St. Catherine’s School
S upport at St Catherine’s
H ow to give and belong Do consider contributing to the Development Fund and joining the St Catherine’s community of support. If you’d like to discuss where you would like your gift directed or how to give do contact Pippa Carte on 01483 899754.
1. By Cheque to St Catherine’s School Development Fund
You can Gift Aid your donation to increase your impact by 25p for every £1 donated. The Development Office can send you the necessary forms.
4. By BACS Transfer Account: Sort code: Account No: Reference:
2. By Regular Giving at 3. Online through BTDonate - search for St Catherine’s School, Bramley St Catherine’s Development Fund 30-93-74 00862308 Please use your name
5. Through CAF Charity Cheques or your CAF Online Account to ‘St Catherine’s School Development Fund’, reference: 6100518903
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Registered Charity Number: 1070858
Our School
St Catherine’s was founded in 1885 by charitable gifts. From our first 11 boarders and 6 girls to our current roll of 890 girls, the School has grown to serve its community. It is a great privilege to educate girls and we know St Catherine’s has a huge impact on both individual lives but also our wider society as we shape the citizens of the future. The leadership vision of the Heads over time has left a mark on the School, developing the site to maintain its success, build on its strengths and attract the very best students and staff while maintaining its unique ethos. As a charity, it has sought financial support over the years for these building programmes.
We seek to keep fees at a competitive level. Unlike many schools we have no endowment and our fees cover excellent teaching but cannot alone fund new capital projects or major expenditure. Donations help to accelerate investment in the School. A Development Office has been in place for over 10 years and exists to encourage and develop the support of the School community both past and present. Donors are giving not to the School but through the School, sharing our mission that excellence in education will create the citizens of the future who will make a positive difference in the world.
Here is an overview of what giving has achieved in the past, our plans for the future and ways to support.
We invite you to contribute through giving and join the community of support.
Thanking you We like to invite donors to be part of School functions and events and to recognise formally your generous support.
A community of over 250 have supported The Chapel Fund – 18%
A celebration of supporters from the 1980s to today at the Opening of
Gifts to the Annual Fund brought forward the Speech Hall Library
the Centenary Building Lecture Theatre, 2015
and Centenary Building redevelopment. We thanked supporters by
are parents, 31% are staff and 32% are alumnae. Their contribution is gratefully acknowledged on our website and in Chapel.
‘naming’ seats.
Belonging The power of giving Financial gifts from the community are critical to St Catherine’s ability to provide girls with the best possible educational environment. The School does not have an endowment. The ambition for Development is to grow the community contributions to the School to match our ambitions for the girls and for the School.
School fees 98.4%
Education 95.7%
Investment income 0.2%
Finance/loan fees 2.6%
Donations and legacies 0.6%
Governance 0.2% Events, Association, communications, cost of raising funds 1.5%
Lettings income 0.7%
INCOME Source: Annual Report & Accounts 2014/15
A chievements
Anniversary Halls
Little Wood Lodge
Speech Hall Libr
Construction: 2009-11
Construction: 2012
Renewal: –
Renewal: –
Total cost:
Total cost:
Total cost:
Fundraising contribution:
Fundraising contribution:
Fundraising contributi
Centenary Building
Prep School Outdoor Learning
Construction: 1985
Construction: 2010
Renewal: 2015
Renewal: 2015
Total cost:
Total cost:
Fundraising contribution:
Fundraising contribution:
Campaigns The Chapel Fund Target: £150K
he Chapel is at the heart of the School and is used by all. It represents the
Christian principles of a St Catherine’s education. It is a place to stop, reflect and be still in an ever-busy School. “I can still remember the dim lights, the silence and the psalms. There are some things in life you never forget.” Z Bindi, 1981 Donations to the Fund will enable us to undertake a much needed complete restoration of the 1899 ‘Father’ Willis & Sons organ, do repairs to the Kempe stained glass windows and to address weather damage to the roof. The support of the School community past and present has been incredible and the School is most grateful for the contributions of parents, alumnae, Trusts, staff and the local community. £50,000 is still needed. We need you to support The Chapel Fund and perhaps ‘sponsor’ an Organ Stop or Sound, or a value in the Kempe Wheel Window as a symbol of your support.
The Bursary Fund
hroughout our history we have provided academic excellence for families with very restricted financial means by giving bursaries to talented
Target: young women. Individual and £100K collective generosity ensures annually that outstanding but financially disadvantaged girls can gain a first class education and be given the chance to fulfil their potential.
Gifts to the Bursary Fund contribute not just to one child’s education but to the social diversity of St Catherine’s, to the School community as a whole and can influence the social mobility of future generations.
“I was given a Bursary place and received an excellent education, where my teachers had the time to invest in me. There is no doubt that this has made a huge difference to my life. Thank you for supporting the St Catherine’s Bursary Fund.” Marta, Class of 2002
The Annual Fund Target: £50K annually
he Annual Fund does not fund luxuries or essentials but rather enhances the educational experience for all girls. Your support enriches the teaching at St Catherine’s through the addition of exceptional educational equipment.
Why do St Catherine’s and other independent schools ask for donations?
Every gift will result in a tangible
Giving to the Fund represents a
enhancement of the girls’ school
community effort to support everything
experience. Priorities for 2016 include
you love about St Catherine’s. Many
surround sound in the Prep School
parents and alumnae donate, with gifts
Hall, outdoor learning equipment for
large and small, one-off or regular, to
the Prep School, Go-pros for swim
secure the continuing success of the
stroke analysis and online language
conversation software. “A huge thank you to all the 2014/15 Annual Fund donors who have enabled us to purchase the fantastic Bass Amp! It will be so much appreciated and will be used for many years to come.” Phoebe Shellman and all the Bassists
hink of giving in terms of a BICYCLE. The bike, just like St Catherine’s, is the vehicle that takes students on exciting journeys of learning and exploration. Fees pay for a top quality bike but fees cannot do it alone. The ANNUAL FUND helps pay for enhancements to the bike, for example, a titanium frame or full suspension. The ANNUAL FUND will raise funds for the extra features that tailor the bike to your needs and make the ride more stimulating and special. If you would like to share the bike with a friend who cannot afford their own but needs a chance to fly and who is going to contribute
to the race – this is where the BURSARY FUND comes in. Every so often your bike needs serious work or a better environment. Perhaps you need to replace it or upgrade it to go on a more challenging journey. Periodic CAMPAIGNS can raise significant resources to fund major projects or improvements such as THE CHAPEL FUND. Of course the most important part of a bike is a GREAT GIRL to ride it, and we have a school full of great girls! With your support, our motto ...
“Let us go on”
…becomes a reality.
L egacy giving
f you believe that St Catherine’s provides a formative educational experience; instilling values and ethics that influence girls’ life-chances, you may wish to consider leaving a legacy to the School. Alumnae, parents and grandparents have chosen to make a gift to St Catherine’s in their Will in recognition of St Catherine’s and for the benefit of future girls. Clearly in writing a Will the first priority must be to ensure your family have been provided for. A donation to St Catherine’s of a fixed amount or a % of your residual estate could help maintain the values and fabric of the School into the future or be used to fund a Bursary student at St Catherine’s. If you would like to discuss what your legacy to St Catherine’s could achieve, please do contact us.
Get in touch Pippa Carte, Development Director, St Catherine’s, Bramley GU5 0DF
T 01483 899754 E W Registered Charity Number: 1070858