Culinary Arts | 23-24

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° High-level skills and techniques

° Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan alternatives

° Presentation and serving

° Menu planning

° Dinner party dishes and accompaniments


An exciting St Catherine’s experience

Taking place in our impressive Art & Makerspace kitchen.,Culinary Arts @ St Catherine’s offers your daughter the opportunity to learn elegant classic and contemporary cooking. With skills that include making and filling fresh pasta, preparing terrific vegetable dishes, cooking meat and fish to perfection and making enticing canapés, Culinary Arts @ St Catherine’s will provide your daughter with the confidence and the enthusiasm to cook to impress for any occasion.

This 16-week course will prepare your daughter so that she is ready to create your next dinner party or take on the catering for a ski season!

In each session of up to three hours in duration, students will typically make two or three key dishes. Throughout the course, Mr Friend will be giving the students menu-planning tips and ways to adapt dishes to suit personal tastes.

Please note that this course is best suited to students who have a good level of cooking experience and are eager to widen their repertoire of dishes and skills.

Your course tutor

Mr Friend’s life-long passion is cooking and he has a particular penchant for baking. He has been a member of the Food and Nutrition Department since 2018 and now leads the department. He is proud to be running this very special extra-curricular course for St Catherine’s Sixth Form students.

His confidence and flair with food saw him reach the final of the first series of BBC1’s Best Home Cook, where he offered his creations to be judged by Mary Berry DBE.

Mr Friend runs his own cooking website and often gives foodrelated advice on the radio as well as online ‘St Cat’s Chats’ for the Association.

°C ULINARY ARTS Open Kitchen

At the end of the course, parents will be invited to an informal Open Kitchen event. This is a celebration of the students’ culinary skills, with the students working collaboratively to produce a selection of delicious canapés and light bites for you to enjoy.


A list of the cooking sessions, with typical dish examples, is given below:

° WEEK 1: Pasta workshop

Fresh pasta: beetroot and goats’ cheese ravioli; fresh pesto.

° WEEK 2: Bread One

Roasted onion & chorizo focaccia; smoked cheese soda bread

° WEEK 3: Bread Two

Herby garlic flatbreads with a selection of freshly made dips

° WEEK 4: Pastry

Choux pastry; rough-puff pastry; spiced shortcrust pastry

° WEEK 5: Party Food One

Luxury sausage rolls; smoked mackerel crostini

° WEEK 6: Party Food Two

Spinach & Feta filo rolls; prawn toasts with sweet chilli dipping sauce

° WEEK 7: Salads & Soups

Fennel & orange salad with Parmesan tuiles; smoked haddock chowder; zingy Thai salad

° WEEK 8: Starters One

Vegetable galette; glazed harissa lamb bonbons

° WEEK 9: Starters Two

Scallops & pancetta on garlic ciabatta; roast peppers with herbed brioche crumb

° WEEK 10: Vegetable sides

Rosemary & garlic hasselback potatoes; french beans with cumin & onions; smoky cauliflower cheese

° WEEK 11: Main Courses One

Butternut squash risotto; stuffed chicken ballotine

° WEEK 12: Main Courses Two

Fresh gnocchi with lemon & sage butter sauce; Thai green curry

° WEEK 13: Main Courses Three

Teriyaki salmon; pork in a creamy apple & cider sauce

° WEEK 14: Desserts One

Orange pannacotta with pineapple salsa, berry coulis & lime shortbreads

° WEEK 15: Desserts Two Canapés

Mini mocha pavlovas; sticky apple and cinnamon cakes

° WEEK 16: Canapés

Canapé making for the Open Kitchen event

Course dates

The course will start in January 2024. Each cooking session is on a Monday evening from 5pm until approximately 8pm. Food will be provided for the girls prior to each session. The proposed dates (tbc) are:


5-8pm, Monday evenings

° January 2024: 22nd, 29th

° February 2024: 19th, 26th

° March 2024: 4th, 11th,18th

° April 2024: 29th

° May 2024: 13th, 20th

° June 2024: 10th, 17th

° September 2024: 18th, 25th

° October 2024: 7th, 14th

° Open Kitchen event (presentation): Tuesday Oct 17th, 6pm - 7pm

To book

° The fee for the course is £1000 per Chef, to include: all ingredients, recipe booklet and Chef’s Whites. The course fee to be charged in advance on the fee bill for the term in which the course will take place.

° To book your daughter’s place please email:

° Numbers restricted to sixteen Chefs only on a first come, first served basis. It is expected that girls are on top of their academic work and have the spare capacity to embrace the fun challenges of the course.

° Booking deadline: Monday 11th September 2023

St Catherine’s School Station Road, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0DF

+44(0)1483 899609

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