Welcome to Careers News! Having left our general opportunities in this newsletter for a one week, we have now moved them into the longer version on the St Brendan’s Careers web page.
As many education and employment providers are adjusting to the ‘new normal’, we will again be using the ‘New This Week’ booklet for career development items that really are ‘New’ this week.
Click here for the latest government advice on the coronavirus
Careers appointments Careers Appointments are now bookable through MS Bookings. Students have the choice between face to face and Teams appointments for either careers or work experience. This is the link to the booking page Careers Appointments which is also available on the Career Zone Moodle Page Students will also be able to access the link through a QR code (above) on careers posters and on Moodle.
(If you are finding it difficult to book an appointment online, please try refreshing your page and attempt to book again).
Dates Wednesday 21st October from 12:00 - 18:00 UK University and Apprenticeship search fair.
This is a virtual event and open to students in all years.
Make sure you fill in your emails correctly when booking careers appointments, or you won’t be able to log into your online meeting!!!
To access all content from previous Careers News, please see the uploaded archive on the college website.
Click the relevant section below for direct access to NEW stuff! Jobs & Apprenticeships Volunteering & Work Experience
Higher Education Careers Information and Opportunities
Jobs and Apprenticeships
The Strategy and Transactions team at
EY are running a competition! Students can win a day in the life of an
Apprentice To enter, you must be in year 13, completing 3 A-Levels (or equivalent) and have a minimum of grade 4/C GCSE (or equivalent) in English Language and Maths. To find out how to apply click here For the link to the competition page on the website CLICK HERE
Jobs and Apprenticeships
Two fantastic entry opportunities are available as part of
Smith and Williamson’s Trainee Chartered Accountant programmes For
final year students interested in applying for a
degree-level apprenticeship role in
Bristol beginning
September 2021 Level 4 Apprenticeship in Accountancy Business Outsourcing Services
Level 7 Apprenticeship in Auditing Assurance and Business Services Both roles include further training, development and qualifications as part of the Association of Chartered Accountants and have the following academic requirements: 112 UCAS Points at A-Level or Equivalent (Predicted and/or Achieved GCSE English and Maths—Grade 5 or Equivalent For more information and the online application forms please see here (for the BOS role and here (for the ABS role)
Work Experience and Volunteering
Our new Work Experience Co-ordinator: Liepa If you have any work-experience related queries, you can email the coordinator Liepa at:
Please see further
publications for work experience opportunities as the academic year unfolds.
Work Experience and Volunteering
This is the launch of the application process for Big City Bright Future Programme. This is a 3 week paid summer
internship for Year 13 students. If successful they would be placed in one of 21 firms across London. Applications open 23 October but before this
Introduction to EY - Schools Webinar
Sign up to attend our prep session
You will receive extra marks on your application for attending Wednesday 23 September 4pm-5pm
Work Experience and Volunteering
Through our four ser-
Work Experience and Volunteering
Women in STEM – Engine Shed
Work Experience and Volunteering
Access Accountancy Virtual Work Experience October 2020 This programme is designed for year 12 or 13 college / sixth form students who attend a state school or college and are or have been eligible for free school meals, or would be the first member of their immediate family to attend university. Click here for more information.
Online Course on Coursera Introduction to Dental Medicine “Course provides overview of dental medicine to engage, educate, excite and assist you in improving the oral health of your patients and members of community�. Offered by University of Pennsylvania.
Enroll for Free. Starts September 30th 2020
Higher Education
Wednesday 21st October 10 am—12 noon Level 3 Students FREE Nursing and Midwifery Conference
Held virtually via Teams Hear more about Nursing and Midwifery Courses along with Application, personal statement and interview advice. Current students will be able to answer questions relating to courses, work placements, student life, finance etc…. Followed by an Interactive Quiz!
Online Outreach As well as the above, Student Recruitment Team is able to deliver an informative virtual session on studying Nursing and Midwifery at University. This session will look more broadly at what is expected on their applications, personal statement tips and interview advice. Session lasts 30—45 minutes
Higher Education
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION Here is a selection of webinars taking place: 1pm—Personal Statement (presented by Plymouth College of Art 2pm—Higher and Degree Apprenticeships (presented by EY) 3.30pm—Creative Careers (presented by Falmouth University) 5pm—Personal Statement (presented by York St John University) and more…..
Higher Education
Higher Education
For more information CLICK HERE Included: What is it? What will it involve? Who is it targeted towards? When is it? Where can I apply? Code of Conduct I have a concern/query, what should I do? Application form Consent forms About the system
Higher Education Into Healthcare This is for students who are currently applying to study medicine!
Applying for Medicine Choosing a Medical School—This document runs through the entry requirements of all Medical Schools in England Find out more
University Admission Tests Where you aim to study Medicine, you will need to Sit an aptitude test Either the UCAT or BMAT Free BMAT Resources
Spotlight on …. Personal Statements Writing your personal statement is a big part of any university application, and it is important to get it right! Check out Dr Molly Gilmartin’s advice on the IntoMedicine course Read the Guide
You can get in touch with you local IntoUniversity centre for 1-to-1 support
Multi Mini Interviews A key part of applying for Medicine is the interview. Whilst some medical schools use individual interviews, most us MMI’s (Multiple Mini Interviews). Exclusive Webinar Opportunity for IntoUniversity Students to support your preparation for interviews is running on Thursday 12 November Sign up for the webinar
IntoMedicine: Practice your skills with a virtual patient Our free IntoMedicine course will help you to gain experience, skills and knowledge that will help you to prepare for and achieve a place at medical school. Check out the section on Personal Statement Support! Follow the link below to create your account and set your password. Sign up for the webinar
For troubleshooting and help getting set up click here
Higher Education
On Monday 12 October Dr Arddun Arwyn from Aberystwyth University will present the second in the Challenges of 2030 series With a particular talk entitled Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Disinformation: Past, Present and Future. Arddun will explore the detrimental effect of disinformation on German politics and society in the Third Reich and will highlight how the skills of the historian in critical thinking, fact checking and analysis are central to combatting disinformation in the future. Ideal for those studying, or interested in studying History, Politics, Sociology, English, German, Humanities and Social Sciences October 12@12.00—12.45 The Challenges of 2030: Fake News, Conspiracy Theories & Disinformation with Aberystwyth Find out more October 13@14.00—15.00 EPQ/History: Managing Sources with 1 University TBC Find out more
Applications are currently open until Midnight on Friday 16th October for Pathways to Health Sciences A University of Bristol pre-application Widening Participation programme for aspiring Medics, Dentists and Vets. This programme commences in January 2021, alongside the Spring streams of our larger sister programme Access to Bristol Candidates must be in Y12, studying A-Level Chemistry plus a second science A-Level (Biology, Physics or Mathematics). Candidates must also meet the GCSE requirements (A/7 in Maths and C/4 in English) Students who complete the programme will receive a guaranteed interview (Medicine, Dentistry) or a guaranteed offer (Veterinary Science) at the reduced contextual level. Completers meeting financial eligibility will also receive the Access to Bristol Bursary.
Higher Education
Open Day Saturday 10th October 2020 Students will be able to learn why BA and BSc Geography courses receive consistently excellent feedback in the National Student Survey. They can also get information about wider university facilities and have lots of Opportunities to ask questions of both staff and students. CLICK HERE
Virtual Criminal Investigation Day Year 10—13 students Investigating the Stephen Lawrence murder case contributing major changes within the law, policing and society Wednesday 28th October 2020 10.00—12.30 am Book here
Criminal Investigation Day with support for care-experienced and estranged students Offered to students who have had experience of care or are estranged from their family network. Covering financial and pastoral support that students can receive and a Q&A session with a member of Welfare and Support Team Book here
Virtual Twilight Lecture Does everyone get a fair trial? Tuesday 3 November 16.00—17.00 Enhance learning in criminology and law topics as well as understanding the importance of justice within the criminal justice system Book here
10 ways students can stand out from the crowd Students can never be too early to get one step ahead from the crowd and enhance their CV. Here are 10 ways they can get ahead in the latest blog post Read it here
Higher Education
13th October 2020 Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day And Black History Month This virtual event will explain who Engineers are and what they do by exploring various forms of Engineering. There will be interactive elements and a panel of BAME female Engineers discussing their work, triumphs and challenges. The event is an opportunity for you to learn more about Engineering in a fun way and explore a subject and career path you may not have considered before. The event is FREE and will be held over ZOOM For more information CLICK HERE
Careers Events, Info and Opportunities
National Skills Day Day Two—Wednesday 7th October Sponsored by Skills Builder Partnership
Short Lessons
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Careers Events, Info and Opportunities
During this Virtual Jobs Fair two webinars will be running to support anyone with job searching and applying for opportunities. To register click on the links below: 9.30—10.00 am—Effective Job Searching 11.00—11.30 am—CV Writing—Positive Personal Statements
Upcoming Events for the Autumn Term You will receive more information about these during your futures lessons.
Remember to check your student emails regularly!
Follow us on Twitter for daily job opportunities, apprenticeships and careers/university events! Follow us: @CareerZoneStbrn Parents’ guide to Careers Guidance
Careers Appointments Now college has reopened, students can book appointments via this link.
Appointments are available either Face to Face or via Microsoft Teams call. Please email if you have any questions about the booking system.