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Diary Dates 2015 JULY Wed 1 Thu 2
19.00 – 21.30 LIII Production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Sat 4
Speech Day, Open Day and Leavers’ Ball
Wed 8
8.45 – 9.15 LIII Prep Leavers’ Service
Thur 9
End of Term
First Day of Term
Sun 13
10am – 4pm Association Day 2015
Sat 19 Sun 20
Association Battlefields Trip to Waterloo, Belgium
HRH The Duchess of Cornwall becomes Patron of St Catherine’s School, Bramley The Headmistresses and Governors of St Catherine’s School, Bramley, were delighted to announce that HRH The Duchess of Cornwall has graciously agreed to be Patron of the School. Peter Martin, Chairman of Governors said: ‘The Governors very warmly welcome this patronage – made all the more special because of the family links that The Duchess of Cornwall has with St Catherine’s’. Her Royal Highness's great-great grandfather, George Cubitt, ennobled in 1892 as the first Baron Ashcombe, was one of the founding benefactors of St Catherine’s in 1885. George Cubitt was the first MP for the constituency of Epsom, and had previously been MP for West Surrey since 1860.
OCTOBER Thu 22 Fri 23
19.00 Middle School Production Terry Pratchett’s Mort Adapted by Stephen Briggs
Cantores sing Evensong at Winchester Cathedral
Fri 27
19.30 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert (Parents only or listen via live stream on the website)
Changing of the Guard! Thank you and farewell to Katie Hudson and Frankie Tamblyn who have been excellent in their roles as Association Prefects over the past year. It has been a pleasure to work with them. A warm welcome to Ursula Goldsmith and Hayley Foster, who have taken over.
LAST CHANCE TO BOOK! The Association Battlefield Trip to ‘Napoleon’s Waterloo’ - 19th - 20th September 2015 This year is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo and Andy Thompson has found one of the leading experts in the country, Graeme Cooper, to join the group as our guide.
L-R: Hailey, Katie, Dawn Pilkington, Frankie and Ursula
Prospective Parents’ events Senior School Friday 18th September Wednesday 7th October Tuesday 10th November Prep School Wednesday 16th September Thursday 8th October Friday 6th November For further information contact: Senior School Registrar Judy Corben 01483 899 609 Prep School Registrar Sally Manhire 01483 899 665
Wellington described his epic and decisive victory over Napoleon as a ‘damned nearrun thing’. The battle was closely fought and either side could have won, but mistakes in communication, leadership and judgement led, ultimately, to French defeat. The Battle of Waterloo was fought thirteen kilometres south of Brussels between the French, under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Allied armies commanded by the Duke of Wellington from Britain and General Blücher from Prussia. Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo marked the end of the Emperor’s final bid for power, the so-called ‘100 Days’, and the last chapter in his remarkable career. The itinerary starts and ends at school. Included in the price of the trip will be: 3-star accommodation (B&B) close to the battlefield; luxury air-conditioned coach; museum entries & tour folder with maps; Graeme Cooper as an experienced and qualified guide; 1 lunch (2 courses + wine) & 1 dinner (3 courses + wine). • Depart: Saturday morning from St Catherine’s School at 7.00 am, returning at 8pm on Sunday night. • Cost per person: (sharing twin/double room): £240 single room supplement: £40. • Reservations: to secure the hotel rooms, reservations need to be made with a deposit of £85 per person either by: (i) filling in the online application form on our website (; or (ii) emailing, tel: 01484 899760 or in writing to The Foundation Office, St Catherine’s, Station Road, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 0DF.
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What can I do with a degree in English or History? Careers Seminar The second Careers Seminar of the year took place in March. We welcomed back four alumnae who provided girls with an excellent insight into where a degree in English or History might lead them. They spoke in detail about their experiences in publishing, journalism, law and social work. However, they were all keen to stress that these subjects provide an excellent springboard into a broad range of careers and that many directors of multinational organisations hold degrees in English or History. Those attending found the evening extremely informative and we were very grateful to our alumnae for their guidance and time. We intend to continue this series of seminars in the Autumn Term.
“It was a pleasure volunteering to speak at the Careers Forum, 2013. The girls asked some great questions and we had a lot of fun in the Marketing/PR group! Very happy to help out again in future.” Current Parent
Careers Forum 2015 Appeal for Volunteer speakers
The biennial Careers Forum will be held on Tuesday 6th October from 7-9pm and we are appealing for parents and alumnae to participate in this event. The aim of the evening is to provide the girls with the opportunity to explore potential careers with Association members who are experienced in specific sectors. This event will also help the girls to make informed decisions regarding A Level options and university courses, as well as providing guidance on careers and practical advice about securing relevant work experience.
L-R: Nicola Dennison (Leaver 2006), Charlotte Flammiger (Leaver 2010), Sally Marnan (Leaver 2002) and Jessica Winch (Leaver 2005)
researching at reform Our End of Term Lecture, Autumn 2014, was given by former Association Prefect, Cathy Corrie (2009). Now a Senior Researcher at Reform, a research body which writes reports used by the Government on topics such as the economy, the health sector and education. Cathy works specifically on health matters and provided a fascinating insight into the future of the NHS and the problems that it will continue to face. Her feisty determination to prove her worth as a young woman in a male-dominated sector was inspiring and it was reassuring for many sixth formers to hear that she had been unsure what she wanted to do upon leaving university with a History degree from Newnham College, Cambridge. Not only does Cathy research and write reports, she also chairs debates and appears regularly on television and on the radio. This sounded exhilarating! The opportunity to ask questions provided an interesting insight into some of her more personal views, such as the prospect of lowering the voting age to sixteen. Cathy gave a thoughtprovoking and inspiring talk about an area of work which many of us had not considered.
Girls in years L5 to U6 are invited to attend and hear speakers talk about their work and career paths in a wide range of spheres from Banking and Business to Sciences and Engineering. They will also have the opportunity to ask questions in sessions. Participation is not onerous and very little preparation is required. If you can help please get in touch by emailing:
Did you know that St Catherine’s School has its own LinkedIn page? It is growing and we’d be delighted if you’d join us. The Association will be posting articles related to education and professional development and asking for your input and ideas. Log into your LinkedIn account in the usual way and search for St Catherine’s, Bramley. Click ‘Follow’ and you are now LinkedIn to St Catherine’s! Our posts will pop up on your home page – please do share your views as we develop the St Catherine’s community presence on LinkedIn.
LEGAL AWARD FOR KATIE Congratulations to Katie Ratcliffe (2014) who has been awarded Oxford University’s Criminal Law prize. The prize, sponsored by leading international law firm Slaughter and May, is awarded to the best Law Moderations paper in that subject. As well as the honour of the award, Katie will receive a prize of £100. After her undergraduate degree, she hopes to remain in Oxford to study for her Bachelor of Civil Law, with the aim of becoming a London-based barrister.
L-R: Frankie Tamblyn, Alice Phillips, Cathy Corrie and Isla Cohen
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our global community Canadian Catch Up
and sedentary Nurse Shark. Over the course of my PhD I attached accelerometers to over 40 sharks to determine these variables. Accelerometers have applications in numerous fields and are used by many of us in everyday life (smartphone/tablet screen orientation, car airbags, and hard drive protection in laptops). Their miniaturisation, improved resolution and affordability has led to their use in elucidating the cryptic lives of animals and are proving especially useful in aquatic species. I am currently reviewing the data gathered from these accelerometers and writing my thesis in the UK, with the aim of graduating next summer. You can find out more about my research at dailyenergybudget
In October 2014, Pippa Carte, our Development Director, was invited to Toronto to speak at a Fundraising Conference. While there, she was lucky enough to meet up with two St Catherine’s alumnae, Emily Kinnon (née Millard)(2010) and Lesley Wormald (née Catlling)(1967). Pippa caught up with news of their careers and family lives over coffee and shared recent highlights from St Catherine’s and Bramley.
speedy SHARK Lauran Brewster (2004) writes ..
Building on their new found connection, Emily and Pippa then cooked up an impromptu Christmas reunion with eleven of the class of 2010, who popped into School to reminisce, look at themselves in old School photos, revisit their classrooms and, with much hilarity, inspect the newly refurbished toilets! The girls even wrote notes to their former teachers, who were so pleased to receive them in their pigeon-holes after the Christmas break.
Front Row (L-R): Zoe Elsdon, Mel Fryers, Kerry Kisbey-Green, Katherine Young, Emily Kinnon, Charlie Wheeler. Back Row (L-R): Harry Ellison, Jenny Guttridge We are thrilled that Lesley Wormald is also planning a return to St Catherine’s for the 1960’s Reunion. She has reconnected with a friend from School who is now based in Spain – so it will be a worldwide affair on 19th June.
From an early age, I was fascinated with Marine Biology, particularly sharks. While at St Catherine’s I selected A Level subjects that allowed me to further this passion at university. I obtained a BSc in Marine and Freshwater Biology at the University of Hull, while also working at the Deep Submarium, where I gathered data for my undergraduate thesis on the critically endangered Green Sawfish. Following graduation I spent six months at a well-established shark research facility, the Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation (BBFSF) in the Bahamas. This facility was established in 1990 by Dr Samuel Gruber, a pioneer in shark research, and has been at the forefront of shark science since its inception. During this internship I learnt new skills, assisted on a live aboard research cruise in the Marquesas Keys, USA, and developed a research proposal to apply for a PhD position at the lab, for which I was accepted. In this role I had several responsibilities: to train interns (on a rolling basis) and organise their daily field activities; to assist with film crews and university courses; and to collect field data for my PhD project and disseminate findings through conferences and publications. Understanding the energetic demands of a species can have important fisheries management and conservation implications. My study focuses on determining fine scale body movement and the associated energetic requirements, through accelerometers, of two shark species: the active Lemon Shark
Fiona Thomas (Former Prep School Deputy Head, 1998-2013) met up with Sara Clerici, (was Davidson) (1976) in January at the Australian Open in Melbourne. They had a wonderful day together!
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on her majesty’s service This year’s Sixth Form trip to Russia was made very special courtesy of St Catherine’s parents, Martin and Linda Harris, who are seconded by HM Foreign Office to the British Embassy in Moscow. Once they knew that the Sixth Form and accompanying staff were staying locally, they made it possible for us to tour the original British Ambassador’s Residence. This elegant, eclectic mansion was originally commissioned by a famous sugar merchant, Pavel Kharitonenko, whose sugar refineries in the Ukraine brought him enormous wealth. However, Kharitonenko’s interests embraced more than just sugar beet – he was also an avid collector of priceless works of art and a huge fan of neo-Gothic architecture. This has resulted in a house that was a privilege to visit and, for many of us, the highlight of the trip! The house has a colourful and exciting history. After the October Revolution it was occupied by the Danish Red Cross. In 1919 the mansion was given to the new Soviet Government to house highranking guests which, thankfully, saved it from thieves and squatters, the scourge of many stately Moscow homes. When Diplomatic relations were restored between Britain and the USSR in the 1920s, the mansion was given to the British Government to house its embassy. Directly opposite the Kremlin, this impressive house affords, arguably, the best views in Moscow. However, in a Cold War world it was considered too close for comfort for Stalin, who demanded that it was vacated by the British! Negotiations on alternative locations dragged on for many years and were finally concluded 1990. We were so fortunate to see this outstanding building following the recent restoration of its historic interiors, including bringing back to life the gothic-style drawing room and re-utilising purpose-built furniture, which for decades had been forgotten in the attic. Historians amongst us felt a real frisson of excitement standing in the room where Churchill
and Stalin had conducted tense negotiations about the future of Europe after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Mr and Mrs Harris and their daughters, two of whom are full boarders at St Catherine’s, were charming hosts and took a great deal of trouble to show us the major state rooms, each one more impressive than the last. The girls received, not only a fascinating tour, but also discovered more about the world of HM’s Foreign Office and a number have gone away to consider their future career aspirations!
South American Blog While applying to read French and Spanish at university I was vaguely aware of the requirement to take a year abroad as part of a languages degree. However, in the Sixth Form, and even during my first year at Edinburgh, I gave little thought to what I wanted to do. Fast forward 18 months and after a whirlwind of application essays, painstaking bureaucracy and a semester in the South of France already under my belt, I found myself on a plane bound for Santiago, Chile, where I would be spending the next five months living and studying. The university I attend here is the best in South America and academic expectations are high but I have been determined to make the most of my weekends. It is amazing what you can squeeze into two days when you have to! So far I have spent four days hiking in the beautiful Torres del Paine National Park; I have been to “vendimias”,
Millie Parrott (2012)
which are grape harvest festivals in the Casablanca Valley; I also spent happy days among the bright colours of Valparaíso, a coastal city near Santiago where every surface is adorned with street art and the houses teeter precariously on the steep hillsides. With more travel plans for the upcoming weeks, I was worried about how easy it is to forget small details of the places I have already visited so keeping a blog seemed like a great idea. It is an easy way for family and friends back home to stay up to date without monotonous blanket emails or trying to negotiate time differences for Skype calls. For my part, it is nice to know that I will always be able to read back over all the happy memories of my time spent in Chile, wherever I am and whatever I am doing. If you would like to learn more about my travels follow my blog: www.laflaneuseglobale.
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in & around school
Our Carols by Candlelight Service for recent leavers was held on Monday 15th December 2014. The Chaplain, Revd McNair Scott, led a beautiful 30-minute service which included eight carols voted for by the girls and three readings. Mr Field played the organ. This is the second year we have run this event and it is going from strength to strength. Recent leavers living locally, home from university or on their gap year, are invited and it gives them the opportunity to meet up with their friends from school and sing their favourite Christmas carols. Members of staff were also invited. After the service we served mince pies and mulled wine in the Conference Room. The occasion was a great success and will be repeated again this December. Do come along and join us.
Vanessa Crocker (Head of Vocal Studies) with Jonathan Veira and a member of the audience
On the evening of Thursday 14th May the School Dining Room was transformed for a wonderful wine tasting event. Thank you to Berry Bros. & Rudd, the generous sponsors of the event, which was in aid of the St Catherine’s School ‘Round the Island Race’ in the Isle of Wight. Their representative, Stephanie, talked us through the tasting of seven delicious ‘New Wines for Summer’. An entertaining evening was enjoyed by everyone. Watch out for the next Wine Tasting event date. If you are interested in joining one of the St Catherine’s teams for the Round the Island Race 2016, (pupils and parents, past and present, are all welcome), please contact Paul Narraway. paul.narraway@
OPERA UNMASKED We were treated to a fabulous performance in January when Jonathan Veira entertained us with an evening of Opera and exuberance! Jonathan has performed across the globe in a variety of roles and appeared at venues including the Royal Opera House and Glyndebourne. After graciously showing some latecomers to their seats – to their great embarrassment and everyone else’s amusement - he took us on a tour spanning his 27 years as an international opera star. We were nearly falling off our seats with laughter at some of the hilarious situations he had been in, and completely spellbound by his wonderful voice as he sang excerpts from Porgy and Bess, Don Pasquale, The Mikado, Gilbert and Sullivan and many more. To enhance the evening further and adding to the effect, he recruited a few unsuspecting members of the audience to assist him - altogther it was a brilliant evening.
the singing swingles! The Swingle Singers’ concert was a musical treat. The programme featured an eclectic mix of composers, all of whom were given the Swingle treatment. During the day members of the group ran two master classes for Senior and Middle Cantores which were very well received by the girls. Before the concert they had dinner with six U6 Senior Cantores members, Geoff Field and Beth Bathurst. After the concert they mixed with the audience and music staff, autographing programmes and CD’s. “Very many thanks for your email; it’s fantastic to hear the day went so well! Our thanks to you for hosting The Swingles so wonderfully. They thoroughly enjoyed performing for you. It would be our pleasure to work with you again.” Jessica Hill, Swingle Artist Manager
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RAISING FUNDS FOR WILDLIFE Marianne Watts, Community Fundraiser with the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, writes: Last June I met Fran Flammiger and Jean Arrick to see if St Catherine’s School might support the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Community Fundraising initiative, which had pledged to raise £30,000 in 300 days in support of our elephant projects in Africa. Both the Senior and Prep Schools very readily got involved culminating in a wonderful fundraising evening at St Catherine’s entitled ‘From wildlife artist to conservationist’. This included an exhibition at the School of some of David Shepherd’s rarely seen work from his private collection, together with original work by “The Auditorium is the most amazing his daughter, Mandy, and his granddaughter. These pieces were venue and, for all its state of the hung alongside artwork produced by the whole School. The art facilities, it is a very personal evening included a very entertaining talk about David’s life as an and accommodating space to give artist and conservationist given by Mandy Shepherd. a lecture ... even if I am a bit of a The final sum raised was almost £5,000. Members of the Lower 6th plan to visit the Elephant Nursery in Lusaka in August during their summer expedition. We very much hope that this is the start of a close partnership between the School and DSWF.
Fed up of Facebook friends? We have organised many events at St Catherine’s over the years and we love welcoming you here. We understand that you might want to meet closer to home. Here are some tips for organising a successful reunion: •
The guest list – let us help. If you tell us which year group you were in, we can reach out to old friends for you. A venue – if you are in the Surrey/ London area we are always happy to host an informal gathering for you here at School. You could choose to have it in the Dining Room, Conference Room or even in the grounds.
Food and drink – decide if you want to have a supper, just drinks or to meet for drinks and go on to a restaurant. If you opt to meet at St Catherine’s, we can arrange the catering for you – from a simple informal tea to a buffet or brunch. And because you do so much for us, giving careers advice, sharing your experiences and supporting our fundraising efforts, we are delighted to help.
Photos - wherever your reunion is, let us know and send us lots of photos!
If you would like help with a reunion and information on how we can help, contact Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899751 or
dinosaur with technology! I took a look at the Exhibition and I am in awe of the talent.” Mandy Shepherd
wWi remembered The music for this year’s ASSociation concert on Saturday 14th March, in commemoration of the centenary of WW1, was a reflection on the terrible consequences of war. Gabriel Fauré’s melodious Requiem commemorated its victims, while Karl Jenkins’ powerful piece, The Armed Man, carried a message of peace at a time when barbarous acts of terrorism in the Middle East and beyond have tragic consequences for the people and heritage of the region. Conducted by Matthew Greenfield for the first time, the Association Choir, Senior Choir and Middle Chamber Choir rose to the occasion and garnered well-deserved applause for their renditions. The school choirs had both been rehearsed by Beth Bathurst. Camerata, the elite string orchestra, accompanied most impressively, having been prepared by Barry Sutton. The ‘thundering’ of the percussion session, led by Ian Young, created a stirring atmosphere. Soloists were drawn from the St Catherine’s family with former pupil, Fleur de Bray (2002), making a welcome return and 2009 Leaver Philippa Vega’s fiancé, Chris Webb, making his first appearance. We were also fortunate to be able to include a Call to Prayer performed very affectingly by Muezzin, Hafiz Hashmi. Donations were generously given by audience members in support of St Catherine’s Chapel and the restoration of its organ. The Association Prefects, Frankie Tamblyn and Katie Hudson (2015), highlighted the importance of the Chapel at the heart of our school community. It has been a place of quiet reflection and worship for staff and pupils alike since its dedication in 1894 .
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Pulling out the Stops for Chapel Thank you
Importance of Chapel to girls
The Chapel Fund was launched in March 2014 and to date, thanks to the generosity of the School community past and present, we have raised £85,000. Donations have been received from alumnae as far afield as the USA, Australia and North America. Alumnae and parents have been incredibly supportive, as have current staff, with over 22% supporting the Campaign.
An interview with our Chaplain, Benji Mc-Nair Scott
The organ refurbishment is currently being planned as well as a ‘Top of the Stops’ celebratory organ concert. All those who have supported the Campaign will be invited. We still have some way to go to reach our target of £150,000 to restore the organ and protect the fabric of the Chapel for the future. If you would like to Sponsor a Stop, a Sound or perhaps a value in the wheel window, you can do so online, via bank transfer or by cheque. More about the Campaign can be found at The-Chapel-Fund Thank you.
St Catherine’s was founded by men of faith with a view to offering a Christian education for girls. What role does faith play in the School today? As a school we embrace our Christian heritage through our chapel services, assemblies and the general values of our community that are imbued with Christian principles. Alongside the weekly services, there is an opportunity each year for girls and staff to be confirmed and there is a weekly meeting run by the girls called Explore, which provides an informal space for exploring faith today. Obviously, within the context of Religious Studies, there is an opportunity for girls to learn from and about various faith communities. As it stands faith, is not side-lined, but informs our life together, in such a way that even if you personally do not hold a religious faith you are welcomed, respected and treasured as a member of our community. In an increasingly secular and consumerist society, what place does a Chapel and faith have in an educational setting? The Chapel is a physical reminder that there is another paradigm in which to view life - one that affirms that we are more than just a collection of atoms and that there is intrinsic value to each and every person. It speaks of practices and values that have enriched and sustained our forebears and continues to do so even today. Along with the faith that it embodies, the 'Chapel' proclaims ways of being that dignify and offer hope to humanity and remind us that people are more important than things and that the desire merely to consume does not lead to long lasting fulfilment but actually can diminish us as humans. The School is enriched by being an international community with differing faiths and cultures represented. How do the girls benefit from this breadth of beliefs? Each life brings a unique story to our world, a story that others can be enriched by and learn from - we are no different as a community. This mix can enable us to grow in our appreciation and understanding of others, open our minds to other ways of seeing life and help us to recognise our common humanity. The School embraces people of all faiths and none and, as such, we have students from different faith communities. This creates a wonderful opportunity for our girls to encounter at first hand differing perspectives and traditions and this prepares them for a wider pluralistic society. We read non-stop in the media about the pressures of growing up – children are growing up at a younger age; social media is a minefield for interpersonal relationships; the pressure to secure a University place is intense; the job market for graduates is incredibly tough. How do you think you, as Chaplain, and the girls’ opportunity to engage in Chapel discussion, help them to find a sense of their own moral compass? Jesus was called Rabbi or teacher due to his ability to convey truths about God and humanity in a way that was accessible and transformative. History has shown that his teaching has undergirded great liberating movements and has been at the heart of forming civilised societies. His words continue to inspire and uplift and point to a way of being where self-sacrificial love and humble service are seen as the best way to live life to the full. People, I believe, are instinctively drawn to stories of men and women who demonstrate these values
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alongside other virtues. The fact that it is these traits that I and others hold up and promote here cannot fail to have an impact on their hearers. Therefore, I trust that it will help shape the girls' thinking. It is a privilege to be part of a community that does just that. Furthermore, I believe these very values can enhance their lives and help them in whatever they go on to do. As an employer, who does not want to have people of integrity? People who care for each other? It is these kind of relationships and characters that make a workplace work well. They are not antisuccess - in fact, arguably, they promote it. However, they also remind you of the reality that relationships and character are the things that really matter, a truth that faces every one of us afresh when tragedy breaks into our lives. I am also concerned that the fast paced frenetic nature of modern life does rob many of the opportunity to be and to reflect. My role as chaplain and the place of chapel allows girls the space for that, alongside the opportunity to explore questions of ultimate meaning. For over 120 years the Chapel has provided a place of calm, peace and reflection for girls – a place to stop in a busy School day. How do you take your faith out into the School community and work alongside the teachers and staff at St Catherine’s to provide the pastoral support so characteristic of St Catherine’s? Part of my vocation at St Catherine's is to be with and come alongside the staff as well as the students. In this role I see it as very important to be around - particularly in the staff room - to share my life with them and be present for them, offering pastoral support. I also endeavour to pray for the needs of the community and individuals in my private prayers.
Mrs Russell-Baker surveys the task of rebuilding after the 1907 lightning strike
An enduring legacy Did you know you can leave a gift in your Will to St Catherine’s School? Once your family and friends have been provided for this might be something you would like to consider. Everyone can make a charitable donation in their Will and all gifts, whatever their size, are valuable to the School. Mrs Russell-Baker, our Head from 1887 to 1925, made a gift in her Will to the School. She was committed to girls’ education and to St Catherine’s and determined that the School should flourish long after her death. And so it has. St Catherine’s is a strong and forward-thinking School and its strength comes not just from the current community but also from alumnae. Many of you have pledged gifts in your Will to the School in recognition of the start St Catherine’s gave you in life and a desire that others may also benefit in the future. Leaving a gift in your Will secures the future of St Catherine’s and sustains the values that have shaped the lives of alumnae. These gifts ensure we can give the very best education to our girls.
“I am glad I can help with your future plans for the School. I am re-writing my Will to include a legacy. We have been very fortunate in watching our girls’ progress up the School.” Quote from alumna and parent. You can request that your gift is directed to a specific purpose at the School, such as buildings or bursaries or a Department. As a charitable donation your gift to St Catherine’s is free from inheritance tax. All those who choose to pledge a gift in their Will are invited to join The Charlotte Russell Baker Society. The Society is a group of alumnae, Governors, teachers and parents who have chosen to make a gift in their Will. The Society visit the School annually to see the impact their gifts will make in time and so that we may thank them and acknowledge their support. We are indebted to those who so generously remember the School in their Will and we know that The Charlotte Russell Baker Society will have a major impact on the future of St Catherine’s.
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CB Lecture Theatre & Foyer Opening On 17th June 2015, the renewed and improved Entrance Foyer and Lecture Theatre in the Centenary Building were opened by Dame Sarah Goad DCVO JP, Her Majesty’s LordLieutenant of Surrey. Over 80 friends and donors of St Catherine’s gathered to celebrate the occasion. We were particularly delighted to welcome Members of the 1985 Centenary Building Campaign Board who led the fundraising to mark St Catherine’s Centenary. The programme of renewal has improved the Lecture Theatre with full audio-visual facilities, additional seating and disabled access at ground floor level. The Lecture Theatre will be used as a more intimate setting than the Anniversary Halls Auditorium, for small lectures, house meetings, language plays and trip-briefings for parents and girls. A new addition is the glazed Entrance Foyer (formerly the ‘Fish bowl’ and cheekily re-named as the ‘Aquarium’!) where day girls wait, safe and dry, for their parents to collect them in the evenings – peering out to see them as they come into the drive! Alumnae, donors past and present, Governors and staff were treated to a talk by the Association Prefect Ursula Goldsmith (2015), and rarely seen archive photographs tracing the evolution of the School’s buildings from 1885 to today. The Opening concluded with a Service of Thanksgiving for the community of support led by Revd. Benji McNair Scott featuring musical and poetry performances and of course The Chapel Choir. It was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and thank all those who donate financially and personally to the School, and to celebrate their impact in improving the educational experience of St Catherine’s girls both past, present and future.
st catherine’s prep school
SWIMTASTIC for marie-curie Jane Cowx writes: On Wednesday 6th May over 90 girls from Form I, LII, UII and LIII took part in the first St Catherine’s Swimtastic event. The aim was for girls to raise money by swimming the following distances in their year group:Year Group
As a year group swim the approximate distance from Bramley to
Number of lengths needing to be swum as a year group to complete the challenge
Form I
From Bramley to Guildford (4.5 miles)
315 lengths
From Bramley to Haslemere (12 miles)
840 lengths
The distance across the channel (20 miles) 1400 lengths
The distance of a marathon (26 miles and 385 yards)
1835 lengths
We thought the distances were a tall order but the girls far exceeded their targets and swam approximately 75 miles in total. The atmosphere on the day was fantastic and the girls supported and encouraged each other throughout. We raised £1575.16 for Marie Curie. The LIII girls made loom bands for each swimmer and the atmosphere had a festival feel with balloons and cakes for everyone.
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Coding for Computer Cats Annette Smith (a Prep School parent), who works for Microsoft, was thrilled to be invited to talk to K2 students (7-11 years old) about coding as part of their Computer Science Week. To introduce the talk, she asked them if they used a computer, laptop or tablet on a regular basis and whether they played games regularly on a computer, smartphone or games console. They were also asked if they wore any Wearable Technology such as a Microsoft Band watch. They discussed how Wearables and new integrated clothing technology will become huge in the next few years. Their various answers highlighted that the girls were very comfortable with using technology but few knew how the Internet worked or how to read and write code to design their own games.
Annette pointed out that very few of us can read or write coding. Coding is a language which is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. During Computer Science week, all KS2 students completed an ‘Hour of Code’. They felt an enormous sense of achievement each time they wrote a line of code and their computer followed their actions. Annette said: “If you can code, you can build something that will make people’s lives easier. My final messages to the girls were to enjoy their Computer Science lessons and to remember: ‘don’t just play the games, but learn to build your own games.’”
Time Flies… Zannah Kitson (2005) and Jo Waterhouse (2005) both formerly of Musgrave write: Once we got over the shocking realisation that it is almost ten years since we left school, we decided to organise an informal reunion. Putting together the guest list was easy as so many of us are still good friends and Facebook is great for keeping in touch. For those people that we couldn’t get hold of, we put out the word and the St Cat’s grapevine worked its magic in no time. We met in a cocktail bar in Islington on 25th April and there was a fantastic turn-out. The prize for the furthest distance travelled went to Katharine Adams all the way from Australia! The evening had a really friendly vibe, catching up with those we had not seen in a decade. It was lovely to hear everybody’s news, including all the exciting milestones such as career progressions, buying homes, engagements and weddings. It was such a fun night and we’re delighted that so many made the effort!
PAPERLESS NON NOBIS In response to your feedback and as part of our ongoing Eco-Policy, we are committed to minimising our environmental footprint. To begin this process Leavers from 2000 onwards will automatically receive the November 2015 issue of Non Nobis by email, unless you specifically request a hard copy. All other Non Nobis readers – please email us at if you would prefer to receive the electronic version of this publication in future.
Dynamic Dominic storms the Auditorium Our judge for House Singing this year was Dominic Peckham, one of the UK’s most dynamic young conductors. As well as House Singing, he judged and awarded (for the first time) the Pilkington Trophy for the ‘Best Arrangement in House Singing’. The trophy was presented by Hannah (2012) and Ellie Pilkington (2014). Both were involved with music during their time at St Catherine’s and understood how much effort went into the arrangements for House Singing. In their words:
HOUSE SINGING REUNION The end of the Spring Term sees one of the highlights of the School House year – the House Singing Competition - and we invited the recent leavers, who often return to watch this event, to an Alumnae Drinks Reception on Wednesday 25th March from 6-7pm. Sixth Form Tutors and House Mistresses also popped in to catch up on all of the girls’ news.
“This award is for the most imaginative and ‘fun’ arrangement that is considerate of and tailored to the house’s musical strengths and abilities. It is to recognise the time, effort and skill required to produce a score. The winning arrangement may not be the most technically impressive but displays musical creativity and originality.” Sophie Wilkinson, Merriman, won for her arrangement of “Ain’t no mountain high enough”.
The reception was held in the newly renovated CB Foyer - ‘The Aquarium’ - with the opportunity for the alumnae to be amongst the first to see the transformed Lecture Theatre. There were lots of ‘wows’. At 7pm we all moved on to the Sports Hall and everyone cheered on their House. Merriman won. L-R: Hannah Pilkington (2012), Sophie Wilkinson, Holly Calder, Dominic Peckham, Ellie Pilkington (2014)
The next day Dominic gave an unusual end of term lecture and had the whole audience on their feet, clapping, stomping, clicking and singing. Using gestures rather than words, he brought us all together to create amazing sounds. As well as sharing some amusing and touching moments in his life, he also asked some thoughtprovoking questions, such as ‘why do we sing?’ His final messages, not to be afraid of other people and never to sing something which you don’t believe in, were received by a captive audience. It was a brilliant talk and we felt privileged to have had the chance to listen to (and to sing with!) such an outstanding musician.
Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn Rudyard Kipling