ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
St Catherine’s
Annual Fund 2016 - 2017
ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
THE ANNUAL FUND A culture of parental support over the decades has enabled St Catherine’s School to offer pupils the chance to succeed and flourish. Parents can of course expect fees to provide an excellent standard of education and all the ‘necessities’ of a stimulating and exciting curriculum and more are provided. The Annual Fund does not fund ‘luxuries’ but rather enhances the educational experience for all girls. Your support enriches the teaching at St Catherine’s through the addition of exceptional educational equipment and also enriches the School community through our bursary programme. Contributions to the Annual Fund immediately benefit the girls’ study. The support of parents and alumnae, with gifts large and small, one-off or regular, secure the continuing success of the School. We invite you to contribute to the Annual Fund and support our vision of the best possible education a girl can receive. Every gift will result in real and tangible improvement for the girls’ education and school experience. Thank you.
Alice Phillips Headmistress - Senior School
Naomi Bartholomew Headmistress - Prep School
Alice Phillips
Naomi Bartholomew
ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
ANNUAL FUND IMPACT IN ITS THIRD YEAR In 2015/16 £112,231, including Gift Aid, was given to the Annual Fund.
You told us how you’d like your contributions to be spent: Educational enrichment Bursaries
ENRICHING GIRLS’ SCHOOL EXPERIENCE • Go-Pro Camera for swim stroke analysis “This is an amazing tool to show the girls what their arms and legs are doing underwater when they swim. It really helps them visualise adjusting their stroke to swim more efficiently and add endurance and speed.” Mrs Moore, Acting Head of PE Department • Pre-Prep Outdoor Pebble Pit “A tactile pit of pebbles for girls to weigh, stack and pour pebbles, rocks and cobbles. The girls are finding out all about balance and measurement, developing their dexterity and most importantly learning through play.” Mrs Cochrane, Head of Pre-Prep • New lights for the photography Department “The new lights are really helping girls improve the quality of their work. They now have the ability to shoot studio quality images in situ and create work that is even more inventive and inspiring than ever before.” Mr Perry-Adlam, Head of Art
ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
Sarah Celebidachi
ENRICHING THE COMMUNITY - BURSARIES Throughout our history we have provided life-changing opportunities to talented young women. Individual and collective generosity ensures that talented but financially disadvantaged young women can gain a first class education and be given the chance to fulfil their potential. “St Catherine’s gave me everything I have now. I hope that those who have given gifts to St Catherine’s for bursaries feel their investment was worthwhile. As a bursary student my potential was drawn out and I was encouraged to believe in myself. The opportunity has been the springboard of my life, I am very grateful and I am committed to giving back through my practice of medicine.” Andrea Sangheli, Bursary Leaver 2012 now studying Medicine at University of Liverpool “I can honestly say there is no way that I would be where I am today without the start St Catherine’s gave me.” Nicola Craig 2001 Leaver, now an equine veterinary surgeon
Giving to the Annual Fund for bursaries contributes not just to one child’s education but to the social diversity of St Catherine’s, to the School community as a whole and can influence the social mobility of future generations. “I hope that you will support the Bursary Fund so that St Catherine’s can help more girls to have an outstanding educational experience.” Neil S, parent
ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
2016-2017 We have set a target of £45,000 this year. If everyone supports, this equates to just £54 per pupil per year or £4.50 per month. With your donation we can fund the following projects: • A new timpani drum for the Concert band • Spring chicks ‘hatched in the classroom’ for Pre-Pre Nature study • An extra-large screen for interactive learning in the Digital Learning Lab • GCSEPod – online revision software for GCSE subjects • A new mini-bus Additional items to be identified during the budgeting process. Keep checking back and you’ll see news of planned enhancements to our learning environment. “My daughter is a boarder from Hong Kong. She has made impressive improvements, from academic to personal development since she came to St Catherine's in 2013. In these, I see the great efforts of the School. As an overseas parent, I choose the more practical means of adding to these efforts - a recurring donation though humble, to The Annual Fund.” Mr Paul Wong
ANNUAL FUND 2016 - 2017
HOW TO JOIN IN ENRICHING ST CATHERINE’S SWIFT & SECURE WAYS TO GIVE 1. By cheque to St Catherine’s School Development Fund - the Annual Fund. 2. Through Regular Giving – complete the form here and return to Foundation Office to forward to your bank. 3. Donate online through BTDonate via the St Catherine’s website. 4. BACS Transfer: Account: St Catherine’s School Development Fund. Sort code: 30-93-74 Account Number: 00862308 Ref: AF ‘Your Name’. Gift Aid your donation to increase your impact by 25p for every £1 donated.
OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT - LEAVING A LEGACY Have you considered leaving a gift to St Catherine’s School in your Will? Clearly the first priority is to ensure your family has been provided for. However, if you believe that St Catherine’s provides a formative educational experience; instilling values and ethics that influence life-chances and positively benefit society, you may wish to consider a legacy to the School. Perhaps you recognise the impact St Catherine’s had on your life? Or you think that your own daughter’s experience at St Catherine’s will give them an incredible start in life? You may wish to ‘give back’ with a gift in your Will. A gift could give a bright girl a brighter future through a Bursary or maintain the historic values and fabric of the School into the future. The Development Director would be delighted to discuss this with you.
GET IN TOUCH Pippa Carte - Development Director, Tel: 01483 899754 Email: St Catherine’s, Bramley, Surrey GU5 0DF Registered Charity Number: 1070858
ANNUAL FUND 2014 - 2015
ANNUAL FUND 2014 - 2015 S t C a t h e r i n e ' s S c h o o l , S t a t i o n R o a d , B r a m l e y, S u r re y G U 5 0 D F
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Charity Number: 1070858