committee or organise your own community programme. The Charity


Committee organises events throughout the year to support a number of local and international Catholic charities, such as Cornerstone, a centre for homeless people, and TLC, an orphanage in South Africa. Several of our Sixth Formers have travelled to the TLC orphanage to work there caring for the children. Our thriving Literary and Philosophical Society offers students regular debates, competitions and guest speakers from the world of politics, science and the arts. The College is renowned for its music and drama. Many Sixth Form students are involved in these important aspects of College life. There are plays, musicals, band nights, choirs, jazz bands and an orchestra.

Many people at St Bede’s have so often done something a little bit extra or a little bit special We do not believe she could have had a happier or most positive experience


The College’s very special ethos gave our son many opportunities to flourish in so many different ways

religious life St Bede’s is a Catholic community bound together by our Christian beliefs. Religious assemblies are a fundamental part of our living and working together. Prayer is a central theme, as is our care for the disadvantaged and marginalised.

Each student has the opportunity to deepen his or her own understanding of their faith through General Religion lessons. There are other opportunities to pray together, at Mass, during tutor period and at reconciliation services during Lent.

The Sixth Form takes a leading role in the charitable activities which take place. Recent assemblies have included visits from a missionary who helps street children in Brazil, a group of Peruvian students and a personal reflection on orphanages in China.

We seek to uphold the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives and in the way we treat each other, valuing each as an individual, created in God’s image and likeness with a unique combination of gifts and talents to be discovered and developed for the good of all.

higher education The majority of our Sixth Form students go straight from St Bede’s to university, although a few take gap years. You will be guided through the university application process (UCAS) and will have regular opportunities to discuss various options with your tutor and the Sixth Form Team. From Spring Term in L6 to October of U6 the Sixth Form Team organises events, including workshops and interviews to ensure that decisions are well-informed and to support you through the application process. These include: A presentation for students and parents by a university admissions tutor A Higher Education Conference in College, featuring presentations on university life and a workshop to help with your personal statement A visit to the UCAS conference at the MCCC University open day visits Tutor review meeting with students and parents The College enjoys a well-resourced library which includes an expansive university and careers section with staff always on-hand to assist.


S t B e d e’s C o l l e g e


M16 8HX

Telephone 0161 226 3323 Fax 0161 226 3813

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