St Catherine's, Bramley - Non Nobis Autumn 2019

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19:00-21:00 St Catherine’s Presents, Lucinda Hawksley on Charles Dickens, Auditorium.**

Thu 14

19:30-22:00 Woodwind & Brass Sectional Concert, Auditorium**

Fri 22

19:30-22:00 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert (Parents only or listen/watch via live stream, celebrate with us #mystcatsday - see article opposite)

Sat 30

19:30-23:00 PTA Christmas Dinner Dance

DECEMBER 14:00-15:00 Prep School Nativity Performance*

Wed 4

09:30-10:30 Prep School Nativity Performance*

Thu 12

End of Term

Mon 16

18:30-20:00 Association Carols by Candlelight, Chapel (All welcome)**


First Day of Term

Thu 30

19:30-22:00 Keyboard Sectional Concert, Prep School Hall

FEBRUARY Wed 12 Fri 14

19:00-22:00 Senior School Production - Macbeth*


19:30-22.30 Association Choir Concert Handel’s Messiah, Holy Trinity Church, Guildford*

Thu 12

19:00-21:30 Chamber Music Concert, Auditorium**

Thu 19

18:30–21:30 The London Network Property Focus, London. All welcome but must be booked*

Mon 23

19:30-21:30 A Level Examination Recitals & Leavers’ Recitals, Auditorium**

Wed 25

18:00-19:00 Alumnae Drinks Reception prior to House Singing*

Thu 26

End of Term

APRIL Wed 22

First Day of Term

Fri 24

19:30-22:30 PTA Quiz Night*

May Fri 1

19:30-22:00 Senior School Summer Concert, Auditorium** (All welcome)*

Thu 7 Sun 10

Association Battlefields trip to Normandy (Now fully booked)

Fri 22

19:30-22:00 Jazz & Rock Concert*

* Contact for more information ** All welcome at the door

It was a fantastic end to the Summer Term to welcome Jo Glynn-Smith (Pagnall) (1991) back to School as our end of term lecturer. Jo left St Cats in 1991, having been Head Girl. She always loved art at school and following her degree she pursued her dream of working in the fashion industry. It was fascinating to hear about her career path from Amanda Wakeley, Hardy Amies and Harper’s Bazaar to her current position as UK Marketing Director at Pandora, the popular jewellery company. The talk was particularly relevant as the UK is Pandora’s second largest market after the US and we are their target market! The majority of the girls in the audience own a Pandora item! It was so interesting to hear that the company is actually Danish, that it creates 112 million pieces of jewellery a year and employs 32,000 people globally. The girls were interested to hear how the company treats its Thai workforce with high levels of respect and that the company is committed to preventing a negative impact on the environment e.g.100% of the gold in their jewellery is recycled.

Jo Glynne-Smith (Pagnall) - First Day, 1982

Tue 3


We learned about Jo’s role building brand awareness for Pandora in the UK and Ireland, and that the skills that are important for her are in leadership and managing a budget (hers is £20m a year!). At the end of her talk she tested us on a few facts from her presentation and four girls were lucky winners of a piece of Pandora jewellery!

PROSPECTIVE PARENTS’ EVENTS 2019/2020 Senior School Thursday 21st November 2019 Friday 31st January 2020 Tuesday 10th March 2020 Thursday 30th April 2020 Friday 19th June 2020

Prep School Friday 15th November 2019 Friday 7th February 2020 Thursday 12th March 2020 Wednesday 29th April 2020 Friday 12th June 2020 (Reception Entry)

Senior School Registrar - Clare Woodgates 01483 899 609

Prep School Registrar - Sally Manhire 01483 899 665

FAY LOMAS (2009) I read Norwegian Nobel-Prize winner Knut Hamsun’s masterpiece Hunger when I was still at St Catherine’s and was captivated by it. Hunger is the story of a young man moving to the city with big dreams of becoming a writer – and very quickly finding himself on the streets instead. It’s about how easy it is to slip through the net and how hard it is to climb out. Told through the eyes of the young man in question, it takes the reader into his increasingly warped sense of reality. As a teenager, it blew my mind in the power of

JOIN THE ST CAT’S DAY CELEBRATIONS To celebrate St Cat’s Day 2019 on 22nd November, we want as many alumnae as possible to share photos of themselves taken on the day via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. You can share a picture of you with other alumnae, or on your own or a throwback photo from when you were here. Get involved in helping us to compile a global snapshot of St Cat’s Day 2019 and join in on the day’s festivities. Please tag us in any photos using @stcatsbramley and/or #mystcatsday so we can see all your posts. Ways in which you can send in your photos:





@stcatsbramley and #mystcatsday


its images and the urgency of its message. I knew my mum had read it as well and I remember discussing it in detail together. Fast forward a decade and I’m training to be a director at Birkbeck. Increasingly angered by the way that homelessness had been soaring since 2010 - Hunger came back to my mind, a story written in 1890’s Norway but happening every day on the 21st century streets of the UK. Thinking about who would be the perfect person to adapt the story, I immediately thought of my mum – a writer who saw it artistically in a very similar way to me.

From that moment on, started a long and fruitful collaboration. It will have been three and a half years between our first conversations and opening night. In the meantime I’ve worked on a variety of other productions including as assistant director for the National Theatre and in the West End, and, currently, as the Peter Hall Emerging Artist Fellow at the Rose Theatre in Kingston. It’s been so busy but the journey for Hunger is now reaching its final stages. We’re very lucky to have been programmed by the multi-award winning Arcola Theatre,

who are co-producing, and to be funded by the Arts Council. The show runs from 20 November until 21 December. With a brilliant young team of creative artists on board, we’ll be taking the audience inside the surreal world of Hunger’s protagonist in a production which ranges from moments of tragedy to quirky comedy, from intense realism to weird, hungerfuelled fantasy.

Tickets can be booked via the Arcola website at

ALICE PHILLIPS ‘Let us go on … unto perfection’ (Hebrews VI, i) was used by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Edward White Benson, as the text for his sermon when he dedicated our beautiful late Victorian Chapel in 1894. We do not know who adopted this as the School’s motto, but in doing so, she – we must assume it was our Headmistress at the time - selected only the opening four words, wisely removing any pressure to achieve perfection and preferring to leave the meaning open to interpretation. These four short words, imbued with a sense of anticipation, and affording it a welcome versatility, have been our mantra ever since.

It is also practical and pragmatic. Many a school internal email at times of trial ends quite simply with LUGO. We all know what we mean by it – encouragement and purposefulness – and so do the girls who also use it, and I understand many St Catherine’s families do too. That is why, as mottos go, we think it’s wonderful.

Not Latin or Greek – and thus understood immediately by many without translation, it’s a fantastic forward-looking statement. No use crying over spilt milk, just move on forwards. The past is the past. We must live with it. It is also inclusive - ‘us’, not ‘me’ or ‘I’. It’s Biblical – we are a Church of England School – but it is not overly evangelical and can speak to anyone of any faith.

It has stood the test of time. It can be used in times of joy and celebration, or, when times might be tougher. One of the skills we develop in our young women is resilience. ‘ Let us go on…’ sits well at the end of a congratulatory message, and equally, can convey so much to a sports team who have just been defeated by a whisker.

A fantastic and forward looking statement

…sums up an eternal spirit, a life force which transcends the here and now.

We can imagine Charlotte Russell-Baker, one of our longest-serving and highly esteemed former Headmistresses, finding comfort in these words in 1907 when she witnessed St Catherine’s partially destroyed by fire after a lightning strike. We have the most poignant photograph in our archives of ‘RB’ standing beneath a capacious black umbrella, contemplating the damage sustained.

It also sits well with the St Catherine’s Association – a community of over 9,000 members, and growing daily, comprising girls, staff, alumnae, parents, governors and friends of the school, past and present. The Association makes it possible to bridge the years, bringing together current pupils with those who are now in exciting careers, to those who left St Catherine’s long before the Equal Pay Act! ‘Let us go on…’ sums up an eternal spirit, a life force which transcends the here and now. ‘Let us go on…’ Indeed!


The afternoon began with a special chapel service of commemoration which closely followed the exact service of dedication led by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1894. Our Chaplain, the Rev’d Dr McNair Scott, was joined by The Venerable Paul Davies, Archdeacon of Surrey, The Right Rev’d Jo Bailey Wells, Bishop of Dorking, and former Chaplain, Rev’d Canon Colin Tickner, each of whom took part in the service. The Chapel Choir followed the theme of the address by singing the specially composed anthem ‘Let Us Go On’ by Matthew Greenfield, Director of Music, a setting of the words from Hebrews, VI, from which we take our school motto. This was followed by a fantastic, inspiring talk by Nikki Henderson (2011) in which she told us how she had competed in the Fastnet Race, had been the youngest skipper in the history of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, finishing second in 2018, and was a guest skipper on Tracey Edward’s yacht for the first leg of the all-female ‘The Maiden Factor’ World Tour. Nikki also reminisced about her school days and how her career path has developed in what might be seen as an unorthodox way, yet the perfect fit for her.

This was followed by a delicious afternoon tea. The dining room was abuzz with people sharing their memories of St. Catherine’s whilst reuniting with old friends and viewing the many displays from the School archives. The traditional cake was cut with Nikki Henderson and her year group friends who returned with her helping out.

“Thank you for such a lovely Foundation Day event yesterday. What a great celebration - Nikki was an inspirational speaker and the scones were fab! We thoroughly enjoyed having a chance to look through the archive material that was on display. It was all so interesting.” Current Staff “What a wonderful celebratory occasion! Such a buzz and the community at its best family, friends, alumnae, past staff.” Current Parent “The Chapel has always held a special place in my heart, where many a day I sat in reflection and contemplation, and to be part of yesterday’s dedication service was the perfect start to such an enjoyable day.” Former Staff



IN SEPTEMBER WE WERE DELIGHTED TO WELCOME PRIZE-WINNING CONDUCTOR, JONATHAN BUTCHER, ALONG WITH 20 PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS MAKING UP THE SOUTH DOWNS ORCHESTRA. JONATHAN WHO STUDIED CONDUCTING UNDER LEONARD BERNSTEIN, ANDRÉ PREVIN AND NORMAN DEL MAR, HAS DIRECTED THE ORCHESTRA AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE AND WORKED WITH FAMOUS INTERNATIONAL ENSEMBLES. Our own symphony orchestra was joined by thirty members of the George Abbott school orchestra for a day of workshops, joint and sectional rehearsals and the final performance with the professional musicians. In the afternoon a few of the professional musicians went over to the Prep School and joined forces with a number of talented prep musicians to do a short workshop before performing one of the pieces to parents in the Prep School Hall. At the same time all members of the combined symphony orchestra practised for the spectacular evening concert.

The quality of the music was amazing especially given that Symphony orchestra had only met for two Fridays before yesterday. What a great experience for St Catherine’s musicians!

The combined orchestra filled the stage in the first half and, under the baton of Donald Lloyd, Conductor of St Catherine’s Symphony Orchestra, entertained the audience with a wide variety of pieces including Grand March from Aida, a medley of music from Star Wars and the Dambusters theme. The South Downs Orchestra, conducted by Jonathan, then thrilled the audience with a Suite of Scottish Dances and other works in the second half. The concert ended with a grand finale of the combined orchestra playing the English Folk Song Suite by Vaughan Williams. It was a truly memorable day for the girls and audience.

It was a privilege playing with a professional and it was a lot of fun.


We trained hard in the months leading up to the event; this included completing as many long, hilly rides as possible in order to be ready for, in particular, Cornwall/Devon, Cumbria/ the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands including challenging climbs to 2 ski resorts. We wanted to cycle for charity and opted to split the funds raised equally between Young Minds – as a School we are all mindful of our young people’s mental health - and the British Heart Foundation. We named ourselves Old Knees for Young Hearts and Minds and, including Gift Aid, raised almost £8,200. In true St Cat’s style, the school community were hugely supportive and helped to raise over £1,200 of the total via RB’s annual Spyring ticket sales and a cake sale. Thank you so very much to everybody who encouraged and supported us, both in our fundraising and also via ‘likes’ and comments on our Instagram story, all very gratefully received and read each day.

Old Knees for Young Hearts and Minds In total, we cycled 1020 miles over 14 consecutive days. The total elevation was 60,326 feet (that’s over twice the height of Mount Everest) and, unbelievably, not one of us had a single puncture! The ride itself was a huge mental and physical challenge, and one that we were privileged to be able to complete, seeing so much of our beautiful country along the way and meeting many interesting and inspiring people. It was the most exhilarating, demanding, wonderful, difficult, incredible experience, and certainly one which we all remember with great fondness.


ON THE WAY TO THE 6! Recent developments on the site of The 6:

develop their independence

meet and make friends for life

enjoy a huge extra-curricular programme

be part of a global community

extract all they can out of each and every day


Follow The 6’s progress here:

a spacious common room for all

generous modern bedrooms

bright shared and private bathrooms

smaller social areas in boarding for relaxation

SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION We are delighted that the girls have nominated women who they believe to be inspirational whose names will adorn the bedrooms ie. The Dame Ellen MacArthur Room. We hope generations of girls will be enthused and energised by the stories of the women who demonstrated achievement across a plethora of fields: the arts, sciences, philanthropy, civil rights, sport and business. We have recognised, too, our own St Catherine’s alumnae in this list, and their contributions to society and our world. Thank you very much to all those who have already chosen to support the Create the Future vision and those whose support will be acknowledged against a room in The 6. Of the 44 rooms 19 have now been generously named. If you’d like to find out more about the Campaign and consider your support do visit

The start of the Autumn Term is always one of new beginnings, but for the Prep Music Room it has begun with a complete facelift. We opened The Soundscape at the Autumn PTA Picnic. St Catherine’s parent, Jen Stunt, who is known as Jenni Costello in her professional capacity as an experienced Radio Presenter and Voice-over Artist, shared some inspiring words for those girls who might look for a future in media. The Soundscape has transformed the old Music Room into a new creative space. Open, bright and inviting, pupils are continually walking in with amazed expressions on their faces, looking up to

the orchestra images on the ceiling, or immediately running to play with the magnetic notes on the wall, and then acting like popstars in our new podcast booth! The superficial changes are the icing on the cake; the real changes are the teaching facilities. Pupils will be experiencing a completely new way of learning music, a more interactive and play-based style, with a huge amount of new space to move around in. The technology has been streamlined to increase the flow of lessons and there are more hands-on, concrete ways of accessing the music curriculum, with vibrantly coloured instruments now surrounding the girls on every side.

When alumnae come back and visit School, going to the Library is always a high point. Those who visit browse through the book shelves, look at the Honours Boards and recall how the loan system worked and their memories come flooding back. Many of you have told us that St Catherine’s and the Library shaped your love of literature and reading, so we thought we’d offer you something new in Non Nobis! The first ‘Library Love’ book recommendation by a St Cat’s girl.

Mrs Bainbridge, current Librarian dressed as David Copperfield for World Book Day

Your Library Love – if you have memories of curling up with a book in a corner of the Library after School, being introduced to a new novelist by your Librarian or just strolling the shelves and breathing in the smell of the printed word, or memories of your school librarian, do share these with us on the reverse page of the address label or email: We will publish a selection in Non Nobis and on our website.

BOOK REVIEW ‘Things A Bright Girl Can Do’ by Sally Nicholls

This thought-provoking story follows the lives of three teenage suffragettes, each from very different backgrounds, whose stories demonstrate how women in the 1910s fought in different ways to gain the right to vote.

Miss Bott, Librarian, 1928-1935

Mrs Thayre, Librarian, 1979-1990

A huge thanks goes to our parent supporters and the PTA without whom we would not have been able to create The Soundscape. Our individual donors have also massively increased the scope of what we can do within The Soundscape and have made it possible to create a completely flexible teaching space that aids every facet of music teaching. My thanks go out to you all as I settle in this term, and I hope that your daughters’ excitement in the next few weeks and their growing passion for music will reflect your kind and generous support. Matthew Blunt, Director of Prep Music

Evelyn is frustrated that her well-to-do parents regard a respectable marriage as the pinnacle of her potential achievement. They refuse to entertain her aspirations of studying at Oxford, believing that “university women lead very sad lives”, despite having sent her academically uninclined brother there. Incensed, Evelyn becomes a militant suffragette, seeking out a group of women prepared to take radical steps to advance the cause. By contrast, Nell is a tomboy from a large working-class family. She meets May, who lives in genteel poverty with her Quaker mother, at a rally and the two begin a friendship. May supports Nell in her rejection of society’s expectations about gender, but their attitudes to war conflict.

Throughout the book Nicholls explores how each character rebels against the constricting female stereotypes of the time, and how the suffrage movement changed as the war progressed. The action was well paced and the characters fully described and sympathetic. My only criticism is that Nell and May’s relationship felt somewhat contrived; the enlightened views of some characters seemed more in keeping with modern values, which jarred with the historical setting. However, for fans of historical fiction and especially those interested in the suffrage movement (which recently celebrated its 100th anniversary), this is a worthwhile read.


YEAR 0F 2009 They were delighted that 10 current and former staff joined them for their welcome drinks although most were still not able to call the staff by their first names! Many had not been back in 10 years and were very excited and amazed to see the Anniversary Halls, the construction of which started the summer after they left. They were similarly impressed with the Speech Hall Library and particularly enjoyed finding their names on the 2009 Honours Board. Once in West Block they were back on familiar territory and posed for house photos in their old form rooms in School Block, reminiscing and laughing over the various reprimands they had received from staff in the classrooms over the years.

However, one of the highlights of the tour was when they reached the Chapel. On the way in they all picked up a hymn book sat together in the pews under the organ, persuaded Evelyn Tinker, who was the organ scholar in their year, to switch on the organ and accompany them as they proceeded to sing Non Nobis at full volume. The video of which they requested to be passed on to Mrs Phillips to enjoy. Tour over, it was then off to the Home Economics room for a cooking lesson with Mr Friend making roasted squash and smoked chickpea pate followed by a sports lesson with Mrs Alexander, benchball has never been so competitive! To round the afternoon off they enjoyed chatting and catching up on everyone’s news over afternoon tea in the Dining room. A wonderful afternoon was had by all and it was a real pleasure for Fiona Haywood and Dawn Pilkington to look after such a lovely group of alumnae even if it was like herding cats on the tour!

400 GIRLS IN THE 5TH AND 6TH FORMS, AS WELL AS PUPILS FROM HOWARD OF EFFINGHAM, GUILDFORD COUNTY AND ST PETER’S SCHOOLS, ATTENDED THE CAREERS FORUM ON TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2019. At St Catherine’s we are extremely lucky to have access to a broad range of contacts through The Association, and 50 alumnae and current and former parents attended the event to offer the young people the benefit of their experience. We know that the range of career opportunities available to ambitious young women has never been greater, but at the same time the job market is intensely competitive. Therefore, it has never been more important to ensure that our girls have the best possible careers information in order to make choices regarding higher education and long-term career options. In addition to traditional forms of careers information, we believe that contacts currently working in areas of potential interest can be a valuable source of impartial advice. This was certainly the message given by Tabby Roberts, (2013) as she opened the first networking session on the different career stands, advising that she made her first contact with a woman who is now her ongoing professional mentor at this event when at school. The girls had the opportunity to talk to delegates in the sports hall before attending two workshop sessions, which they chose from a range of different career sectors, including Medicine, Engineering, Architecture & Property, Charity, Law and Performing Arts. Thank you to all of our speakers for giving up their evening and sharing their expertise with the girls. It was much appreciated.

“It was such a pleasure to be back at St Catherine’s last night, it felt like a brilliant event. Thank you for asking me to be a part of it.” Abi Pickard Price (2006)

“It was a great evening and we thoroughly enjoyed trying to impart some of our enthusiasm for medicine to all who attended. There were certainly some interesting questions asked and great participation in the interactive bits.”

I was very impressed with those attending the two Technology and IT sessions we ran... one group in particular developed such a mature prototype that we have not seen even in professional workshops. Nidhi Sharma, Current Parent

ST CATS ALUMNAE V THE 1ST TEAM LAX MATCH On the 18th September a group of alumnae came back to St Cats to play our 1st Team in an exciting and closely contested match which ended in a 9-9 draw. Thank you to all our alumnae for coming back, many of whom are currently playing for top university teams. It is always great to see you all. We are delighted that the following alumnae and current/former staff have made the Senior/ U23 England teams this Autumn:

Senior England Team Sophie Tamblyn (2017) Tilly Shires (2016) Emily Gray (Current Staff – Head of Lacrosse) Laura McHale (née Merrifeld) (Former Staff ) Lucy Grant (Former Staff ) Nancy Day (2014) & (Former Staff ) U23 England Emilie Chandler- Current Staff Alex Cant- Current U6 Pupil

COMMUNITY ORGANISED GROUP (COG) EVENT VISIT TO VANN HOUSE The Association is always looking for new ways to engage the interest of our Association members. With this in mind we launched our new initiative COG - Community Organised Groups. In May, Caroline Rose, former Director of Staff/Head of Sixth Form/History and Politics teacher, kindly agreed to organise the first trial event for former staff to Vann House, Hambledon, a nearby Tudor house with beautiful 5-acre gardens, originally planted by Gertrude Jekyll during the Arts and Crafts period. The garden was recently featured in the BBC drama Howards End and they were lucky enough to have Head Gardener, Alex White, (Former Director of Music at the Prep School) to give them a personal tour. The weather was perfect, and everyone enjoyed a tour of the informal, natural gardens followed by a delicious afternoon tea.

YEAR OF 2014 5 YEAR REUNION In July, 23 alumnae from the Year of 2014 got together at the Mulberry Bush Pub in London to celebrate their 5th anniversary. There was much laughter and reminiscing about life at school, how quickly time flies, and catching up everyone’s news. Apologies and good wishes from far and wide were also received from 12 alumnae. Thank you to the Year Reps Ellie Pilkington, Nancy Day, Hannah Maude and Megan O’Hanlon for organising the event. If you are thinking of planning an anniversary reunion, please contact Dawn Pilkington who will be able to help.

This light-hearted choir and band enjoyed four weeks of fun packed rehearsals before kicking off the second half of the 2019 Rock & Jazz Concert. ‘Galway Girl’ by Ed Sheeran certainly challenged the choir but they rose to the occasion and the performance was enjoyed by everyone. Thank you to Beth Bathhurst, Music Dept, who led our rehearsals and conducted on the night, to Matthew Greenfield, Head of Music, for accompanying and last, but not least, Ian Young, Head of Percussion and Contemporary Music, who led the band.

Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn Rudyard Kipling

BEING IN CONTROL OF YOUR DATA AND OUR FUNDRAISING PROMISE We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899692 or email Thank you.

Registered Charity No: 1070858

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