Every Garment Tells A Story.

And if you were to gather all the clothes you have ever owned in all your life, each baby shoe and winter coat and party dress, you would have your autobiography.
Linda Grant, author of The Thoughtful Dress

Clothing is a form of self-expression, a reflection of our personalities and a way to communicate without speaking. The choices that we make in creating, choosing and wearing clothes reflect our identity. They convey our mood, our interests and even our values and aspirations.
In early civilizations, the key purpose of clothing was to keep us warm and dry, but clothes have developed from a practical asset to a social marker: they affect the way we see ourselves and others.
The clothing choices that we make evolve with age, environment and the role that we are performing. As we move through life – school, university, the world of work – our ability to express ourselves grows, not least of all through our choice of garments.
What do you remember about choosing your Sixth Form ‘wardrobe?’ Or getting ready to start a new job? Do we find ourselves dressing in a ‘uniform’ even when none has been demanded? Were you keen to stand out or to blend in? Consciously or otherwise, how able do you feel to express yourself through your choice of clothing?
Clothing can affect how we perform - from the ‘dress to impress’ of a job interview to the sense of unity that a uniform brings to a sports team –the outcome can be influenced by how we look and feel. What we choose to wear can help to make us feel confident and powerful or, in the case of uniform, united in a shared endeavour.
Whilst clothing choices are not the sole determinant of how we are perceived, they play a part!

Our GCSE and A Level textiles students have taken their own designs from concept to finished garment, working on both intricate details and thematic design. This zine shares with you some of the finished pieces which undoubtedly reflect the personalities of the girls who made them. As you see them here, you might be prompted to reflect on you own ‘autobiography’ as captured in the way your own garment choices have evolved.

Thank you to all those who supported The Art & MakerSpace campaign. If you too would like to support creativity at St Catherine’s by making a gift to the campaign or joining a Creative Circle, please do get in touch.

The garments showcased in this publication are the work of GCSE and A