An Introduction to Chess | Booklet One | Newcomers

Page 17


CHECK & CHECKMATE The term ‘check’ describes a direct attack on the King. The average chess game usually contains many ‘checking’ moves. If the King is attacked, the King must get OUT OF CHECK. There are three ways to get out of check. 1) The piece that is giving check is TAKEN. 2) The King simply moves to another square where he is not in check. 3) The check may be BLOCKED. If the King cannot get out of check, it is CHECKMATE , the end of the game!

CHECKMATE is the ultimate aim of the game of chess.

CHECKMATE is the most important idea a young player can learn about. Let us examine the ideas of check and checkmate in a bit more detail.

If you aren’t careful you could end in a fragile position. Learn the checkmates and watch for them.



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