Venimus ! Vidimus! Vicimus!
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DIARY DATES 2017 June Sat 17
11.00 – 15.00 Year of 1997 20 Year Reunion
Fri 23
11.00 – 16.00 ‘Golden Girls’ Reunion for Leavers from the 30’s, 40’s & 50’s 19.00 – 21.30 Middle School Summer Concert 19.00 – 22.00 6th Form Musical Production of “Joseph” 19.00 – 20.30 Middle Cantores Concert at All Saints Church, Witley
Fri 23 Thur 29 Fri 30 Fri 30
END OF TERM LECTURE - MARCH 2017 Louise Rumball (2007) WE WERE DELIGHTED TO WELCOME BACK, LOUISE RUMBALL (2007) TO GIVE THE MARCH LECTURE. She talked about her career path after university, from qualifying and working as a corporate lawyer, to her leap of faith to set up her own company, Chapter 3. This took her in a totally different direction into the world of social media as a marketing influencer. She spoke about the commitment needed to set up your own company, but that she does not regret her decision as she loves the variety and challenges it brings. “She has definitely inspired us all to dream big, take every opportunity and do the things that you want to and not always what seems right.” Isabelle Rust (U6) Her company focuses on building brands to reach a wider audience on social media and connect brands to digital influencers and content creators. She has an impressive CV with clients such as Rebel, NIKE and high end gyms such as BXB.
JULY Wed 5 Thur 5 Sat 8
19.00 - 21.30 L3 Production of ‘Wendy and Peter Pan’
Sat 8
Year of 2012 Five Year Reunion, London
Thur 13
End of Term
10.00 -15.00 Speech Day
First Day of Term
Sun 24
14.00 -17.00 Foundation Day
18.30 - 21.00 Careers Forum
Sat 14
12.30 - 17.00 Year of 2002 15 Year Reunion
Thur 19 Fri 20
19.30 - 22.00 Middle School Production of ‘Wind in the Willows’
17.30 -18.00 Cantores sing Evensong at Winchester Cathedral - All welcome
Thur 16
19.00 - 22.00 Association Reunion at Newnham College, Cambridge
Fri 24
19.30 - 22.00 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert (Parents only or listen via live stream on the website)
End of Term
Mon 18
18.30 - 20.00 Association Carols by Candlelight
PROSPECTIVE PARENTS’ EVENTS 2017 Friday 15th September Wednesday 4th October Thursday 9th November Prep School Wednesday 13th September Thursday 12th October Friday 3rd November Senior School Registrar - Clare Woodgates 01483 899 609 Prep School Registrar - Sally Manhire 01483 899 665
END OF TERM LECTURE DECEMBER 2016 Harriet Hounsell and Rob Nichol THE LECTURE HAD A CHRISTMASSY FEEL WITH TWO OF OUR CURRENT PARENTS, Harriet Hounsell from John Lewis and Rob Nichol from Adam&EveDDB advertising agency, talking about the well-known series of John Lewis Christmas adverts. It was interesting to hear from the agency and client point-of-view, how these adverts grows from conception to launch. They talked through the last five years of adverts explaining the different styles and messages chosen and how it linked back to the John Lewis brand. It was interesting to hear how the format has changed over the years from being mainly press and TV led to the various social media platforms. The girls enjoyed voting for their favourite advert and then seeing behind the scenes footage. They were surprised to learn that the first ideas from Adam&Eve are pitched to John Lewis in January and filmed in June!
JENNIFER SALVAGE (2011) WRITES: In Novemer, Mrs Arrick hosted a psychology lecture attended by current girls, parents, teachers and alumnae like myself. The speaker, Dr Peter Lovatt, colloquially known as Dr Dance, was as charismatic and engaging a speaker as I have ever come across. The conventional lecture is normally quite sedate; this one required a lot more involvement! Dr Lovatt had the whole auditorium on their feet performing a dance routine he’d shown us minutes before, just to prove a point about the interconnectedness of memory and movement. The talk covered an enormous spectrum of topics involving dancing, but in particular he expanded on how his lab team is investigating the effects of dance workshops on the quality of life for Parkinson’s patients, and how genetics and hormones may affect how you move to music. Everyone took something away from this event and, personally, it was invaluable as I made a research contact. Our areas of interest in movement disorders overlap considerably, especially as I commence my PhD investigating Tourette Syndrome. For others, it was also an entertaining and informative evening and an excellent example to those who are just thinking about their careers, that work and play are not mutually exclusive.
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CAREERS SEMINARS WE HAVE CONTINUED TO HOST MORE CAREERS SESSIONS IN OUR SERIES ‘WHAT TO DO WITH A DEGREE IN...’. These have proved very popular with pupils considering degree courses and career paths in the featured subjects. Alumnae are invited back to tell the girls about their personal experiences of choosing a university, a degree course, work experience and a career. Current pupils find the information and advice from recent graduates particularly valuable, especially as the seminars highlight the enormous range of different directions that their careers can take after a particular degree. “When I was asked to come back to speak about my career, I suddenly realised that it was a similar session that I attended as a pupil that led to my degree choice of Business Administration at Bath, and ultimately my career path.” Alicia Hill (2006)
What to do with a degree in Politics? November 2016
We are indebted to our alumnae and parents for the time they give, offering advice and work experience to our current pupils. If you are able to help or are interested in participating in our biennial Careers Forum on 10th October 2017 at 6.30pm, please get in touch at:
Front: Lucy Cave (2011), Charlotte Farquharson (2008), Amy Hennessy (2008), with Libby Watson (Careers Mentor) Back: Sophie Tamblyn and Harriet Brooks (Politics Mentors)
What to do with a degree in Economics or Business? September 2016
Her familiar voice was welcomed by the audience with its warmth, humour and candour as she underlined the highs and lows of being a woman in 2017. Jane began the talk by sharing her own story. She had always wanted to be a broadcaster and sent 40 letters to radio stations, receiving only four replies. She began her career as a Promotions Assistant at Radio Worcester. The role required wearing a tight t-shirt and handing out car stickers - in the 80s this was not really challenged! She went on to be the first voice of Radio Five Live and joined the BBC to present Woman’s Hour in 2007.
Kathryn Renshaw (2008), Catriona Jones (2008), Mr Watson (Economics & Business), Caroline Federer (2011), Mrs Weighell (Business & Careers), and Alicia Hill (2006)
Medical Careers Seminar March 2017
When Woman’s Hour was originally conceived in 1947, it was ‘to provide company for the poor wretched housewife’. Early programmes aired topics such as ‘what to do with whale meat’ or ‘how to hang your husband’s suit’. This year Woman’s Hour is 70 years old and tackles difficult subjects such FGM and equal pay for women - a step forward from whale meat! Jane encouraged the audience to ask uncomfortable questions, following the lead of Woman’s Hour itself. Woman’s Hour is a magazine programme and she explained how the links can often be quite comical. She told the story of an interview with Gordon Brown about a forthcoming election, after which the next feed was ‘Is it ever advisable to go out without a bra?’ Brown made a very swift exit!
Join our ‘private’ group, open to all members of the Association. We have over 600 members and share articles and comment on professional working life, leadership and career development. Visit the School website and click on the LinkedIn logo at the top of the Home page.
Medical Careers Seminar, March 2017 This seminar provided pupils from St Catherine’s and visiting schools with an excellent opportunity to explore the broader range of careers available within the medical profession and biomedical science field. Guest speakers covered dentistry, medical research, nursing, radiography and neuro physiotherapy.
Lauren Harrison (2011), Sarah Pearse (2000), Claire Ward (1992), Richard Brook (Current Parent), two visiting speakers from the Royal Surrey County Hospital
FROM THE EDITOR WELCOME TO THE LATEST ISSUE OF NON NOBIS. I hope you enjoy reading the various articles that show the breadth of our St Catherine’s community activities. With this issue we are distributing an important Association Survey that has been emailed to those we have an email address for on our database. If you do not have an email address or have not received a copy, please get in touch and we can post one to you. Your answers to this survey will play a big part in shaping our activities in the future, so we are keen to get as many responses as possible. We want to ensure that we are offering the best possible service to our community. On Tuesday 10th October 2017 we are hosting our biennial Careers Forum, which is of great benefit to current pupils choosing A Levels, university degree and career paths. If you feel you are able to attend as one of our panel speakers, we would be delighted to hear from you at We are looking forward to seeing many alumnae at the Golden Girls Reunion on Friday 23rd June 2017. There is still time to confirm places.
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All current pupils who have experienced the Australian Exchange
Australia Exchange 2017
Australia Exchange 2017
TEN YEARS OF THE BRAMLEY – TOORAK EXCHANGE THIS YEAR WE ARE DELIGHTED TO BE CELEBRATING THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VERY SUCCESSFUL AUSTRALIAN EXCHANGE PROGRAMME. St Catherine’s School, Toorak, founded in 1896, is an independent day and boarding school for girls. It is set in a beautiful leafy suburb of Melbourne and is known to be one of the leading schools in Australia. St Catherine’s, Toorak may be nearly 17,000 km away but there are many similarities between the two schools. “This is a partnership that we know will flourish for years to come!” Tamara Andrews (Toorak Exchange Coordinator) In January each year, between two and four U4 St Catherine’s girls, who have been
selected, following application and interviews, fly out to Australia. They are paired with a student at St Catherine’s, Toorak and they live with her family or board at the school for three months. The aim is for the girls to immerse themselves as much as possible in the Australian way of life and to embrace the new challenges and experiences they face. In our Summer term, the Australian girls return to the UK. Kate Hawtin (Former Exchange Coordinator) is convinced of “the huge value and benefit of the programme , both to participants and the school as a whole. The girls involved gain lifelong friendships, increased confidence, flexibility and independence and, of course, a greater understanding of a different culture and a sense of global citizenship”.
Australia Exchange 2017
“Experiencing a different school environment and new every-day life was a really valuable experience and one I found extremely rewarding.” Grace Reynolds (U5) All of the Bramley girls embrace the Australian culture, joining the intensive rowing training season as soon as they arrive in Melbourne. This culminated in the Head of School Girls Regatta Weekend, which they all remember fondly. Suzie Lowe (2011 exchange) continued to row on her return to UK and went on to represent GB in rowing! Australia Exchange 2016
Australia Exchange 2016
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St Catherine’s Girls who have participated in this exchange programme over the past ten years: YEAR
Emma von Schoenberg Amelia Haywood Katie Creswell Gabriella Ahl Sophie Gudgeon Amelia Farquharson
Australia Exchange 2014 Australia Exchange 2015
Fiona Thomas (Former Prep School staff ) now lives in Melbourne and always finds time to visit the girls at the School and at some of the rowing sessions on the Yarra River. The relationships made are key to the girls’ exchange experience.
Grace Reynolds Lizzy Llewelyn Alicia Pearson
Catherine Burne Maddy van Every Cat Tiplady
Lauren Heffernan Connie Curme Ellie Ratzke Hennie Fooks Cassie Jackson Tash Llewelyn Ursula Goldsmith Dominique Yeo Ellen Dickinson Suzie Lowe Rose Watson
“The relationship with your exchange is really unique – you become almost like sisters.” Lizzie Llewelyn (U5)
“The friendships made were incredible: I have just returned to Melbourne and spent Christmas with Ruby and her family.” Dominque Yeo (2016)
Charlotte Owens Annie Cole Clementine Bowring
Romy Wilkin Amy Price Hannah Rottenburg
Hannah Pilkington Lucy Olsen Abi Vega
Australia Exchange 2015 Australia Exchange 2010
Australia Exchange 2010
Hannah Pilkington (2012) first exchange cohort in 2008 writes: I still feel truly lucky, so many years later, that I got to have such an unusual experience. It was funny going back to Melbourne last October because, although we had stayed in touch via Facebook, when I had last seen Sharon I had not even picked my GCSEs. Now we have both moved out of home and are about to embark on our careers! Sharon and I had gone through so much since we had last seen each other at 14 and yet it was as if nothing had changed. To have that connection is very special.” It is clearly an unforgettable experience for all the girls involved….
Australia Exchange 2008
Australia Exchange 2008
“Australia was the best experience of our entire lives without a doubt! It was great fun to spend the winter months in such a beautiful setting.” Cat Tiplady and Maddy van Every (L6) “I’d give anything to be able to go back in time and do it all over again!” Lucy Olsen (2012) “I would honestly recommend that any St Catherine’s girl with the opportunity grabs it with both hands, as it is something that you will never forget.“ Annie Cole (2014)
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PERFORMING IN ASSOCIATION CHOIR FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THREE CHOIR MEMBERS Kevin Pegley (Former Parent) writes: The Association Choir performed just the one piece this year, albeit a major one — Mozart’s Requiem. So we had an easy season. If you could call being coached by the überqualified Joe McHardy easy. But Joe wears his considerable musical achievements as lightly as the emperor’s new clothes, making the whole learning and rehearsal process hugely entertaining and rewarding. He, like his predecessors in the role, very capably combines the necessary energy and expert guidance to lick us motley crew into shape, with the understanding that we are all there to enjoy ourselves. The balance of taking the process seriously enough to deliver a presentable performance on the day, with having a great deal of fun along the way, is fundamental to the enjoyment of singing in the choir.
And I feel we pulled it off again in March. The packed church seemed to enjoy our efforts, buoyed no doubt by the preceding display of brilliance from organist Imogen Morgan (U6) playing Guilmant’s Symphony no.1 for Organ and Orchestra and Camerata’s performance of Elgar’s Introduction and Allegro. By the time the choir joined in the party the audience were well warmed up. All the choir had to do was stir. If you have an ounce of musical leaning, I unreservedly recommend that you come and join us next season, beginning in October. All are welcome, though tenors are particularly sought: we are a small but enthusiastic cog in the large choral machine, enjoying the huge advantage of never having to sing quietly because we are so few — though the choir master may disagree! And bear in mind, when it comes to keeping fit, two hours of singing is equivalent to a 10k run - well, in our post-truth world anyway. Melissa Boyes (Current Parent) writes: As a Prep School parent with my eldest daughter still only in Form 1, it had been a good 20 years since I had sung in a choir. So it was with some trepidation that I went along to my first rehearsal with the St Catherine's Association Choir. However, I couldn't have wished for a warmer reception from both of the organisers, Dawn and Fran, our excellent Choir Master Joe (or Mr McHardy as the girls know him) and fellow singers, and any nerves quickly dissipated. Rehearsals were relaxed. I bonded with my fellow altos over missed notes and Penguin biscuits during the break, whilst Joe combined a brilliant sense of humour with great focus to make sure that we knew the music really well in time for our performance. The sense of achievement at performing Mozart's Requiem alongside the excellent Camerata and professional soloists in front of a packed audience was immense and I would thoroughly recommend other parents (Prep School too!) to join in.
Dr Philippa (Vega) Webb (2009) writes: It was great to sing with the Association Choir this year. There were always so many opportunities to perform and enjoy music while at School and it was fun to come back and do so again. It was a pleasant change to rehearse with the choir and then actually get to sing in the concert after so many years of playing with Camerata instead; although I was very jealous not to be playing the beautiful Introduction and Allegro by Elgar! It was a lovely way finally to perform a piece I have long wanted to sing. The retiring collection raised over £1,000 for Music in Secondary Schools Trust (MiSST) whose purpose is to be at the forefront of classical music education in disadvantaged secondary schools. We report with sadness for us but congratulations to him, that Joe McHardy has been appointed Director of Music, HM Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.
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ASSOCIATION TRIP 2017 IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING OF SATURDAY 6TH MAY 30 MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION, RANGING IN AGE FROM 23 TO 89, DRAGGED THEMSELVES OUT OF BED TO MEET AT GATWICK AIRPORT AT 4AM. We had an action-packed weekend visiting the key Roman sites of the Bay of Naples, which many pupils and alumnae who have been on the Classics trips have already seen. Highlights included seeing the remains of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the towns that had been destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79. We particularly enjoyed witnessing the amusing moment when Mrs Sophia Ridley, former Head of Classics, had a run in with the local police in the Naples Archaeological Museum because a local tour guide took objection to her leading a group on his turf! Luckily, she managed to talk her way out of a tricky situation and we didn't need to make a visit to the local police station. In true St Catherine’s style we did have a diplomat and a lawyer in our group who were ready to step in to help if needed. The weather was glorious and the visit to Villa Oplontis was a perfect end to the trip. Everyone really enjoyed seeing the iconic sites, which are synonymous with ancient Roman civilisation, and we all left for home feeling that we had a much greater understanding of what Roman life was really like. “Thank you for organising such a truly wonderful trip, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I thought it was incredible value for money and so well organised and thought out. I thought the party size was ideal and such a lovely mix of people. All of the places we visited were amazing. Although it was a lot to fit into a weekend, I thought the timings were perfect for me as I wasn’t away from the family for too long.” Dilys Price (Current Parent)
“What a wonderful trip! We did enjoy it and had no problem being herded from A to B – it’s actually rather relaxing to abnegate all responsibility to someone else! Please thank Sophia for her insights, and tell her we hope she has got over her near arrest, although, as she said, that gives her a wonderful story for future dinner parties …” Penny Crouch (Governor & Former Parent)
“Just to say a big thank you to everyone involved with the trip to Italy. We really enjoyed every minute and can’t wait for the next Association trip. The hotel was a perfect choice! Wonderful, thank you again.” Virginia Lace-Evans (Former Parent)
“Thank you so much for arranging this wonderful trip. I had such a wonderful time and the group were all so interesting to get to know.” Shan Morris (1981) (Former Parent)
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REUNIONS NEAR & FAR OXFORD AS PART OF THE GIRLS’ SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (GSA) CONFERENCE IN OXFORD IN NOVEMBER 2016, Mrs Alice Phillips hosted a drinks reception at the Natural History Museum, for members of our St Catherine’s Association community based in or around Oxford. We were delighted that 16 alumnae of all ages were able to join us. Everyone enjoyed catching up with school friends and swapping stories across the decades about their time at St Catherine’s. Mrs Phillips was delighted to be able to catch up on their news and, in turn, shared news from the School, including recent achievements and our plans for the future. Oxford Reunion
Then it was off to watch the House lacrosse matches, which revived their House rivalry, before a tour of the School. The reunion finished with a delicious roast dinner in the dining room. St Catherine’s Day Reunion
ST CATHERINE’S DAY THE SAD OCCASION OF THEIR SCHOOL FRIEND JILL FERGUSON’S (1966) FUNERAL, IN APRIL 2016, brought together Charmian Martin, Debbie Gauvain (Couchman), Sarah Drury and Sue Lewis-Hinde (Newbigin). Jill had been an active member of the Association Committee and, in her memory, the four ladies came back to school on St Catherines’s Day, Friday 25th November 2016. Following the morning Chapel service with current pupils, they had their first taste of cattern cakes, which they thoroughly enjoyed.
SWITZERLAND JUDITH GFELLER (WHITESTONE) (1961) WRITES: We had a perfect early spring day for our lunch meeting in Lausanne – brilliant sunshine and the mountains on the far side of Lake Geneva looking their best - well, almost! The meal in the elegant Café BeauRivage was delicious and we had great fun getting to know each other and exchanging memories of our days at St Catherine’s. It’s hard to realise that for me it’s now more than 60 years since I joined the School! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone and look forward to another reunion in the not too distant future.
GIVING THE GIFT OF A ST CATHERINE’S EDUCATION ON TUESDAY 21ST MARCH, THE SECOND EVENT PROMOTING GIVING TO THE ST CATHERINE’S BURSARY PROGRAMME took place in the Anniversary Halls. Parents and alumnae welcomed the opportunity to understand more about the impact of giving to the Bursary Fund. This was brought to life by a brief talk from Bea (2012) sharing the impact a Bursary award had on her education. “It was really lovely to meet Bea and hear her talk about her experiences. Interesting too to hear a bit more about the bursary programme and how it works in practice.” Parent donor. Bea gave grateful thanks to donors whom she is unlikely to meet, but who gave her an exceptional
Swiss Reunion
CAPE TOWN WHILE SPEAKING AT A FUNDRAISING CONFERENCE IN CAPE TOWN, PIPPA CARTE, our Development Director, took the opportunity to gather together some of the St Catherine’s family now based in sunnier climes. The gathering included the George family, who relocated in 2014 - Mr and Mrs George, Ella (2016), Rosie (2021) and brother Jack, and alumna Suzy Digby-Smith (1977). They all shared their experiences at School over an early evening drink, relaxing in the
educational experience and a desire to acknowledge that privilege, and to ‘give back’ through a career in the not-for-profit sector, which she is actively pursuing. Bursaries are awarded based on financial need, ranging from an award of 10 to 110 per cent, and the School believes that it is our responsibility to give girls, with strong academic ability but whose families have limited financial means, the opportunity to experience St Catherine’s. “It was wonderful to hear just what a life-saver assistance from the Bursary Fund can be to pupils whose families experience financial misfortune. I speak as an ex-pupil who had been in that situation with my children. A Bursary can be the difference between benefiting from the excellent education that St Catherine’s offers, or having to withdraw and miss out.” Alumna donor.
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Cape Town Reunion
beautiful sunshine in the Vineyard Hotel gardens. Mrs Alice Phillips sent them a video message, which they found very touching, and Pippa’s photo reels of the School – both past and present – brought memories flooding back. “It was a great pleasure finally to meet Pippa whilst she was in Cape Town in March. We were joined in the magnificent grounds of the Vineyard Hotel by the lovely George family, who are much more recent old girls than myself, and their parents and brother, who was down from Eton. It was a fun evening, with many reminiscences of our eras at the school, talk of old friends and teachers. Thank you Mrs Phillips for the super message, which made us feel very special. I regret we ended up in too many rather self-conscious giggles to respond in kind!” Suzy Digby-Smith (1977)
BATH & BRISTOL ROSINA SIMMONS (2011) WRITES: For most in Bristol, it was a normal Thursday evening in March; yet for five young women, it will be warmly remembered. In a cosy corner of Brewhouse and Kitchen, a pocket of jubilation
We aim to raise £200,000 per financial year for the next five years. Every gift made, of whatever value, helps shape a life and opens up opportunities. There is no expectation of sponsoring an individual for a whole School year or a number of years. All contributions are restricted to the Bursary Fund and enable us, as a community, to support multiple bursary awards. If you would like to contribute in this way, or join the next event to learn more about the Bursary Programme, please contact Pippa Carte, Director of Development: or on 01483 899754.
Bristol Reunion
bubbled away for two short hours. Rosina Simmons, Philippa Goff (both 2011), Lucy Walker (2013), Helen Klein (2012) and Gilly Wilson (2000) [left to right] pored over old copies of Non Nobis and photos, and cooed over new pictures and footage of their dear St Catherine’s. These sparked many fond memories and anecdotes that were excitedly shared between the five - from the old sports hall, and how we had somehow managed to fit everyone in there for House Gymnastics, to stories of their artistic, sporty and musical peers. As the evening progressed, the memories made way for the hushed sharing of lore and rumours, all gleefully recalled and giggled over - the staff room romances and the most outrageous Muck Up Day pranks of U6 leavers of bygone eras. The assemblage was delighted to hear news of their teachers, of new baby additions, and the celebrities that have graced the school’s grounds. And of course, it wouldn’t be a gathering of alumnae without the sharing of sage educational knowledge, networking and life advice that is the calibre of any St Catherine’s girl. We heartily thank Pippa for
WHICH PART OF THE MURAL DID YOU GET INVOLVED IN? In 2001, artist in residence, Mervyn Charlton, led the creation of a whole-school mural project, which many of you will know takes pride of place on the Dining Hall. Jane Silk, former Head of Art, returned to St Catherine’s in April this year to show the mural, based on the theme of the Bible, to a visiting group of local church friends from Rudgwick. Jane is collating a photo book on the creation of the mural and would welcome any former pupil or staff memories of being part of the making of this stunning piece. Which bit did you paint? What memories do you have of how it all came together? Please email:
catalysing a merry little gathering, and her passion for our community in finding all of the articles and (embarrassing) pictures of our school days.
LIZ HAYLEY, HEAD OF KEYBOARD, HOSTED A MALAYSIA RECEPTION on behalf of the Association. Liz was in Kuala Lumpur during the Easter holidays working as an international music examiner. She was delighted to meet Shu Wei Lee (2016) and the rest of her family.
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BACK TO BLACK-OUT IN JANUARY, AS PART OF THEIR HISTORY TOPIC ABOUT WWII, THE PREP SCHOOL L3 GIRLS SPENT THE DAY RELIVING THE WAR YEARS AT ST CATHERINE’S – singing songs in the cellar, visiting Bramley station to be evacuated, playing traditional party games and creating a blitz picture. We were delighted to welcome back Marjory Bayliss, a pupil at St Catherine’s from 1939–1946, and a teacher at the Prep School from 1960-1989. During the war, Marjory and her sister Audrey had to be day girls as all of the boarding beds were filled by pupils evacuated from St Mary’s Hall, Brighton. The girls loved hearing about the air raid shelters running next to the Sanatorium (now the music school). Air raid practices happened regularly and Marjory can still recall the strong smell of damp earth in the narrow trenches and the rubber smell of the gas masks. She clearly remembers the day the bomb fell on the railway station and how they all hid under their desks on hearing the enormous crash. Everyone was fascinated to hear about the evacuees who had stayed with Marjory’s family, especially the naughty one! Later in the day the girls were shown various artefacts and photos by Rosemary (née Munn) (1960) and Richard Christophers, now the St Catherine's volunteer archivists. The girls tried on helmets, sounded the air-raid alarm clacker and watched our film of the Bramley Home Guard marching through the grounds of the School. It really helped bring history to life for the girls. We hope to see lots of the war years’ alumnae back at St Catherine’s on 23rd June for the Golden Girls Reunion (30s, 40s and 50s leavers). Postscript : During the Easter Holiday we were also pleased to be reintroduced to Anne Waters (Esdaile) (1946), one of the evacuees from St Mary’s Hall, who returned to School for the first time since 1946. We are looking forward to meeting her again in June.
MANY MILES FOR MACMILLAN CHARITY WALK – A ‘RAINBOW OF HAPPINESS’ MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT CAN ALWAYS BE RELIED UPON TO ‘GO THE EXTRA MILE’ and to make sure that there’s someone available to give support, energy and inspiration to those who are unwell with cancer. The Prep School wanted to support Macmillan, as many of our school community have received help and encouragement from them in times of need. On Tuesday 28th February, girls from PPI up to L3, together with the Prep School staff, enjoyed participating in our Many Miles for Macmillan walk and run. Five of our L3 girls, Daniella, Maddie, Darcey, Poppy and Sienna, initiated the event and, with the help of Mrs Cowx, Mrs Gibbs and some of our lovely mums, they did a tremendous job organising and encouraging all of the participants. To help get us off to a good start and to sustain us in our efforts, the event began at break with Macmillan cupcakes for us to
enjoy! The girls and staff then walked and ran together for half an hour around a course shaped in an ‘M’ for Macmillan. Whilst running and walking, we tried to remember why we were taking part in the event. Every time a lap was completed a house point was scored for our respective houses. We completed an amazing 578 miles and everyone who took part received a Macmillan medal. The event raised over £940. One of our PPIII girls commented that the charity walk had been like ‘a rainbow of happiness’, which we thought summed up the event perfectly. A huge thank you to everyone who helped with and supported this event. If you would still like to donate, you may do so via the following link - fundraising/Jane-Cowx1. It is not too late for you to play your part! Thank you!
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What would you say is unique about St Catherine’s compared to other schools? The St Catherine’s family is one that values all of its members and what they have to offer. It is a place that is hard to leave, as the reunion of the Year of 2006 illustrated this year, when the girls remembered with such fondness their time at school: “Unforgettable St Cat’s!” How would you characterise the ‘spirit’ of St Catherine’s? Community, kindness and encouragement, both students and employees.
SPOTLIGHT - MRS CAROLINE ROSE Where did you grow up? I was born in Newcastle upon Tyne but grew up in Cheshire. What is your earliest memory? Playing with German children in a park in Hamlin when I was three during a visit to see my aunt and uncle and being mystified as to why they could not understand what I said. The German language remains a bit of a puzzle for me! Did you enjoy your own education? Yes, very much. I attended Loreto Grammar School in Altrincham, Cheshire, where some of my teachers were nuns from the convent. I was an enthusiastic netballer, tennis player and chorister. What led you to study and subsequently teach History? At every stage of my education I enjoyed History and was good at it! Latterly, I was inspired by two great A Level teachers and my aunt, who was a History and Geography teacher and GSA Headmistress. What appealed to you about working at St Catherine’s? Friendly and supportive colleagues and responsive, hardworking and enthusiastic girls made it a pleasure to go to work every day.
What do you consider to be the advantages of a single-sex education? It provides an education tailored to how girls learn, giving them self confidence in an environment where there are no stereotyped expectations. What did you consider to be the most challenging aspect of teaching? Many aspects of teaching have changed out of all recognition since I was first in the classroom. One is constantly challenged by new specifications to teach, new technology and the changing demands of Government. That said, identifying and meeting the needs of each student so that she reaches her potential and enjoys her subject is the greatest challenge and one that does not change. What is your most amusing or embarrassing class room story? In December 2011, the evening of the Carol Service brought truly biblical weather up on Stag Hill as the wind howled round the Cathedral. I was tasked with organising the evacuation of the Cathedral at the end of the service, which required me to do battle with a reluctant and very irritated organist who, at first, refused to stop playing for me to speak and then interrupted constantly with further bursts of music. It was pretty chaotic! Three things we might not know about you? 1. 2. 3.
I have won my orange belt in judo. I successfully completed a white water rafting course on a glacial river in Alaska (recently!) I was ‘Tawny Owl’ for 12 years.
How do you relax? I garden, walk and read for relaxation. Since retirement in the summer of 2016 I have had a lot more time to pursue all of these joys. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Beyond school - raising two children of whom I am very proud. At work, as Director of Staff, I was responsible for teacher training at St Catherine’s. It gave me so much pleasure to see over 25 teachers successfully trained during my watch. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Humility and patience. If there is one piece of advice you would pass on to the girls as they leave St Catherine’s, what would it be? Take responsibility for yourself and your life and make the most of opportunities as they arrive.
IN MARCH, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PIPPA CARTE VISITED MRS DAVISON (1938) AT HER HOME NEAR BRISTOL. Mrs Davison boarded from 1931, when her father was based in India, living with both her grandmother and aunt during school holidays. The School provided her with a stable home and community throughout her childhood. In her words: “St Catherine’s brought me up”. Mrs Davison shared a little of her life on leaving St Catherine’s and impressed Pippa with news of her role in the Fleet Air Arm. After St Catherine’s, she joined the Women’s Royal Naval Service in 1938 and was one of a group of women to run the first female only aerodrome, where she developed a comprehensive knowledge of flying. She worked using calculating instruments for practice bombing ranges, managing signalling and aircraft control for planes lost or in trouble, as well as being on ‘duty watch’ in the event of forced landings or crashes. Mrs Davison shared some of the following wonderful memories of School life and we hope that these might prompt our pre-war and wartime alumnae to remember those days: • school lunch being a huge fish portioned out to all of the girls and wonderful sponge puddings • Miss Patel in the sanatorium, who treated all coughs and colds with a constricting ‘putty vest’ • polishing the pews and washing the floors in Chapel • going to tea in their bonnets with Mrs Etty (wife of Mr Etty, the School Chaplain) • Miss Routley, self-styled gardener, leading the girls in planting and weeding at the weekends! • a visit to Charterhouse School for a theatrical performance where all of the girls were seated on one side and all of the boys on the other, with the Head of Charterhouse positioned on a central throne between the two, parting the seas!
CHANGING OF THE GUARD! THANK YOU AND FAREWELL TO KATIE VEGA, ISABELLE RUST AND OCTAVIA MCGLEUGHLIN, who have been excellent in their roles as Association Prefects over the past year. A warm welcome to Catrina Gell, Hermione Menges and Lara Scadding, who have taken over these roles.
ROSY MORRISON (2006) & CAROL VAN DEVENTER (2006) ROSY WAS DISAPPOINTED TO HAVE MISSED HER 10 YEAR REUNION last year and so her fellow school friend Carol van Deventer, who has recently started working at St Catherine’s in the Spanish Department, showed Rosy and her daughters around the School.
THANK YOU TO JOAN SHENTON (1961) for sending in photos of a mini-reunion at the home of Jane Bourne (Thurston) (1961) with Diana Allen (Lee) (1961). They had a great time reminiscing and poring over photos of their time at School.
IT WAS LOVELY TO WELCOME FEYI BACK TO SCHOOL at the end of March. Jean Arrick gave her a tour of the School and, as it was the last day of term, Feyi took a trip down memory lane by going to Long Parli, where she was warmly welcomed by the school! After completing her degree in Business and Management at Nottingham, Feyi has set up her own PR firm in Nigeria. CONGRATULATIONS TO TESSA MORRISH (WARREN) (1974) who was awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours lists for health and social care services. Over the last 20 years she has raised over £2 million for cystic fibrosis, £750,000 of which has gone towards gene therapy research.
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Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn Rudyard Kipling