Independent School's Inspectorate - Inspection Report October 2016

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St Catherine’s Bramley

Independent Schools’ Inspectorate Inspection Report October 2016

“By the time they leave school, they are able to think critically, have high aspirations and a self-belief that there are few things that they cannot achieve.”

We are delighted to send you this copy of the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s report on St Catherine’s, Bramley. St Catherine’s was visited in October, 2016, in the first week of a pilot programme for a new inspection framework. We were privileged to be part of this new approach as the inspection focused on three key areas that we both believe make for a successful school: Pupil Achievement, Personal Development and Regulatory Compliance. The Inspectors reviewed the Quality of Education in the School by observing many aspects of school life and how these contribute to two key elements: the Achievement of the girls – academic and extra-curricular - and their Development: personal, social, spiritual, leadership, career aspirations etc. In both areas the judgement was Excellent. The Inspection Team also made a rigorous check of all the Regulatory requirements of independent schools that are set by the Department for Education and we are pleased to report that we are fully compliant with those stringent regulations. Wherever the inspectors went, from PPI (Early Years Foundation Stage/EYFS) to U6, and from Day to Boarding, they encountered girls and staff who were proud to represent their school and speak warmly about its collegiate approach to education. They also reported on a record number of responses to the Parent Questionnaire which provided very supportive feedback. A recurring theme of the ISI Report is that of the close teamwork between the girls and their teachers and the positive role modelling that is replicated across both schools – Prep and Senior – by adults to girls and older girls to their younger peers. This is a report of which everyone in the whole school community can, again, be justifiably proud: girls, teachers, support staff, governors, parents and alumnae. It goes without saying that this makes us both extremely proud, too, who have the privilege of leading St Catherine’s on a daily basis. Experiencing at first hand the commitment of everyone involved in this community is energising and inspiring. We hope you will enjoy reading the full reports. “Let us go on …”

Mrs Alice Phillips Headmistress

Miss Naomi Bartholomew Head of the Preparatory School

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A Selection of Key Findings ... ZZ Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary and they enjoy a strong rapport with their teachers and peers. Teachers create an ambience of encouragement in which learning thrives. ZZ The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent. ZZ Children in EYFS make rapid progress .... Teaching ... demonstrates a clear understanding of how children learn, sets appropriately high expectations, gives exciting opportunities for independence in learning and is supported by excellent facilities. ZZ From the earliest years in the school, pupils develop an appreciation of the non-material aspects of life ... ZZ Staff have excellent rapport with pupils as do pupils with their peers. There is an instilled culture of celebrating success with each other in a friendly but respectful environment. ZZ Pupils report that boarding has helped immensely with their development of their own self-confidence and self esteem. ZZ ... excellent public exam results. Results in IGCSE examinations have been above worldwide norms ... results in GCSE examinations for the last two years were well above the national average for maintained schools. ZZ All Senior School pupils are academically well prepared for sixth form studies, and, consequently, a very large majority of them achieve offers from highly rated universities. ZZ There is a great desire to take on responsibility and help support others within the school community ... ZZ Pupils benefit from the outstanding balance that the school finds in supporting pupils’ achievements and their personal development.

St Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF t: +44 (01483) 899609 | e:

w w w. s t c a t h e r i n e s . i n f o

“Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary and they enjoy a strong rapport with their teachers and peers. Teachers create an ambience of encouragement in which learning thrives.”

“Let us go on ...” (Hebrews 6 v. 1)

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