www.stcatherines.info2 PROSPECTIVE PARENTS’ EVENTS 2022/2023 Wednesday 21st September 2022 Wednesday 12th October 2022 Thursday 17th November 2022 Friday 3rd February 2023 Prep Registrar – Sarah Waller 01483 prepadmissions@stcatherines.info899665 SENIOR SCHOOL 9.00am-12noon PREP SCHOOL 9.45-11.45am Tuesday 27th September 2022 Thursday 20th October 2022 Wednesday 30th November 2022 Tuesday 7th February 2023 Senior Registrar – Clare Woodgates 01483 admissions@stcatherines.info899609 SEPTEMBER 2022 Thur 8 First Day of Term Sun 25 2.00 -5.00pm Foundation Day Celebration A celebration of the founding of the School with Chapel service, guest speaker, afternoon tea, and a first chance to visit the Art & MakerSpace @ the John Palmer Centre, opened to all this September. OCTOBER 2022 Thur 6 7.30 -9.00pm St Catherine’s Presents: Baroness Philippa Stroud (Duffy)(1983) Reversing Social Breakdown in Britain Auditorium Sat 15 1.30-5.30pm Year of 2012: 10 Year Reunion Contact Hannah Pilkington & Flo Elliott for more info. Tue 18 6.00-7.30pm St Cat’s Chats: Book Club with Jonathan Worthen via Zoom Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet NOVEMBER 2022 Wed 2 6.00-8.30pm The London Network How do Businesses Tackle the Issue of Climate Change? The Old Library, Lloyds of London Mon 14 7.30-9.00pm St Catherine’s Presents: VOCES8 Auditorium Fri 25 19:30 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert Auditorium Parents only but all can listen in via livestream on the website! DECEMBER 2022 Thur 1 6.00-7.30pm St Cat’s Chats: Cookery Club with Philip Friend via Zoom Canapés for Christmas Thur 15 End of Term Mon 19 3.00-5.30pm Alumnae Lax & Netball Matches 6.30-8.00pm Association Carols by Candlelight DIARY DATES You are welcome to join us at any of the events for more details. Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn RUDYARD KIPLING Please note that the 11+ Entrance Exam is now much earlier, on Tuesday 8th November 2022. Those wishing to sit for 2023 entry must register by Friday 21st October 2022. Once registered, girls will be invited to the Taster Day on Saturday 8th October 2022. UPDATE FROM THE HEADS The academic year 2021-2022 sped past in a flurry of familiar activities returning to School life alongside a gradual receding of the Covid menace, but not without our still needing an isolation wing and lateral flow testing. Then suddenly, in April, it was business as usual, albeit not quite for our boarders returning overseas and needing tests to travel and having to quarantine in hotels on arrival home. Our highest hats are raised to the handful of boarders who finally went home after two whole years away. What amazing, resilient young women, and families, too. And now September 2022 sees in a new year, with exceptional A Level and GCSE results, the first taken via proper exams since 2019. Again, hats are raised, and this time to the Class of 2022 who never sat proper GCSEs yet have secured their A Levels with remarkable sang-froid and bags of spirit and guts. 90% have achieved their first choice university. I am hugely proud of our GCSE girls who despite lockdowns and online learning have exceeded our 2019 GCSE outcomes with 90% 9-7 grades. Well done to our talented and hard-working girls and their teachers. For public examination results please visit: Proud A Level candidates and proud Mums

Sunday 25 th September, 2pm - 5pm Join us for the annual celebration of our School’s Birthday. This will be the first opportunity for the whole school community to view the inside of the new Art & MakerSpace @The John Palmer Centre.
Alex Perry-Adlam, Head of Art, will be giving our lecture on The Power of Creative Thinking. Alex graduated from Liverpool College of Art in the early 1990s. Always interested in painting, he describes himself as a picture maker. He has spent the last 20 years working as an Arts Educator and is passionate about the conceptual thought behind creativity. He believes that everyone has the ability to create and should. You and your family will have the opportunity to explore the new Art & MakerSpace building. Tours of the rest of School will also be on offer. Afternoon Tea with birthday cake will be served in the Dining Room. All generations of your families are welcome. There will be some art activities available for younger guests. There is no charge for the day. Simply email: to book your place. Image: Original artwork by a St Catherine’s student
Artistry is the theme of our Foundation Day Chapel Service led by our Chaplain, the Rev’d Dr McNair Scott. 3

Thursday 6th October 2022 7.30 – 9.00pm Bar open from 6.45pm St Catherine’s School Auditorium Tickets £10 each Students Free Monday 14th November 2022 7.30 – 9.00pm Bar open from 6.45pm St Catherine’s School Auditorium Tickets £25 (adult), £15 (student) Catherine’s is delighted to be hosting the celebrated British vocal ensemble VOCES8. Touring globally, the group performs an extensive repertoire both in its a cappella concerts and in collaborations with leading orchestras, conductors and soloists. Versatility and a celebration of diverse musical expression are central to the ensemble’s performance and education ethos.
BOOK YOUR PLACE Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets: alternatively please use the QR REGISTERcode. YOUR INTEREST Please register your interest at: St
VOCES8 has performed at many notable venues in its 15-year career, including Wigmore Hall, Vienna Konzerthaus, Tokyo Opera City, Sydney Opera House, Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall, amongst others. They have released acclaimed recordings that have all reached the top of the classical charts.
www.stcatherines.info4ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY UPCOMING EVENTS BARONESS STROUD (ALUMNA 1983) REVERSINGVOCES8 SOCIAL BREAKDOWN IN BRITAIN We are delighted Phillipa Stroud is giving her views on how to reverse social breakdown in Britain. She is a Member of the House of Lords, Chief Executive Officer of the Legatum Institute (London based think-tank with the vision to create a global movement of people committed to creating the pathways from poverty to prosperity), and Co-Founder and former Executive Director of the think-tank, The Centre for Social Justice.
VOCES8 are proud to inspire people through music and sharing the joy of singing. The evening concert will follow a day of workshops with groups of student singers.

excellent alternative
we are delighted to invite you to join
Candlelight Service Monday 19th December 2022 6.30 – 8.00pm Mulled wine and mince pies followed by a candlelit service in the Chapel. We are looking forward to hosting this very popular event once again for our younger alumnae. Alumnae Lax and Netball matches in the afternoon from 3pm. Email to register your interest and for more info. 10 Year Reunion at St Catherine’s School Saturday 15th October 2022 1.30 – 5.30pm Join us for welcome drinks, a tour of School, mini-lessons with Mrs Alexander & Mr Friend and afternoon tea. Please contact Hannah Pilkington or Flo Elliott who are coordinating the event, or for more details. And please spread the word, as we don’t have contact details for everyone in the year. (Even if you left in U5 (2010) you are still the Year of 2012!) BOOK CLUB WITH JONATHAN WORTHEN COOKERY CLUB WITH PHILIP FRIEND CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT CALL OUT TO THE YEAR OF 2012: 10 REUNIONYEAR
offer general to see
Thursday 1st December 2022 6.00 – 7.30pm Philip Friend, current staff (Maths & Head of Food and Nutrition) and finalist in the BBC’s Britain’s Best Home Cook 2018, will give a short demonstration making two canapés, and tips for stress free cooking over Christmas with a culinary Q&A to end. the Cookery Club and Book Club are open to everyone and are free, but Catherine’s Alumnae Carols by
Amazon. Jonathan
you may like to
For our next
and deeply Ifmoving. youare an avid reader and would like to explore other
Tuesday 18th October 2022 6.00 – 7.30pm St Cat’s Chats Book Club with Jonathan Worthen (Former Head of English) has proved popular with alumnae, parents and pupils alike. ‘virtual event’ Jonathan who will be presenting Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet it is always ideal to read the actual text in advance, Jonathan recommends as an that watch the Zeffirelli 1968 film of the play, available as a DVD on says this is the definitive screen version, exquisitely beautiful titles, visit Jonathan Worthen’s YouTube Book Studies.
please register your interest by email to: A Zoom link will be sent before each event. St 5

www.stcatherines.info6 Little did we know in March 2020, as School unexpectedly closed for the national Covid lockdown, that our Year of 2020 girls would miss so many of their Leavers’ events scheduled for the Summer term. We were so sad that this year group missed their final Leavers’ Communion and Lunch, Speech Day, Leavers’ Picnic, Sports Day, Leavers’ Ball and Muck Up Day. On July 11th 2022 we were finally able to host a Drinks Reception in the Rose Garden for the alumnae and parents of this year group. The staff were delighted that so many girls and parents were able to come back. Everyone enjoyed being together again. The Class of 2020 are now 20 and their tales of university during the Covid years were exchanged along with reminiscences of their unusual yet very memorable final day in School on 19th March, 2020. YEAR OF 2020 DRINKS RECEPTION ST CATHERINE’S ASSOCIATION CHOIR
BY CARL ORFF are delighted announce opportunity to be part of the Association Choir again. The choir will be performing the dramatic Carmina Burana in the Auditorium on Saturday 11th March Everyone2023. in the school community (Senior & Prep parents, grandparents and staff) is welcome and there are no auditions. Rehearsals are focused over 10 weeks, November - March, and will mainly be on a Wednesday evening from 7.45 - 9.45pm with a couple on a Saturday afternoon. It is a wonderful opportunity for families to perform with their daughters who are either in the orchestra, Senior Choir or Middle Chamber Choir. If you have ever sung before, come along and try it - we have a lot of Iffun!you are interested and would like more information email:
Image: The Wheel of Fortune from Carmina Burana, a manuscript of 254 poems and dramatic texts from the 11th - 13th century.
Alice Chapman & Larissa Gaunt Head Girls
your 7
On the evening of 10th March Fiona Haywood and Jane Pink visited Exeter to meet up with alumnae studying at the University of Exeter. We agreed to meet at The Old Firehouse in the town centre for drinks and supper, and were so pleased to welcome 16 alumnae from both the Prep and Senior School.
The following day, Jane and Fiona met up with Barbara Tilbury (Hutton) (1955). Barbara has the most amazing memory of her time at St Catherine’s, and told us so many wonderful stories of her schooldays. In her words…..
Fiona Haywood & Nan Brown Barbara Tilbury & Jane Pink
It was lovely to catch up on all their news and hear about the wide range of degrees they are taking. Thomas White, son of Mr Alastair and Mrs Amanda White (Current Staff) who has known the School all his life was welcomed as an honorary alumnus!
Exeter University Reunion
On the way to Exeter, Fiona and Jane visited Nan Brown (Former Staff) at her home for coffee. Mrs Brown joined St Catherine’s in 1977, after a telephone call from the then Head, Barbara Platt, asking if she might come and ‘save the day’ as a Housemistress for just one month. Without an interview or visit, Mrs Brown agreed and came to St Catherine’s, staying over 15 years! Alongside her housemistress role, she taught writing and composition and shared her skills in needlework. Nan has a fantastic memory of her time at St Catherine’s and still stays in touch with lots of the alumnae and former staff. Nan is one of only three to hold the St Catherine’s Wheel Award for Distinguished Service.
I was so happy there and made life-long friends in Bunty Kinsey (Long), Jenny Bristow (Newman), Jenny Grayson (Fry), Dinks Hall (Irving), Jane Charman (Clarke) and Janet Cartwright amongst so many others. We’ve stayed in touch with Barbara since our visit and are grateful to her for helping us name the students in so many of our archive photos. The photo on the left is of Miss Bulow’s class in the Junior School in 1947. Barbara is still friends with several of her classmates.
I was born in Shanghai, a second daughter to a very wealthy British family. At six, my father died as a result of extensive questioning by the Japanese, and then in 1943 my mother, my older sister and I were interned in Lungwha Camp as ‘guests of the Japanese’ for the next two and a half years. In November 1945 we returned to England. All my father’s investments were lost, as were many of my parents’ belongings. My mother bought a house in Wonersh, and the only money we had was from the money she was given as a dress allowance (wow, those were the days) which she had invested in England. It was decided I should go to St Catherine’s, ‘just down the road’. I was nine years old, interviewed by Miss Symes, and accepted as a day girl. Later, my mother decided I needed discipline, (can’t imagine why!) so I was sent as a full boarder, and I loved it - often spending time outside the dorm for talking; always the one who had to tell the Friday night story to the dorm.

The Careers Department and Association Office teamed up to host a seminar on Careers with an Environmental Impact. Thank you to our current parents and alumnae speakers, all of whom gave fascinating insights into their areas of expertise and how their role is making a difference to the future of our environment. Lauren Beavis (2017) co-founder of Rising Earth News and trainee reporter with South West News; Grace Osborne (2014) who founded Natural Grace, a sustainable clothing brand transforming ocean plastics into sportswear; Stephanie Landymore (2004) currently working for Sky supporting key areas of the business to reach net zero carbon by 2030; Victoria Edmonds (Current Parent) who has worked in government and implemented policy on electric vehicles; Jonathan Jeffers (Current Parent), Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London; Kat Kavanagh, founder of non-profit social enterprise Water Rangers. The event was well attended, and we were delighted to host a number of other local schools as well.
In May we were delighted to return to the office of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in the Leadenhall Building at the kind invitation of current parent, Tracy Meller, where she is a Partner. This was our second visit to her inspirational workplace, and we were pleased to invite current and past parents to join us for an evening in celebration of the Bright Futures Bursary Programme at St Catherine’s. There is little more inspiring than hearing girls who have been recipients of bursary support describe the impact that it has made on their lives, both during their time at St Catherine’s and beyond.
Having reached out to Abike Looi-Somoye (2014) we were delighted that she accepted our invitation to talk about her life at St Catherine’s, where she embraced all that School had to offer her. Abike spoke with warmth about the way in which School provided the stability and continuity that she needed when her family was experiencing a period of great change. Abike has gone on, via the University of Leicester where she studied Mechanical Engineering and Rolls-Royce where she won an internship, to work on the optimisation of the logistics in Amazon warehouses by the use of robotics. Closer to home, we were joined by Kayla Ellington (2021). In the year since she left School, Kayla has been a key member of the Gap Team at St Catherine’s and one of the Chapel wardens, with a blend of boundless energy and kindness which will no doubt ready her for her next move to Winchester University, where she will be studying Primary Education. Kayla described her first experiences at St Catherine’s with such delight that we were transported to the moment of her arrival. Leaving her South London home for St Catherine’s she was unsure what to expect but soon found herself embracing all that School had to offer – learning to swim, to ride a bike, to act and sing, and to be part of the Chapel community. The place that she at first thought looked like Hogwarts, soon became her home from home. Mr Gladwell (Current Staff) rounded off the talks by reflecting on the maturity and resilience of both girls, their enthusiasm for FUTURES BURSARY PROGRAMME
Kayla Ellington, Tracy Meller, Carl Gladwell and Abike Looi-Somoye Kat Kavanagh, Grace Osborne, Stephanie LandymoreLauren Beavis, Jonathan Jeffers and Victoria Edwards
St Catherine’s and their appreciation for the support of those who made it possible for them to join the School community as bursary recipients. A discussion was sparked about the nature of inclusivity in education and the importance of widening access to the transformative opportunities which a St Catherine’s bursary can make possible. We are grateful to all of our guests for their thoughtful contributions to the discussion as well as to those who have given their financial support to shape Bright Futures. Thank you. If you would like to learn more about the Bright Futures Bursary Programme at St Catherine’s do get in touch with Jane Pink, Development Officer 01483 899787

W hen you leave a gift in your Will to a place that is special to you, you are protecting it for the next generation. Making a gift could help a girl get to grips with Shakespeare, learn how to lead on the Lax pitch, start a journey which uses Chemistry to change the world, or join our community with the support of the Bright Futures bursary programme. time at St Catherine’s is but a short period in the School’s history and pledges made in Wills will secure our future. o find out more about leaving a gift in your Will: Jane Pink (0)1483 899787 Charity
T 9
on +44
or email Registered
Having planned to meet Professor Cathy Price (1980) just as the global pandemic began to restrict non-essential travel, we were delighted to be able to rearrange a visit to The Wellcome Centre for Neuroimaging in June. Cathy is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and her innovative work in the field of human neuroimaging has produced new approaches for investigating cognitive function and furthered the understanding of cognitive impairments in neurological patients. In 2020 Cathy was made a Member of The Royal Society, and Professor Kia Nobre, who nominated Cathy for her Suffrage Award for Life Sciences in 2018, describes her in this way: “She blossomed through the trenches of a very macho world with gentle words, generous deeds, scientific commitment and rigour, genuine translation of research to clinical benefit, and humour.”
Professor Cathy Price meets current A Level Psychology students
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Cathy kindly invited a group of A Level Psychology students to spend the morning in her department where she and her team shared their knowledge and experience with them; allowed them to see the very latest brain imaging technology; and explained the clinical implications of their research. Cathy was also pleased to introduce the girls to Professor Maguire whose research the girls’ study as part of the A Level curriculum. We are very grateful to Cathy for welcoming the girls into her work environment and sharing with them her passion for research. For many of the girls the notion of a career in research, beyond A Level and University, had not been something that they had considered to that point. Spending time in the company of such an illustrious, yet modest, and successful scientist has been an inspiration and will spark much debate about the role of women in STEM amongst not only this group of Sixth Form girls but those who follow them.

• Don’t just take advice from your parents’ generation – the best advice will come from someone who is 10 years older than you.
• Don’t be trapped by prestige – what is in fashion now may not last.
In March we were delighted to welcome Christa Davies, who is currently Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at AON and on the board of two technology companies, Workday and Stripe. Christa talked about the lessons she had learned concerning ‘What to do’ and ‘What not to do’ in your career which she shared with the girls, interspersed with interesting and amusing anecdotes from her personal career experience.
www.stcatherines.info10END OF TERM LECTURES
• Don’t just have the same types of mentors – seek out a variety as you will learn different things from each.
To end the summer term on a high note, we were thrilled that Cassa Jackson came back to give our End of Term Lecture. Now a singer songwriter, Cassa has just completed an arena tour as the support act to the contemporary pop group JLS. She always had a passion for singing. At St Catherine’s she enjoyed performing in various productions from her time in the Prep School through to Jazz & Rock Concerts and at the St Cats got Talent show in the Senior School. She stressed to the girls how important it was to make the most of the extra-curricular opportunities available to them, reminding them that the facilities in the School auditorium are better than some of the venues in which she has performed professionally.
• Don’t try to solve the work life balance perfectly every day; think about it over the whole of your working life.
• Don’t stick to your career plan; be adaptable.
• Learn about yourself – this is the most different from School. Better to do less well and be in the best team than be the best in the team on the Titanic!
Cassa read Modern Languages at Bristol and although she wasn’t sure about going to university at the time, she now sees that her degree means she is treated with more respect in the industry. She also relished the chance to travel with an MFL degree including a year abroad.
WHAT TO DO • Be self-aware – learn what you are good at and what you are bad at e.g. preferring to work by yourself rather than in a team.
• Take calculated risks – this can be scary but has to be done to progress.
Before she answered numerous questions from the students, she summed up her talk by saying the main point of all of this is for you to feel empowered to decide your future, learn about yourself, about the world and about what you love doing. From all of this determine the areas that will make you happiest in life.
• Work for amazing people - learn from them and pick up their skills and attributes.
After a really interesting Q&A session all the girls jumped to their feet when Cassa treated them to a mini concert of two of her songs: Suits U and I’m Okay Until I Think. She is excited to be headlining her own tour in October around the UK. Follow her on Instagram @cassajackson JACKSON (2016)
Cassa Jackson performing at the O2
• Try lots of different things as often what you think you will like you don’t - a good way to do this is via holiday jobs.

Any of you who have previously gone on a school Battlefields tour will probably remember Andy Thompson, an amazing battlefield expert and in an incredibly packed schedule he led us around Normandy visiting the landing beaches, museums and cemeteries giving the full history of events around each site. We stayed in the beautiful medieval town of Bayeux and managed to fit in seeing the tapestry there Highlightstoo. included the visit to Omaha Beach as well as meeting a lady called Mme Gondrée at Pegasus Bridge who, aged 5, was hiding in her family’s café on the night of the invasion and which she still runs. We also loved the newly opened British Memorial overlooking Gold Beach placed in a beautiful setting where so many British troops lost their lives. Both opportunities were incredibly moving.
The whole St Catherine’s community was devastated to learn of the sudden death of Andy Thompson only a week after our return from Normandy. Our hearts go out to his family. His expertise and passion for sharing his knowledge will be truly missed.
On the May Bank Holiday weekend, 35 of us set off on the Association Trip to the D-Day Normandy battlefields. We had a great group made up of current and former staff and parents from Prep and Senior School, former Governors and alumnae.
The WW2 Normandy invasion of France in 1944 was an incredible feat by the allied forces to drive the Nazi occupiers out of France. Although it was ultimately successful, not everything went to plan and there was inevitably huge loss of life. 11

Carl Gladwell
We know that as a diverse global community you’ll be keen to hear how St Catherine’s encourages inclusion and equality. We are delighted to introduce Carl Gladwell, Head of Politics and the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) lead. “I started at St Cat’s in 2005 so have a thorough knowledge of how the School works and, I’d like to think, what’s important to our students, parent body, and staff. My role is to connect with all age groups within the School to promote EDI within their daily routines. I can give you a flavour of how this has started in the last academic year and I hope you can see that we have an existing foundation that is dedicated to giving everyone here the best possible opportunities to be who they are and express Ithemselves.amalways happy to receive ideas from everyone in our community so do get in touch if there is something you would like me to hear. This is an ongoing process and as I have told our students this is only the beginning. We leave a legacy to those who come after us to take hold of and develop in the years to come.”
As we have evaluated our curriculum and extra-curricular provision for further opportunities for inclusion, Claire’s insights have been invaluable.
PARIS 2023
During the Summer Term of 2022 each academic department reviewed its curriculum to highlight where issues to do with EDI are considered. One of the pleasing aspects of this exercise was seeing that EDI is already a significant aspect of the teaching and learning experience. Further possibilities for inclusion have also been identified, especially at Key Stage 3. These will be integrated into schemes of work at the earliest opportunity. Public examination specifications are more directed by public examination boards, but there is still room for EDI subject matter, and we will include this wherever possible.
Each academic department will also use its display boards to include EDI-related ideas in presentations around School.
SAGA Sixth Form students started the Straight and Gay Alliance discussion group (SAGA) in 2021. It is a group for older students – Lower 5 and above - to discuss issues of sexuality and gender in a friendly and supportive environment. It is inclusive and all are welcome, no matter who they are or how they see themselves. They have organised this themselves and are responsible for the weekly gettogethers, with a member of the Sixth Form pastoral team on hand. It has been wonderful to see the caring and thoughtful way everyone has responded to this opportunity and we look forward to this year’s cohort taking the group forward.
In April 2022 the Prep and Senior School staff were addressed by Claire Harvey on behalf of the Schools Inclusion Alliance. Claire has worked for many years in Inclusion for companies such as Vodafone and specialises in helping organisations create inclusive cultures. Claire’s presentation was both challenging and inspiring. She dealt with concepts such as psychological safety, real and cognitive hierarchy, and subconscious exclusion, but retaining a focus on the practical elements such as self-awareness and perspective.
This year saw the appointment of the first EDI Sixth Form prefects.
Next year (Sat 29th April - Monday 1st May 2023), we’re planning to head to Paris for a whistle-stop tour of the city and some of its art galleries with Head of Art, Alex Perry-Adlam. We hope many of you will join us on the trip. Full details will be released in October this year. Please email to express your interest and for more information.
We are excited to work with them to develop ideas on how we can ensure all students at St Catherine’s feel valued and feel that who they are is important. We start with a clean slate where all possibilities can be discussed. They are our ‘pathfinders’ and have a significant contribution to make. TO 13 We are proud that HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is Patron of our School. Her greatgreat grandfather, George Cubitt, ennobled in 1892 as the first Baron Ashcombe, was one of the founding benefactors of St Catherine’s in 1885. When we sent a Birthday card to the Duchess for her 75th Birthday in July, we were so pleased to feature a painting by Prep School student, Raya, on the front cover. PREP SCHOOL EDI SCHOOL WEBSITE STATEMENT ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are often used to focus on EDI issues. Examples from the last academic year include the following:• Review of the Tokyo Olympics, linked to Simone Biles and World Mental Health Day • The origins of Black History Month and other history months, and outlining the EDI aims and ambitions for St Catherine’s • Sislin Fay Allen – a review of the first black policewoman in Britain • The lives, achievements, and legacies of Desmond Tutu and Sidney Poitier who died in early 2022. • Reading – the joy for some and frustration for others with neurodiverse profiles • The story of Spanish footballer Inaki Williams and how his parents migrated from Ghana to Spain, highlighting the hard work and contribution of refugees and migrants • Pride Month – its origins and importance, as well as discrimination and criminalisation across the world, and the courage of those who come out to their friends and families George Cubitt 1st Baron Ashcombe Aspire sculpture HRH The Duchess of Cornwall

www.stcatherines.info14 10 7 In addition to the larger reunions and careers events, we have also welcomed back many alumnae over the past 6 months, as speakers, for impromptu visits or tours of the School. 1. Kristine Erwin (2009) (Speech Day guest speaker) pictured with Karen Keane (Former Staff/BHM of Symes) 2. Scarlett Peterson (2016) 3. Ellie Speight (2018) 4. Celina Kwong (2007) 5. Amelia Waters (2020) 6. Joyce Choi (2018) 7. Sophie Vallis (2018) Antonia Cook (2021) Katie Creswell (2021) 8. Sophie Blauth (2018) & Sue Cavenagh (Attwood) (1970) 9. Jeannie Long (1976) Sam Long (2003) 10. Janet Allen (Former Staff) 11. Trish Marsh (1973) 12. Sally Parker (2017) 13. Brigitte Grethe (Former Staff) with painting of Janet Cartwright (1954) 14. Cathy Price (1980) and Miranda Howell (Price)(1978) 1 5 2 3 4 8 9 11 1412 13

 15 We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899751 or email Thank you. BEING IN CONTROL OF YOUR DATA AND OUR FUNDRAISING PROMISE The Back Page features a photo of St Catherine’s girls in 1919. This room has had many uses over the years including a Staff Room, a House Common Room and is currently the School Conference Room. We are always interested to hear your news, big or small! Have you graduated, changed jobs, got married, had children, set up a business, volunteered for a charity, retired or taken a gap year to travel the world? All weddings and obituaries can be found under the Association section on the school website: Charlotte Way (1977) Sue Ide-Smith (1982) Natasha Long (2008) Carly Brown (2009) Hannah Hillcox (2009) Rosie Townsend (2009) Carrie Ashton (2010) Eileen Symonds (Buxton) (1931) Yvonne Boyce (Harcourt) (1938) Elizabeth Killick (Drew) (1940) Anne Hunter (Tottenham) (1943) Elizabeth Sharples (Williams) (1949) Elisabeth Reed (Newnham) (1950) (Former Governor 1968 - 2004) We will dedicate a plaque to Elisabeth in Chapel on Foundation Day, 2022. Ann Anderson (Penney) (1953) Janet Cartwright (1954) Penelope Dalton (Barltrop) (1958) Elaine Maggs (Harris) (1963) Gillian Stancer (Hemmings) (1975) Jacqueline Salkeld (Polglase) (1981) MEMORIES OF ST CATHERINE’S YOUR NEWSWEDDINGSINMEMORIAM Alice Whitton (2010) Xanthe Jackson (2012) Sarah Sharpin (2012) Abi Vega (2012) Christina Axson (2013) Sophie Jefferies (2013) Tabitha Roberts (2013) Dame Ruth Railton (Former Staff 1937-1949) Ann Stagg (Former Staff 1986 - 2001) Robert Gillman (Former Staff 1992-2006) Sheila (FormerFowler-WattGovernor1993-2010) We dedicated a plaque to Sheila in Chapel on Foundation Day, 2021. Brain Hallewell (Former Staff 2003-2004) Andy Thompson (Associate Staff and Leader of Battlefield trips for girls and the Association 2009-2022)