St Catherine's - Non Nobis 40 - Spring 2024

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MARCH 2024 Thur 7

7.00pm - 10.00pm Chamber Music Concert Lower Atrium, Auditorium

Sat 9 – Tue 12

National Schools Lacrosse Competitions Aldershot Garrison

Sat 16

7.30pm Association Choir Concert | Elgar’s The Music Makers Auditorium

Thur 21

6.00pm - 8.30pm London Network: How to Network Brunswick Group, London

Mon 25

7.30pm A Level and Leavers’ Recitals Auditorium

Wed 27

7.30pm House Music Competition Concert Auditorium

Thur 28

End of Term

APRIL 2024 Wed 24

Term Starts

Tue 30

4.30pm Organ Recital Prep School Hall

MAY 2024 Thur 2

7.30pm Senior Summer Concert Auditorium

Sat 4 Mon 6

Association History of Art Trip to Paris - A few places left

Fri 24

7.00pm Jazz & Rock Concert Auditorium

JUNE 2024 Fri 21

7.00pm Middle School Summer Concert Auditorium

Welcome to the 40th Edition of Non Nobis, celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the St Catherine’s Association, formed in June 2004 - see the photo above - when our Association Charter was signed. You can find a reminder of that document on our website (use QR code above). The Association was created from the former Old Girls’ Association formed on 15th May 1926 which itself replaced the Missionary Guild formed with the foundation of the School. As a school, we are proud to have been keeping in touch with alumnae in different ways for the whole of our history.

below); increasingly, we find that alumnae interact together, too, creating networks beneficial to them beyond school. More than twice recently we have heard the phrase, ‘Where there’s a St Cat’s Girl, there’s a way’. Naturally, this is music to our ears.

Today’s Association is an inclusive organisation, run by the School, without subscription. All alumnae are lifelong members, and former parents are welcome for as long as they wish to receive our mailings. The input from all members alumnae, staff, parents, governors, local friends - to the life of the School, be that in careers talks or workshops, or interactions between alumnae and our current Sixth Form regarding university choices or careers experiences, is invaluable. Our LinkedIn group is always worth a visit (see QR code

Advance notice that Foundation Day will be on 22nd September 2024, at which we will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary. More details will follow.

In Bramley we have been busy with many things in both schools since the last edition of Non Nobis, and you will see some of them in these pages. We also hope you enjoyed the School magazine summarising 2022-23; to view online please use QR code below. Do tell us if you’d like a hard copy by emailing

‘Let us go on …’ Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew Heamistresses (L) St Catherine's Linked In Group (R) St Catherine's School Magazine 2022-23

JULY 2024 Sat 6

Speech Day

Thur 11

End of Term

SEPTEMBER 2024 Thur 5

Term Starts

Sun 22

2pm-5pm Foundation Day Celebration A celebration of the founding of the School with Chapel service, tours of school and afternoon tea

Contact for more information on any of these events.


PREP SCHOOL 9.30am - 11.45am

Tuesday 6th February 2024

Thursday 8th February 2024

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Friday 15th March 2024

Friday 21st June 2024 Prospective Families Interactive Open Event

Wednesday 8th May 2024

Senior Registrar - Clare Woodgates

Prep Registrar - Sarah Waller

01483 899609

01483 899665


Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn RUDYARD KIPLING



Friday 7th June 2024




Saturday 4th May to Monday 6th May 2024 We are excited to announce that our next Association trip is to the beautiful city of Paris. Alex Perry-Adlam, Head of Art, will lead the tours around the Musée d’Orsay, the Centre Pompidou and Montmartre, focusing on the city’s wonderful art treasures and their historical context, while also including a Seine river cruise. We will be travelling by Eurostar. All alumnae, current and former parents and staff are welcome to join us.

Auditorium, St Catherine’s School, Bramley Performed by The St Catherine’s Association Choir, Senior Choir, Middle Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra. Conductors: Matthew Greenfield, Donald Lloyd, Lucia Švecová Soloist: Ruby Skilbeck (2023)


TICKETS: £10 (£5 Child/Student)

For more information or to book your place contact

To book your tickets:


Creating career connections between alumnae and parents


All alumnae and parents are welcome to join us for an evening of networking, drinks and canapés. Thursday 21st March 2024 | 6.00pm - 8.30pm Brunswick Group, 16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3ED Speaker: Fiona Micallef-Eynaud, Partner, Brunswick Group For more information or to register your interest please email

Sunday 22 nd September 2024, 2pm - 5pm Join us for the annual celebration of our School’s Birthday. A Chapel Service | Tours of School | Afternoon Tea All generations of your families are welcome. There is no charge for the day. For more information or to book your place please email



THE BAND OF THE WELSH GUARDS Sophia McNally (U6) and Jess Walton (U5) The Band of the Welsh Guards returned to St Catherine’s on the 12th October by popular demand for an action-packed day of activities. In the morning, Prep School girls, and children from local schools, responded enthusiastically to the traditional pomp of a marching display, with the Guards in full ceremonial dress, including their bearskins. For Concert Band, the morning continued with a marching workshop where we learned different marching techniques and were taught to memorise a couple of bars of music and then put them both together which was thoroughly enjoyable. After lunch we

ALEX HIBBERT At the end of November, we were delighted to welcome Alex Hibbert, world record-holding polar explorer, to deliver a St Catherine’s Presents Lecture to the Sixth Form and members of our Association community. Alex Hibbert has skied further on an unsupported Arctic journey than anyone in history. After supper with some of our A Level Geography students Alex began his lecture



were given a sight-reading workshop where we were all given some very helpful tips to take into account for future performances. Meanwhile the trumpeters had a masterclass with a band member in playing the Last Post, ready for all their Remembrance Services duties in November. The eventful day was followed by a spectacular evening concert in the Auditorium. Playing to a packed audience, the first half was performed by the Concert Bands of St Catherine’s and George Abbot School with some members of the Band of the Welsh Guards, and the second half saw a performance by the Welsh Guards alone. We found performing our repertoire in a band of such considerable size to be a great experience. Through the Guards’ excellent playing, as well as their versatility in genres, we could understand the immense dedication and talent required to have a career playing music in the military. We are all very grateful for this rare and unforgettable musical experience. talking about the successful expeditions he has completed, what the conditions are like and showing the audience items of clothing he regularly uses when on his expeditions. In July 2008, Alex completed his 1374-mile, 113 day long haul and return crossing of a new ice sheet route in Greenland along with team mate George Bullard. They received no resupplies or physical support and completed the final week on almost no food because their carefully placed stashes set out on the outward leg had been hidden or blown away in the frozen conditions. He then went on to explain that, no matter how much you plan, expeditions get cancelled and spoke about the project he has


VANESSA RUCK To finish the academic year on a high, we were pleased to host Vanessa Ruck, ‘The Girl on A Bike’, to deliver our End-of-Term Lecture. Vanessa spends her time travelling around the world to compete in extreme motorcycling challenge races. Most recently she had completed the Moroccan Desert Challenge, an 8-day, 3000km race across the desert, battling with the difficult terrain, 400C heat, and dehydration. Sport has always been an enormous source of enjoyment for Vanessa. When she was younger her favourite sports were

kitesurfing, snowboarding and mountain biking, but in 2014 she was involved in a terrible road traffic accident leaving her with life-changing injuries. Since then she has had to undergo a full shoulder reconstruction, 6 hip surgeries and years of physiotherapy. During her recovery she was unable to ride her bicycle to work but discovered motorcycling as a way of getting around and avoiding the traffic. Motorcycling developed into a passion and, despite living with pain on a daily basis, she has gone on to compete in many extreme challenge races across the globe.

Vanessa gave us a very inspirational speech about seeking opportunities despite setbacks and uncertainties. She presented the strong message to the girls to push yourself out of your comfort zone as you can achieve great things with the right mindset and appropriate training. After the lecture she enjoyed seeing the Westfield Kit Car and hearing all about this extra-curricular Sixth Form engineering project.

JESS SHORT (2010) Una (U6) (Association Prefect) At the end of the Autumn Term we were thrilled to welcome back Jess Short, Year of 2010. Jess spoke to us about her time at St Cat's, her Geography degree from Newcastle University, but mostly about her career as a Chartered Surveyor. It was really interesting to hear about a career that perhaps many of us had not given much thought to. Jess is a Director in the UK Retail Agency team at Colliers and it was very interesting to hear had to cancel twice: the first time due to the ill health of one of the team and the second time because of adverse ice conditions in the northern Nares Strait. Alex explained that the decision to cancel was made the day before they were due to set off so he had to think quickly to come up with an alternative plan which was to remain in the Qaanaaq region of the High Artic and integrate with the local Inughuit, driving over 1,600km with large Thule dogs, similar to Greenland dogs. The audience were amazed to hear that if he had started the expedition and they had got stranded it would have cost over £6 million to rescue them! Although

the original


about the work she’s doing in the Friary Centre in Guildford, a place very familiar to many of us, and in particular her work with Oliver Bonas. I particularly enjoyed hearing about the incredibly wide range of career opportunities available after qualifying as a chartered surveyor. We all really enjoyed Jess’s engaging and enthusiastic talk and are very grateful to her for coming back in to speak to us. cancelled and could be viewed as a failure the team learned many new skills and enjoyed their time with the dogs. The audience loved hearing about all the different names and personalities of the dogs, too. After a lively Q&A session Alex invited members of the audience to try on Arctic Expedition clothing and finished off the evening by selling and signing copies of his various books. The books proved the perfect Christmas gift and sold out completely!




FOUNDATION DAY 2023 Foundation Day, as the name suggests, is our annual celebration of the Foundation of St Catherine’s School in 1885, and is always held on the closest Sunday to 25th September. This year we were delighted to welcome current and former pupils, parents, staff and governors for the afternoon of celebrations. We had a moving Chapel Service on the theme of Looking Forward and afterwards we headed to the Lecture Theatre for a brilliant lecture by guest speaker, Erin Baker, Editorial Director of AutoTrader, and the UK’s most senior female motoring journalist and broadcaster. Erin talked about her career in automotive journalism and how she is passionate about encouraging women into the automotive world as drivers, car purchasers and as journalists, strongly believing that it is still a sector skewed to the male market. Everyone had the opportunity to see the Westfield Sports Car (see front cover), built as part of a Sixth Form engineering project, before heading to the Dining Room for a delicious afternoon tea, including an amazing birthday cake. Everyone had plenty of time to catch up and share memories. It was a really special afternoon and we enjoyed welcoming everyone back to St Catherine’s again.




On the first Monday after the Autumn Term had ended, we welcomed back over 100 alumnae and former parents for our very special Carols by Candlelight Service. The afternoon began with a closely fought lax match, Alumnae v St Cats 1st team, which the alumnae won by one goal! After a quick match tea and a shower, the girls joined all the guests in the dining hall for mulled wine and mince pies. It is always a

really special evening, welcoming the young alumnae returning home for Christmas after their term at university and seeing them reconnecting with all their school friends, particularly: Amelia Waters (2020) back from McGill, Canada and Emily Mueller (2021) back from Brown, USA. We then moved to Chapel for a beautiful candlelit service conducted by Rev’d Dr Benji McNair Scott, with all the favourite carols and some very

strong descant input! Thank you to Kayla Ellington (2021) and Honor Pink (2023) for their beautiful readings and to Ruby Skilbeck (2023) for her stunning solo on Once in Royal David’s City. It was the perfect start to the Christmas holidays, and we look forward to welcoming many alumnae back on Monday December 16th 2024!

THE RED DOT AUCTION ART TOUR Following the success of the Red Dot Auction in support of The Art & MakerSpace @ The John Palmer Centre, we were delighted to unite two St Catherine’s alumnae in London in the National Portrait Gallery. Willa King (Hancock)(1976) was the winning bidder for a guided tour entitled The Female Gaze – Portraiture Through The Eyes Of Female Artists given by Sophie Blauth (2018) and accompanied by Poppy Brook, Artist in Residence at St Catherine’s.

the notion of reclaiming a traditionally male gaze, or perspective, on women in painting. Both Sophie and Poppy enjoyed meeting Willa and her friends and it was a wonderful example of the way in which the St Catherine’s Community unites us all.

Willa and her guests joined Sophie at the recently reopened National Portrait Gallery, having waited patiently while renovations there were completed! Focusing on portraits painted between 1780 and 1995 and by artists as diverse as Angelica Kauffmann and Dame Paula Rego, the group explored

Photos: : [1] Poppy Brook (L) and Sophie Blauth (R) [2] Willa King (Hancock) (1976) (inset) was the second of four Hancock sisters to attend St Catherine’s: Sandra (1975) Willa (1976) Belinda (1978) Diana (1981)

If you would like to come and see the creative work that girls are making in The Art & Makerspace at St Catherine's do please get in touch.


In December, members of the Association community enjoyed tuning in via Zoom to our latest St Cat’s Chats Book Club with Jonathan Worthen (Former Head of English). This time our text was Richard Adams’s Watership Down. Jonathan was keen for us to understand a book which people have many misconceptions about. It is not a children’s book, not a ‘bunny’ story and not for lovers of nature. The central figures, although rabbits, become ‘as humans’ when one reads the book and the reader is rapidly immersed in this exciting story. He introduced us to Adams’s context, characters, themes and prose style and it was fascinating to learn more about the epigraphs and the stories of El-ahrairah and how they connect to the main story, as well as to hear Jonathan’s readings of passages from the text - leaving the best until last - the Norwegian voice of Kehaar the seagull!





We were overwhelmed this year to receive so many pictures from you all for the St Cat’s Day celebrations – from throwback photos from your time at School to recent photos of yourselves meeting up with old School friends. Thank you so much for bringing our global community a little closer on this special day! 'Let us go on ...'



LONDON NET WORK LONDON NETWORK : Finding your feet in London We were thrilled to welcome 35 of our youngest alumnae, many who are still at university, to our latest London Network event in the Old Library at The University Women’s Club, London. The focus of the evening was ‘Finding Your Feet in London’, which proved to be a really useful topic for all those alumnae embarking on their first move to the capital with work. The evening started with the alumnae getting excellent advice from a financial advisor at Coutts on the importance of budgeting and general financial planning for the future - it was no surprise that her core message was that it's never too early to start thinking about your pension! This was followed by top tips on moving and living in London from two alumnae, Megan Crane and Lydia Milne both Year of 2016 who gave invaluable advice on finding accommodation, budgeting, networking and socialising in this new environment. The discussion part of the evening then concluded with a lively Q&A session before the opportunity to talk further over drinks and canapés. Thank you to all our speakers and Angela Roshier (current parent) as our London Network Chair.

LONDON NETWORK : Working life post maternity leave A small group of alumnae met in October at the offices of DIF Capital Partners in Lime Street, London, for a brilliant talk on how to thrive in your career after maternity leave. Frances Cushway, Founder of The Maternity Coach career consultancy advised the audience on how to prepare for motherhood, how to be both a great mother and employee, and how to get the support needed to make it possible to continue your career while starting a family. A big thank you to Angela Roshier, current parent and our London Network Chair, for hosting the event and to Frances Cushway for all her invaluable advice.

ST CATS AT THE RUGBY WORLD CUP 2023 You may be interested to know that two alumnae had key roles within the Men’s England Rugby Team, and so were very busy last summer in particular, with the 2023 Rugby World Cup in France. Katy Hornby (2002) has spent the last 9 years working for England Rugby with the women’s side, and is now the first ever female Senior Men’s Rugby Team Doctor.

... sitting on the bus with the team arriving at Twickenham and seeing fans screaming and so excited - if someone had said 10 years ago, that’s going to be you, I never would have thought it! Katy Hornby (2002)



Anjuli (Anni) Seaborne (2011) works as an Associate Dentist in a BUPA practice in Chelsea, while also working as the Harlequins Rugby Team Dentist, and for the England Rugby Team. She told us how delighted she is to have found a way to combine her passion for sport with her career in Dentistry.


Catherine Taylor, Director of Careers Education As the new Director of Careers Education, joining in 2022, I was delighted to join forces with the St Catherine’s Association to host my first Careers Forum here. Girls from the Fifth and Sixth Forms, as well as over 50 pupils from a range of local schools, attended the Careers Forum on Tuesday 3rd October. At St Catherine's we are extremely lucky to have access to a broad range of contacts through The Association Community and 27 alumnae, a governor, current and former parents attended the event to offer the girls the benefit of their experience.

We know that the range of career opportunities available to ambitious young women has never been greater, but at the same time the job market is intensely competitive and constantly changing. Therefore, it has never been more important to ensure that our girls have the best possible careers information in order to make choices regarding higher education and long-term career options. In addition to traditional forms of careers information, we believe that hearing from contacts currently working in areas of potential interest can be a valuable source of impartial advice.

This year the format focused on careers leading from a range of degrees. Pupils could choose to attend two different seminars on Careers leading on from Degrees in Geography, Humanities, Languages, Business & Maths, Creative Arts and Sciences.

Thank you to all of our speakers for giving up their evening and sharing their expertise and wisdom with the pupils. It was much appreciated.

A great evening and it really is an honour to be asked to come back and share our insights, learnings and challenges in the world of work. Speaker

What a fabulous event, I really enjoyed it. The girls were passionate and engaged which made our role a lot easier. I have had messages from parents, that their daughters fed back what a great event it was. Speaker



THAILAND REUNION 2023 At the beginning of September, while attending the IDP World British Boarding Schools Exhibition in Bangkok, Headmistress, Alice Phillips, was pleased to host a reunion for our Thai alumnae and parents of girls who are currently at school at St Catherine’s. Over a delicious Afternoon Tea, there was much chat about School as it is now and how it has evolved over time.

about their schooldays. While Dalad has had a varied and interesting career as an Executive Assistant in a range of organisations, Penny works as a Solution Consultant delivering digital medical solutions. With a degree in Pharmacology, she says that her change in career path was a product of the limitations of the Covid pandemic. Never let it be said that a St Cat’s girl is not resourceful!

We were particularly delighted to introduce Dalad Karnasut (1973) to Penny Rangseesorranan (2015). As one of the first Thai girls to join us at St Catherine’s it was fascinating to hear Dalad’s reminiscences, and for her to compare notes with Penny

The warm hospitality of our Thai families was much appreciated by Alice Phillips and Jane Pink, Development Officer, who accompanied her, and we look forward to visiting again.


In October we welcomed over 80 of the St Catherine’s community to a Reception in Hong Kong at the Old Bank of China Building. It was a really special evening with a mix of past, current and registered parents, as well as many of our alumnae from 1964 - 2023.

St Catherine’s feels privileged to have welcomed girls here from Hong Kong for nearly a century: from the 3 Tong sisters who joined in 1937 - Rita (1939), Brenda (1940) and Joan (1941) - and then in the 1960s and 70s we firmly established our relationship

with Hong Kong boarders. It is always an honour to visit and share news of the school with this warm community. We are very grateful to the Lam family for hosting the event at the prestigious Old Bank of China Building in Central Hong Kong.

It was just great to see all the familiar faces again – a really special evening. Xylona Lam (2013) - who gave a presentation at the reunion






In the Autumn Term, Dawn Pilkington and Fiona Haywood (Association) visited the university towns of Nottingham, Durham and Edinburgh to meet up with alumnae in the area.

the universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews at The Pear Tree.

In Nottingham we met at The Rose & Crown near the uni campus, expecting a good turnout of 15 girls but were overwhelmed that 22 alumnae turned up! In Durham we welcomed 21 students from both Durham and Newcastle universities to the beautiful riverside Boat Club location, and in Edinburgh it was great to catch up with 9 alumnae studying at

At all the events it was lovely to catch up on all the girls’ news, to hear about the wide range of degrees they are taking, and to see them all reconnecting with their School friends. Many of them told us how helpful it had been for them to email alumnae when they were at School, to help them make course and university selections and said they are very happy for current pupils to contact them for any advice on universities or courses.





YEAR OF 2000

September 2023 marked the 30-year anniversary of the Year of 2000 starting Senior School at St Catherine’s in U3. It’s not the usual anniversary reunion timing, but the Year of 2000 had their original 20-year reunion plans cancelled during the pandemic. We had a great afternoon welcoming back over 20 from the year group to a drinks reception, tours of school and cream tea in dining hall. Many thanks to Gilly Hanking-Evans for organising this special fun event with the girls from her year.

YEAR OF 2004 Not quite 20 years since they left St Cat's, but the alumnae from the Year of 2004 decided to get together for a reunion at School to coincide with Tara Vachani’s (Singh) visit to the UK from her home in India. We were blessed with great weather and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their tours of School and time to catch up over tea.

ALUMNAE VISITS THE HATTERSLEY SISTERS In October we were delighted to welcome back to School Susan Boyce (1973), Clare Papavergos (1974) and Diana Warner (1976). With Susan now living in Canada, it was wonderful to be able to spend time with all three Hattersley sisters and to reminisce about their time at St Catherine’s. Starting at The Arches, they retraced their steps through School Block and Boarding; from Chapel, down the Long Run to the Dining Room; and past the sports fields to Symes. As the sisters shared many happy memories of friends and teachers, we paused briefly in the Rose Garden to remember friends lost in the Dunsfold Air Crash of 1975: a poignant moment in a visit otherwise filled with warmth and laughter. From L to R: Susan Boyce (1973), Clare Papavergos (1974), Diana Warner (1976)



YEMISI AYENI (AROMASODU) (1982) FUNKE IGHODARO (OYEWOLE) (1981) On the first day of term we had a surprise visit from two alumnae, who both joined St Catherine’s for the Sixth Form from their schools in Lagos. Yemisi Ayeni (Aromasodu) (1982) (third from right) lives in Lagos while Funke Ighodaro (Oyewole) (1981) (far left), after spending much of her career in Nigeria, is now based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Both Yemisi and Funke really enjoyed their tour of St Cat’s and especially liked seeing current pupils from Nigeria: Emmanuella, Nneka, Onyinye and Ugo.

MARY BENNIE (BYRON-BROWN) (1959) In October Dawn Pilkington and Fiona Haywood (Association) visited Mary Bennie (ByronBrown) (1959) at her home in Whichford, Warwickshire. Mary is preparing to move house and has donated her wonderful collection of Art Books to the School Art Department. Their new home is in the History of Art Room in The Art & MakerSpace @ The John Palmer Centre. Thank you, Mary, for your generous donation and a most enjoyable visit, hearing all your memories of your School days.

YOUR NE W S We are always interested to hear your news, big or small! Have you graduated, qualified, changed jobs, got married, had children, set up a business, volunteered for a charity, run a marathon, been published, exhibited an artwork, retired or taken a gap year to travel the world? All news of weddings and obituaries can be found under the Association section on the School website:

WEDDINGS Katy Allison (2009) Lucia Chan (2010) Emily Revess (2010) Gaby Gavins (2011)

Lauren Harrison (2011)

Emma Hobkinson (2012)

Joanna Hitchcock (2011)

Abi Legge (2012)

Tash Newman (2011)

Lucy Olsen (2012)

Mary Tyler (2011)

Hannah Pilkington (2012)

Victoria Rea (2011)

Ilona Clayton (2017)

Hannah Winder (2011)

Beth Titford (2018)


May they rest in peace

Kathleen Murray-Willis (Putnam) (1941)

Sarah Phillips (1981)

Pamela Parry (Clatworthy) (1943)

Fiona Melrose (1981)

Jenny Grayson (Fry) (1955)

Katharine Vile (1989)

Sally Weaver (Anglin) (1961)

Elizabeth Duxbury - Former Staff

Jane Pain (Kemball) (1965)

Brigadier Dick Hume - Former Bursar

Pat Moore (1967)

Alex Palmer - Former Staff & Former Parent

Caroline Boydell (Webb-Cook) (1970)

Nigel Thomas - Former Governor

MEMORIES OF ST CATHERINE’S Our back page features a 2001 photo from our School Archive. We love this happy picture. But what was the occasion? Please get in touch if you are in the photo by email: BEING IN CONTROL OF YOUR DATA AND OUR FUNDRAISING PROMISE We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899751 or email Thank you.



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