New this Week No. 007 - 30th April 2020

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Welcome to the ‘working from home’ editions of Careers News! As well as advertising any apprenticeships and opportunities that arise for our students, we would like to use this platform to highlight some amazing Careers Resources!

Find your ideal career based on your personality, subjects, or interests

Online free courses, learn a new skill!

Employability skills and CV writing

Education and revision resources

Weekly career spotlight from Success at School Health and Wellbeing Click here for the latest government advice on the coronavirus

To access all content from previous Careers News, please see the uploaded archive on the college website.

Click the relevant section below for direct access to NEW stuff!  Jobs & Apprenticeships  Volunteering & Work Experience  Higher Education

 Health and wellbeing during lockdown  Careers Information and Opportunities

JOBS AND APPRENTICESHIPS Update for Apprentices If you have recently begun an apprenticeship, or are about to start one, you might find this guidance helpful. Actual practice may depend on whether the organisation you have joined is operational in the COVID-19 response. Information taken from: coronavirus-covid-19-apprenticeship-programme-response “The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is taking steps to ensure that, wherever possible, apprentices can continue and complete their apprenticeship, despite any break they need to take as a result of COVID-19, and to support providers during this challenging time.”  You will do your training and assessments remotely where possible  If your employer furloughs you, you may still be able to do training  If assessments cannot be done remotely, they can be rescheduled to a future time when you can do them in person.  If there needs to be a break in your learning of longer than 4 weeks due to COVID-19, employers and training providers must report this to the ESFA. This will mean your apprenticeship end date will move to accommodate the break in learning, and you may be entitled to a Job Retention Scheme wage if your employer asks you to take unpaid leave.  Break in learning may be due to:  You needing to self-isolate for more than 4 weeks or care for an affected household member  You cannot get to your place of work on public transport and cannot work from home  Your employer needs to ask you to do necessary work that is outside of your apprenticeship job description (re-deployment)  Remote training is unavailable  If your organisation needs to make you redundant, your training provider will work to find you alternative employment within 12 weeks so that your apprenticeship can continue as quickly as possible. Please continue to check this webpage for updates – there are some FAQs at the bottom: Click here If you are an ex-student with apprenticeship queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


All Students

APPRENTICESHIPS Part-time jobs during Covid-19 It is worth noting that during this unusual time, most local supermarkets are hiring thousands of new staff on temporary contracts! As long as you’re not self-isolating and have no symptoms, do not live with someone who is elderly or could be considered vulnerable, why not check out your local supermarket and earn some cash and work-experience!

Please click here for the latest government advice before applying. Click below for vacancies: Morrisons Sainsbury’s Tesco Asda Lidl Aldi Waitrose


All Students

APPRENTICESHIPS This week’s Success at School Spotlight is on #CrisisCareersHeroes “Many of these workers don’t get the praise or attention they deserve during normal times. But it is people like cleaners, delivery drivers, supermarket staff, nurses and school staff who are keeping us safe, healthy and happy at this time – while also enabling society to function.” 

Monday—Getting people and things around: Public transport drivers, delivery drivers, postal workers, warehouse staff. Click here to find out more about these roles including what they do, how the job has been affected by coronavirus, pay, working hours, types of shift, how do you get the job Interview with an HGV driver Interview with a Postal Worker

Tuesday—Looking after us: NHS workers, care workers, and pharmacists. Click here to find out more about these roles including what they do, how the job has been affected by coronavirus, pay, working hours, types of shift, how do you get the job Interview with a Nurse

Wednesday—Keeping things clean and working: Cleaners… Follow the Success at Schools hashtag #CrisisCareersHeroes on Twitter or IG for further updates this week!

The latest blog articles from Success at School 5 jobs in Star Wars that you could actually do Future Jobs—emerging careers in each school subject Interview with an Apprentice Solicitor

Work Experience and Volunteering

‘Your NHS Needs You’ The NHS call for volunteer army The NHS is ‘rallying the troops’ for the war on the coronavirus, with volunteers being called up to help vulnerable people stay safe and well at home.

The nation is looking for up to 250,000 volunteers to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions. Members of the public can sign up quickly and easily at to become NHS Volunteer Responders, and can be called on to do simple but vital tasks such as:  Delivering medicine from pharmacies;  Driving patients to appointments;  Bringing them home from hospital;  Or making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home Click here for more information PLEASE NOTE: Recruitment for volunteers is currently paused due to high number of applicants. Follow @GoodSamApp for updates

Work Experience and Volunteering

Teamwork - Leadership - Communication skills An exciting opportunity to develop your skills and confidence, gain accreditation and mentoring . This is a critical time for the environment. Could you help create a Brighter Future for people and wildlife in Avon and ensure that the voices of young people are heard? Email or visit our website for all the details.

OR email

What’s involved?


Work Experience and Volunteering ...continued:

What’s involved? •

Minimum four meetings a year – plus opportunities to meet informally, for training and development offered throughout the year. To be agreed and decided by the forum.

To develop a youth vision for Avon in line with our AWT strategy and the Wilder Future Campaign;

Work directly with staff to support the planning, development or delivery of our project work;

Develop a youth membership to improve our offer to young people; Work closely with the Our Bright Future team at Avon Wildlife Trust and the wider national project to support their aims.

Who are we looking for? •

A young person interested making changes for the environment and local wildlife.

Aged between 14 and 24. Interested in attending events, meetings and workshops Confident to share opinions and ideas (we can offer training and development support if you are interested but don’t feel ready to commit to being a forum member immediately)

• •

Excited about influencing policy decisions around young people and the environment

Work Experience and 3Y2s & or students over 18 Volunteering Virtual Internship (work experience) Programmes Including professional internships in: Law, Human Rights Law, Strategy Consulting, Digital Transformation, Design, Software Engineering, Investment Management, Start-up Company Creation, Global Consumer Banking, Mergers and Acquisitions, White Collar Defense and Investigations, Data Analytics, Digital Technology, Building Infrastructure and Rail, Commercial Law, Technology Consulting, Auditing, Ethical Investing, and many more… Why do a virtual internship? An opportunity to add to your CV, whilst in lockdown, to show that you have gained some key professional workplace skills. No previous experience necessary. Each programme is a simulation of the work done at a leading company. It takes 5 or 6 hours to complete one programme. You have the option at the end of the programme to share your work with the company, who may then consider your application more favourably for their in-person internships at a later date. Companies to experience working for include: King & Wood Mallesons, Boston Consulting Group, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, Accenture, Latham & Watkins, Citi, White & Case, John Holland, Linklaters, KPMG, ANZ, Deloitte, Pinsent Masons, Grant Thornton, Corrs Chambers Westgarth…. Something to consider: These internships are designed to challenge you and accelerate your skills in a short space of time, so don’t be put off if you feel a little overwhelmed at first! Register: You must be over 18 when you register to do a virtual internship. To register and begin a virtual internship: Other virtual work experience programmes: Freeformers, a digital transformation agency, via Barclays Life Skills: Click Here

Work Experience and Volunteering


If you are due to be going out on work-experience in June, please check your email for correspondence from Leanne England. If you have and work-experience related queries you can email the coordinator at: If you would like a careers appointment, advice or guidance, please email These email addresses will continue to be monitored.

Gap Year

YEAR IN INDUSTRY Are you unsure of your career pathway and want to take a year out to decide on the way forward? If you are considering going straight to university, doing an apprenticeships or taking a gap year, then why not consider a paid placement through the EDT Year in The Industry programme to gain experience and help you with your university or apprenticeship applications. EDT have placements still available in business, finance, marketing, mechanical engineering, electrical, electronics, chemistry and physics. The placements will start in September 2020 and are open to students currently in Year 13, S5/S6. Click here to view available vacancies. You must register for YINI before applying for a placement. Click here to register.

All of the placements are paid, have an optional maths programme and free skill enhancing masterclasses. Students are also fully supported throughout the placement by EDT and a personal mentor. Many companies keep links with the placed students via apprenticeships or summer placements during university. Some of our companies are putting recruitment on temporary hold for now but others are arranging video interviews so interview activity may be delayed but we are working with our partner companies to progress placements in these difficult times. For any questions/clarification please contact us at

Gap Year

SUMMER JOB / GAP YEAR WORK‌ We are a farming nation faced with a lack of workers who are desperately needed in order to avoid a shortage of food on our shelves. The Government is calling for workers to get involved with Britain’s summer harvest this year. Get involved with the harvesting community and help the industry and farms this summer. Connecting you with farms that need you! Where you can apply for seasonal fruit and veg picking work, visit:

Gap Year

City Year UK believes that young people can change the world. As role models, mentors and tutors, our volunteer mentors support pupils from disadvantaged communities to enjoy and succeed at school. But that’s not all. Over the course of their City Year, they also have the opportunity to develop as leaders, with the passion, values, experience and skills to go on to lead transformational change in their communities long after their year of service. We focus on helping schools support pupils who show one or more of these three early-warning signs from when they start in reception through to when they sit their GCSEs. Our volunteer mentors become an integral part of each of our partner schools, helping to make it an enjoyable place to learn, supporting pupils by: 

giving one-to-one or small-group tutoring

running breakfast, lunchtime and after-school clubs

leading energetic morning greetings for the whole school to create a more encouraging learning environment

coaching regularly late or absent pupils

sending positive communications home to advise parents and family on the positive progress their children are making

organising and leading events, celebrations and projects to bring the school and community together as a whole.

Click here for more information


Join us for free live Webinar Wednesdays every week at 12 noon from 6th May until 27th May 2020. The topics for each session are:  Applying for University  Student Finance  Why choose an Apprenticeship  Life at University


All will be presented by university and company representatives ready to answer your questions and provide expert advice. Presented by: University of Kent, University of Bradford, University of Roehampton & University of Wales: Trinity St David. Click here for further details. Parents are also welcome to sign up. ALSO: Keep an eye on this newsletter for a Virtual University and Apprenticeships fair coming soon.


3Y2’s Applied for University

We understand that many of you may be concerned about accepting your university offers. Please see below a summary of the latest Government updates: The Government has asked universities and colleges in England to hold back from making unconditional offers or amending existing offers to students for up to two weeks. Government's announcement

UCAS are extending May’s decision and reply deadlines for undergraduate applications by two weeks. UCAS will email affected applicants to let them know, and share new dates once they’ve been confirmed. For your reference, here’s a copy of what they are sending. This extension will give you the extra time you need to fully consider any decisions and offers and ensure fairness in admissions is maintained. It also gives more time for further information to be shared on the awarding of grades for examinations and assessments which have been cancelled. When results are confirmed, UCAS expect to run a clearing process, giving applicants the flexibility to make choices throughout the remainder of the cycle. As the Coronavirus situation develops, please keep a close eye on updates through email,, and across UCAS social media channels. If you have questions about your particular circumstances please email and we will do our best to advise you given the information that we have. You may also wish to contact the admissions departments of your chosen university. Please click here for the latest government advice about exams and grades.



CHANNEL TALENT Tuesday 5th May 2020 from 1pm until 1.45pm

Elizabeth McCullough, Interm Head, UK/UE Student Recruitment and Widening Participation at Goldsmiths, University of London, will present

A University Guide to Getting the Most from Clearing.

This session can be accessed FROM HOME for students.

The session is ideally for YR 13 students who are considering Clearing as a possible option and, in addition, want to find out more about how universities are approaching Clearing in the context of COVID-19

Please follow the link below to register to take part.

WWW.CHANNELTALENT.CO.UK Our mailing address is: Channel Talent Bedford School DeParys Avenue Bedford MK40 2TU



Parents/carers; Do you have questions about your child’s future? Wondering how you can help? Join us live this Thursday, 30 April, on Facebook at 16:00 We know it’s not just students who have questions and that parents, guardians or carers may also be wondering what today’s situation means for your child’s future studies. So to help, weare hosting a Q&A for parents, guardians, and carers, live on Facebook this Thursday, 30 April, at 16:00. Our experts on-hand to answer your questions include: 

Mike Nicholson – Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach, University of Bath

Melissa Scallan – parent, journalist and author of Starting University: What to Expect, How to Prepare, Go and Enjoy

Ben Jordon – Senior Strategy and Insight Manager, UCAS

Whether you have questions about your child’s qualifications, application, or future studies, get involved and get answers directly from those in the know.



Free Resources Information and Guidance Resources Narrated presentations with accompanying resources to help with future planning . Topics include: Is Higher Education for Me? Choosing a Course and a University UCAS Applications and Personal Statements Graduate Employability and Placements Student Finance and Budgeting Arriving and Surviving at University

Ask an Expert Use UniBuddy to get your questions answered Do you have questions about university? Do you need help with finding information about courses? Or advice about Personal Statements? Chat to a member of the Student Recruitment & Outreach Team at Aston University at anytime via the online portal, UniBuddy. Get help and answers here

Supporting Home Learning. Interactive Session for Parents and Carers Tuesday, 5th May 2020, 5.30-6.30PM An online talk for parents and carers who are supporting students and their studies at home. This interactive session will focus on how to create the ideal home study environment, take learners wellbeing into account and provide advice and guidance on next steps, such as university applications and personal statements. Any parents who wish to take part can e-mail for more information and a link to the event.


CLICK HERE Hear from:

HIGHER EDUCATION 3Y1 Students Applying to Oxbridge? It’s time to start planning! This document contains links and advice which you can use while we are off college. Remember our qualified careers advisers are still available to provide advice and guidance via email on

Application Advice

How to choose a course You can only choose one course from either Oxford or Cambridge

Admissions Tests Check which admissions tests you will need for your course Oxford: Cambridge: admission-assessments

Important Deadlines 15/6/20 First draft of statement to be submitted to your tutor 11/9/20 Second draft of personal statement 18/9/20 Final draft of personal statement Oxbridge applicants must submit their UCAS applications by 15/10/20.The college needs your application completed and sent to UCAS by 25/9/20 to ensure that it is processed, checked and references added on time to reach UCAS by this date

Your UCAS application Use this time to start planning your application and writing your personal statement



How to become a Dentist

It's time to apply for student finance!

Going to uni or college this year? If you’ll be studying a full-time undergraduate course, it’s time to get your student finance sorted. It can take up to six weeks to process your application, so be sure to apply as soon as you can. If your application is late, your money might be too. It’s quick and easy to apply online – you’ll just need your passport and National Insurance number. If you’re a new student, you need to apply before 22 May to get your money in time for the start of your course, so what are you waiting for? Follow our three easy steps now. 1. Find out how much you can get 2. Apply online

3. Check if you need to send us anything Apply now!! - CLICK HERE Deadline: To ensure money is available for September courses, apply by 22nd May!


Level 3 students

Engaging with universities virtually Lots of universities have contacted us to let us know that they have created online content including subject resources, open days, campus tours, Q&As etc. If your favourite university is not listed, please check their website for details. 

 

LSE - Campus, Experience LSE including subject-specific podcasts Exeter – live events, content to explore in your own time, subject-specific lectures, hear from current students - https:// Newman - webinars, virtual open days Reading – Student Finance Webinars: 28/04 at 11:30am, 30/04 at 6pm, 04/05 at 11:30am, Classical Civilisation: Beliefs and Ideas, alongside UEA 29/04 11:10am Bath – Resource Hub, online ‘residential’ experiences still have spaces in Business/ Management, Electrical Engineering, Health, all Languages, Robotics, Sociology To apply for a place on these, please email with the following:  your full name  your email address  mention St Brendan’s Sixth Form College at BS4 5RQ  your GCSEs and grades obtained  your current A levels/ BTECS and predicted grades which Discover Bath strand you are applying for Continued…


Level 3 students

...continued: Engaging with universities virtually  

 

Southampton – virtual campus tours/ open day, webinars Bristol - Modern Languages: Studying Languages & Careers in Languages For students studying a language at A Level. 06/05 1pm Lincoln – The Lincoln Quiz – win a £20 amazon voucher 3pm Mondays, Live Link Up undergraduate Q&A sessions Sheffield – Economics Taster Day 23/04 9:15am, Chemistry Taster Day 24/04 9:45am, Mechanical Engineering Taster Day 23/04 11am UWE – online open day 06/06, 360 degree tour of campus South wales – Interactive video presentations


All Students

Open University—Click here Online University Courses—experts in long-distance learning. Free Courses—Click here  Health, Sports and Psychology  Education and Development  History and the Arts  Languages  Money and Business  Nature and Environment  Science, Maths and Technology  Society, Politics and Law Developing Career Resilience—Click here Identifying strengths you already have, recognise the need for resilience in different sectors, identify tactics for goal setting and overcoming obstacles.

Health and Wellbeing during Covid-19 In such unprecedented circumstances like this, when anxiety and stress levels are high, it is increasingly important that you look after both your physical and mental health. Please see below a small selection of the huge range of online resources and classes available. Internet matters— Click here Balancing Screen time, simple tips to help you develop healthy online habits. Golds Gym— Click here Offering free access to their app Goldsamp until the end of May. More than 600 audio and video workouts along with DJ mixes. Planet Fitness - Click here Home ‘work-ins’ daily at 7pm. Streamed on their facebook page. Eastern Yoga—Click here Daily online Iyengar yoga classes—fantastic for maintaining physical and mental health, All levels welcome—£5 or £10 donation per class if you can afford it. (Many other yoga/pilates/exercise classes are now also moving online, check your local facebook pages for more info).

Health and Wellbeing during Covid-19 Continued… In such unprecedented circumstances like this, when anxiety and stress levels are high, it is increasingly important that you look after both your physical and mental health. Please see below a small selection of the huge range of online resources and classes available. Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ —Click here Online PE lessons via youtube. Available to stream for free now. NHS One You—Click here Looking after your mental health. It is important to take care of your mind as well as your body. Mind (for better mental health) - Click here Plans for staying home, taking care of your health and wellbeing by looking after yourself. St Brendans—Click here Learning Development and college counselling.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Careers Resources Use this time to suss-out your ideal career! Go Construct—Click here Careers and apprenticeship information in construction. Instead of travelling to a construction site and exploring on foot, you can tune in via video and see behind the scenes, meet your site manager, ask any questions you have, and learn more about what a career in construction is really like. Career Radar—Click here Find the careers that are best suited to your personality, interests and education, find out what each job involves on a day to day basis, and discover jobs that you may not have heard of before. National Careers Service—Click here Providing information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions about learning, training and work. Explore careers, assess your skills, find a course, get a job! Career Pilot—Click here A online platform providing careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds. Explore all your options in one place! Choices at 18—Click here Future Quest—Click here Huge stockpile of useful resources regarding UCAS, Student Finance, University guides and a taste of student life at both UWE and Bristol University.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Careers Resources Continued... Use this time to suss-out your ideal career! Whether you want to focus on your personality, skills, subjects or interests, there’s a way for everyone to discover their career path! Barclays Life Skills—Click here and register here Virtual work experience and general life skills such as wellbeing, budgeting, staying safe online, independent learning, etc. Future learn—Click here Learn how to study effectively, improve your research skills, and prepare for the world of work with short online courses. BBC Bitesize Careers—Click here Whether you’re deciding what to study, taking your exams, planning a career or just curious, we’re here to explain the world of work, with advice from people who've found the right path for them. UCAS—Click here Alternatives to University. Information about apprenticeships, internships and gap years. Success at school—Click here Free downloadable Careers Action Plan for students! Also free Gatsby benchmark guides, and careers resources for parents and students to use during lockdown

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Want to learn a new skill while at home? Find free, high quality digital and numeracy courses in The Skills Toolkit.


Digital and numeracy skills are amongst those that are most sought after by employers and can help you progress in work and boost your job prospects. Digital skills can be anything from using social media and staying safe online to coding, programming or digital marketing. You can choose from a selection of high quality courses put together in collaboration with experts. Find a level and time to study that’s right for you. The Skills Toolkit makes it easy for you to boost your skills.


Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

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Traci Lewis runs the following two businesses which she founded. Her role includes being a director, project manager and lots of other tasks involved with managing, marketing and developing them:

Sustain-Live Consulting Ltd @Sustain_Live - a sustainability change agency, helping purpose -led businesses to thrive.

Catalyse Change CIC - a Bristol based social enterprise empowering and skilling girls and young women as sustainability leaders and change makers. She is also the Bristol hub leader for the Women in Sustainability network.

Bell Group is the largest and most successful Painting and Decorating contractor in the UK. Founded in 1989, our purpose is to maintain, protect & improve the aesthetic of the built environment, providing a value for money service for our clients and a memorable experience for their customers.

We aim to leave a positive impact in the communities we serve, minimising the environment impact of our work whilst providing career opportunities for under-represented groups. Over the last 30 years we have successfully built an encompassing branch structure of 31 branches covering every square mile of the UK and have painted a wide range of iconic locations such as The Olympic Velodrome, Windsor Castle, Donnington Racecourse, Houses of Parliament and Royal Holloway College. Other clients include the NHS, the MOD, the Heritage and education sector, social housing providers and care homes. In this Q & A you will be joined by: Jennifer Templar: Commercial Manager, Bell Group, Bristol Kim Lawrence: Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Bell Group, Bristol David Murphy: Contracts Manager, Bell Group, Bristol Liam Salisbury: Painting & Decorating Apprentice, Bristol. This will be recorede and shared on WORKS website

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

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USEFUL HOME RESOURCES PwC Study from Home Q & A PwC have been asking employers for tips to help you adjust to the new normal. In their Q & A, PwC share everything you need to know about studying from home, from using your support network to making the most of digital resources offered by employers. Click here to view Q & A. Skills for Care, Social Care Information & Resources Skills for Care have lots of information and resources to help promotion of social care as a positive career choice. With lots of different roles and plenty of opportunities to progress, social care is a great choice for people who are thinking about their career. The adult social care sector will need up to580,000 more workers by 2035 to meet growing demand for care and support. Click here for information and resources.

Pearson College London, How to Improve your Employability Skills during COVID Pearson College London, a part of Pearson, is the UK's only higher education provider to be part of a FTSE 100 company. They offer degrees in the following areas: Business Management, Law, Accountancy and Marketing at Pearson Business School. In addition to VFX, Game Art and Animation degrees at Escape Studios. Click link below to view (Parts 1-5). * * * Part 1 * * * Part 2 * * * Part 3 * * * Part 4 * * * Part 5 * * * Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, Access modules to the Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) The Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA) is an internationally recognised technical and professional qualification that shows you have proven technical and professional skills and which offers a gateway to an exciting career in financial services. These modules are suitable for A-level/Higher/Advanced Higher standard. CLICK HERE

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

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Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Discover your Strengths One way of defining a strength:  

You enjoy doing an activity You do this activity really well You do this activity often without needing to be encouraged to start

Take this quiz to discover these kinds of strengths in yourself – free only until Midnight Tonight (30/04)

The results give you: 

a selection of your top “Realised” strengths – those which meet all three descriptors above

a selection of “Unrealised” strengths you have, which you could increase using

a selection of “Learned Behaviours”, which you do well but perhaps don’t enjoy so much

a selection of “Weaknesses”, which, once identified, you can try to minimize your use of so that they don’t impact your energy levels.

A few career areas for you to consider that match your strengths

A way to write about your strengths on your CV

If you want to discuss the results with one of the career advisers at St Brendan’s, we are available over email to do this – please email us at

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

Talks and Events

The Career Ready Digital Skills Festival

The Career Ready Skills Festival is an eight week long series of online careers and skills development activities hosted by our network of volunteers. The Skills Festival will run between Monday 27th April and Friday 19th June, and will feature a range of online sessions from our masterclasses and industry insights. Perfect for Level 3 learners to keep developing their employability skills. Starting from today, students can head over to our Eventbrite Page and sign up to sessions. Once you have signed up, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link and instructions on how to attend. Our safeguarding guidelines remain the same as outlined in our Safeguarding Policy, one-to-one sessions will only take place if the volunteer has a full DBS/PVG. There will be a Career Ready representative in attendance at all group sessions. More information can be found on the website.

SPRINGPOD WELCOME TO THE LOUNGE Live & interactive talks from inspirational speakers With schools closed and regular lessons stalled, it’s more important than ever that students receive the high quality careers education they need. With that in mind, Springpod has launched Learn Lounge: free talks and lessons from inspirational speakers who are experts in their fields. We’ll be covering a whole range of topics – from career stories to advice on employability skills. Learn Lounge HAS LAUNCHED with 30 minute virtual lessons and talks scheduled twice a day - at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm. View all the talks and register here.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Organisation, Timetables and Activity Planning Calling all students stuck in the house! Organise and plan your social distancing to alleviate boredom and increase productivity! Khan Academy—CLICK HERE for an example timetable This is based on the American curriculum, but a good place to start when creating a schedule. Includes breaks and alternate activities. Sign up and you will also get access to their revision information!

BBC Bitesize— Click here Revision timetables and planning. Incudes daily, weekly and monthly timetable examples, as well as videos and suggestions of the best ways to revise. Success at school—Click here Free downloadable Careers Action Plan for students! Also free Gatsby benchmark guides, and careers resources for parents and students to use during lockdown

Get Revising—Click here Free downloadable study planner, builds revision sessions around your life.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Careers Resources—CV Writing Use this time to perfect your CV! BBC Bitesize— Click here How to write a great CV and cover letter. Top tips on how to stand out when you’re applying for a job, apprenticeship or University. Reed—Click here What is a CV? What should it include? What are the different types of CV? CV do’s and don'ts. Free downloadable CV template Success at School—Click here Free CV templates, CV examples, CV Formatting and a CV builder. They also have a comprehensive list of resources for students and parents during the lockdown. BBC Bitesize Transferable Skills—Click here Not sure you have any key employability skills? Don’t know how to describe your strengths? You may be surprised! Everyday life develops key skills that you may not have thought about before. Life experience can lead to job opportunities! Career Pilot— Click here Careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds. Free online courses (MOOCS) - by completing a MOOC (massive open online course) you will gain skills and knowledge that will boost your CV and UCAS Personal statement.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

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Skills to put on your CV— the silver lining to being stuck indoors!

Resilience to change and uncertainty – how have you coped with the change in lifestyle? Remote working – dealing with connection/ IT issues. Arranging and managing online meetings with classmates and friends so that you all stay on task. Arranging your timetable so that you stay motivated throughout your day. If you’ve had to isolate: Being able to accept help from others – it’s harder than you think when we’re normally taught to be as independent and self-reliant as we can be. Self-motivation – to keep working and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Creativity and ingenuity – have you had to redesign the way you learn and work? Perhaps you are someone who learns best around other classmates or from direct teacher intervention. How have you created solutions for situations that are temporarily unavailable? If you have been well and able to – any volunteering you have been able to do i.e. with the NHS, for your local community? Which skills are you demonstrating or developing? Keep a journal of the things you have done.

Assessing and evaluating your behaviours in the current situation will help you to make use of them later on. It means your CV will show you to be a reflective person who is aware that they are constantly learning and adapting.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Studying Resources Check your college emails everyday! Your teachers will be setting work. Check moodle and teams regularly. Seneca Learning—Click here Search your subject per module or exam board. Revision content for students and teachers. BBC Bitesize learning—Click here Daily content to support you through school closures. Functional English and Maths Skills for Post 16, apply skills to real life contexts. Sign in or register to personalize your bitesize. Future Learn— Click here Distance learning programmes for students stuck at home due to Coronavirus. Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with hort online courses ISAAC Academy—Click here Online learning platform (focusing on Maths, Science and Mandarin, but other subjects too). Includes work for different age groups and video learning. The Prodigy game (maths) - Click here The engaging, curriculum-aligned math platform loved by over 50 million students, teachers and admins. Free!

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Free online courses and activities Duolingo—Click here Learn a new language! Download the app for free now (or visit their webpage), and learn Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Chinese and many many more! All levels catered for. Practice for a few minutes each day. BSL British Sign Language—Click here Our unique online signing course is a comprehensive introduction for anyone interested in learning BSL. Available on Desktop, Laptop, Mobile or Tablet. Study at you own pace when it is convenient for you. Designed to be studied over approximately 16 hours—1.5/2 hours per week. ONLY £3 contribution for students. Normal price £25 Click here for full price list Online cooking school—Click here Classes free throughout April—Video lessons, instructions and techniques, step-by-step tutorials. Theory, not just recipes. Also check out Youtube for simple cooking and recipe tips! Virtual Museum Tours! - Click here

Viewing art as been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, increase motivation, and boost your mood! Check out some of the most famous museums from the comfort of your sofa.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

Events Radio sing along—Click here Five BBC radio stations will join up later this week for a broadcast aimed at getting the whole nation singing during the coronavirus lockdown. The Great British Singalong will see DJs from Radios 1, 2, 1Xtra, 6 Music and Asian Network take turns to play a well-known song suggested by listeners. All the presenters will join forces at 09:00 on Thursday morning from separate studios around the UK. The initiative was designed to "lift the nation's spirits," said the BBC. "In these challenging times, we know that many people have been turning to radio as a lifeline," said Lorna Clark, the BBC's controller of pop music. She added the broadcast would provide "a sense of community and some much-needed escapism at a time where many of us are feeling distant from our loved ones". The five presenters taking part are Greg James, Dermot O'Leary, Lauren Laverne, Dotty and Harpz Kaur. Although listeners can send in suggestions for the mass singalong, they will have the final say over which songs get played. "Nothing brings people together quite like radio does," said Radio 1's breakfast host James. "It's been a great comfort for me to have a focus during this extraordinary time." His sentiments were echoed by O'Leary, who is sitting in for Zoe Ball this week Bristol City Council—Coronavirus volunteering Facebook Q&A (BCC) - Click here Are you thinking of volunteering or organising volunteers to help people because of coronavirus? We want to make sure you have the right support, and can volunteer safely. Volunteers are vital so we can help vulnerable people and people self isolating in Bristol. Keeping the volunteers and the vulnerable people safe is our priority.

Careers Events, Information and Opportunities

All Students

#KeepCalmKeepCreative is a community based project in which we share, communicate and collaborate on projects to inspire each other in the weeks and months ahead. We want to see what you are creating in your home with the resources available to you. Click here to access You Tube clip How to get involved? We want to see what you are creating in your home and with the resources available to you. We will ask that everything is tagged with our hashtag,

#KeepCalmKeepCreative, so we can re-share it on our social media channels. What kind of projects do we want to see? This could be anything that keeps you creative and productive. It could be a song or piece of music, a photography series, digital art, a short film or a story. We want to be able to see and share as much of the process as possible, not just the final product.

Book a Virtual Meet & Greet? Due to the current global health situation, we are running virtual meet and greets with our engagement teams where you can schedule a telephone or video call to ask everything you need to know about ACC CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER INFO.

Careers Opportunities

All Students

Employer engagement and connectivity LIKE TO BE—Click here Connects young people with employers, even whilst working from home. It’s always free for students to sign up to LikeToBe because we are passionate about connecting them with employers to learn about the world of work and career opportunities ahead of them. Thanks to our safe and simple online platform, students can learn how to build an online professional profile using our CV builder, and continue engage with employers and gain valuable careers advice – regardless of their location. We are also inviting employers the opportunity to sign up for free, so that students can connect with them from home, even during these difficult times. Over the coming weeks and months, we will be launching a series of new and free resources for young people to access via the LikeToBe platform, including career articles, online mentors and video career presentations (Transformational Inspirational Career Talks) from STEM Ambassadors. Once you have created an online profile, you’ll be able to explore our online TIC Talks, employers profiles, and ask questions!

Upcoming Events for the Spring Term 

You will receive more information about these during  tutorial and AIP. 

Remember to check your student emails regularly!

Having assessed our position in relation to guidance set out by Government, we are taking the decision to close the College to all th students from Wednesday 18 March at 2:30pm. This means that from this point onwards, no lessons will be running at College and no students will be permitted to be on College site until further notice.


Follow us on Twitter for daily job opportunities, apprenticeships and careers/university events! Follow us: @CareerZoneStbrn Parents’ guide to Careers Guidance

Careers Appointments Due to the closure of college, all appointments, careers information, advice and guidance will be given via email.

Please email all queries to: This inbox will be monitored during standard college hours.

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