at St Catherine’s Prep
School, Bramley
Weekly classes
Tuesdays, 1.30 - 2.45pm (Term
Let us spark your daughter ’s curiosity and nurture her love of learning on her journey to starting school. Ages 3-4.
girls to join our Cat Class for Would your daughter like aged 3 and 4 years old? g, friendly and nurturing at Class offers a stimulatin daughter can participate environment where your love of spark her curiosity and in hands-on activities to whilst s, nd will make new frie learning. Your daughter rning lls and foundations for lea building strong social ski g school. in preparation for startin ception Early Years team in a Re Activities are led by our tive arts and crafts, imagina classroom and include ry. ve co dis d e exploration an and messy play to inspir , llet ba , cialist teachers of music Each week we invite spe a te tdoor learning to promo computing, PE and ou breadth of experiences. rning rt of your daughter’s lea We would love to be pa rting sta s ard r first steps tow journey, as she takes he environment. school in a rich and fun
ins’ s is my tw s la C t a C hour of favourite , without the week ve ! They lo n io t p e c ex he ers and t the teach ctivities. ga stimulatin hear them o t y jo a It’s ly o excited s r e t t a h c y home. all the wa 021
2 at Class
Mrs L, C
Miss Jefford - Deputy Head, Head of Pre-Prep
ad, Head of Miss Jefford is Deputy He 2017. She in us Pre-Prep and joined , furthered her trained as a Norland Nanny Nursery Practitioner experience working as a istant. A passion and then as a Teaching Ass and education of in the early development te her BA Hons in children led her to comple Early Years Teaching.
ities. Cat Class un is at the heart of all our activ strengthens builds on the girls’ confidence and a nurturing and foundations for learning within vities encompass Acti vibrant Reception classroom. (EYFS), promoting the Early Years Foundation stage Areas of Learning: the girls’ development in the Prime ical Development; Communication and Language; Phys lopment. deve al and Personal, Social and Emotion
Mrs Eringa- Prin Dance School cipal of the
Mrs Eringa is Dance Principal and joined us in 2020. She has 16 years experience as a dance teacher and has worked internationally as an examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance classes.
Mrs Malins - Director of Computing Mrs Malins is Director of Computing and joined us in 2012. She has a particular interest in technology and maths. She very much enjoys gardening, tennis and walking her dog.
will: At Cat Class your daughter nections • build strong social con ation and nic mu com • develop her language skills nces with our • join in enriched experie specialist teachers and • learn in a fun, nurturing nt stimulating environme
ort ctor of Sp igan- Dire
Mrs McGu
Mrs McGuigan is Director of Sport. She joined us in 2021. She is passionate about developing a lifelong love of sport in the girls.
L looks fo r ward to C at Class and we h ear a lot a bout the activities, especially the singin Her curre g! nt nurser y told us that when they were doing an activity on being kin d L talked about ho w the oth e r girls welcome d her in to Cat Class as an exa mple of k indness. I really hap am py she is g etting the opportun ity to get to kn new teach ers, classm ow her ates and her future school en vironmen have no d t. I oubt that C at Class w make her ill transition from nurs to school ery much eas ier. Mrs C, Ca t Class 202
at St Catherine’s Pre
p School, Bramley
AUTUMN 2022 Book here: catclassautu Tuesday 20th September 2022 th - Tuesday 29 November 2022 Please note there will be no clas s during half term on Tuesday th 25 October SPRING 2023 Book here: catclasss Tuesday 17th January 2023 - Tue sday 21st March 2023 Please note there will be no clas s during half term on Tuesday th 14 February SU MM ER 2023 Book here: catcla Tuesday 2nd May 2023 - Tuesda th y 4 July 2023 Please note there will be no clas s during half term on Tuesday th 30 May
at a cost of £120 for 10 sessions in the Sessions are to be booked in advance . per term for the Spring and Summer term Autumn Term and £108 for 9 sessions is non-refundable and Places are limited. Please note the fee chers. we are unable to accept Childcare Vou Use the QR code or visit www.stcatherin
s at If you have any questions, please contactu
St Catherine’ s Prep Scho ol Station Road , Bramley, G uildford, GU 5 0DF +(0) 1483 89 9665 prepadmissi ons@stcath www.stcath