DIARY DATES You are welcome to join us at any of the events below. Contact association@stcatherines.info for more details.
MARCH 2022 Thur 10th
E xeter University Alumnae Reunion
Thur 17th
19:00 Chamber Music Concert Auditorium
Mon 28th
20:00 A Level Performances & Leavers’ Recitals Auditorium
Thur 31st
End of Term
APRIL 2022 Weds 27th
First Day of Summer Term
29th Apr 2nd May
Association Battlefields Trip to Normandy
UPDAT E FROM T HE HEAD S Since our last edition we have enjoyed a much more ‘normal’ year, until Omicron reared its head and set panic in motion again just before Christmas. Schools did not close, however, and with Lateral Flow Testing in process for all twice-weekly, we were proud to be able to contain infection and keep the School open and running for all of Autumn 2021 and into 2022. Parents have been welcomed back on site and the Senior PTA hosted events readily for Middle School parents who missed these opportunities last year.
Fri 6th
19:30 Senior School Summer Concert Auditorium
Sat 7th
Prep School May Fair
The extra-curricular programme has sprung fully back to life and we really are proud of how girls and staff have returned to the rigours of a full-on St Cat’s schedule of all the things that make for a truly rounded education, by which we set great store here. Our sports teams have had the most wonderful season to date, our musicians have given some wonderful concerts and thespians, musicians and theatre techies gave us a fantastic rendition of Oliver! just before February Half Term.
Fri 27th
19:30 Jazz and Rock Concert Auditorium
Academic Study remains at the forefront. We secured 6 Oxbridge places and the U6 are receiving offers from a wide range of universities in the UK, America, Canada and Hong Kong on a daily basis.
19:00 Middle School Concert Auditorium
Yes, we had to pause to put in place a Plan B during the height of the Omicron threat, just in case public exams would once again be cancelled but with everything crossed, this is looking less likely now and we are motoring towards proper GCSE and A Level exams. Who knew a time would come when students actually wanted to have public exams?! We live, as they say, in interesting times.
MAY 2022
JUNE 2022 Fri 24th
JULY 2022 Sat 2nd
Prep School Open Day
Sat 9
Speech Day
Thur 14th
End of Summer Term
September 2022 Thur 8th
First Day of Autumn Term
Sun 25
Foundation Day
The Prep School had a challenging Autumn Term with Omicron taking a bit of a hold in the younger years for the first time, but here, and everywhere, resilience has been the key and we are both hugely proud of how the whole school community has pulled together with LUGO as the mantra once again. We were fortunate to still be able to hold our Prep Christmas celebrations and Father Christmas headed to classrooms to deliver gifts from our PTA who have remained a constant source of support. We both want to thank the many alumnae who send in messages of support, or who come in to speak or provide information for current students. This has been invaluable as a boost to morale and we love to hear from you all at any time. Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew - Headmistresses
Friday 11 March 2022
Thursday 10th March 2022
Thursday 5th May 2022
Friday 6th May 2022
Friday 24th June 2022
Friday 10th June 2022
The opening of the school hymn
Senior Registrar – Clare Woodgates
Prep Registrar – Sally Manhire
01483 899609
01483 899665
Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be...
www.stcatherine s.info
POLLY BROOKS (1990) Polly Brooks (Derby) (1990) was awarded the Order of a Member of the British Empire (MBE) in the 2020 Queen’s New Year Honours List. The award commended Polly for her dedicated work over the past 17 years, raising money to offer practical, financial and emotional support to burn-injured adults in the UK through her charity Dan’s Fund for Burns. Polly started the charity after losing her husband Dan, and best friend Annika Linden (1990), and suffering over 40% burns herself in the 2002 Bali bombings. Polly was made an MBE by the Princess Royal during an investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle in October 2021.
SAILING TO SUCCESS - EMILY MUELLER (2021) In December 2021, Emily Mueller (2021) won the Youth Sailing World Championships in Oman in the 29er Skiff Class. “Throughout my time at St Cat’s, I spent almost every weekend and holiday training and attending sailing regattas, and was grateful to have the full support of Mrs Phillips and my teachers in doing this. I managed to become National Champion in both the Optimist and 29er Class, the latter of which I am the only girl ever to win, to which I credit the self-belief and confidence gained from St Cat’s and the advice given by the many inspirational speakers we heard from at school. These achievements helped me to be recruited for the sailing team at Brown University in the USA, where I have just finished
my first term. I absolutely love it. Everyone was so welcoming, especially my team. The campus is beautiful, and my classes are really interesting, although, my basement dorm room is nothing like ‘The 6’, so I hope the current Sixth Form make the most of it while they can! I know that the skills I gained as Ashcombe House Captain will help me in my newly-appointed role as Brown’s Sailing Freshman Captain, welcoming next year’s new team members and encouraging team spirit. If our chants can be as loud as Ashcombe during House Lax, l know I will be doing my job well!” Front cover image and above image ©Lloyd images / Oman Sail
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Foundation Day is when we celebrate the School’s birthday. St Catherine’s opened on 25th September 1885 with 11 Boarders and 6 Day Girls. Numbers have increased over the last 136 years ... and, the blending of boarding and day school is in our DNA! We were delighted to be joined for the celebration by members of the Association with current and former pupils, parents, staff and governors. The day began with a beautiful Chapel service during which memorial plaques were dedicated to much loved former
governors, Sheila Fowler Watt and Roger Lilley & his wife Ann, and also to Dr Jennifer Bate who founded the Jennifer Bate Organ Academy and Scholarship at St Catherine’s. The service was followed by a delicious afternoon tea and everyone sang Happy Birthday as the Heads cut the wonderful cake made by alumna Tamsin Pearson (Powell) (2005). After tea, those who wished, were given a tour of the School including the new Sixth Form boarding house, ‘The 6’, which everyone thought was incredible.
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1. 2.
4. 5. & 8. 6.
7. 9.
Cream Tea in the Dining Hall Kate Inchbald (Lilley)(1982) and husband David with the plaque to her parents Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Roberts in front of the plaque to Dr Jennifer Bate Jean Robson, Sheila Fowler-Watt’s sister-in-law Birthday Cake by Tamsin Pearson (Powell)(2005) Beth MacCulloch (Former Staff), Chris Silver (Former Staff) and Nina Deal (Bramley Community) inspecting ‘The 6’ Nicky King (Current Parent) Jenny Grayson (Fry)(1955)
Before becoming an English Teacher, Sarah was a member of the US Air Force from 1994 – 2014 rising to the rank of Lt. Col. Her dream was to be a fighter pilot and so she joined the US Air Force Academy. There were very few women when she joined The Academy, but Sarah believes she owes all her opportunities to those women who went before her and travelled alongside her. She did get to ride in a F-16 Falcon jet, but sadly she was classified as being too short to fly one, so her dream of being a fighter pilot was over. Sarah still wanted to be the best she could be as part of a team so became a Public Affairs Officer to help tell the US Air Force story both internally and externally. She travelled the world and also fulfilled another childhood dream which was to take part in an Iron Man challenge. As part of her lecture, Sarah asked former US Air Force colleagues to record a video giving one key piece of advice to the pupils. The fantastic advice included: •
Ask for advice, help others where you can, support and build each other up.
Don’t dream small.
Have the courage to get out of your own way. Put aside the voice inside your own head which says you can’t do something.
Keep an open mind at all times and this will help you make the most of any opportunities that come your way.
Sarah left the Air Force in 2014 and retrained as an English teacher, a job which she loves. As it was the end of the Summer term she closed by wishing the leaving U6 as they stand on the edge of new beginnings ‘a lifetime of beautiful stories’.
ST CAT’S CHATS JANE AUSTEN: PRIDE & PREJUDICE Following the success of his St Cat’s Chat on Emma in 2021, Jonathan Worthen (Former Head of English) responded to the suggestion to follow it up with a Book Club on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in January. We were delighted once again to be joined by alumnae spanning years from 1955 to 2021, especially those zooming in from the USA and HK. We all had a hugely enjoyable evening as Jonathan explored this very popular novel, and gave us wonderful readings from the text. We particularly loved his portrayal of Mrs Reynolds, when she shows Elizabeth the portrait of Mr Darcy. Everyone agreed that he inspired us to explore the novel in different ways, and to read it again!
I’ve always loved ‘Pride and Prejudice’, and have read it many times, but Jonathan pointed out so many different aspects and thoughts that I just have to read it again now. It was a wonderful talk, and of course the voices were brilliant! (Former Parent)
Jonathan was superb as always and I really enjoy learning something new each time. I look forward to the next one.
Thank you. (Alumna 1983)
www.stcatherine s.info
YOUNG ALUMNAE ENTREPRENEURS We are always so delighted to hear of our young alumnae setting up businesses of their own. Many of them have been back to St Cat’s to tell the girls about their companies, what inspired them with their original idea and how they have managed the process. Here we feature four of our alumnae whom we’ve chatted to recently …
BATCH & THYME Fran Robinson (2002) (Musgrave). On leaving St Cat’s, Fran went to Newcastle to read Sociology. She has worked with food her whole life, starting in the family’s catering business. With a talented chef as a mother, the daughters learnt from an early age the importance of both good ingredients and seasonality in cooking, as well as a fierce work ethic. Having worked in events and catering for 14 years, Fran and her sister set up their own company in 2021. Batch & Thyme offers home-cooked frozen meal subscriptions with nationwide delivery, which are designed to save people time in the kitchen. They use only the best ingredients and being on the doorstep of New Covent Garden Market they have access to the freshest produce in London. “We want everyone to eat well - not just on special occasions. We all deserve fresh, wholesome food, and what better way than to order a batch of home-cooked meals, created by experienced chefs using the best ingredients, and flashfrozen to lock in exceptional depth of flavour.” Fran would like to offer St Cat’s parents & alumnae 50% off their first order and 25% off their second with the code: OLDGIRLS www.batchandthyme.com
BAZOO Sanmarie Grobler (2017) (Merriman) joined St Cat’s aged four and was here for the full 14 years (a ‘lifer’) before going to Exeter University to read Liberal Arts, majoring in English. In her final year at University, Sanmarie and a friend Tom set up a company called Bazoo. “Bazoo is the world’s first and only carbon negative toilet paper! This is because we calculate and offset 200% of the emissions we emit; so, when our customers buy Bazoo they are helping to remove emissions from our earth’s atmosphere. Amazing! Our rolls are made from 100% FSC certified bamboo toilet paper range: Bamboo has many incredible qualities and makes it much more sustainable to farm and harvest than regular hardwood trees or even recycled toilet paper too!” All the packaging is also made of 100% recycled packaging so zero plastic! They partnered with two UK-based sustainability charities – Rainforest Trust UK and Devonbased Just One Ocean, who carry out local ocean plastic pickups, as well as focusing efforts on protecting habitats and species around the world. www.wearebazoo.com
MIERA JEWELLERY Kazimiera Levick (2013) (Midleton) was the oldest of three Levick sisters at St Cat’s. She went on to Exeter University to read Mathematics. On completing her degree, she joined RSM on their graduate scheme qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 2020. Kazi now works for BDO in their Accounts and Advisory Department. During lockdown, Kazi came up with the idea of making affordable and stylish gold-plated jewellery. All the stunning jewellery is 18 gold plated and handmade by Kazi. “I thought I would put my love for fashion and accounting together and start my own business.”
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‘BELFAST’ She has been growing the business slowly, and enjoying running a small business in her spare time while holding down a full-time job in London.
Those of you heading to the cinema to see Kenneth Branagh’s award winning film ‘Belfast’, may be interested to know that Carly Brown (2009) who came back to give the End of Term Lecture in Spring 2021, is the First Assistant Editor on this film.
Kazi would like to offer St Cat’s parents and alumnae a 15% discount with code STCATS15 (until 30th April 2022) www.mierajewellery.etsy.com
NATURAL GRACE Grace Osborne (2014) (Merriman) was the youngest of three Osborne sisters at St Cat’s. She went on to read Geography at Durham. In 2018 just after she graduated, she tripped and fell down the stairs and sustained a brain injury which took a long time to heal, and she had to learn to walk again. Eventually she was well enough to join Accenture, working as a management consultant in the Sustainable Finance department. Grace has also set up her own company called Natural Grace which is a luxury sustainable sportswear brand – the big difference being that the clothes are all made using recycled ocean plastics. “I decided to try and change the products that people use, to catalyse positive environmental change without compromising the comfort experience – and Natural Grace was born”.
On 30th October 2021 after 18 months of changing plans and postponement due to Covid, Hannah Hillcox (2009) married Thomas Laubscher. Thank you so much for sending this picture of all the St Cat’s girls. It is so lovely to see the strong friendships you all still have. Do please send us your photos – we have missed getting wedding photos over the last couple of years. Left to Right
Grace Osborne would like to offer St Cat’s Parents and alumnae 25% with this discount code StrongWomen25 www.naturalgraceldn.com
Philippa Vega, Katie Allison, Hannah Fisher, Evelyn Tinker, Hannah Bundy, Annelise Ward, Hannah Hillcox, Olivia Muir, Hannah Carey, Kristine Erwin, Shu-Fei Wong, Annabelle Hsu. Not in the photo but also at the wedding was Hannah’s Maid of Honour, her sister, Eleanor (2016)
www.stcatherine s.info
TEACHER FEATURE - ROSA MCQUADE CELEBRATING 27 YEARS AT ST CATHERINE’S Many of you will remember Rosa McQuade (née Garcia) from your time at St Catherine’s, as Lower Sixth Boarding Housemistress, Spanish teacher and Housemistress of Merriman. How long have you been at St Catherine’s? I joined St Catherine’s in 1995 so that’s 27 years here! I can’t even believe it myself!!! I joined as a Spanish residential teacher, and after my second year, I became a Sixth Form boarding housemistress. At that time, there was an Upper and Lower Sixth boarding housemistress, and I was the L6 one. But my association to Merriman House was from my first term at School When did you become Head of Merriman? That’s easy to remember - 2002 - as I got married the same year I became Merriman Housemistress. This September it will be my 20th Anniversary of both major events in my life! Why did you choose to become a Teacher? Since I was very little, I dreamed of being in the classroom, probably all down to the good teachers that I had throughout my school life. What was your path into Teaching? I started working as a Spanish Assistant in Bristol. If you had not become a Teacher, what would you have become? Probably a nurse! What was your passion at School and at Uni? My main passion has always been reading. I have also always loved cycling - I used to cycle a lot, especially at weekends. What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job? It’s definitely seeing the girls making progress. It doesn’t matter
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how little progress it is ... because the improvement will magnify over time! What do you think makes St Catherine’s different? St Cat’s stands out for all the kind and talented people here - staff and girls - ready to help and support others to do their best! What would the girls be surprised to learn you enjoy in your spare time? Nothing very exciting! I’m quite a predictable person - I love Sudokus because I find them challenging and I also love listening to programs about Politics - I must be getting old! How do you think teaching has evolved since you joined the profession? So much! I recall in the past saying “I will never use a computer in my life’’. Little did I know that technology was going to become a constant challenge in my life! All the girls and the IT Dept at school know I am terrible with computers! What have been your most memorable moments at St Cat’s? I have so many, but perhaps the major one was the first time that Merriman won the House Singing competition in 2013 - it hadn’t happened for 14 years and then we won it again the following year!! Laura Tulloch (McCluskie) (1997) ex Merriman House Captain was delighted to meet Rosa again when she was recently at St Cat’s for a prospective Parents’ Morning
CELEBRATING 125 YEARS OF PREP EDUCATION AT ST CATHERINE’S This year St Catherine’s is very proud to be celebrating 125 years of educating primary-aged girls. That is five generations of prep education for girls – an amazing achievement! Girls’ schools were seen as fairly radical in the 1880s when a number of prestigious schools were opened for the first time. Founders at St Catherine’s spoke of their wish to develop in pupils ‘a strong sense of corporate unity and an obligation to the community’, and ‘to kindle a flame that would be passed from generation to generation.’
In 1949 St Catherine’s bought Church House across Station Road to accommodate the growing numbers of pupils in the Junior Department at the Senior School site. Throughout the 1950s girls’ schools were forward looking and embraced a myriad of subjects and activities that had traditionally been studied by boys, including sports and competitive team games. Not until 1975, with the passing of the Sex Discrimination Act was discrimination on the basis of sex or marital status banned in the areas of employment, education and training. Welcomed by those who continued to champion girls’ education, this also brought a change for many single-sex schools which became co-ed. The research shows that this did not always achieve benefits for girls but did improve boys’ results! The value of a girls-only experience at primary is well documented. Girls are now 35% more likely to attend university than boys and yet the gender pay gap and differences across sectors remain. St Catherine’s has come a long way with promoting chances for girls from the age of 4-18 and is immensely proud of the diverse range of careers that its young women pursue. It is the spark that is lit in those earliest years which St Catherine’s believes makes a fundamental, life-changing difference.
Back in 1896, we were proud to be one of the first schools to champion primary education for girls and today we continue to lead the way. I am honoured to lead the Prep School and to see girls benefit from our world-class facilities and excellent teachers, a winning combination which enables our girls to find their strengths, realise their potential and fulfil their dreams. Nothing thrills me more than to see our girls leave St Catherine’s, able to give back not only in their selected area of specialism but also to continue to uphold and defend the importance of self-belief in young women. Naomi Bartholomew, Prep School Headmistress The Prep School now run weekly classes to spark 3-4 year old girls’ curiosity and nurture their love of learning on their journey to starting school. Cat Class offers a stimulating, friendly and nurturing environment where girls can participate in hands-on activities and make new friends, whilst building strong social skills and foundations for learning in preparation for starting school. Most importantly fun is at the heart of all the activities.
Sessions are to be booked in advance at a cost of £108 for nine sessions for the Summer Term. Places are limited. Visit summercatclass.bpt.me to book for a term of Cat Class running from Tuesday 3rd May 2022 to Tuesday 5th July 2022. Please note there will be no class during half term on Tuesday 31st May 2022. at St Catherine’s Pre
p School, Bramley
(Please note that the fee is non-refundable and we are unable to accept Childcare vouchers.)
www.stcatherine s.info
THE ART & MAKERSPACE As this edition of Non Nobis goes to print, we are excited to look across from the Anniversary Halls to see the Art & MakerSpace rising from the site extending the John Palmer Centre. The JPC, as it is affectionately known, has served us well and seen many girls explore and engage with the Creative Arts since its opening in the 1980s. But we have outgrown the JPC and the time has come to extend the space, bringing together all the Creative Arts in a single creative hub. Here girls studying Art, Ceramics, Design Technology, CAD, Textiles, Food and Nutrition, Photography and History of Art will share ideas and work together collaboratively to make the very most of their creative opportunities at St Catherine’s. With the support of our philanthropic community, we will create a vibrant home for girls of all ages as well as for our exceptional Creative Arts teachers. With the Arts forming a significant part of the compulsory curriculum from Years 7 - 9 (Upper 3 to Upper 4), and with girls from Years 5 and 6 (Upper II and Lower III) in Prep School now able to enjoy lessons in the new studios, the benefits to School of this new space will be wide-ranging. With construction due to be completed in July, and internal remodelling and fit-out taking place over the holidays, we look forward to the opening of the Art & MakerSpace in the Summer.
We would love to hear your memories of your creative experiences at St Catherine’s! We have uncovered some wonderful photos in the archive which show just how far we have come already! This photo, taken in an Art class from the 1940s contrasts wonderfully well with this recent photo taken in a Ceramics lesson. Please get in touch with your memories (and photos of your creations in Art, Textiles and DT) of the Creative Arts at St Catherine’s. We would love to include them in a publication to celebrate the opening of the Art & Makerspace. Do get in touch with us here: development@stcatherines.info or call Jane Pink on 01483 899787.
CELEBRATING OUR ARTISTIC ALUMNAE As we plan for the future of the Creative Arts at St Catherine’s, we celebrate those girls who have gone before. We are incredibly proud of our creative alumnae and all that they have gone on to achieve. Whether their creative skills and experiences at St Catherine’s influence their careers at a practical level - as designers, architects, fashion designers, or other practitioners - or have led them to become exceptional creative thinkers, applying a mindset developed through creative exploration, their time spent studying Creative Arts at GCSE and A Level forms the foundation of what they do next.
After leaving St Catherine’s Amelia took an Art Foundation Course at Oxford Brookes, going on to study Multi-Media Textile Design at Loughborough and then an MA in Mixed Media Textiles at The Royal College of Art. After completing her Masters, Alice joined Alexander McQUEEN where she continues to work as an Embroidery Design Consultant. “I have just got a little studio so I can start building my own personal practice, I’ve been working on some wedding dress commissions recently but it is still early days. I did a PGCE last year alongside my freelance work and have been building my teaching experience running life drawing/art workshops”
PROJECT MANAGER AT FULFILLING LIVES LAMBETH, SOUTHWARK & LEWISHAM Jess is a creative systems expert with a background in fine art, print and bookbinding, who studied Fine Art at
www.stcatherine s.info
CAREERS FORUM 2021 At St Catherine’s we are extremely lucky to have access to a broad range of contacts through The Association, and we were once again delighted to host over 20 current parents and alumnae to our Careers Forum in October, to offer the girls the benefit of their experience in a wide variety of employment sectors including Medicine, Engineering, Law, the Performing Arts, Finance, Marketing, PR & Advertising. The Forum was opened by alumna Frankie Mitchell (2010), a barrister at Wilberforce Chambers, who inspired the girls to look at all the options available to them, and not to worry if they didn’t know ‘exactly what you want to do right now’. The girls were then able to visit a variety of sector specific seminars of their choice, and
Falmouth University. Trained in Art and Design, and with a focused and systemsorientated mind-set, she specialises in bridging the gap between imaginative, visionary organisations and continuing commercial viability. Thanks to working with clients in a broad range of sectors, she has become highly adaptable, adept at identifying and resolving systemic weaknesses and skilled at motivating teams.
Helen always loved Design Technology at school, so with her Maths and Physics A levels, Architecture seemed like a good fit as a potential career. More recently, Helen returned as project architect on ‘The 6’, our new Sixth Form boarding and social space.
many fed back to us that they enjoyed this format as they felt able to ask more questions of the speakers. The range of career opportunities available to ambitious young women has never been greater, but at the same time the job market is intensely competitive. It has never been more important to ensure that our girls have the best possible careers information in order to make choices regarding higher education and longterm career options. In addition to traditional forms of careers information, we believe that contacts currently working in areas of potential interest can be a valuable source of impartial advice. Thank you to all of our speakers for giving up their evening and sharing their expertise with the girls. It is greatly appreciated.
“I was pretty keen on DT at school, following it through to A Level and spending lots of my free periods in the lab. It set me up well for architecture school and I have fond memories of the building.”
Since graduating in Fine Art from Central St Martins, Alice has pursued a number of jobs within the Arts and Hospitality industries. An intern position as events assistant at the London Art Fair was followed by an internship at White Cube. Alice is now Senior Registrar at the Victoria Miro Gallery where she is part of a team managing the logistics of art fairs, sales, exhibitions and artists’ studios. In addition to her busy work commitments, Alice continues to maintain her own studio practice.
www.stcatherine s.info
St Catherine’s Day is when we celebrate the traditional feast day of our Patron Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Although many of our alumnae remember the day always being held on the traditional feast day of the 25th November, we now host the celebrations on the closest Friday, so that day girls and boarders alike can all join the fun. The day starts with celebratory services for all pupils held in Chapel or in Holy Trinity, Bramley. At break time the girls eat freshly made Cattern Cakes, and then take part in House Lax matches with the whole school noisily cheering on! This is followed by a very popular, large festive roast lunch. The afternoon is filled with various activities and the day ends with an evening Gala Concert enjoyed by pupils and parents alike. We were thrilled once again to receive so many pictures from you for the St Cat’s Day celebrations. Some of you sent in throwback photos from your time at School while others sent in a recent photo of you meeting up with other alumnae ... it’s always exciting to receive pics from around the world on the day! We donated £1 to the School’s Bright Futures Bursary Programme for every photo we received, and a generous former parent match-funded the donation to raise a total of £360. Let’s challenge ourselves to get to £500 next year. Let us know if you’d like to help match-fund for the Bright Futures Bursary Programme next year, or if you would like a Cattern Cake visit in 2022!
YEAR OF 2011 | 10 YEAR REUNION The weather was terrible for the Year of 2011’s ten year reunion! The rain poured down all afternoon but could not dampen the enthusiasm, high spirits or volume of noise of the 30 alumnae all day! Lily Smith had done a great job of getting in touch with everyone for the event. It was great fun to see them all arrive for the welcome drinks in the Lower Atrium of the Anniversary Halls and they were delighted to be joined by current and former staff. Many had not been back in ten years and were excited to see the finished Anniversary Halls and ‘The 6’. The Year of 2011 was the last year the Sixth Formers processed out of the Speech Hall so they were curious to see what had happened to the building. It did not disappoint, and they loved looking at the picture of everyone sitting on the Speech Hall floor from the last House Drama held there. They could all spot themselves and enjoyed finding their names on the 2011 Honours Board. However, one of the highlights of the tour had to be when they reached the Chapel. They all rushed to the pews and sang Shine Jesus Shine and Non Nobis! When the tour was over everyone headed to the Food and Nutrition Room for a cooking lesson with Mr Friend making roasted squash and smoked chickpea pâté followed by a Sports lesson with Mrs Alexander - BenchBall has never been so competitive. To round the afternoon off, they enjoyed chatting and catching up on everyone’s news over a cream tea in the Dining Hall. A wonderful afternoon was had by all and we really loved welcoming them back to St Cat’s.
YEAR OF 2016 | 5 YEAR REUNION The five year reunions are particularly special as for many, it is the first time they will have been together since leaving the School. A large number of the alumnae are working in London postuniversity and so the events tend to be held there rather than at St Catherine’s. The Year of 2016 got together in London in January to mark their five year anniversary of leaving St Cat’s. Megan Crane organised the get-together at The Mulberry Bush close to London Waterloo. All the girls were grateful to the Association for their contribution to the evening. We are looking forward to planning the next five year reunion.
It was a special occasion, and everyone enjoyed catching up with each other; there were lots of people there who I hadn’t seen for the 5 years! We’re all doing such exciting things now in our careers and personal lives; it was fantastic to hear everyone’s news. We had such a great time and vowed to repeat in a year’s time, if not before! (Megan Crane, 2016)
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A LUMN A E VISITS We always particularly enjoy visiting alumnae at their homes, or welcoming them back to St Catherine’s, whether just for a tour, or to talk to the current pupils about their university or career experience. It is touching to hear how so much of St Catherine’s has shaped their lives beyond School.
ELLIE SPEIGHT Ellie Speight (2018) came back to School to talk to our current L6 about considering apprenticeships as another post-school pathway to a career. After a very rigorous selection process, Ellie was offered a place on the EY Business Degree Apprenticeship which started in September 2020. She is a fully salaried employee and while EY partner with Queen Mary University of London to deliver the degree element of the apprenticeship.
ANN CURTIS Jane Pink and Pippa Carte (Development) had a most enjoyable lunch with Ann Curtis (1955) in Stratford-upon-Avon. They particularly enjoyed hearing about a former staff member called Mr Pickersgill who taught Art, but was also the ‘caller’ at the School Dances!
THE CHAN FAMILY Andrea Leung was visiting her daughters in the UK from Hong Kong, and took the opportunity to visit us. Andrea has been a wonderful Ambassador for St Cat’s in HK, helping us at reunions there, and advising prospective and current parents. It was really lovely to catch up with Denise (2019) and Charmaine (2015). Charmaine went to Nottingham to read Medicine and is now working at Southampton General Hospital. Denise is in the final year of her Animation Production degree at the Arts University Bournemouth.
SALLY PARKER & PHILIPPA SAMPSON-BANCROFT (BLOOMFIELD) Sally (2017) came back in February to launch the ‘Step into the NHS’ Programme for the girls and to tell them about her training to become a parademic at the University of Surrey. Philippa (2000) spoke to the U4s about her route to becoming a Chartered Surveyor for the Greater London Authority, having studied Geography at Durham University.
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RACHEL YIN & KATIE VEGA Two young alumnae came back to School for the U4 Lecture series, to tell the girls about getting involved with extra-curricular music at School and at university. Katie (2017) completed her degree in Physics at Durham in 2021, and is now a Graduate Technology Analyst at 6point6. Rachel (2019) is currently at Cambridge reading Economics. They were keen to explain how they have both found time in their busy schedules to continue their passion for music. Katie played for the university Concert Band and Brass Band as principle percussionist, and was also Vice President and Social Secretary of the Basement Jazz Band. Rachel is currently the Chair of the University of Cambridge Concert Band.
IMOGEN MORGAN & JOANNA PHILLIPS Imogen Morgan (2017), Assistant Master of the Music at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh, gave a lunchtime organ recital at St Salvator’s College Chapel in St Andrew’s on 25th January. Joanna Phillips (2017), in her 4th year studying Mediaeval History at St Andrews, reported that the recital, with music by Franck, Dupré and Widor, was wonderful. You can view the recital here: https://fb.watch/aLL_PKuc_3/
M E M O R IE S OF ST C AT HE R INE ’ S We love this photograph (back page) from our Archive of 1985 – look at the hairstyles! “1985 was the Centenary year for St Catherine’s and it was celebrated by a Pageant based on women through the ages. Many animals were included: a cow and donkey as well as horses. Two vintage cars were brought in and there were fireworks too. A big stand was put up for the parents to watch, and it was performed over three days. The gym was used for make-up and costumes. For all the three days chaos reigned through the School. The U3s were allowed to come in at 10.30 because it went on so late at night. The whole thing caused great excitement. The most spectacular scene was the Victorian seaside with Queen Victoria. Everyone was involved: children, teachers, estates staff and some parents.”
This photo shows the Narrators of the Pageant: Back Row: Katherine Hartley (1987) Middle Row: Lindsey Allan (1985), Samantha Ferree (1987), Charlotte Figgis (1987), Sue Newport (1986) Front Row: Toppy Wharton (1987), Sophie Goodchild (1988) Toppy works at St Catherine’s as PA to the Headmistress. Where are all the others now? Please get in touch - association@stcatherines.info We’d love to hear from you and any others with memories of The Pageant.
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