ISI Inspection | Executive Summary | St Catherine's, Bramley

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Leaders and staff successfully encourage pupils to develop a love of learning and to develop the ability to think creatively and independently.

ISI Report


The Department for Education is the regulator for independent schools in England. The Independent School’s Inspectorate (ISI) is appointed by the Secretary of State for Education to inspect schools in England which are members of the Independent Schools Council.

In September 2023, the Inspectorate confirmed that School inspections would no longer result in an overall judgement ie. Excellent, Good etc but rather focus on nuanced reporting.

The Inspection of St Catherine’s in October 2023, in the first three weeks of the new Framework for Inspection, judged the School to have succeeded in meeting all the Standards assessed:

1. Leadership, management and governance

2. The quality of pupil education, training and recreation

3. Pupil’s physical, mental health and emotional wellbeing

4. Pupil’s social and economic education and contribution to society

5. Safeguarding

As well as visiting the School for 48 hours in early October, the Inspectors also reviewed surveys from parents, guardians, staff and all girls age 9 to 18.

Over 2,600 members of our community were invited to share their views, opinions and experience of School life with the Inspectors. This provided a more granular and personal perspective, extending their knowledge beyond that of the inevitable ‘snap-shot’ experience of a short visit in person.

Through successful Inspection, St Catherine’s continues to be accredited by the Independent Schools Council. For more information on ISI visit

To read the full ISI Report please visit

We are pleased to share with you the outcome of St Catherine’s recent inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Not only was the School judged by the Inspection Team to two which we are incredibly proud to have

Our comprehensive, inspiring and highly successful

Significant Strengths are awarded very selectively by ISI; they are based on evidence and identified in comparison with other School offerings. We are delighted that the School has been recognised in this way (see overleaf for more detail). The recommendation attests to the School’s academic teaching, high standards, stretch and challenge, and, in line with the intention of the new framework supports the spirit of continuous development for which the School always strives: ‘Leaders should ensure that all teaching in the senior school adopts the most engaging aspects of the majority of lessons to ensure that pupils are consistently stretched and

The Inspectors expertise as leaders of Prep and Senior schools, experts in Boarding and Sixth Form education, enabled them to grasp quickly the unique nature of a

We, and the Governors of St Catherine’s, are of course enormously proud of our incredible community; the girls, our parents, guardians, teachers, support staff and alumnae make St Catherine’s the warm, welcoming, exciting and aspirational community we all enjoy. Our report from the Inspectorate is a wonderful endorsement of that community and we have

their visit to the School. Their recognition of St Catherine’s

particularly pleasing. We know these to be major features of the education we are proud to offer alongside a rigorous academic education where continual review of teaching and

The Governors are proud of the commitment and dedication development of their students which is recognised in the


Senior leaders’ vision, developed over a number of years, has enabled extensive opportunities to support pupils’ learning and personal development across the curriculum.

Governors ensure that those with leadership and management responsibilities have appropriate skills and knowledge, and fulfil their responsibilities effectively so that the requirements of the relevant standards and statutory guidance are met consistently.

Leaders ensure that the School promotes principles of equality through and established ethos of respectful and fair treatment of all pupils.


Pupils across the ability range and from all phases of the School are confident, focused and motivated to learn.

Leaders ensure that pupils have access to a broad curriculum, including an effective and wide ranging extra-curricular programme. As a result, pupils develop a love of learning.

Subject-specialist teachers are passionate about their subjects and demonstrate strong subject knowledge across all areas including in the Prep School.

Pupils make good progress in lessons and over time and perform well in external examinations.

Through the academic mentoring programme, pupils receiving additional learning support consistently make progress in line with their peers.


Leaders create a safe and healthy environment in which the wellbeing of pupils is paramount, enabling pupils to enjoy their education and to thrive personally.

Pupils develop their self-knowledge, selfconfidence and self-esteem as well as strategies to protect their own physical and mental wellbeing.

Pupils throughout the School know who to turn to with problems and they speak highly of the support they receive from adults, including pastoral staff who are well supported by professional counsellors and psychologists.

Staff are actively available to offer support across all areas of School life, including in boarding.

Pupils feel that any instances of less positive behaviour towards others are dealt with quickly and effectively. Pupils have a good understanding of right and wrong, and know what constitutes unacceptable behaviour, including online.

Please find below direct extracts from the ISI Report. The full report can be found at


Pupils find the distinctive extra-curricular offer supports their sense of wellbeing.

Pupils look forward to and enjoy an extensive range of opportunities to develop their confidence and a sense of belonging through an enriching extra-curricular programme. Leaders ensure pupils can choose from a suitable balance of activities to meet a wide range of interests.

Leaders ensure that the School promotes principles of equality through an established ethos of respectful and fair treatment of all pupils.

Inclusion is well-managed by leaders and staff, resulting in pupils across the School recognising and supporting School initiatives.


Leadership of the well organised boarding provision ensures boarders are kept physically safe, and are encouraged to develop skills of independence, selfreliance and confidence.

Leaders have ensured that the boarding experience enables pupils to develop a strong sense of belonging and pupils appreciate the support they receive both academically and pastorally.

Senior boarders who are positive role models take on responsibilities to ensure younger boarders settle in well and subject mentors provided academic support for pupils in the boarding houses.

Music and drama performances are regular features of the school year. Sport is a strong aspect of pupils’ lives, and they speak positively about the regular opportunities they have to engage in competitive fixtures, tournaments and festivals.

Use of outdoor spaces, availability of recreational activities and a promotion of fitness enable pupils to develop strong physical development within a healthy lifestyle.

In the Sixth Form, pupils opt for non-examined subsidiary subjects to enrich their experiences … to study additional languages, develop their culinary skills, or build a sports car from scratch.


Pupils are empowered to take responsibility for the next steps in their lives through the support of a comprehensive, inspiring and highly successful careers programme for pupils in Year 5 and 6 in the Prep School and throughout the Senior School.

The high-quality support provided for senior pupils applying to university is strong and includes a system where sixth-form pupils are buddied with former pupils currently studying at the pupils’ first choice universities.

Leaders have successfully created opportunities for girls to connect with a network of over 8,500 former and current parents, staff and alumnae. This network is a powerful tool that is actively utilised to benefit the current girls with access of ‘Uni Buddies’ and extensive career connections, mentoring and guidance.

To read more about our Significant Strengths, the full ISI report can be found at

We are not privy to the Inspection Questionnaire feedback which is confidential, of course, to the Inspectors. Here however are recent testimonials provided by parents and alumnae. To view the Destination of Leavers visit

We’ve seen our girls thrive, their abilities growing in step with increased confidence. The School effectively blends being academic yet nurturing.  A real selling point is the specialist teachers and incredible facilities shared with the Senior School. There is a strong sense of parent - School partnership, the teachers know every girl and care for her as an individual. The girls also look after each other, the older girls taking responsibility to care for and support the younger ones, sharing their skills and School experience. The sense of community is wonderful - from listening to Informal Concerts and joining PTA social events, to offering careers talks to Senior girls - the community is welcoming, supportive and valuable.  We would recommend St Catherine’s with confidence.

Dr and Mrs Lowe, Current Parents

We have come back down to earth now after the immense anticipation and excitement of (the GCSE exam results) yesterday! This really goes to all her teachers; we would like to send heartfelt thanks to St Catherine’s for the incredible teaching, guidance and support that she has received over the last three years, which has enabled her to do so well. Eight 9s and two 8s - over the moon doesn’t cover it! A 9 in History, being her favourite subject, was a personal goal too. She is really happy and really looking forward to The 6. St Catherine’s has been all about building our daughter’s self-belief whilst giving her access to so many wonderful and diverse opportunities. A few years ago she may have held back or hesitated, and now we see her throwing herself into literally everything she can - Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Philanthropy, school plays, netball, lacrosse, fundraising, House events; it’s so great to see this.

Mr and Mrs Martin, Current Parents

Our daughter has thoroughly enjoyed her first year at St Catherine’s and is often excited to be back in school after weekends and school holidays.  She has made a lot of new friends, learnt to be more independent and is happy with her school. As parents, we are relieved, knowing that the school suits her and we look forward to many more happy years as she progresses through the school.

Mr and Mrs Araga, Current Parents

I am extremely grateful to have learned some important lessons at St Catherine’s that have shaped who I am today. Allow me to share these with you in 5 words, they are: Identity, Confidence, Humility, Resilience and Adaptability.

Xylona Lam, Alumna Year of 2013

From the very first term, St Catherine’s has offered both girls the individual support, challenges and opportunities each has needed to thrive. The staff have been exceptional at tailoring their pastoral and academic support to each of our daughters; their dedication in finding the right approach for each child throughout their time at the school is a hallmark of their desire to achieve the best for each of their pupils. The ethos and outward-looking community spirit of the school have helped prepare our daughters not only for life at senior school, but for life outside of school, and for that we are immensely thankful.

Mr and Mrs Mallin-Jones, Current Parents

The school’s greatest strength is the sense of confidence it imbues in its pupils. St Catherine’s girls leave the school with a sense that there is nothing they cannot do or achieve if they put their mind to it. Whether in sport, studies, music or drama they are taught to aim high and believe in themselves.

Mrs Thompson, Current Parent

The School creates kind, well-rounded girls, who are ready for life and the workplace but with a true sense of belonging.

Mr and Mrs Forsyth, Current Parents

My daughter enjoys the Prep School and I am really pleased with how well the first year has gone.  Her reading, writing and counting have all improved.  Huge thanks to Miss Jefford and the team for helping her reach her potential.

Mrs Jones, Current Parent

It is St Catherine’s that has faultlessly supported and encouraged our daughter to develop her strength of mind, moral courage, perseverance, intellectual curiosity, humour in the face of adversity and generosity of spirit. We are not sure any more could have been asked for from a school and we know that the indelible mark that St Catherine’s has made on her is one that she will be very proud and privileged to wear for the rest of her life.

Mr and Mrs Brown, Past Parents of a 2023 alumna

Both our daughters have thrived in the Prep School; two very different individuals who have loved their time at school, become independent learners and grown to be confident girls ready to embrace their next chapters.

I know that it’s a whole team that support the St Cat’s  journey for any family, as we all know it takes a village to raise a child, but I wanted to take a moment to recognise you Miss Bartholomew.  The leadership that you bring to that team. As a figurehead you inspire not only your team, but the girls as well to become independent, confident individuals with kindness at their core.

Mrs Bride, Current Parent

Our daughter has loved every moment of her studies at St Catherine’s, making friends from the start and enthusiastically participating in the rough and tumble of competitive team games, especially Lacrosse and Netball. Whilst of course an important part of the success of St Catherine’s stems from the wonderful facilities on offer, nonetheless even more important will surely have been the excellent academic and pastoral support the school provides; any routine difficulties which may have arisen in day-to-day school life have been swiftly resolved, meaning that our daughter’s studies have progressed apace from the outset, particularly in Latin, Maths and the Sciences.

Perhaps the most impressive benefit of her time at St Catherine’s, however, has been her progress in art and music thanks to the outstanding support and encouragement provided by both these departments. She has steadily improved in confidence and performance skills at a number of challenging orchestral events and cello recitals, whilst at the same time hugely enjoying her work in the art department, where she has made impressive advances with composition in both watercolours and acrylics. Viva St Catherine’s, for a true Renaissance Education!

Mr and Mrs Norris, Current Parents

The academic teaching at St Catherine’s is outstanding and the results are excellent, but it is the whole rounded, varied and, dare I say, FUN (what other school has the whole school, including head, taking part in a spy game??), holistic offering that really sets this school apart. Our daughter is absolutely thriving academically (evidenced in her recent results), but more importantly her social confidence and her personal, creative, music and sporting talents are being developed and celebrated. She is having more fun than one could ever imagine with the various after school activities, sports squads, orchestra, band and trips that she has been involved in, and has made the most wonderful supportive friends.

Ms McDonald, Current Parent

To register for an Open Event to see St Catherine’s Prep and Senior School in action, please visit:


Clare Woodgates, Senior School Registrar | +44 (0)1483

St Catherine’s Senior School Station Road, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0DF


Sarah Waller, Prep School Registrar | +44 (0)1483

St Catherine’s Prep School Station Road, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0AY


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