St Catherine's, Bramley - Impact of Giving Report, 2018-19

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2018 - 2019

St Catherine’s, Bramley

Welcome to The Impact of Giving Report Together with my fellow Governors, I am deeply committed to the advancement of St Catherine’s and your daughter’s fulfilment of her potential. We are charged with a great responsibility in securing and stewarding philanthropic support across the generations to ensure St Catherine’s remains at the forefront of education. Private philanthropy provided the resources to establish St Catherine’s in 1885 and continues to make a significant difference to the School, contributing to the creation of the Chapel, the Centenary Building, the John Palmer Centre and the wonderful Anniversary Halls. Governors, parents, alumnae, staff, girls and friends of St Catherine’s have made their mark and contributed to making St Catherine’s the unique School of which we are all very proud. Between 2008 and 2012, £2.1m in gifts to the Anniversary Halls have enriched the girls’ drama, music and sports performance immeasurably and have provided a best-of-breed, multidisciplinary educational facility. In 2017, we launched our campaign to Create the Future at St Catherine's and our ambitious fundraising campaign aims to raise £3m in support of further development. We are committed to preparing our girls for the future and this summer building of The 6 began. The 6 will provide modern boarding accommodation and a vibrant space for the whole Sixth Form where girls will develop their independence in preparation for life after school. Imagination, creative thinking and problem-solving are critically important to the girls’ futures and these skills will be nurtured in the Art & MakerSpace, a redevelopment of the John Palmer Centre. A spirit of enquiry, investigation and experimentation will be encouraged in the CATalyst – a new science, maths, digital learning and library space in the heart of the Senior School. Our girls already live and work in a global, complex and highly technological world and this project will be key to preparing them for success in their chosen careers. I am proud of the progress we have made and the difference we are making collectively on all fronts. Your generosity, with gifts totalling £1.2m to date, together with the School’s carefully managed finances and loans, will enable us to invest £23.5m in St Catherine’s School between 2019 and 2023. I wish to offer my sincere thanks to all those who have already donated. You are making a real difference to the educational opportunities of St Catherine’s girls today and in generations to come. I have every confidence that we can reach our fundraising goal. Your collective generosity, including that provided by our very active Prep and Senior School PTAs, continues to transform the School and demonstrates your belief in our pupils and the achievements of St Catherine’s. I hope you will all, as you are able, join us on the journey to Create the Future at St Catherine’s. Thank you.

Albert Alonzo Parent of alumnae of 2004 & 2006 Chair, Development Committee

Development Committee Governors Albert Alonzo Former Parent John Blauth Former Parent Karen Farrell Former Parent Peter Martin Former Parent and Chairman of the Board of Governors Dr Janet McGowan Alumna (1970) Jonathan Tippett Chair of Finance Committee Denis Ulyet Chair of the Estates and Buildings Committee

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ William Butler Yeats

From the Director of Development Your support is enabling the realisation of a bold vision. The St Catherine’s School community has achieved so much through philanthropy and it is my pleasure to report to you our key achievements over the past year. A culture of parental support over the decades has enabled St Catherine’s School to offer pupils the chance to succeed and flourish. Whilst parents can, of course, expect fees to provide an excellent standard of education, your generous gifts to the School allow us to invest in the School’s facilities and the girls’ educational opportunities. It has been a busy year! We have held a range of engagement events and information sessions – at Speech Day, Open Mornings, Grandparents' Day and on Foundation Day. We have invited parents and alumnae to events, drop-in sessions and individual briefings to learn more about Development, our Campaigns and the positive impact they will have on the education of our girls. We’ve celebrated the opening of the Prep School Soundscape, a creative and vibrant reimagining of the old music room; Sixth Form girls have made a film to share with their families, a glimpse of Sixth Form life; and the walk-through film of The 6 is available on the website, as is a wealth of information about the Create the Future vision. Here, we are posting photos of The 6 build as it happens, so that you can join in the excitement. We continue to host a series of dinners with current parents to share our plans for Create the Future and, as we name rooms in The 6 after inspirational women, we are delighted to be welcoming Professor Beverley McKeon Reynolds, alumna 1992, back to school for an ‘In Conversation with …' event. Professor Beverley McKeon Reynolds, now Professor of Aeronautics at The Californian Institute of Technology and a world-renowned expert in experimental and theoretical fluid mechanics, is a shining example of achievement in the STEM arena and we are pleased and proud to name a room in The 6 in her honour. Thank you for your splendid support. We know and appreciate that families and alumnae have different capacities to contribute and are thrilled that so many have chosen to invest in the power of education and specifically a St Catherine’s education. A gift to St Catherine’s changes lives and its impact continues for many decades. We invite the whole community to join the campaign to Create the Future. Let us go on …..

Pippa Carte Development Director

In Support of Giving “Our gift is a total pleasure and a small token of appreciation for such an amazing school and for being so great with our two girls.” Parent and supporter of Create the Future “I would never have got to Liverpool University without St Catherine’s." Andrea, Year of 2012, now studying Medicine “Ever since I used my first Bunsen burner in the Prep School I have been excited by science. As I study for my BSc in Biomedical Sciences I am thinking of all those girls who will be inspired by being able to learn in The CATalyst – a space dedicated to science. I’m sure the combination of their energy together with specialist resources will send many more women out into the world of science. I can’t wait to visit.” Alice, Year of 2017, Biomedical Sciences Student, Exeter University “My daughter is a boarder. She has made impressive improvements, from academic to personal development since she came to St Catherine’s. In these, I see the great efforts of the School. As an overseas parent, I choose the more practical means of adding to these efforts – a recurring donation, though humble, to St Catherine’s.” Mr W, Parent “I support the Bursary Fund, so that St Catherine’s can help more girls have an outstanding educational experience.” Mr S, Parent “I feel St Catherine’s is part of my DNA. I’m pleased to be able to give back. I know other young women will benefit, too, from my incredible School. It’s been great reconnecting with old friends and teachers through the Association and feeling part of School once again.” Mrs B, Year of 1974, Alumna

‘I feel St Catherine’s is part of my DNA’

Mrs B, Alumna, Year of 1974

‘ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’ Benjamin Franklin

Create the Future Your commitment to Create the Future has already been remarkable. Create the Future focuses on building new teaching and learning spaces where creativity, experimentation and innovative thinking join together. Academic disciplines will coalesce to unleash our pupils’ skills and talents. At the time of writing, Governors, staff, parents, alumnae and friends have contributed over £1.2m to the campaign target of £3m. Some have chosen to mark their contribution by naming specific rooms, a science laboratory or a bedroom in The 6. Others have decided to remain anonymous, either indefinitely or until their daughters have reached the end of their school career. Still others have given in memory of a friend or relative. There will also be opportunities to be recognised in the Art & Makerspace, the next exciting phase of our development. Keep an eye on the website for more news of how you can join the community of support.

The CATalyst The 6 Create the Future Vision


Wherever their futures take them, our girls will need scientific literacy and imagination to become creative problem-solvers and informed critical thinkers in the 21st Century. Thank you for your support.

Art & MakerSpace

Why I chose to give When you pay for your daughter’s education, each payment of fees gives her access to inspirational teaching and the amazing facilities of St Catherine’s School for a defined period of time. Each and every day of that period our daughters benefit from the long history of benefactors that stretches from the school’s founders through to those parents who invested in the Centenary Building, and more recently in the Anniversary Halls. Those benefactors did more than just pass through the school, ‘renting’ the facilities for a short period of time. They invested, and in the process became more committed, engaged and aligned with the ethos and history of the institution. They became more like 'owners' by helping to build up the assets of the school. It’s fine to just pass through the school, but if you have the ability to do more than that, then I think it could be argued that there is a moral obligation to do so, to follow others in continuing to contribute to the pool of assets that makes St Catherine’s so special. A St Catherine’s parent and donor to the Create the Future Campaign

Bursar y Fund We remain committed to widening access at St Catherine’s. Our Bursary programme remains a priority alongside the capital investment planned. We are most grateful to those who choose to give bright girls with ability and potential the opportunity of a St Catherine’s education. Not only have you changed a girl’s life chances, but you have also helped create a more diverse and richer School community. We would like to thank all our supporters this year who have contributed to the Bursary programme.

A n n u al Fu nd Gifts to the Annual Fund allow us to enhance the educational experience for all girls. Your support enriches the teaching at St Catherine’s through the addition of exceptional educational equipment and improvements to the learning environment. A highlight of your support this year has been the opportunity to subscribe to Digital Theatre +. This fabulous online resource gives girls and staff unlimited access to some of the world's finest productions, unique backstage insights, practitioner interviews and written analysis. Many of the plays are studied as curriculum texts while others give girls the opportunity to explore directorial decisions, set design, performance techniques and interviews with cast members. Outside the English and Drama departments, girls will gain inspiration for set design and construction in Design Technology, and costume design and making in Textiles. Thank you for this generous gift, which will enhance the girls’ learning experience across many areas of their school life.

Gifts from Wills This year we have received a pledge in support of music as well as a gift to The CATalyst in memory of a much loved friend of the school. We remain indebted to the generous contributions of alumnae, staff and friends who choose to give in this way to secure the School’s future. We’ve been delighted to plant trees in the School grounds acknowledging these gifts.

The Gift of Education If you were at St Catherine’s or you daughter is currently enjoying the school, you can give another girl the chance to: n be inspired by exceptional teachers n find and develop her own interests n believe in her own ability

Girls shining bright thanks to Bursar y support “ St Catherine’s helped me build on my potential and opened my eyes to future opportunities. It has provided an incredible stepping-stone for me.” Mari-Liis, Year of 2015 Durham, 2:1 in English Literature Working in media & communications

n fulfil her potential. Giving an education to a girl with real potential but without financial means: n changes her life and her life chances n creates a more diverse School community n contributes to the long-term social mobility of a family n changes the world as educated women take their place in society.

“ St Catherine’s gave me everything I have now. It taught me how to learn and how to think. My potential was drawn out and I was encouraged to believe in myself.” Andrea, Year of 2012 Studying Medicine, Liverpool University

Help us Create the Future We need to raise £3m from the School Community to contribute to the £23.5m overarching investment by the school. Your philanthropic generosity, in addition to reserves income and loan finance, will enable us to Create the Future for St Catherine’s girls today and tomorrow. The faster we raise the money, the quicker the dream becomes reality.

Textiles and the Culinary Arts will join the other Creative Arts in new bright studios. We will extend the photographic studio, incorporating Apple Mac and IT tools for digital design, and provide a dedicated modern creative space for Sixth Form students. The 6 is a vibrant boarding house and a social space where all Sixth Form girls can relax. We are replacing our outdated boarding accommodation with a bright new space made up of generous boarding rooms, modern bathroom facilities and a spacious common room for The 6 community. The 6 will bring together day girls and boarders and be a complementary space to the Speech Hall Library, which the girls enjoy for their quiet, academic study.

Providing an inspirational space to meet the aspirations of our bright girls to become the coders, engineers and geneticists of the future, The CATalyst will be dedicated to science, technology, maths, digital learning and independent research. The CATalyst will replace the current 1960s West Block building where science, maths and home economics are currently taught. The Sciences will find a new home in the heart of the school and collaborative working and debate will flourish in shared lab spaces. It is our vision that The CATalyst will have an impact beyond school, too, as we work with local partner schools to support science teaching at Prep and Senior level. We are planning a Community Lab, STEM Residentials and Science Camps while looking to collaborate with businesses, the Surrey Research Park and the University of Surrey on these programmes.

The future begins here

The Art and MakerSpace will combine Art, Photography, DT, Ceramics, Textiles and History of Art in a single enhanced and enlarged space. This will enable us to adapt the much-loved John Palmer Centre to create new rooms for teaching and creative exploration as well as a versatile new gallery space.

Summary of your generosity




Governors/ Staff and Friends

Parent Teacher Association




3% Past Parents

4% Both Prep and Senior School Parents

Prep School Parents


74 %

Senior School Parents


Parent Teacher Association

31 %

Governors/ Staff and Friends

13 %

Prep School Parents

27 %

Senior School Parents

11 %


12 %

Past Parents

5% Both Prep and Senior School Parents

Summary of your generosity


We would like to thank all the donors who have generously supported our campaigns during the past two years.

Donor Roll

Donors Create the Future

The 6

Mr and Mrs Beabey Mr John Blauth - Governor The Carte Farthing Family The Chan Family The Fleming Family – In memory of Penny Fleming Alison Graham The Harlow Family Brigadier Matthew Lowe - Governor The Martin Family Mr Peter Martin – Chairman of Governors Dr Janet McGowan - Governor The Panter Family Dr Alison Paterson The Pink Family The Wong Family The Waller Family Mr and Mrs P Yung The Senior School PTA and six anonymous donors

The Ahl-Chen Family Mr and Mrs Appleton Miss Naomi Bartholomew The Chan Family Greg and Sarah Chiappini The Eric-Udorie Family Mrs C Foord Mr Gaunt and Mrs Marciuk Mrs Fiona Haywood The Hobday Family The MacGregor Family The Nixon Family The Oyeleye Family Mrs Alice Phillips Veronica Povey  Mr and Mrs R Price Simon Roberts  Mr P Wong and Ms L Chen The Wilcockson Family Ms Deannie Yew and six anonymous donors

The Catalyst Dr B M F Brown Mr Richard Brown Dr and Mrs Michael, Jordan Mr and Mrs Mallin-Jones - In memory of Dr V J Cowie Prof Beverley McKeon The McKeon Family Mrs Elizabeth Tippett The Wong Family and six anonymous donors

The Art & MakerSpace Karen, Helena and Isabella Farrell The Panter Family

Soundscape, 2018-19

Mr and Mrs Bache Miss Naomi Bartholomew The Bateman Family Ms Julia Blackstock Mr and Mrs Cater Mrs Elizabeth Chalwin Mrs Penny Crouch - Governor Mr B Epshtein and Mrs T Epshteyn Mrs D Gauvain Mr and Mrs Glenn Carol Kemm Ms S Knights QC Miss V Povey Mrs A Pymble Mr J Tippett - Governor Mrs Gillian Wood and an anonymous donor

The Burns Family The Brooks Family The Crichton Family The Carte Farthing Family The Harlow Family The Kemkers Family Lesley McLaren The Orr Family Hannah and Ellie Pilkington The Richards Family The Ruhland Family The Whitmarsh Family The Prep School PTA and one anonymous donor

Our thanks to the Prep and Senior School PTA The Annual Fund, 2018-19 Dr Paula Atkins Mrs P Brooks Jill Cochrane Mr A Crowe Mrs Alice Phillips The Senior School PTA

The Hardship Fund, 2018-19 Mr M Annable Mr G Beremovich Mr P Jarvis Mr M Large K Marthaler Rev N Morgan Mr B Spektor The Vega Family and one anonymous donor

The PTA are generous in their philanthropy and support of the whole School community. Funds raised at social activities are reinvested in the School. This year the Senior School PTA has kindly provided sports and dance equipment amongst other gifts and also made a wonderful pledge of £25,000 to The 6 kitchen. As the PTA contributes hugely to the sense of community among St Catherine’s parents so too is it helping to create what will be the beating heart of The 6 community. The Prep School PTA made a very generous donation to the Soundscape, allowing the girls to transport themselves into an orchestra and explore the exciting world of podcasting, radio production and editing.

Donor Roll

The Bursary Fund, 2018-19

Donor Roll

The Bursary Fund, 2017-18 Mr and Mrs Bache Miss Naomi Bartholomew Mr and Mrs S Cater Mrs Elizabeth Chalwin Mrs M Courage Mrs Penny Crouch - Governor Mr B Epshtein and Mrs T Epshteyn Mrs Rita Farrer Mrs D Gauvain Mr and Mrs Tracy Glenn Mr J Hayward Ms S Knights QC Mr and Mrs R MacGregor Veronica Povey Mrs A Pymble Mrs Christine Silver Mr J Tippett - Governor Mrs Gillian Wood Ms Deannie Yew and an anonymous donor

The Annual Fund, 2017-18 Ms Pippa Carte Mrs A Crowe Mr J Martin Mrs Ula Oakley Mrs E Parkman Mrs Alice Phillips R J Pierce Mrs R Raymond Mr and Mrs Tauwhere

The Hardship Fund, 2017-18 K Marthaler and an anonymous donor

St Catherine’s, Bramley

Join the community of support Pippa Carte, Development Director 00 (44) 1483 899754 St. Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 0DF Reg. Charity No: 1070858 A Company Limited by Guarantee Reg. No: 3596520

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