Girls enjoying the lawns outside the Annniversary Halls - May 2021
U P DATE FROM TH E HEA D S Our relatively normal Summer Term began with the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and inevitably for this very proud D of E hub school where record numbers of girls attain awards at all levels, this merited marking. Our cover photo attests to his legacy in so many memories of expeditions, map-reading (well or less well!) and camping. One alumna, Claire Coleman (1995), now a journalist paid tribute to him and her St Cat’s experience in an article here: In School, exams have dominated: first Mocks, then final assessments for the public exam years, submission of grades by School in June, based on ‘baskets of evidence’. Girls and staff have been incredibly stoical and hard-working about this and we can rightly celebrate a wonderful array of university offers, despite Covid. The second half of term gave way to some much-needed fun and new iterations of Activities Week for Covid times, alongside the usual ‘rites of passage’ events for the Upper 6. It was a lovely relief to see their Leavers’ Photograph happen this year, and we added a new one later, in front of the roses on the Chapel wall. Last year's photo had to be created digitally. In March, Carly Brown (2009) returned to give the End Of Term Lecture and, in doing so, reminded me of her film of the School made throughout her U6 year, the first of what has now become The Leavers’ Video. It is a remarkable glance at a moment in time. I hope you all enjoy it. The link is in the End of Term Lecture article. Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew – Headmistresses
Tuesday 28th September 2021
Tuesday 21st September 2021
Thursday 21st October 2021
Wednesday 13th October 2021
Tuesday 23 November 2021
Friday 12th November 2021
Wednesday 26th January 2022
Friday 4th February 2022
Senior School Registrar – Clare Woodgates
Prep School Registrar – Sally Manhire
01483 899609
01483 899665
See also a wonderful array of online films and recorded prospective parents’ events on made during the Pandemic and featuring Middle School and Sixth From students talking about their school experiences.
Rosemary Munn
First Day of Term
Sun 19
11:30 – 14:00 Alumnae v U6 Lax Match
Sun 26th
14:00 – 17:00 Foundation Day Celebration A celebration of the founding of the school with chapel service, guest speaker and afternoon tea. This year is the 10th Anniversary of the Opening of the Anniversary Halls.
OCTOBER 2021 Sat 2nd
13:30 – 17:30 Year of 2011: 10 Year Reunion Lily Smith (Midleton) is coordinating their Year of 2011: 10 Year reunion at school with welcome drinks, tour of the school, 2 mini lessons and afternoon tea. Please contact if you wish to come.
NOVEMBER 2021 Fri 26th
19.30 – 22.00 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert Parents only but all can listen in via live stream on the website!
DECEMBER 2021 Thur 16th
End of Term
Mon 20th
18.30 - 20.00 Association Carols by Candlelight Chapel, All Welcome
The Christophers at work
Receiving their Wheel Award
We had waited a long time to be able to celebrate the official opening of the new School Archive Room in its new home in The Warren. Although all the items had been moved there in January 2019 as Phase 1 of the project culminating in the opening of The 6, lockdowns and Covid restrictions had meant that our two archivists, Richard and Rosemary Christophers, had been unable to visit us at St Catherine’s. Finally, in June, we were able to welcome them back to officially ‘cut the ribbon’ to the Archive Room: a new and carefully designed permanent home for the School’s growing collection of documents and artefacts. Rosemary Munn, or ‘Munski’ as she was known at school, left St Cat’s in 1960, having joined aged 4 years. For much of this time she lived in Broome, a house in Station Road now owned by the School and the home of some of our Resident Staff team. Rosemary went on to work at Woking Library and later Guildford County School before becoming School Archivist, while Richard had joined the British Museum Library and had a life-long career cataloguing the manuscripts and papers of the famous, including GK Chesterton and Laurence Olivier. He worked on the papers of historian and biographer, Antonia Fraser, and on those of poet, Wendy Cope, who has spoken at St Catherine’s. Rosemary and Richard’s research skills are amazing and have been instrumental in uncovering stories and adding to the history of St Catherine’s, working on projects covering Science, Boarding, the Roll of Honour from WW1 and even Pandemics of the past. However, it is their work on the history of the Chapel and the founders of the School that has had the most significant impact. When Julian Foord (Former Development Director) first discovered a connection between Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and one of the School’s founders’, Rt Hon George Cubitt, Lord Ashcombe, it was the Christophers’ thorough research into the family history which enabled Mrs Phillips to write and invite her to open the Anniversary Halls and the Speech Hall Library in 2014, after which she agreed to become Patron of St Catherine’s. Rosemary and Richard have helped bring the Archive alive with regularly changing displays for the girls to see. They trawl through the School’s memorabilia, selecting photos and artefacts to share, to help returning alumnae re-live their days at St Cat’s with many stories and much amusement. They also glean new items or papers from all over the world via their various networks and even eBay! More and more of the Archive is being digitalised under their watch and is now available to browse from the comfort of your own home. ( Thank you, Rosemary and Richard, for your contribution over many decades to St Catherine’s you are very worthy recipients of The St Catherine’s Wheel Award for Distinguished Service. We are truly grateful for all your years of outstanding work and dedicated, voluntary service to creating and maintaining our wonderful School Archive.
E N D O F TERM LEC T U R E S ANNA GIBBS (FRANCIS) (1997) We were delighted to welcome back for our Christmas End of Term Lecture, via Zoom, Anna Gibbs (Francis) (1997) to sprinkle some Disney magic. Anna is the Publicity Director (UK & EMEA) Disney Studios / Disney+ for The Walt Disney Company. Anna got her first taste for PR during her gap year when she secured a job with a film PR agency in Los Angeles. She continued to work in their London office whilst studying for her degree in Communications and French and went on to work for them for six years.
Anna Gibbs (1997) meets Minnie Mouse
For nearly six years at Disney her role has been to create a positive public image for the Disney brand and promote its films. Anna explained the ways to do this have increased greatly over the time she has been working and now includes influencers and social media as well as the traditional press avenues. She and her team organise numerous events and trips to promote new film releases, for example film premières around the world, or a trip to Kenya for influencers for the launch of The Lion King. There are long hours behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly, and you have to have a Plan A, B and C. Covid has turned everything on its head overnight, but they have been able to work successfully from home and do everything virtually. Disney + was launched in the Covid era in March 2020 and has been very successful as an alternative platform to launch films as cinemas were closed. Anna is very proud to head up the communications for Women at Disney which aims to empower women in all roles within Disney. She is also proud of the work Disney does with lots of children’s charities including Make A Wish and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Anna Gibbs (1997) on Zoom
There were numerous questions at the end of her presentation and we learned one of her favourite celebrities is Keanu Reeves and she loves the Disney animated films particularly Beauty and The Beast and Aladdin. Georgie Sharpe (U6) Association Prefect
Carly Brown (2009) giving her lecture
CARLY BROWN (2009) The Covid Testing Centre was quickly transformed back into the Auditorium Stage for the Spring End of Term Lecture with guest speaker Carly Brown (2009). Due to the regulations, only U6 girls were able to attend in person, but other year group bubbles tuned in from their Tutor Rooms via Zoom. Carly inspired them all with a fantastic talk about her career journey to becoming a film editor with over 10 years’ experience in broadcast TV and film. The girls loved seeing a clip from her very first attempt at ‘film making’ in 2009 with school friend Sarah David - “A Year in the Life of a St Cats U6”. From there she told us about her filming of historical dramas while at Southampton University reading English. As her post-uni career developed, it was fascinating to hear how she had moved from working as a camera woman covering major sports events around the world to working as Assistant Editor on high end drama like Misbehavioiur (Pathé feature film), The Crown and the film Belfast directed by Kenneth Branagh. Carly was frank about the challenges of working as a freelancer, life in the film/TV industry and how her passion for the sector continues to drive her very successful career. Please visit these links if you would like to view the 2009 video of “A Year in the Life of A St Cats U6” or view Carly’s Talk again …
Carly Brown (2009)
Stephanie Oh (U6) Association Prefect
‘Of course, these days we can all look up details about a famous person in whom we are interested, but it is another matter to be able to listen live to a son talking about his father’s life. I was fascinated by Richard Blair’s presentation and loved the photographs which illustrated his points and gave the whole experience an even more intimate feeling. It was a most enjoyable evening.’ Pat Canning (Friend)
‘A note to say thank you for organising the most interesting lecture on George Orwell last Wednesday. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it.’ Jane Bourne (1961)
Richard Blair with his father
Richard Blair
Undeterred by the Covid pandemic, we were delighted to welcome two inspiring speakers during the Spring and Summer terms to give online St Catherine’s Presents lectures. In March, Richard Blair, George Orwell’s son, gave a fascinating insight into the life and legacy of his father and the historical, cultural and political context of his novels. We were treated to family photographs and many personal memories, particularly of the period of his life on the remote Scottish island of Jura after his mother had died, and when Orwell was writing his masterpiece Nineteen Eighty-Four. Richard was keen to remind us all that although Orwell is often recalled as the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, he was also a prolific and perceptive essayist. Richard read selected examples from his work. Richard is Patron of the Orwell Society which we were delighted to support in honour of the event. Many thanks to Chris Skilbeck (current parent) who made the introduction to Mr Blair on our behalf, and to Ruby Skilbeck for her vote of thanks, representing the two years of GCSE pupils currently studying Nineteen Eighty-Four for their IGCSE examinations.
‘I am definitely going to get Anne Garrels two books Naked in Baghdad and Putin Country: A Journey into the Real Russia to hear more of her incredible memories and anecdotes.’ Current Parent
‘Wow, so many messages about how to live life, carpe diem and keep an open mind! Really inspiring!’ Current Pupil
Anne Garrels
‘I just wish I could have actually been there, to meet you, talk to Alice, the staff and the girls and see the dramatic changes. It was so great to hook up with Sara Davies again who for so many years was a close friend and truly brilliant. I hope my talk was indeed interesting ... helpful!’ Anne Garrels (1969)
Anne Garrels on Zoom from Connecticut
In June, Anne Garrels (1969) joined us live from Connecticut via Zoom to give a brilliant lecture on ‘A Life on the Front Line’. Anne shared with us her path from St Catherine’s to the warzone, and reflected on the power of courage, curiosity and resilience. For almost 25 years Anne was the senior foreign correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR) in the US, reporting from Russia and the other Soviet Republics, the former Yugoslavia, the Middle East, China, Mongolia and Iraq. Before joining NPR she was the Chief Correspondent in Moscow and Central America for ABC and the State Department Correspondent for NBC. Anne won a Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation in 2003 and in 2004 was awarded the George Polk Award for Radio Reporting for her coverage of the war in Iraq. Anne is a wonderful storyteller, making us laugh and cry at different anecdotes throughout her talk. Amelie Bridges (L6) Association Prefect
T WO VIRTUAL LONDON NET WORK EVENTS The London Network was established in 2016, primarily to support young alumnae – from graduation to early 30s – in building their careers. We recognised the opportunity to bring these alumnae and parents together in accessible venues in central London in which to mingle, connect and build new work-related contacts.
‘My thanks to Rosemary for being so open and honest about the challenges facing the theatre and wider industry. It is so hard for commercial organisations, as it is for those (like me) who work in the subsidised sector with the uncertainty as to when we can reopen and with what restrictions. It is very hard. But we stay positive!’ (Alumna 2009)
‘I found this particularly informative.
Managing interviews, interview techniques, and preparation for interviews is a huge part of the process of getting through the ‘gate keepers’, and Leonie certainly touched upon this very well. Huge well done to all, and many thanks.’
Dame Rosemary Squire
Dame Rosemary Squire on Zoom
Our first virtual London Network was held in late November with Dame Rosemary Squire (Former Parent), Chair of The London Network since its launch in 2016 and doyenne of the theatre world, talking about Managing Business in a Time of Uncertainty. A lunchtime slot was trialled and found to be popular by those tuning in. As co-founder, owner and CEO of Trafalgar Entertainment Group, Rosemary shared important lessons for anyone managing a business and the people that drive it forward. Hers is a multifaceted, global business, based on creative content, and comprising theatrical venues and productions, cinema, ticketing, education, live streaming of events and marketing arms. Rosemary’s aim was to keep the core of her business intact and be prepared to relaunch as soon as lockdown ended. So, raising equity from shareholders, taking advantage of government loan schemes and deferred payments, and furloughing staff all bought valuable time. In raising the money, she was also sharing the risk. This approach has enabled productions to go into rehearsal, venues to be refurbished, the education enterprise, Stagecoach, to go online and a move to make ticketing digital. Whilst Zoom and digital practices may feature postrecovery, Rosemary underlined the importance of live entertainment and the need to be there ‘in the moment’. Her upbeat and ‘can do’ approach was energising to all who joined the session.
(Former Parent)
Leonie Dorkins
‘I have attended a few of the previous
events in London and was so pleased to be able to log in to these talks which were both motivational and full of useful tips, especially for me as I was on furlough.’ (Alumna 2012)
Leonie Dorkins on Zoom
Following the success of our first ‘virtual’ London Network, we responded to people’s requests for another lunchtime event, and in February Leonie Dorkins (Current Parent) and VP HR of Europe & Emerging Markets at Gartner focused on Managing your Career in a Pandemic, giving valuable tips on coping in the work place during these uncertain times. She stressed how important it is to manage one’s personal ‘brand’ and to make the most of your profile on social media, as most companies recruiting staff look at someone’s whole profile on multiple levels, not just their CV. Leonie discussed the virtual working environment and acknowledged how particularly difficult it must be for the younger alumnae as new members of staff, to ‘network’ within a company, and learn ‘on the job’ when they are not in the office. In another section Leonie gave practical advice on finding internships, getting virtual work experience, and then how to tackle online interviews and testing. We are very grateful to Leonie for this really informative session which was particularly relevant in 2021!
A new series of early evening events with current and former staff giving virtual informal ‘lessons’ with a global reach. Art and cooking sessions as well as further book clubs are amongst the future events planned.
As a finalist in the BBC’s Best Home Cook series in 2018, and our very own Senior Teacher in Maths and Culinary Arts, we were delighted that Philip Friend launched this new initiative of virtual St Cat’s Chats in time for Christmas. A large Zoom audience was treated to an inspiring demonstration of making canapés. There were plenty of hints and detailed instructions along the way as well as suggested variations. Perhaps not surprisingly, given his previous TV experience, Philip was a natural in front of the camera and handled the Q & A session with his engaging style of relaxed good humour. He gave us tips on how to make the perfect Christmas meal: sprouts – ‘Whiffles of bacon, intoxicating! …It’s all about the bacon!’; perfect roast potatoes – ‘one of the joys is snaffling one several hours later…maybe dipping it into some cold gravy – guilty pleasure!’ and perfect gravy – ‘spritz of lemon juice at the end to add a little sharpness.’ His verdict on the turkey – ‘Having a whole turkey to carve: something quite majestic about it!’ If you’re vegetarian, he gave us ideas for a ‘veggie wellie’ (Wellington) with chestnuts, butternut squash, onions, parsnips and cranberries, and for an alternative pudding, he praised Delia Smith’s Christmas roulade, explaining hers was still his favourite Christmas cookbook!
Philip Friend on Zoom
We were so pleased that Jonathan Worthen (Head of English 2008-2020) agreed to host our first virtual Book Club on George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. With over 100 current and former pupils, parents, and staff registered to join the Zoom, Jonathan gave a fascinating insight into Orwell’s great novel, and why it is credited with being one of the most famous novels of the dystopian genre. In it, Orwell portrays the ‘perfect’ totalitarian society: the most extreme realisation imaginable of a modern-day government with absolute power. The reader experiences the nightmarish world that Orwell envisages through the eyes of the protagonist, Winston Smith. Jonathan expertly talked us through the historical and political background to Orwell’s novel, the clever use of language and symbolism, as well as an analysis of the various characters. Former students were delighted that Jonathan treated us to ‘in character’ readings from the novel, with a particularly chilling representation of Syme, who works at the Ministry of Truth with Winston. The Q & A session brought up further interesting discussions about Big Brother, Newspeak and Room 101. Many people wrote in to say how much they had enjoyed it and to ask for another Book Club in the future!
JONATHAN WORTHEN BOOK CLUB JANE AUSTEN: EMMA And so in June, Jonathan hosted another brilliant Book Club via Zoom. This time, he gave his thoughts and answered questions on Jane Austen’s Emma, a novel in which love reaches a gloriously happy culmination for three very different couples. His exploration of the novel was inspirational, and he gave wonderful readings from the text bringing the characters of Mr Woodhouse, Mrs Elton and Miss Bates in particular, to life for us, as well as a moving rendition of Mr Knightley’s final proposal to Emma – 'If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.' He responded to many questions including whether Emma is truly as Austen said, 'a heroine whom no one but myself will much like', the theme of social issues running through the novel, the relevance of Emma to today’s readers, and the best TV/film representation of Emma (BBC 1972 series if you’re interested!) We were left agreeing with Mr Worthen that Jane Austen’s Emma is a beautifully crafted novel and improves with each re-read!
Jonathan Worthen
‘What an amazing talk! I found the insight he brought to the novel’s characters was illuminating.’ (Current Grandparent)
The quotations on the left remind us of why those who have worked their way up through the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme, remember it with a strong loyalty and hold it in high regard.
‘When the death of Prince Philip was announced, the first thing I thought was how awful it must be for the Queen, but the second thing that sprung to mind was how I indirectly have him to thank for some of my most hilarious and fond memories of my schooldays.’ Claire Coleman (1995) Journalist
‘The skills of resilience, problemsolving, teamwork and tenacity were some of the most valuable we learned at St Cat's, and were totally worth all the blisters, wet socks, and tired legs!’ Emily Kinnon (Millard) (2010)
‘I started volunteering for Riding for the Disabled for my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award and I'm still doing it now, and have started fundraising for the charity too!’ (Current Pupil)
Independence, self-reflection, resilience, mindfulness of others, personal and team goals achieved – there are just so many lessons learned on the DofE expedition ... and all outside the classroom! The girls learn very quickly when they’ve made poor equipment choices or unwise route plans and find themselves lost in the middle of nowhere. The surrendered phones can give no easy solution and they just have to sort it out themselves! Beyond the more memorable expeditions section of the scheme, girls commit to three other equally valuable sections of Volunteering, Skills & Physical; and for the Gold Award there is a residential experience element too. For many St Cat’s girls the experience of volunteering has continued long after the award scheme level is completed – the sense of fulfilment is rewarding. New skills and physical activities which start as a short-term commitment become something worthy of a place on their CV or in their personal statement for university. On LinkedIn later on, these volunteering roles feature at the foot of their list of achievements and provide lifelong fulfilment. And of course the day the girls go up to London to St James’s Palace or Buckingham Palace to receive their Gold Award certificate from a member of the Royal Family is cemented forever in their memory with huge pride. All those who have achieved Gold going back to 1989, feature on our Duke of Edinburgh Wall of Honour. We are proud to share in The Duke of Edinburgh’s legacy and will continue to celebrate his vision of young people’s education and personal development outside and beyond the classroom.
Dear future creative thinkers, influencers and decision-makers, I leave this School for you. When you leave a gift in your Will to a place that’s special to you, you’re protecting it for the next generation. Your gift could help a girl get to grips with Shakespeare, learn how to lead on the lax pitch or give a girl on a Bursary the chance to be part of the community.
To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will: Visit Call Pippa Carte on 01483 899754 or email
St Catherine’s BR AMLEY
Registered Charity No 1070858
We were thrilled to receive so many pictures from many of you again for the St Cat’s Day celebrations in November 2020. Some of you sent in throwback photos from your time at School while others sent in a recent photo of you meeting up with other alumnae. Clarence House sent a photo of our Patron, The Duchess of Cornwall – we loved them all. It’s always exciting to receive pics from around the world! This year we set the challenge to donate £1 to the School Bursary Fund for every photo we received, and a generous former parent match-funded the donation to raise a total of £300. For many years it has been a School tradition to eat homemade Cattern Cakes on St Catherine’s Day. They were originally made by the English Nottingham lace-makers for the festivities of their patron saint’s feast day. We really enjoyed visiting some of our local alumnae to deliver some of these traditional cinnamon buns to their doorsteps! Many had been in isolation or shielding and it was lovely to make a visit, albeit socially distanced from their doorways. Let us know if you’d like a visit in 2021!
Do you remember your Sixth Form days? What springs to mind? Socialising in the CB or Unit Common Rooms? Small classes and debates with your teachers? Flash cards? Highlighter pens? Toast with marmite? Watching TV with your friends? Revision sessions? The responsibility of a Prefect role? D of E Gold Award? House Drama or Music? St Catherine’s Day? Moving from Day to Boarding for the final two years at school? The 6 may be a fabulous new building with modern accommodation for our boarders and a spacious Common Room and kitchen for day girls and boarders, but the journey from School to University that begins in the Sixth Form is the same as it ever was! As I walk through The 6 I hear girls debating their University choices, catching up on the latest TV/Netflix series and testing each other in readiness for Mock assessments. Thank you to all those in the community who chose to support with a donation to The 6. You are giving girls today, and in the future, a unique Sixth Form experience in a comfortable home from home, allowing them to develop their independence and be part of a global community. Boarders join our Sixth Form from around the globe and the UK. If you have friends with GCSE aged students who are looking for a change, please don’t hesitate to put them in touch with Clare Woodgates, our Senior School Registrar: Director of Development, Pippa Carte
St Catherine’s doesn’t stand still! Our next project to Create the Future is the Art & MakerSpace Campaign to extend the John Palmer Centre. Many of you will remember John Palmer, Headmaster 1982 - 1994. His legacy was a significant investment in the creative arts in the building that bears his name, and many alumnae who have gone on to flourish in careers that have drawn on the imaginative, problem-solving and creative skills they learnt at St Catherine’s. We are now building on his legacy and extending our current creative hub with the goal of bringing all the Creative Arts together under one extended roof! Textiles, History of Art and Culinary Arts will find a new home alongside Art, Design Technology, CAD, Ceramics and Photography, allowing the sharing of both ideas and practical skills. Work will start on the Art & MakerSpace in Summer 2021, reaching completion in Spring/Summer 2022. If the Creative Arts are important to you – either in your career or as part of your own selfexpression, or if you simply enjoy today the skills you learned in Art or Textiles when at School - and you’d like to consider supporting the Art & MakerSpace Campaign with a donation, we’d be delighted to hear from you. To find out more please visit: or call Pippa Carte, Director of Development 00 44 (0) 1483 899754 or email
U4 Art
THE JENNIFER BATE ORGAN ACADEMY This year’s Jennifer Bate Organ Academy (known fondly amongst tutors and students as ‘JBOA’) took place in April and attracted ten young female organists from across the country. Having sadly mourned the loss of our patron, Dr Jennifer Bate OBE, last year, we knew the course would feel somewhat different but were determined to carry on her legacy under the lead tutelage of Baroque specialist, Anne Page. We were also delighted to welcome back Jennifer’s partner, Andrew Roberts, whose fine humour and fascinating stories about Jennifer proved an inspiration to the organists.
Evelyn Tinker (2009)
Emily Nott (2019)
Imogen Morgan (2017)
JBOA 2021 on Zoom
best known as presenter of the BBC Young Musician of the Year competition - and also three St Cat’s alumnae; Evelyn Tinker (2009) who works in the city for ECover but is also Director of Music at St Andrew’s Church in Farnham; Imogen Morgan (2017) who recently graduated in Music from Durham and is now Organ Scholar for Peterborough Cathedral; and Emily Nott (2019) Organ Scholar and reading Classics at Girton College, Cambridge. It was also a pleasure to welcome back Geoffrey Field - former Director of Music at St Catherine’s and longterm supporter of JBOA courses.
about the experiences of each alumna and their different career paths ranging from cathedral music to TV and radio broadcasting. Particular congratulations must go to Imogen Morgan (five times JBOA participant) for gaining the prestigious FRCO Fellowship Diploma from the Royal College of Organists during the past year.
The course proceeded for the second year running, as a series of online Zoom masterclasses, led by some of the most distinguished names in the organ world. Masterclasses included Hymn and Psalm Accompaniment (led by Katherine DienesWilliams), Improvisation (Ronny Krippner), Continuo (Terence Charlston), Choral Conducting (Sarah Baldock) and Baroque and Romantic repertoire led by Anne Page and Anne Marsden-Thomas MBE respectively. The online platform certainly opened up many new opportunities for us; one of our organists was able to tune in from South Korea whilst other organists enjoyed conducting recordings of world-renowned choirs such as that of St Paul’s Cathedral. Another organist even convinced her own family members to congregate for the day to record a section from Byrd’s Mass for Three Voices under her direction! After an intense three days of masterclasses, the organists were given a day to re-record any of their pieces and consolidate material learnt throughout the week. This culminated in the final session on Saturday morning where we reconvened on Zoom to enjoy a showcase of recordings and a Q&A session with four previous JBOA attendees including Anna Lapwood, Director of Music at Pembroke College, Cambridge but possibly
The organists really enjoyed the networking opportunity and it was fascinating to hear
We look forward to welcoming the course back to its ‘live’ version in residence, at St Catherine’s School in 2022 and enabling Jennifer’s legacy to live on. Catherine Olver School Organist & Head of Organ Studies
HONOUR FOR PIETRA MELLO-PITTMAN (2001) We were delighted to learn at the beginning of January that alumna Pietra Mello-Pitman was awarded an MBE in the 2021 New Year’s Honours lists for services to International Trade & the Creative Industries. After 11 years at St Catherine’s Prep & Senior Schools, Pietra attended the Royal Ballet School and then pursued a career as a professional ballerina with the Royal Ballet Company. On retiring 13 years later, she set up a production company, Sisters Grimm, in partnership with composer Ella Spira. Their aim is to create productions that combine expressive movement, dance, music and art. Ella composes the music and Pietra choreographs all the dancing. Pietra told us, “We are driven by telling stories that unite people in ways that have not been done before, and there have been challenges in doing something that is perceived as unconventional. We hope that this Honour will inspire others to follow their dreams and to persevere. Whatever your background or heritage, you can achieve things that may seem out of reach and overcome your struggles to make a big impact.”
Pietra Mello-Pittman (2001)
Matt Blunt
‘Matt’s input was amazing, and I would like to thank him for the time and energy he put into our rehearsals and into making the final recording. I appreciate being included and really enjoyed the experience; it was particularly nice to see one or two familiar names/faces (Sue Vaughan Jones (1977) springs to mind). Maybe one day I will return to Surrey and visit in person. I don’t think I’ve been on school grounds for 40 years! It’s great to keep in touch virtually though, and to know the school is thriving.’ Pret Houston (Lloyd) (1980)
The Association Choir Sings Rock has been running since 2014. Usually local members of our St Cat’s community get together at school for rehearsals on a Wednesday evening in May before performing our song in the St Catherine’s Jazz and Rock Concert. Sadly, we could not get together at school because of Covid restrictions so for the second year we formed the Virtual Association Choir Sings Rock, the bonus being that anyone in our global community could join and we were delighted over 40 members signed up. This year we sang Lovely Day by Bill Withers. Matt Blunt, Director of Music in the Prep School, was our fantastic conductor and Ian Young, Head of Percussion and Contemporary Music, organised the virtual band to accompany us. For three weeks we met on a Wednesday evening on Zoom for our live rehearsal with Matt who taught us through the song in a fun and entertaining way. As we were all on mute it was only our families who could hear if we were singing in tune or not! A recording of the rehearsal was sent the following day to aid further practice if needed. After three weeks everyone did a video recording of themselves and sent it to Matt who pulled it all together and made us look and sound fantastic. Thank you, Matt and Ian, for all your hard work and it was a privilege for the Virtual Association Choir Sings Rock to be part of the virtual Jazz and Rock Concert. If you wish to listen to the recording, please view this link:
‘I had such a wonderful time and forgot how much I missed being a student at school. It was great to see everyone again, and bump into so many teachers. It was great to be able to help the girls even if it was only by suggestions of extension leads and how not to find 2nd year houses full of mould!’ (Alumna)
‘The relaxed informal atmosphere and frank responses were just what we needed! Your advice on what to bring, how to tackle freshers week and hitting the housing market was all invaluable and your anecdotes of first week fears and even landlords going to prison were brilliant!’ (Current Pupil)
Thank you to the alumnae who returned in the Summer Term to talk to our current U6 about life at university. It was so interesting to hear from younger alumnae about their own experiences of results day decisions, what to take to uni, managing your finances, joining clubs and societies, seeking second-year accommodation and dealing with landlords. It was quite clear that St Cats girls get ‘stuck-in’ to every aspect of university life! The alumnae were all so impressed with The 6, and enjoyed reminiscing about their St Cat's days.
Art History & Visual Culture at Exeter
English & Modern Languages at Exeter
Applied Anatomy at Bristol and starting Medicine at Southampton in September
Medieval History at St Andrews
Biomedical Sciences at Queen Mary, Masters in Immunology at Imperial and starting Medicine at Kent & Medway in September
Christine Bridson at St Cat's 1979
Christine Bridson - St Catherine’s Day 2020
CHRISTINE BRIDSON (FORMER DEPUTY HEAD OF THE PREP SCHOOL UNTIL 1991) The Association Office received an email from Ali Savage (Whitham) (1997) Musgrave asking to be put in touch with her former PP1 teacher, Christine Bridson, who had had a big impact on her. We had sadly lost touch with Christine Bridson and had no contact details for her, but eventually managed to track her down, and she was so touched to read Ali’s message. She told us that she used to live in North Lancashire where she had her own village school for 10 years. When she moved South in 1976, she came to St Cat’s Junior School as Head of Transition, and by the time she left in 1991 she was Deputy Head to Joy Lowe. On leaving the School Mr Palmer (Headmaster) wrote: ‘Christine leaves the school after 12 years of love and care lavished on the infants in her charge. Christine is one of those warm, bouncy personalities to whom everyone is attracted, whether they are six or sixty and this, combined with her endless fund of wonderful stories, have made her a firm favourite with all the girls in the Junior School.’
Ali Savage (Whitham) (1997)
‘She was just the most fantastic teacher, especially as my father had died only months before I started Transition. She was so kind and welcoming, funny, enthusiastic and caring. Adored by everyone. I would like to tell her how much she meant to me and what a difference she made to my school career.’ Ali Savage (Whitham) (1997)
Ali and Mrs Bridson have now been in touch and are hoping to meet up as soon as the socialdistancing restrictions start to lift.
From now on we will be featuring a photo from our Archive on the back page of each Non Nobis. This is one of our favourites and it was the front cover of the invitation to the Golden Oldies Reunion 2017. All the girls are from the Year of 1954 and we believe the photo was taken in 1948/49. Back Row: Angela Heath, Penny Hill-Turner, Elaine Turkentine, Judy Standley (Willis), Jean Schnadhorst, Brenda Robson (Croysdill) & Helga Jacobson Front Row: Penny Dendy and Lizzie Godding We are still in touch with Brenda and Judy, but we would love to find out where all the other girls are now. Do you know? Please contact us at
Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn
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