St Catherine’s, Bramley
Annual Fund 2019 - 2020
ANNUAL FUND 2019 - 2020
ANNUAL FUND IMPACT IN ITS FIFTH YEAR In 2019 to 2020 £606 including Gift Aid was generously given to The Annual Fund. The support of parents who make annual, one-off or regular gifts to The Annual Fund allows us to enhance teaching through the addition of exceptional educational equipment and learning opportunities for girls of all ages.
ENRICHING GIRLS’ SCHOOL EXPERIENCE This year we have been pleased to support: Subscription to ‘This is Language’ - ‘This is Language’ produces authentic language videos for use in modern foreign language lessons. The girls have the opportunity to hear young people who are not actors, talking in their own language and using colloquial vocabulary. While the exercises are rigorously academic they use authentic video content, checked by experienced language teachers, to inspire and motivate students.
LEGO WeDo - Designed for primary school classrooms, Lego WeDo is a hands-on solution that enhances pupils’ curiosity and skills in computing and science. WeDo will encourage girls to: • Investigate, model and design solutions • Engage in science by making it real and relevant • Learn basic computing skills • Collaborate and learn presentation skills • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving
The LEGO WeDo Core Construction sets will be used to run a weekly Coding Club where girls will be able to construct their own models and bring them to life by programming them. We are very excited! Katie Malins, Prep School Director of Digital Learning, ICT and Computing
SATRO Business Challenge - Parents and alumnae joined senior school girls for a SATRO Business Challenge day in which teams of students ran a manufacturing business for the day, taking on the roles of CEO, Head of Marketing, Accountant etc. Girls were able to explore and develop both their strategic thinking and financial planning skills as well as gaining the opportunity to learn first-hand from business professionals.
ANNUAL FUND 2019 - 2020
ANNUAL FUND 2019 - 2020
1. By cheque to St Catherine’s School Development Fund - the Annual Fund 2. Through regular giving - request a form from the Foundation Office to forward to your bank 3. BACS transfer Account : St Catherine’s School Development Fund Sort Code : 30-93-74
Account Number : 00862308
Ref : AF Your Name
Gift Aid your donation to increase your impact by 25p for every £1 donated.
My daughter is a boarder from Hong Kong. She has made impressive improvements, from academic to personal development since she came to St Catherine's in 2013. In these, I see the great efforts of the School. As an overseas parent, I choose the more practical means of adding to these efforts - a recurring donation though humble, to The Annual Fund. Mr Paul Wong
ANNUAL FUND 2019 - 2020
OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT LEAVING A LEGACY Have you considered leaving a gift to St Catherine’s School in your Will? Clearly the first priority is to ensure your family has been provided for. However, if you believe that St Catherine’s provides a formative educational experience; instilling values and ethics that influence life-chances and positively benefit society, you may wish to consider a legacy to the School. Perhaps you recognise the impact St Catherine’s had on your life? Or you think that your own daughter’s experience at St Catherine’s will give them an incredible start in life? You may wish to ‘give back’ with a gift in your Will. A gift could give a bright girl a brighter future through a Bursary or maintain the historic values and fabric of the School into the future. The Development Director would be delighted to discuss this with you.
GET IN TOUCH Pippa Carte - Development Director Tel: 01483 899754 Email: St Catherine’s, Bramley, Surrey GU5 0DF Registered Charity Number: 1070858 S t C a t h e r i n e ' s S c h o o l , S t a t i o n R o a d , B r a m l e y, S u r re y G U 5 0 D F
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Charity Number: 1070858