St Catherine's, Bramley - Create the Future - The 6th

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We’ve launched The 6 Campaign to create a vibrant boarding house and a social space where the 6th Form girls can relax. The girls deserve it. In 2012 we rebuilt the Speech Hall Library as a 6th Form Study space -- a bridge between School and University -- providing the girls with a unique academic space of their own. We will now replace our out-dated boarding accommodation in the Unit and the Barbara Platt Building with its narrow corridors and restricted bathrooms. The 6 Campaign will enable us to create generous boarding accommodation, bright bathrooms and a spacious common room for The 6 community. The 6 will bring together day girls and boarders and be a complementary space to the Speech Hall Library which the girls enjoy for their quiet, academic study.

The 6 in numbers


double bedrooms – light and generously sized shared rooms with a personal study area. The rooms are designed to include plenty of storage space and contemporary shelving.


bathrooms – these will be modern and bright for shared usage. To provide the privacy girls deserve, we are also including in the design some private bathroom spaces.


dens/snugs – for quiet time, relaxation, conversation, TV and listening to music at evenings and weekends.


common room – for all The 6 community, day girls and boarders alike. Newspapers, magazines, comfortable seating space and a fully fitted kitchen – the common room will be the ‘heart of The 6’ where the community comes together at break or lunchtime.


staff flats – first-rate staff, who are also academic teachers, will be housed within The 6, available to support the girls with guidance when needed.


… a gathering place for day girls and boarders to socialise, relax and support each other and where The 6 identity is formed.

The 6 Our educational and pastoral philosophy for The 6 is to encourage the girls to: et the most out of g every day evelop within d a collaborative academic community learn selfsufficiency appreciate difference form friendships and networks for life prepare confidently for their adult lives

Be part of The 6 We invite you to help ‘Create the Future’ for St Catherine’s by giving to The 6 Campaign. The 6 will benefit day-girls and boarders and generations of girls to come. Working with Architects IID – designers of the Anniversary Halls and the Speech Hall Library, we are planning an opening date of Autumn 2019. We need to raise £750,000 to contribute to The 6. The building will be funded by your generosity and reserves income. Your support is crucial to the Campaign’s success and the future long-term development of the School. You can help The 6 community thrive now and into the future.

Your support of The 6 You can choose how to give – monthly, annually or as a one-off donation. You can choose to remain anonymous or be recognised for your support. All gifts, of whatever size, are of value to the Campaign. You may wish to make your gift to a specific part of The 6 Campaign.

Name a space as part of The 6 Campaign There are limited opportunities to name spaces. The girls themselves will be identifying inspirational women who have had an impact on society. The double bedrooms will be named after these women and you will have the opportunity to select a room to sponsor. Naming opportunities


Double Bedrooms Accessible Bed/Bathroom The Bathrooms Den/Snugs The Laundry/Drying Area The Entrance Foyer The Common Room

£6,000 £16,000 £16,000 £16,000 £26,000 £26,000 £36,000

Available 40 1 8 2 1 1 1

Making your gift worth more As a UK taypayer and a higher-rate tax payer your donation might be worth more than you think and cost you less than you think. Here’s how: Donation

£6,000 £16,000 £60,000 £160,000 £600,000

With Gift Aid value

£7,500 £20,000 £75,000 £200,000 £750,000

Cost to you

£4,125 £11,000 £41,250 £110,000 £412,500

Cost per year over 3 years

£1,375 £3,666 £13,750 £36,666 £137,500

Gift Aid adds 25% to your donation. As a higher rate taxpayer you can reclaim the difference between the 20% and the 45% tax rate, thus reducing the actual cost to you of your donation as shown here.

If you are based in China or Hong Kong we have a Foundation through which you can give and ensure you receive the tax benefits.


… peaceful study bedrooms where the girls’ support each other and make friends for life.

Yes, I would like to support The 6 To provide a modern, vibrant community and living space for The 6 and help Create the Future at St Catherine’s.

I would like to make a gift to The 6 of: £

Yes, I would like to name a space with my gift:† Double Bedroom......................£6,000

I would like my gift to be acknowledged as: (eg. Mrs

Accessible Bed/Bathroom.....£16,000 The Bathrooms........................£16,000


Den/Snug(s).............................£16,000 The Laundry/Drying Area......£26,000

I prefer to remain anonymous Please add my gift to The 6 Campaign Fund

The Entrance Foyer.................£26,000 The Common Room...............£36,000 †

Should the space you select no longer be available, you’ll be contacted to discuss your preferences.

Now please turn over and complete your details and your preferred method of payment. Thank you

My gift details Title

I would like to make my gift in instalments


I would like to make a gift of


per month for

£ Postcode Country

year(s) totalling £ /

Start date


Instruction to your bank: Please pay

Email I will donate by:

St Catherine’s Development Fund, Lloyd’s Bank, 147 High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3AG. Account: St Catherine’s Development Fund Sort code: 30 93 74 Account No. 00862308

heque – payable to: St Catherine’s C Development Fund – The 6

Account Holder(s)

B ACS – Please use your first and last name as a reference

Name of Bank

O nline – via BTDonate from the St Catherine’s School website under ‘Development’


V ia The Hong Kong Foundation for Charities Ltd – www.hongkongfoundationforcharities Postcode

Make your gift worth even more with Gift Aid

Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today and in the future. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax/and or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Signature(s) Date


Account No: -

Sort Code:


Signed Date



I am happy for St Catherine’s to contact me by email.

Thank You


I am not a UK tax payer so I can not Gift Aid.

Please return your gift and the whole of this form to: The Development Director, St. Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF.

Registered Charity Number 1070858

St. Catherine’s School

Get in touch Pippa Carte, Development Director 00 (44) 1483 899754 St. Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF

Registered Charity Number 1070858

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