Thur 5 Term Starts
Sun 22 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Foundation Day Celebration
The annual celebration of the founding of the School with Chapel service and afternoon tea. All welcome.
Date TBC Bangkok Reception
Tue 1 6.00pm - 8.30pm London Network: Starting a Business / Entrepreneurship Leadenhall Building, London
Thur 10 6.00pm - 8.00pm Nottingham Alumnae Reunion
Sat 26 Shanghai Reception
Sun 27 Hong Kong Reception
Mrs Phillips looks forward to her last visit to HK as Head
Thur 7 7.30pm - 9.00pm
St Catherine’s Presents: The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Auditorium
Thur 14 6.00pm - 8.00pm Oxford Alumnae Reunion
Tue 19
6.00pm - 7.30pm
St Cat’s Chats: Zoom Book Club with Jonathan Worthen Northanger Abbey
Fri 22
7.30pm - 10.00pm
St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert Parents only but all can view in via website livestream
Thur 28 6.00pm - 8.00pm Durham & Newcastle Alumnae Reunion
Date TBC Singapore Reception
Thur 12 End of Term
Mon 16 3.00pm - 5.30pm Alumnae Lax & Netball Matches 6.30pm - 8.00pm Association Carols by Candlelight
Contact association@stcatherines.info for more information on any of these events.
We are delighted to open with the headline news that our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate Report has been published. The inspection was conducted under a brand-new framework with a new reporting style and no single-word judgements. We are delighted with the outcome. We met all the many inspection standards and were particularly proud to receive not one, but two of the Significant Strengths that can now be recognised. Fittingly for this publication, one was for the quality of our careers’ guidance and alumnae/parent networking and the Association in particular: a good moment to pay tribute to Dawn Pilkington and Fiona Haywood, as well as Catherine Taylor in Careers, for all their hard work on this and so many other Association activities.
The second Significant Strength was our extra-curricular provision, and we know alumnae of all ages will testify to this. You can find the report here: stcatherines.info/welcome/ inspection-reports
The long (far too long) public exam season is in its final days, School exams have finished, the L6 Musical and the LIII play are in full rehearsal mode. There is preparation going on for Speech Day, with our guest speaker Caroline Steel (2012), BBC Radio 4 Science Presenter and recent winner of the ARIAS 2024 Best New Presenter Award
At the time of writing, it seems that the General Election will bring challenges to the independent sector. We are working hard to support our parents as they face being taxed on their choice of school for their daughter. Where possible we will drive costs down while maintaining the quality of the education we offer.
It is with great pleasure and not a little excitement, we announce the opening of the St Catherine’s Pre-School with a class of 3-year-olds joining us in the Prep from September 2024.
And finally, we are delighted to have received final confirmation from Buckingham Palace of Her Majesty The Queen’s continuation of her Patronage of St Catherine’s, another cause for celebration.
Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew – Headmistresses
Non Nobis Domine!
Not unto us, O Lord,
The praise or glory be...
The opening of the school hymn
19th September
Senior Registrar - Clare Woodgates
Tuesday 17th September Friday 11th October
Prep Registrar - Sarah Waller 01483 899665 prepadmissions@stcatherines.info
For our End of Term Lecture, Spring 2024, we heard from current parent and architect, Tracy Meller (Karas). Tracy is a Senior Partner - and the only female partner - at Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners (RSHP), an architectural company who have worked on iconic projects around the world such as the Leadenhall Building (the Cheesegrater) in London, Heathrow Terminal 5, the London School of Economics (LSE) Centre Building and the British Library Extension.
Tracy talked about how both her parents were architects, but she had chosen to pursue a career in medicine. However, after doing work experience on a hospital cancer ward, she had a change of mind. She told us how there were many different routes to get into architecture, and you don’t necessarily have to be good at maths or be able to draw; it is more important to have an interest in the buildings around you and how things work. Using her work on the LSE Centre Building, Tracy took us through the process of creating and developing a building from a simple brief. We were able to see the initial drawings and 3D models of the spaces, all the way through to the completed building. We were given a detailed insight into the many aspects that were considered during the design process and how important teamwork and communication skills were in getting to the final goal.
The lecture was very engaging and gave us a greater understanding of a profession that has such a significant impact on our daily lives. Tracy has very kindly offered her company’s office space in the Leadenhall Building for the next London Network event. It is such an iconic building and well worth the visit.
As the Summer Term draws to a close, we say a fond farewell to the Year of 2024 girls, and name our lifers who have been here since PP1, aged 4: Lizzie Bacon, Katie Clarke, Emma, Phoebe Farman, Natalie Hinds, Daniella Paul and Olivia Williams. As you embark on gap year travels, further studies or into the world of work, we look forward
to hearing all your news, and we hope to see you at some of our regional reunions or at St Catherine’s in the near future. This photo features some of the U6 performing at their Leavers’ Concert. The front cover was taken at their Leavers’ photo.
OUR 139 th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION YOUR INVITATION TO Sunday 22 nd September 2024, 2pm - 5pm
Join us for the annual celebration of our School’s Birthday.
Foundation Day Chapel Service led by our Chaplain, the Rev’d Dr McNair Scott
Tours of School - An opportunity to see around the school site. Bring your friends & family.
Afternoon Tea with birthday cake will be served in the Dining Room
As part of the celebrations we are looking forward to hosting our Golden Girls (1940-1960) and alumnae reunions for 1974, 1984, 1994 and 2004 leavers.
All generations of your families are welcome. There is no charge for the day.
Simply email association@stcatherines.info to book your place.
Creating career connections between alumnae and parents
All alumnae and parents are welcome to join us for an evening of networking, drinks and canapés.
Tuesday 1 st October 2024 | 6.00pm - 8.00pm
The Leadenhall Building, EC3V 4AB
Please email association@stcatherines.info to register for this event.
Thursday 7th November 2024
7.30pm – 9.45pm
Bar open from 6.45pm St Catherine’s School Auditorium
Tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets: stcatsoae.bpt.me alternatively please use the QR code.
Founded in 1986, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment is a British period instrument orchestra resident at the Southbank Centre and associate orchestra at Glyndebourne Festival Opera. They believe in getting closer to the experience intended by the composers themselves, by playing instruments and using techniques from the period the music was written. They believe in collaboration between musicians and are not led by any one conductor, thereby giving players the artistic freedom to collectively take on that role.
We are deeply grateful to Imogen Charlton-Edwards (Current Parent and Chair of the OAE) for helping to facilitate this event.
Tuesday 19 th November | 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Our St Cat’s Chats Book Club with Jonathan Worthen (Former Head of English) has proved popular with alumnae, parents and pupils alike. For our next ‘virtual event’ we are delighted that Jonathan will be presenting Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey This is a novel about what Jane Austen calls her young heroine’s entrée into life, first during the heroine’s extended visit to the city of Bath, and secondly in her stay at the great country house that gives the novel its title. It is a literary work that presents innocence encountering the far from innocent ways of the world, and also examines how life portrayed in fiction (the heroine is a devoted reader of novels) compares and contrasts with reality itself. This event is open to everyone and is free, but please register your interest by emailing association@stcatherines.info
Monday 16 th December from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Mulled wine and mince pies followed by a candlelit service in the Chapel. We are looking forward to hosting this very popular event for our alumnae. Alumnae Lax and Netball matches in the afternoon from 3pm.
Email association@stcatherines.info to register your interest.
On Saturday 16th March 2024 the Association Choir held their annual concert in the Auditorium. This year the concert celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the formation of The St Catherine’s Association in 2004, when we officially founded this structure for the St Catherine’s community. The Charter was signed by all those whom the Association represents (stcatherines.info/association/welcome)
This concert truly brings together all the members of our St Catherine’s community in the Association Choir – made up of current and former pupils, parents, staff and governors, as well as friends from Bramley village - alongside Symphony Orchestra, Senior Choir and Middle Chamber Choir.
The concert opened with the Choir singing Te Deum by Stanford. This was followed by Saskia Hill (U6) playing the first movement of Max Bruch’s Violin Concerto and her twin sister, India playing the first movement of Edward Elgar’s Cello Concerto which were both outstanding. The orchestra then treated us to 3 more pieces including the Waltz from Sleeping Beauty, a selection from Pirates of the Caribbean and finally Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral by Wagner.
After the interval the Choir sang Elgar’s The Music Makers accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra. It was great to welcome alumna Ruby Skilbeck (2023) back as our soprano soloist. Ruby is currently studying Vocal Studies at the Royal Academy of
Thank you to Mr Greenfield for giving up your Wednesday evenings for rehearsals for over 10 weeks and conducting on the night, and also a big thank you to Mr Lloyd for teaching and conducting the Symphony Orchestra throughout this term. Thanks also go to Ms Svecova, Mr Farquharson and Mr Kim for all their assistance too.
The evening’s retiring collection was in aid of the Bright Futures Bursary Programme. Our commitment to this programme is our way of supporting girls, who would not otherwise be able to join us, to reach their potential. We know that bursary places change girls' lives and enrich the whole School environment.
The Association Choir Sings Rock is a light-hearted choir and band for members of our St Cat’s community. We only have 3 rehearsals before performing our song as one of the acts in the St Catherine’s Jazz and Rock Concert. This year’s choir of over 50 members consisted of a mixture of alumnae, parents and staff both current and former, and friends from the Bramley community.
This year we sang the very catchy classic 80’s hit by Starship – We Built This City We all had a lot of fun at rehearsals and at the final performance.
Thank you to Sarah Jones (Head of Prep Music), who led our rehearsals and conducted on the night, and to Matthew Greenfield (Director of Music), for accompanying during rehearsals and on the night and last, but not least to, Ian Young (Head of Percussion and Contemporary Music), who led the band of students whose playing was outstanding. Please email association@stcatherines.info if you would like to join us next year.
Saturday 29th April to Monday 1st May 2024
19 current and former parents and staff joined the Association Trip to Paris on the first May Bank holiday this year. Leaving on an early Eurostar from London we arrived in Paris on Saturday, and immediately headed off to the Châtelet area for lunch followed by a visit to the Centre Pompidou. Under the direction of Alex Perry-Adlam (Head of Art), we learned about the iconic ‘inside-out architecture’ of the building itself, and the importance of the modern artworks in the main collection including works by Kandinsky, Matisse, Chagall, Klein, Miro and Picasso.
Sunday was our busiest day, starting with a visit to the Musée de l’Orangerie in the Tuileries Gardens to see the enormous Waterlilies paintings given by Monet to the French State on the day after Armistice 1918 as a symbol of peace. After a quick lunch we headed to the Musée d’Orsay for a sensory overload of incredible impressionist artworks from Renoir and Monet to Degas, Van Gogh, Cezanne and Gaugin. There is so much to see that this was a firm favourite for everyone, including those who had visited before. This visit was followed by a return boat trip up the Seine from Île de la Cité to the Eiffel Tower. Although it was raining, we braved the top deck to hear the guided tour and see all the important buildings of the city from the river.
On Monday we headed on foot to Montmartre to see the whitedomed Basilica on the summit and to wander around the area where so many artists including Van Gogh, Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec lived and had studios at the end of the C19th and beginning of the C20th. Although quite touristy in the main Place du Tertre we enjoyed exploring the steep cobbled streets, fantastic views of the city and glimpses of the old vineyards of the neighbourhood.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip and are very grateful to Alex Perry-Adlam for guiding us on this whistlestop tour of Paris’ wonderful art treasures.
Jean Arrick and Caroline Rose were delighted to offer former St Catherine’s colleagues the chance to join them on a relaxing walk through the Surrey countryside around Newlands Corner, followed by afternoon tea and chat. They report:
We were blessed with an unusually clear day for our get together for former St Cats staff. We met at Newlands Corner and completed a 3-mile circular walk before heading to The Guildford Manor Hotel for afternoon tea.
It was great to meet up with our former colleagues and catch up on everyone’s news.
Those who attended were : Jean Arrick, Kate Atkins, Lesley Austin, Annabelle Blake, Jan Collins, Lorna Crispin, Debbie Gauvain, Penny Harris, Jean Keane, Rhiannon Morgan, Lynne Pillar, Caroline Rose, Brenda Rounce and Chris Silver.
Former staff should contact association@stcatherines.info if they would like to join or organise the next gathering.
Having realised, with your support, our vision for the first three elements of our campaign to Create the Future at St Catherine's, we are delighted to be planning the final stage of this exciting project, The CATalyst
The Phase 1 build prioritises work in the existing School Block, creating the new Community Lab and a Physics Lab. The Community Lab will be a ‘super-Lab’ and has been designed specifically to accommodate both Prep and Senior outreach activity. This laboratory will allow us to host Summer Science Camps, Coding Workshops and Science teacher training activity, building on the work that has already begun in the Prep School WonderLab. During the School day the Lab will be used by Middle and Senior School girls for core curriculum work and extra-curricular clubs such as Dissection Club, Astrophysics Club, Maths Challenge and the Sixth Form Medical Reading Club.
The extension and refurbishment of these areas of School Block will also add two additional classrooms upstairs for Maths and English while providing additional tutor group spaces to support our pastoral care of the girls. Finally, it will also see an exciting relocation, refurbishment and refit of the Middle School Drama studio into a highceilinged space which is currently a classroom. The new studio will enable girls of all ages to explore technical theatre – sound and light; devise, improvise and develop both exam and class work; and showcase their work in a studio environment. You can read more about this in our feature on our Play Your Part campaign.
We are thrilled that Katie Malins, our Prep School Director of Computer Science and Digital Learning, has been shortlisted for the TES Awards 2024 in the category of Primary Curriculum Leader of the Year in recognition of the Prep School’s Digital Dynamos ICT curriculum.
This prestigious awards programme celebrates the very best of education across the UK in all sectors. Digital skills and computational thinking are taught across the whole School curriculum and the girls are encouraged to become independent critical thinkers. From Coding Fundamentals to Google Workplace Skills; Young Coder competitions to Stop Animation and Robotics; our girls become Digital Dynamos thanks to Katie Malins’ leadership, learning the necessary skills to live and thrive in a world of digital innovation.
Naomi Bartholomew, Prep Headmistress, was delighted to hear that Katie had been shortlisted, saying, “Technology, and AI in particular, will undoubtedly have an impact on both the girls’ futures and ours. What a head start they will have gained through the Digital Dynamos programme! They will be competent and confident users of a range of digital technologies. They will think and ask questions. They will be risk-takers who apply their skills to new situations. And they will have a lifelong love of learning, fostered at St Catherine's.”
Meanwhile in the Senior School, Dr Elodie Nevin, Director of Studies, and Angelique Burns, Head of Digital Learning, held the first AI Brainstorming Breakfast for interested parents and senior girls, and for the third year running, students qualified from among 15,000 taking the Microsoft Office Specialist qualifications, to take part in the international competition.
There was a big St Cat’s presence at this year’s London Marathon on 21st April. Those who competed were: Mrs Peel (Head of French), Isabella (2016) & Helena Farrell (2012), Henny Foord (2018), Megan Crane (2016), Emily Soper (2017).
Two weeks earlier, Mrs Keeble (Current Staff) and a number of alumnae completed The London Landmarks Half Marathon - Kate Windle, Emily Wigmore, Jess Roberts, Mia Scott, Lisa Sizeland and Alex von Schoenberg (2018) - all running in aid of the Max Windle Memorial Trust. They were supported by many of their 2018 St Cat’s pals including Henny Foord, Rosie Kelsall, Imogen Buck, Sasha Narraway, Saskia Walker, and Tash Lewis.
We are also proud to report that Ari Pearson (Alumna 2015 & Current Staff) completed the Boston Marathon in April in an amazing 3hrs 22mins, a time which puts her up with the elite runners!
One of the real highlights of the Sixth Form year is the Lower Sixth Musical, directed, produced, choreographed, stage managed as well as performed by members of the L6 after their summer exams. This year’s musical was The Little Mermaid and past productions since 2000 are listed on the right. Each successive year group takes lasting memories away from these performances which are entirely student-led.
Our School Archive holds a copy of the Sixth Form Musical programmes, but we are on the hunt for two. Can you help us track down a copy from the Year of 2011’s performance of Grease in 2010 or the Year of 2015’s performance of The Producers in 2014?
The Little Mermaid
High School Musical
Beauty and the Beast
Annie (cancelled due to Covid) Legally Blonde Grease
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Back to the 80s
The Producers
Oliver Cabaret
Oklahoma Grease
The Wizard of Oz
Annie Mikado
Salad Days
Me and My Girl
The Boyfriend
Guys and Dolls
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Former Head of Drama, Judith Hilvert, was so pleased to see so many former colleagues and students in the audience for her new play, A Coy Mistress, which premiered at the Esher Theatre in April.
I did it – finally got my own play on in a lovely little theatre – a minor miracle Judith Hilvert (Former Head of Drama) (1998 - 2011)
School Drama Studio. This much loved and well used space has served us well for many years, introducing girls of all ages to the principles and practices of Theatre Studies, as well as being the home to many happy hours of improvisation, devising and creativity.
To find out more, visit the school website at stcatherines.info/ development/support-drama or contact Jane Pink at jane.pink@ stcatherines.info or +44 1483 900787
The Association plays an important role in sourcing speakers for the careers talks given at School. We are so grateful to all our speakers for giving up their valuable time to inspire the girls in their choice of further studies and career paths.
In the Spring term we held a very successful seminar on Careers in the World of Finance where we welcomed alumnae Hannah Johnson (2013), Caroline Beabey (Langley) (1994), Georgina Newey (2016) and Megan O’Hanlon (2014) along with current Prep parents Jane Kenyon and Jim Richards, who work in a range of careers in the financial sector including investment banking, tax management and financial analysis. The panellists shared details of their career
journeys and their current roles. The audience, which included students from other local schools including RGS, Guildford County School and St Peter’s, Merrow, asked many questions covering areas from the importance of female representation, work experience, the value of soft skills and the impact of AI, technology and sustainability on the financial sector.
To coincide with World Book Week we held a seminar focusing on Careers in the World of the Written Word. We were pleased to welcome three alumnae who all work in this area: Seren Hughes (2016) Homepage Reporter at The Times, Isabel Hardman (2004) long-standing Deputy Editor of The Spectator, and Emily Cornell (2018) Key
Account Manager at Penguin Random House. They talked about the different skills required for succeeding in this extremely competitive arena and outlined some top tips for students wanting to enter this field.
Interestingly, the common theme in both seminars was the importance of studying degrees that you will enjoy, and that entry into these careers is enhanced through a breadth of study, a curious mind and by demonstrating resilience and determination. The need to seize opportunities and to develop soft skills so that you have a bank of experience to draw on when selling yourself was also highlighted in both events.
In April, we had a lovely email from a Mrs Jane Aldred who knew that her mother had attended St Catherine’s, and asking if the School Archive would be interested in some of her 1920s exercise books. We instantly replied with a resounding YES! Jane and her sister were delighted that we were able to send her a photo of the Registration Book showing the log of her mother’s admission to School, as well as a couple of photos of her time at St Catherine’s. Peggy Blair joined St Catherine’s in 1921, aged 8 years, and she stayed until U6 in 1931. The School Magazine helped us gain an insight into Peggy’s time at School: piano exams, an angel in the 1926 nativity, confirmation by the Bishop of Guildford in 1928, House Colours for Cricket, Tennis and Lacrosse, and we particularly liked seeing how she stayed in touch with School long after she had left, including an update from 1941 when she was working in an RAF hospital at Uxbridge, and return visits to School to play tennis.
We are looking forward to welcoming Peggy’s two daughters to St Catherine’s on Foundation Day this year - it will be so special to show them the Chapel where their mother was confirmed, and the exact spots where these 1920s photos of Peggy were taken.
Peggy in the photos above: 1) Back row third from left 2) Back row second from left
We had a great turnout of pupils, alumnae and parents at our London Network event in March hosted by Brunswick Group at their offices in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Brunswick Group is an international PR and corporate communications agency. Fiona Micallef-Eynaud (Current Parent & Brunswick Partner) gave the audience an insight into her role with valuable tips on how to network and how to make the most of this valuable tool in your career.
There was an exciting buzz to the whole event with lots of post-speech debate, and plenty of networking.
Thanks must also go to Angela Roshier, current parent and Chair of the London Network, for her work on curating the programme for Network events.
We are always looking for venues for our future London Network events. If you are able to helps us please email association@stcatherines.info
On Saturday 22nd June we welcomed back the Year of 2014 for their Ten-Year Reunion back at School. 25 alumnae and 14 current and former staff joined us as the afternoon started with welcome drinks in the Anniversary Halls.
The tours of School were very noisy as they all chatted and told us their memories, while taking lots of pictures of themselves in their old haunts. They were particularly impressed to see the The 6 (Sixth Form Boarding House) and the new Art & MakerSpace extension to the John Palmer Centre – both new additions since they left. They were delighted to see their names on the 2014 Honours Boards and loved poring over their U3 photos which we had put out for them from the School Archives.
After the tour, everyone headed to the Culinary Arts Studio for a cooking lesson with Mr Friend to make brushchetta followed by a sports lesson with Mrs Alexander on the lax pitches. To round the afternoon off, everyone gathered in the Dining Room for afternoon tea and a chance for more catching up!
We had another very successful visit to Exeter in February to catch up with 20 of our alumnae currently studying at the university. Fiona Haywood (Association), Ali White (DT) and Amanda White (Geography & Ashcombe Housemistress) returned to The Old Firehouse in the town centre which proved a convenient location for everyone to get to and also serves the biggest pizzas!
On Saturday 2nd March, over 50 St Cat’s students and staff set off to visit Oxford. Luckily the torrential rain stopped as we arrived, and so we began our visit with a walking tour of the ‘city of dreaming spires’. We saw famous Oxford landmarks like the Radcliffe Camera, the Bodleian Library, and Blackwells Bookshop. We then met alumnae Ginny Browne (2023) (Classics|Oriel) and Hannah Wei (2023) (English|Hertford) who told us about their experiences getting to and studying at the University of Oxford and answered all our questions in a very helpful Q&A session. We looked around St John’s College in small groups and had some free time to visit other colleges and explore the centre and the Covered Market. It was a most enjoyable and informative day, and gave everyone lots to think about for potential uni applications.
Sophie Ford (Pringle) (2001) came back to St Catherine’s to give an U4 Lecture. She told the girls about her degree in Architecture, her postgrad studies at Wimbledon School of Art and her career journey to setting up Pringle & Pringle, her own successful Interior Architecture and Design company based in Godalming. Other alumnae returning to give U4 Lectures have included Ellie Pilkington (2014) Media Planning Account Manager at Mindshare; and Sally Parker (2017) Paramedic.
Mrs Rosa McQuade was thrilled to reunite with former colleagues Christine Massey (Former Head of PE, Head of Ashcombe & Senior Housemistress) and Gillian Soper (Former Head of Geography, Head of Stoner & Director of Studies). Still fiercely loyal to their Houses, you will see in the photo that they had both dressed in their House colours and St Catherine’s wheel necklaces for their visit back to School!
We are always interested to hear your news, big or small!
Have you graduated, qualified, changed jobs, got married, had children, set up a business, volunteered for a charity, run a marathon, been published, exhibited an artwork, retired or taken a gap year to travel the world?
All news of weddings and obituaries can be found under the Association section on the School website: www.stcatherines.info/association/events-news
Audrey Bayliss (1942)
Rosamond Raymond (Day) (1946)
Joyce Hall (Meihuizen) (1951)
Anne Gordon-Johnson (Buchanan) (1954)
Sheila Pash (Heaney) (1956)
Judith Knox (Gordon) (1960)
May they rest in peace
Mary Eggleston (Former Staff)
Sue Collister (Head of Boarding St Catherine’s, Melbourne / Exchange Co-ordinator)
In May we hosted a wonderful and very well-attended memorial service for Alex Palmer (Former Staff, Former Parent and wife of the late John Palmer, Former Headmaster). The celebration was organised by her family and held in the Chapel in accordance with her wishes.
Our back page features a 1932 picture of the St Catherine’s Tennis Team. I’m sure many of our readers will remember their wooden tennis rackets kept in a press!
One of our alumnae, Kay Maule (Tuckey) (1937) reached the quarter-finals of the Wimbledon Ladies Singles Championship in 1951. She also played for Great Britain in the Wightman Tennis Cup (an annual team tennis competition for women contested from 1923 – 1989).
Have you any shots of your tennis teams over the years? It would be good to get together a gallery of such photos in the archive, celebrating the changes of fashion and rackets over the decades. Please get in touch by email: association@stcatherines.info
Many of you will have fond memories of lessons with Annabelle Blake, Tennis Coach from 1990 until her retirement in 2022. Always a regular attender at reunions in school, she is usually deep in conversation with alumnae who remember her coaching in all weathers, early or late, with great affection.
We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899751 or email association@stcatherines.info Thank you. BEING IN