4 minute read
We had a great ‘turnout’ for Jonathan Worthen’s (Head of English 2008-2020) latest St Cat’s Chats Book Club. With over 60 current and former pupils, parents, and staff registered to join the Zoom event, Jonathan gave a fascinating insight into Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This was our first play in the Book Club series.
Jonathan talked us through the story of the ‘star-crossed lovers’, analysing chosen scenes and looking at the clever use of language and symbolism throughout the play, as well as sharing an analysis of the various characters.
Everyone was delighted to be treated once again to Jonathan’s ‘in-character’ readings from the play, especially of the Nurse! We had time at the end for a lively Q&A session – we can tell that the alumnae in particular enjoy being back in the ‘virtual classroom’ with Mr Worthen!
became Executive Director of the Bridge Project, a voluntary sector project that provided supported accommodation for homeless men and women. Her passionate and committed advocacy for those who are vulnerable and in need of support was evident.

Baroness Stroud spoke of the importance of taking time to identify carefully the change that you want to see; being able to articulate your goals and ambitions to others; surrounding yourself with likeminded people who also want to initiate change; and making your case heard in a calm and rational manner. Acknowledging, in response to a question from the floor, that she believes that there is a place for protest, Baroness Stroud challenged us to think about how to make that protest most effective. In her mind, there is no point in marching on empty government buildings at weekends. She also talked about how, in her experience, the most effective path to longstanding change was to work with others who, although holding different political views, shared the same long-term goal –particularly important at times of Governmental change when cross-party collaboration ensures that progress on key projects can continue without terms having to be redefined. There followed some thought-provoking questions from the floor, covering areas such as climate change, the role of protest in a democracy and the changes that we would like to see ourselves.
Our thanks to Baroness Stroud for a most engaging and inspiring lecture.

St Catherine’s Day is a firm fixture in the St Cat’s calendar and remembered by all our alumnae and former staff. It is interesting to look back in the School Archives and see the letters from girls written home to parents about the festivities on the day! Not much has changed, although we now celebrate our Patron Saint, Catherine of Alexandria, on the closest Friday to her feast day, the 25th November, so that day girls and boarders alike can all join the fun ... and the letters home have been replaced by photos and messages on phones!
On Thursday the first batch of Cattern Cakes are delivered to some of our local Association members - former staff and alumnae. The School’s celebrations start on Friday with services for all pupils held in Chapel or in Holy Trinity Church, Bramley. The Russell Baker Housemistress and House Captains then visit the grave of Mrs Russell Baker (Headmistress 1887 - 1925) to lay flowers. Without her determination and vision through her long tenure, the School would not be here today. At break time the girls eat their freshly made Cattern Cakes, and then take part in House Lax matches with the whole school noisily cheering on! This is followed by a very popular festive roast lunch. In the afternoon we heard lectures from Lily (U6) on her time in Mexico, Alice (U6) on her trip to Thailand, and about the Sixth Form Expedition to Borneo. Others rehearsed for the Gala Concert which is the finale of a superb day and is enjoyed by pupils and parents alike.

We were thrilled once again to receive so many pictures from you for the St Cat’s Day celebrations. Some of you sent in throwback photos from your time at School while others sent in a recent photo of you meeting up with other alumnae friends. It’s always exciting to receive pictures from around the world on the day! We donated £1 to the School’s Bright Futures Bursary Fund for every photo we received, and a generous former parent matchfunded the donation to raise a total of £400. Let us know if you’d like to help match-fund for the Bright Futures Bursary Fund next year, or if you would like a Cattern Cake visit in 2023!

We were blessed with great weather on Saturday 15th October for the Year of 2012 Reunion. It was our largest turnout for a ten-year reunion yet, with 45 alumnae and 15 current and former staff joining us.

The afternoon started with welcome drinks in the Anniversary Halls. Back in 2012 they were the first year group to have their Leavers’ Procession in the then new Auditorium. Over drinks they were all laughing at their U3 photos we had put out for them from the Archive.
The tours of School were very noisy as they all chatted and told us their memories. They loved seeing their names on the 2012 Honours Board in the Speech Hall Library (SHLIB) and picking themselves out in the photo of them all sitting on the floor for assembly in the old Speech Hall.

Tour over, it was then off to the new Culinary Arts Studio for a cooking lesson with Mr Friend - they were all so impressed with the new Art&MakerSpace Building. This was followed by a sports lesson with Mrs Alexander who amazed them all with her incredible memory of faces and names. As always, the bench ball match was very competitive!
To round the afternoon off, everyone gathered in the Dining Room for afternoon tea and more catching up with school friends.
Five-year reunions are particularly special as the alumnae have started a master’s degree or are setting out on their careers by then and have lots to catch up on! A large number of girls are working in London post-university and so the events tend to be held there rather than back at School.

The Year of 2017 got together in London in November at The Mulberry Bush pub near London Waterloo. We are grateful to Amy Feakes for organising her year group reunion and for sending in the photos.