Parents' handbook 2013 14

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CONTENTS WELCOME ...................................................................................................... 1 AIMS .............................................................................................................. 2 ST CATHERINE'S SCHOOL’S WHEEL FOR LIFE................................................... 3 STAFF LIST ...................................................................................................... 4 THE SCHOOL DAY ........................................................................................... 5 Beginning of Term ............................................................................................................ 5 Daily Routines .................................................................................................................. 5 Parking ............................................................................................................................. 5 Timings of the School Day ................................................................................................. 5 Lunch ............................................................................................................................... 6 Collection from School...................................................................................................... 7 Waiting Class (3:35 pm – 4:00 pm) .................................................................................... 8 School Buses .................................................................................................................... 8 CAT Club (Care After Teaching) ......................................................................................... 9 Dance Waiting Class ....................................................................................................... 10 Forum café ..................................................................................................................... 10 Extra-Curricular Activities ............................................................................................... 10 Music ............................................................................................................................. 12 Physical Education .......................................................................................................... 12 Lunchtime sporting activities .......................................................................................... 13 After school sporting activities........................................................................................ 13 Library............................................................................................................................ 15 The Last Day of Term ...................................................................................................... 16

KEEPING IN TOUCH ...................................................................................... 17 Homework Diaries/Reading Record Books ...................................................................... 17 Communicating with Staff .............................................................................................. 17 Clarion Call ............................................................................................................................ 17 The School Calendar ............................................................................................................. 17 Letters ................................................................................................................................... 17 The School Newsletter .......................................................................................................... 17 Welcome Talks ...................................................................................................................... 18 School Policies ................................................................................................................ 18 Absences ........................................................................................................................ 19 Illness .................................................................................................................................... 19 Authorised Absences ............................................................................................................. 19 Holidays ................................................................................................................................ 19 Attendance at Annual School Events .................................................................................... 19 School Closure ....................................................................................................................... 20 Emergency Closure ............................................................................................................... 20

PASTORAL CARE........................................................................................... 21 Child Protection.............................................................................................................. 21 Anti-Bullying .................................................................................................................. 22 ICT.................................................................................................................................. 22 ICT Pupil Code of Practice ............................................................................................... 22

THE CURRICULUM ........................................................................................ 24 Academic Progression .................................................................................................... 24 Pre-Prep I (Reception Year / Early Years Foundation Stage) ............................................... 24 Pre-Prep II (Year 1) ................................................................................................................ 25 Pre-Prep III (Year 2) ............................................................................................................... 26

Form I (Year 3) ...................................................................................................................... 26 Lower II (Year 4) .................................................................................................................... 27 Upper II (Year 5) .................................................................................................................... 27 Lower III (Year 6) ................................................................................................................... 28 Academic Mentoring ...................................................................................................... 29 E-Learning ............................................................................................................................. 29 Homework ..................................................................................................................... 30 Pre-Prep I .............................................................................................................................. 30 Pre-Prep II ............................................................................................................................. 30 Pre-Prep III ............................................................................................................................ 30 Form I .................................................................................................................................... 31 Lower II ................................................................................................................................. 31 Upper II ................................................................................................................................. 31 Lower III ................................................................................................................................ 31

HEALTH ........................................................................................................ 32 Medical Centre ............................................................................................................... 32 Medicines....................................................................................................................... 32 Sun Safety ...................................................................................................................... 32 Head lice ........................................................................................................................ 32 Nut Free Statement ........................................................................................................ 32

GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................. 33 Appearance .................................................................................................................... 33 Bibliocats ....................................................................................................................... 33 Bring Your Own Device ................................................................................................... 33 Calendar......................................................................................................................... 33 Dogs in school ................................................................................................................ 33 Mobile telephones ......................................................................................................... 33 Parking ........................................................................................................................... 34 Property ......................................................................................................................... 34 Party Invitations ............................................................................................................. 34 PTA ................................................................................................................................ 34

SCHOOL SHOP AND SCHOOL UNIFORM........................................................ 35 The School Shop ............................................................................................................. 35 The PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop............................................................................... 35 PRE-PREP PPI-PPIII Uniform (Reception to Year 2) Compulsory Items .............................. 36 PRE-PREP Uniform Optional Items .................................................................................. 36 PREP Form I, LII, UII and LIII Uniform (Year 3 to Year 6) Compulsory Items....................... 37 PREP Form I, LII, UII and LIII Uniform Optional Items ....................................................... 37 Dance ............................................................................................................................. 38 Prep. School Parking Map ............................................................................................... 39 Prep. School Ground Floor Map ...................................................................................... 40 Prep. School First Floor Map ........................................................................................... 41 This Guide is designed for your immediate use but also as a helpful resource to refer back to at a later date. If you have any questions, please do ask your daughter’s Form Teacher or contact the Prep School Office

Please keep your Guide in a safe place for future reference. It is also available via the Community Section of the website.

St Catherine’s Preparatory School Station Road, Bramley Surrey GU5 0DF

Tel: 01483 899665 Fax: 01483 899669 e-mail: Pupil Absence: Website:

BUSINESS MANAGER’S OFFICE Tel: 01483 899701 e-mail:

Welcome A very warm welcome to St Catherine’s Preparatory School, Bramley. Our aim is to provide your daughter with an extraordinary start to her school life through outstanding opportunities both in and out of the classroom. We hope that you too, as parents, will also quickly feel part of the wider St Catherine’s community and will find friendship and support amongst the parent body here. Your daughter’s education is an important partnership between home and school, with shared aims and aspirations. Together we will encourage your daughter to develop a love of learning, the art of creative thinking and selfreliance. In this Guide we seek to answer some of the questions you may have ahead of your daughter starting with us. It will also be a helpful reference for you throughout the school year. Please ask if you are unsure as there is a great deal to take on board, especially on first reading but you will find that things do fall into place once your daughter has started. If you have any questions or concerns your daughter’s Form Teacher is the best person to speak to in the first instance; they will be able to refer you to who can help if necessary. I very much look forward to meeting you at the beginning of the new term.

Miss Naomi Bartholomew Prep. Headmistress


Aims A happy school with high expectations. We aim to: Provide sound academic teaching, up to date facilities and a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Provide a safe and healthy school environment. Create an environment in which our pupils can be happy and enjoy their education. See each girl as an individual and encourage her to see herself as an individual as well as one of a group. Give our pupils enough confidence and guidance to help them develop fully their own talents and abilities both in and out of the classroom. Foster the personal, social, spiritual, cultural and physical development of our pupils as well as their academic development. Encourage Christian values, thoughts and deeds. Develop a strong partnership between staff and parents in the process of educating their daughters. Encourage skills of leadership and a sense of responsibility. Encourage our pupils to treat everyone with respect and courtesy.


St Catherine's School’s Wheel for Life The Wheel for Life encapsulates the aims, values and ethos of our community and is shared with girls as they join the school. At St Catherine’s we all aim: 

To show care and consideration for others

To be responsible citizens

To see learning as a way of life

To seek opportunities to grow and develop

For younger girls in the Pre-Prep, these are simplified to: 

We are kind and helpful

We are gentle

We are honest

We look after our property

We work hard

We listen

All girls are given a St Catherine’s ‘Wheel for Life’ key fob when they join the school.

St Catherine’s Prep School is a Dr Edward de Bono Thinking School

St Catherine’s Prep School has the International Eco Schools Green Flag. All girls should aim to improve the eco status of the school - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE 3|Page

Staff List Miss Bartholomew


Mrs Gibbs – Deputy Head (Staff) Mrs Cochrane – Deputy Head (Pre-Prep) Mrs Micklethwaite - Deputy Head (Curriculum) Pre-Prep IC

Form IL Form IM Lower IIK Lower IIM Upper IIL Upper IIE Lower IIIH Lower IIIU

Mrs Cochrane Mrs Armitage Mrs Robson Mrs Charlesworth Miss Harding Miss Hawes Mrs Killick Mrs Myners Mrs Silvester Mrs Kowalewska Mrs Liddy Mrs Field Mrs Liddy Mrs Lance Jones Ms Mullins Mrs Kelly Mrs Malins Mrs Lee Mrs Edwards Mrs Hodgkiss Mrs Unwin

Mrs Cowx Miss Gannon Miss Gillman Miss Vickers Miss Denton

Director of Sport P.E. Teacher P.E Teacher P.E. Teacher (p/t) Principal of the Dance School

Pre-Prep IJ Pre-Prep IIH Pre-Prep IIM Pre-Prep IIIK Pre-Prep IIIF

After School Care CAT Club staff

Reception – ages 4 to 5 years (Teaching Assistant)

Year 1 – ages 5 to 6 years (Teaching Assistant)

Year 1 – ages 5 to 6 years (Teaching Assistant)

Year 2 – ages 6 to 7 years (Teaching Assistant)

Year 2 – ages 6 to 7 years (Teaching Assistant)

Year 3 – ages 7 to 8 years Year 3 – ages 7 to 8 years Year 4 – ages 8 to 9 years Year 4 – ages 8 to 9 years Year 5 – ages 9 to 10 years Year 5 – ages 9 to 10 years Year 6 – ages 10 to 11 years Year 6 – ages 10 to 11 years Mrs White Mrs Rolls Mrs Chaventré Miss Fudge Mrs Sticpewich

Director of Music Music Teacher (p/t) Director of e-Learning Art and DT Teacher Librarian (p/t)

Mrs Burton Mrs Berry

Teacher (p/t) Teacher (p/t)

PA to Headmistress Registrar

Mrs Faull Mrs Motchman

Receptionist (pm) Receptionist (am)

Mrs Akehurst (Supervisor) Mrs Greenwood Mrs Keane Mrs Logue Mrs Lucas

Dance Waiting Class staff

Academic Mentoring Mrs King Fretts Head of Academic Mentoring Mrs Marmion Teacher (p/t) Mr Keane Teacher (p/t School Office Staff Mrs Taylor Mrs Manhire

Reception – ages 4 to 5 years (Teacher Assistant) (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Glover (Manager) Mrs Lucas


The School Day Beginning of Term Kit Drop-Off The school is open the day before the start of every term from 9am – 4pm. This is to enable your daughter to drop off their kit should you so wish. This can be very helpful as girls are then familiar with the location of their new peg/locker in the Autumn Term. It also promotes a smoother start to the first day of term.

Daily Routines      

Arriving at School - School is open from 8am. Girls should not be left unattended before this time. Pre-Prep I girls should be accompanied by their parent/guardian and taken directly to their classroom for 8:25am. Girls in Pre-Prep II and Pre-Prep III should be dropped off at the back or side gate and then go directly to their classrooms for 8:25am. Girls in Form I, Lower II and Upper II should arrive between 8:00am and 8:25am and go directly to the Prep School Hall where they will be supervised. At 8:25am girls make their own way to their Form Rooms for registration. Girls in Lower III are dropped off at the Senior School site between 8:00am and 8:20am. They are supervised in a classroom in School Block and then escorted across to the Prep School for 8:30am. Younger sisters of girls in Lower III may be dropped off at the Senior School as well, should this be your wish. Please inform the School in writing if this is your intention. It is helpful for sisters to be dropped together as it minimises traffic flow between the two schools. All girls should be in their Form Rooms by 8:30am. Girls who arrive after 8:35am are asked to arrive via the Prep School Office in order to be signed in.

Parking Car parking at the front of the Prep School is reserved for use by Pre-Prep I parents only between 8:00am-8:30 am and at 3.00pm. We ask that all other parents use the designated ‘drop-off zone’ at these times and drop their daughters promptly in order to prevent traffic congestion and as a courtesy to other drivers.

Timings of the School Day Pre-Prep I Pre-Prep II Pre-Prep III Form I – Lower III

8:30 am - 3:00 pm 8:30 am – 3:15 pm 8:30 am – 3:20 pm 8:30 am – 3:35 pm


Lesson Times 8.30 am


8.40 am

Lesson 1

9.10 am

Lesson 2

BREAK 10.00 am

Lesson 3

10:30 am

Lesson 4

11.00 am

Lesson 5

11:30 am

Lesson 6

12:00 pm

Pre-Prep Lunch Prep House Meetings/Chapel/Hymn Practice/PSHCE/ Form Time

12.25 pm


BREAK 1.40 pm


1.45 pm

Lesson 7

2.15 pm

Lesson 8

2:45pm 3:15PM

Pre-Prep Form Time Lesson 9 Form Time

Lunch The girls enjoy healthy meals which have been prepared on site and eat together in the school Dining Room on the Senior School site. There is a selection of hot meals available, including a vegetarian option, and an extensive salad bar as well as baguettes on various days. Girls in Pre-Prep I and II are assisted in their choices by Form Teachers and, as the girls get older, with guidance they are given increased independence to make their own selection. Please inform the School in writing if your daughter has specific dietary requirements. Weekly menus are available via the school website. 6|Page

A typical menu being: Monday  Chicken pepperpot with rice and peas  Leek and mushroom risotto  Jacket potatoes with a selection of fillings  Salad selection  Fresh baguettes  Eve's pudding with pouring cream  Cold sweets and fresh fruit

Collection from School Pre-Prep I, Pre-Prep II and Pre-Prep III girls are collected from the courtyard area of Trinity Court. Girls in Form I – Lower III are collected from the courtyard area behind Church House. Parents should access both courtyard areas via the two side gates at the front of the School. We ask that parents provide written notification if another adult will be collecting their daughter. The notification requires a signature, hence arrangements for a specific day should be written in the yellow Reading Record Book for girls in Pre-Prep, in the Homework Diary for girls in Form I – Lower III or via a letter sent into school. Girls will not be allowed to leave the school with adults other than their parents without prior notification. We ask that parents ring the School Office if there are any unforeseen changes on the day or should they be delayed for any reason for pick-up.


Waiting Class (3:35 pm – 4:00 pm) Provision is made for girls in Pre-Prep I and II classes who have older sisters to wait in their classrooms until 3.35 p.m. Girls in Pre–Prep III – Lower III may go to Waiting Class which is held in the Science Room from 3:35 pm – 4:00 pm. Girls are supervised in Waiting Class by a member of staff ahead of being collected by their parent or being escorted to the Senior School to board a school bus. Any girl still in Waiting Class at 4.00 p.m. will be collected by a member of the CAT Club staff and parents will be charged accordingly.

School Buses Some very kind parents organise coaches from Farnham, Haslemere and Woking and there is a minibus from Oxshott, Esher, East/West Horsley and Clandon. The girls arrive in time for Registration in the morning and leave at the end of the day (please note there is no coach back to Farnham at 4.20pm). Late coaches leave at approximately 5.40 pm. Please contact any of the parents below for up to date information and if you would like to use this service in September. Farnham Coach Mrs T Rankin

01256 768448 Mobile No. 07975 957960

Woking/Guildford Coach Mrs M Waterman 01483 236697 Mobile No. 07881 628903



Liphook/Haslemere Coach Mrs Lisa Skirrow 01428 712100


Oxshott Coach Mrs S Martin

01932 868741


Esher Mini Bus Mrs N Taylor

01372 466919 Mobile No. 07749 666464


East Horsley/Clandon Mini Bus Mrs L Romano 01483 284282 Mobile No. 07866 686855



CAT Club (Care After Teaching) CAT Club is an after school provision for girls PPII – Lower III. Girls in PPI may attend CAT Club but given their young age, it is recommended you consult your daughter’s Form Teacher ahead of booking your daughter into Cat Club. CAT Club is run by a dedicated team of staff who provide a snack for the girls, supervise them for a short break, oversee those who have homework to complete in a quiet classroom and provide arts and crafts activities in the Art Room. CAT Club can accommodate up to 30 girls each day and places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Time: Location: Cost:

3.45pm to 6.00pm Art Room Girls should be collected from the Art Room. £4.50 per hour or part thereof. Maximum £8.00 (to include tea) e.g. 3.30 to 4.30p / 4.30 to 5.30pm / 5.30 to 6.00pm

Booking: By signing in the CAT Club book in Reception. It is a parent’s responsibility to check the availability of space. Only in cases of last minute emergencies should the School Office be asked to fill in the book for you. Under no circumstances should a child fill in or amend the book. Please print name clearly in the book stating the time your daughter will be arriving (i.e. is she coming from an extra-curricular activity?). If your daughter is no longer attending a session, please remember to cross your daughter’s name out immediately. If your daughter’s name is not removed 24 hours prior to the session, you will be charged for a full session. There is no charge if your daughter is ill. Please add your daughter’s name to the bottom of the list, not above a crossed-out name. Please collect your daughter by 6.00pm at the latest or you will incur a £15 overtime charge rising to £20 if later than 15 minutes. If on any given day Cat Club numbers are full to the capacity of 30 children, parents should contact the School Receptionists, Mrs Motchman (a.m.) and Mrs Faull (p.m.) to enquire whether there has been a cancellation otherwise the child will have to be collected at the end of the school day as usual at 3.35 pm. For parents who do not regularly come into school but who want their children to regularly use CAT Club, it is advisable that you book in at the beginning of term for the whole term. If there are any problems, please see or telephone Mrs Akehurst between 3.30pm and 6.00pm on (01483 899665)


Dance Waiting Class Dance classes take place in our Dance Studio in the Anniversary Halls in the Senior School. Dance Waiting Class is in place of CAT Club for those girls attending dance classes Girls are escorted to their dance classes and supervised in Anniversary Halls until their parents collect them after their lesson. There is a minimal charge of £1.70 per session for Dance Waiting Class. Girls attending dance classes after school are registered by Dance Waiting Class staff in the Prep School Hall or the courtyard at dismissal time. Dance Waiting Class staff then escort the girls to the Anniversary Halls where they are supervised whilst they change, have a snack and wait for their dance class to start. Girls may they complete their homework or choose one of the quiet activities provided. Girls should be collected directly from the Anniversary Halls after their dance class or at the latest by 6:00pm. As with Cat Club, supervision is provided for girls after their lesson up until 6.00pm if necessary. For further information regarding Dance Waiting Class please contact Mrs Janet Glover, Dance Waiting Class Manager.

Forum café The Forum Café is situated in the Anniversary Halls. Hot and cold drinks and a selection of snacks can be purchased between 4.00 pm and 6:00 pm. The café is popular with parents, particularly those who are waiting to collect their daughters from an extra-curricular activity or event. Some products contain traces of nuts.

Extra-Curricular Activities The School provides a very wide range of extra-curricular activities both at lunch time and after school. We work closely with parents to ensure that girls are actively participating in the programme but not to the extent that they are overcommitted. The girls lead busy academic, sporting, musical and social lives. Below is a list of the clubs and activities that have run in the last year: Athletics Ballet * Board Games Chess Club Chess Master Class * Choirs ( x 2) Computer Clubs Country Dancing Cross Country Debating Drama *charged for activities

French * Gardening Gym Clubs ( x 3) Hockey Library Activities Logic Club Mandarin Chinese * Maths Maypole Dancing Modern Dance * Musical Theatre

Netball Orchestra Recorder Clubs Science Club Sewing Speech and Drama (LAMDA) * Swimming Clubs (3) Rounders Tap Dancing * Tennis

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The extra-curricular programme for the Autumn Term is available for parents in the Summer Term in order that they can discuss their daughter’s choices and make the necessary arrangements. Some clubs are on a first come, first serve basis and a few operate by invitation only. At the start of each term a list of all club days and timings is posted on the extra-curricular notice board by the Form I Cloakrooms. Mr Andrew Martin runs a Chess Master Class on Mondays, 4:30-5:30 pm for girls from PPIII-LIII who have some experience of playing chess. The class operates on a first come first serve basis and places are limited to 20. There is a £50 termly fee which is paid directly to Mr Martin due at the end of the previous term. Mr Martin can be contacted via the Prep School Office. Mrs Eliane Paris-Jones supervises Le Club Francais on Mondays and Thursdays. All girls attending must register with her at 3.35pm and must be collected by a parent or guardian at the end of the session (4.30pm). Le Club Francais is not a school run activity and any queries must be addressed to Mrs Linda Kewley who organises this extra-curricular activity. (Tel 0208 886 6875) Mrs Juan Cole supervises Mandarin Classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.40 – 4.25pm. All girls attending must register with her and must be collected by a parent or guardian at the end of the session. The cost of Mandarin Classes will be added to a girl’s end of term bill. Mrs Cole can be contacted via the Prep School Office. Mrs Francesca Denton is the Principal of the St Catherine’s Dance School and oversees curriculum Ballet classes for the Pre-Prep and extra-curricular Ballet, Tap and Modern. The cost of dance lessons will be added to a girl’s end of term bill. Miss Denton can be contacted on or via the Prep School Office. Mrs Maggie Green offers LAMDA Speech and Drama classes. There is a £72.50 fee for 10 sessions. She can be contacted on

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Music Music plays an important part in the life of the school. From the earliest years all girls are encouraged to enjoy singing, playing instruments, listening and composing. Three lessons are given each week to Pre-Prep I, II, III and Form I. Two lessons a week are given to Lower II upwards. A two year Instrument Programme starts in Pre-Prep III. As part of their curriculum lessons girls learn a stringed instrument for one year and woodwind or brass instruments in the other year. 1


The String Programme. For one year girls will receive a weekly group lesson on the violin or cello taught by string specialists and the Director of Music. These lessons will provide a foundation in reading music and aural skills, and the playing of an instrument as a long term commitment with a goal to achieve. These string lessons and the hire of instruments will be free of charge for the year. The Brass and Woodwind Programme. Girls will learn to play the recorder throughout the year and have a chance to hear and try out the trumpet, flute, bassoon, clarinet, oboe and saxophone with specialist woodwind and brass teachers.

Individual music lessons, including piano and singing, are available to girls in PPIII upwards from over twenty visiting instrumental teachers. The Director of Music is always available to give advice on the taking up of instruments. Application forms can be obtained from the school office. There are musical events throughout the school year. In the Autumn Term Harvest Festival and Christmas are celebrated in Bramley Parish Church and Godalming Parish Church. A Music Festival, Chamber Concerts, Lower III musical production and Pre-Prep Concerts are all part of the varied calendar. Instrumentalists have the opportunity to perform during morning assemblies. Extra curricular groups include two choirs, recorder ensembles, chamber ensembles, a string orchestra and a wind band. Associated Board examinations are held in the school three times a year. Mrs Alexandra White, Director of Music

Physical Education In Physical Education, girls are given the opportunity to experience many different activities from which we hope they will gain enjoyment, confidence and be encouraged to reach their potential. The youngest girls have three lessons of P.E. each week which include gymnastic activities and games skills. In the Summer Term, Pre-Prep II begin swimming lessons which then continue weekly throughout their time at the Prep School. From Pre-Prep III to Lower III, we aim to provide all girls with a physical activity every day. It may include games, swimming, gymnastics or athletics. There is a wide range of physical activities available, at lunchtimes and after school, for girls to join:12 | P a g e

Lunchtime sporting activities Autumn and Spring Terms

Summer Term

Netball (U8,U9,U10, U11)

Tennis (U7,U8,U9,U10, U11)

Hockey (U9,U10, U11)

Athletics (U7,U8,U9,U10, U11)

Cross Country (U8,U9,U10, U11)

Rounders (U7,U8,U9,U10, U11)

Gymnastics (U7)

After school sporting activities Catfish Swimming improvers (U8,U9,U10 U11) Mermaids Swimming development Squad (U8,U9,U10 U11) Monday Turtles Swimming club (U8,U9,U10 U11) Jaguars, Pumas and Panthers Gymnastics Squad (U9,U10 U11)* Leopards Gymnastics Squad (U8)* Seals Swimming club (U8,U9,U10 U11) Tuesday Sharapova Tennis coaching (U10,U11)* Matches and fixture Wednesday

Sharks Swimming Squad (U8,U9,U10 U11)


No sport - Thursday’s are devoted to extra-curricular music activities Tigers Gymnastics Squad (U8,U9,U10 U11)*


Gymnastics club (U8,U9,U10 U11) (Autumn and Spring) Rounders club (U10,U11) (Summer)

*These extra-curricular activities will be confirmed by the start of the Autumn Term

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All abilities are catered for from those girls who enjoy their physical activities and want to improve, to those who go on to compete at national tournaments. We have very successful school teams who have reached finals in national I.A.P.S. Netball, Swimming, Gymnastics, Biathlon and Athletics Championships. The girls represent their Houses in the annual Swimming Gala, Sports Day, Gymnastics Competition and Netball, Pop Lacrosse and Rounders House matches. PE kit is taken home by the girls each Friday and we appreciate your help with checking that they have all of their kit clearly named and intact. We aim to provide girls with a broad range of activities and opportunities. We hope they will develop a lifelong love of being physically active and take advantage of all that is offered to them. Mrs Cowx, Director of Sport

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Library The Prep School Library is open 8.30 am – 3.30pm Monday – Friday during term time. Mrs Sticpewich, our Librarian, is ably assisted by a group of parent volunteers, the Bibliocats. Every class has a weekly timetabled library session and in addition girls may visit the library during morning break, lunch break and after school. The Library is well-stocked with a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction books as well as a collection of newspapers and magazines aimed specifically at children. The Bibliocats, working with members of staff, organise a range of activities to enhance the girls’ natural interest in reading and learning more about their world. Our annual Book Week in the Autumn Term involves a number of author visits and creative writing workshops, storytelling sessions, book-related quizzes and competitions. The Bibliocats also develop curriculum related and seasonal displays to encourage girls and engage their interest whilst visiting the Library. The school encourages girls to participate in the Bibliocats Reading Scheme, which aims to foster a love of reading and introduces each girl to a broad range of both fiction and nonfiction books suitable for their reading level. Reading and being read to is enormously important to your daughter’s development, as it will fire her imagination, improve her reading comprehension, build her vocabulary and assist with her creative writing skills. The School Librarian, along with your daughter’s form teacher, will be only too happy to advise should you need guidance on what your daughter might enjoy reading or how to best support her in her reading at home. Details of the Bibliocats Reading Scheme, including recommended reading lists for girls in Key Stage 2, can be found in the Community section of the school website. Girls are allowed to check out between 1-3 books at any given time depending on their age. Books are due back within three weeks from being checked out but girls in pre-prep are strongly encouraged to exchange their books each week during their scheduled library session. Girls are welcome to retain books to read over the Christmas and Easter holidays. Overdue book reminders are usually issued weekly to each form teacher and they, in turn, will remind the girls which books are coming due or are overdue. In the event that a girl loses or misplaces a book, the parent will be asked to either purchase a replacement copy of the book or offset the cost of replacing the book. The Library has its own tab under the Prep School section of the website where parents and girls can find information about the Library including recent events. The Library subscribes to Encyclopaedia Britannica’s online resources which can be accessed either in the Library or remotely from home by clicking on the link contained under the Encyclopaedia Britannica tab within the Library section of the website. Within the Community section of the website, parents can find information about the Bibliocats Reading Scheme, lists of recommended websites related to reading and externally recommended reading lists, book prize winners and information regarding children’s magazines and newspapers subscriptions as well as the Library Code of Conduct, including our loan policy. We are always looking for parent, grandparent or carer volunteers. Any person wishing to assist in the Library should contact Mrs. Sheri Sticpewich, Prep School Librarian, via the School Office. 15 | P a g e

The Last Day of Term On the last day of term the school finishes at 12:00 noon for Pre-Prep girls and 12:30pm for girls in Form I and above. All girls leave the school via the front door of Church House and should be collected from the car park at the front of the building. Girls should take home all their personal belongings and clothing at the end of each half term. School books and exercise books can remain in their desks other than at the end of the school year when they are sent home.

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Keeping in Touch Homework Diaries/Reading Record Books In Pre-Prep messages are often passed using the yellow Reading Record Book. From Form I liaison is via the girls’ Homework Diary. It is worth checking your daughter’s book bag or school bag regularly for notes or letters from us. Increasingly such letters are either sent via Clarion Call or at least accompanied by an alert via Clarion Call to notify you that a letter has been sent home.

Communicating with Staff We are great fans of ‘face mail,’ at St Catherine’s and wherever possible do recommend that if you have any concerns or questions regarding your daughter that you discuss them directly and in person with your daughter’s teacher. Staff are generally available after school should you wish to discuss any concerns. If you feel a longer meeting is required, please phone or email the Prep School Office to arrange an appointment. 01483 899665 / If you would like to discuss concerns with Miss Bartholomew, please contact her P.A. to arrange an appointment. Clarion Call Clarion Call is the school’s Parent Communication Service. This service allows the school to contact you with important information which needs communicating quickly and accurately. Messages are sent as Texts, Voice Messages or E-Mails. We therefore ask that you keep us up to date with your latest contact details (email, mobile and telephone numbers). It is also worth checking your email security settings as occasionally Clarion Calls have ended in parents’ ‘bulk’ or ‘junk’ message folders. The School Calendar The School Calendar can be found on our website and is updated regularly. There is also a St Catherine’s Calendar App available via the i-Tunes store. The school newsletter, ‘Cat’s Eyes’, and any circular letters are sent home on Fridays. Copies of all letters can also be found on the school website under the Community Section. Letters If parents are living separately, letters will only be sent to a second address if a request, in writing, is given to the school. The School Newsletter ‘Cat’s Eyes’ reports on a range of school events and celebrates achievements. This is sent home via the girls and also via a Clarion Call message which contains a link to the online version. Back issues are available via the Community Section of the website.

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Welcome Talks Welcome Talks are held for parents by Form Teachers from each year group at the beginning of each academic year. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their daughter’s Form Teacher and to ask questions relating to the curriculum and about daily routines. Parents’ Evening consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. A written report is issued once a year at the end of the Summer Term for all girls except those in Lower III who receive their reports at the end of the Spring Term. Parents are given an opportunity to speak with staff after receiving reports. Should any parent need an additional meeting with a member of staff, an appointment can be arranged at a mutually convenient time. The P.T.A. publish newsletters and organize regular social and fundraising events during the year. There are P.T.A. representatives for each year group and they have regular contact with the school. There is a Parents’ Suggestion Box in the main Reception area which is an informal way of communicating with the school. Although these welcomed suggestions are not answered individually, we ask parents to identify themselves so that, if helpful, a response can be given. Community Website – this section of the school website is a useful communication tool between the staff, pupils and parents. The pages include school handbooks, copies of letters and ‘Cat’s Eyes’ as well as useful web links for the girls. The site is password protected. Access to the site is via St Catherine’s Prep School website, left-hand navigation button ‘Community’: Username: Password:

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School Policies The following policies are available on the website: Whole School Admissions Procedure Child Protection Child Protection Appendix Complaints Procedure Disability Drugs Health and Safety Health and Sex Education Medical Policy Staff Recruitment Sustainability

Preparatory School Anti Bullying Curriculum Discipline, Rewards, Awards Educational Visits English as an Additional Language ICT Code of Practice Learning Support

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Absences Illness If a girl is ill and needs to stay at home, parents are requested to ring the school office before 9am on the day her absence begins. A letter or e-mail to (which subsequently must be signed) explaining the reason for the absence should be given or sent to the Form Teacher on the girl’s return to school. No girl is allowed to leave the premises during school hours without special permission and she must sign out with the School Office before leaving. Girls who arrive late should report to the School Office before going to their lesson. Should a girl become ill during the school day, the school will ring a parent or emergency contact to arrange for her to be collected. Girls should not be sent into school if they have had diarrhoea or vomiting within the previous 48 hours in order to prevent the spread of infection. Authorised Absences Parents should write directly to Miss Bartholomew to request permission for their daughter to be absent from school. Permission will likely be given and an ‘authorised absence,’ recorded for such reasons as illness, doctor’s and dentist’s appointments (when impossible to arrange for after school), or a visit to a senior school in UII or LIII. Requests of an exceptional nature would in all probability be authorised. There would, of course, be no question in the event of a family bereavement, for example. Holidays Parents are asked to avoid arranging holidays in term time as such an absence disrupts a child’s education. Any planned absence must be authorized by the Headmistress. Permission will not be given for girls to be on holiday during the school term and such absences will be recorded as ‘unauthorised absence’ on pupil records and indicated on the girl’s annual school report. For your information, absenteeism is calculated in half day sessions i.e. if a girl is absent for one day it equals 2 sessions. The school must be informed of contact details of people in charge of pupils if their parents are away during Term Time. Attendance at Annual School Events Coming together as a whole school to either celebrate, worship together or on other occasions, to perform is very important to us at St Catherine’s. It is, therefore, expected that all girls will attend Harvest Festival and girls in Form I – Lower III will attend the Christmas Carol Services, one of which is held in the evening at Bramley Parish Church. Details of concerts and productions are published well in advance in order that arrangements can be made for all girls needed to be present. We also expect all girls to be present for the duration of the Prep School Open Day held on a Saturday morning during the Summer Term.

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School Closure It is almost impossible to base closure decisions on weather forecasts, so in general we will base the decision to close or not to close, on the weather currently affecting transportation or complete loss of power or water. Information will be sent via Clarion Call and messages updated on the home page of the school website to inform parents of the latest news. In the event of adverse weather conditions we will operate on a ‘get to school if you can,’ basis. St Catherine’s will be open for parents and staff who in their judgment, can drive or walk here safely. If you live at a distance from St Catherine's or in very rural areas and do not think it wise to make the journey in, then please don’t come. Please do let us know with a telephone call after 9:00 am that your daughter will not be coming into school. Emergency Closure Emergency closure due to extremely severe weather or in the event of a loss of electricity (heat and light) or water is very unlikely indeed. In such an event, we would notify parents via the school website and Clarion Call. We ask that should the school be closed in such an emergency parents avoid calling the school as this will likely block lines for urgent emergency calls. If the school is closed or there are pupils unable to get to school due to adverse weather conditions, work will be uploaded onto the Community section of the school website, in order that your daughters may access their school work remotely.

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Pastoral Care We aim to help make every child entering the school feel happy and secure. Throughout their years in the Prep School, we aim to build the children’s confidence and help them gain independence. We provide an environment in which they can investigate, question and make mistakes without experiencing a sense of failure. Children are grouped in classes with Form Teachers who are immediately responsible for the well-being of their children. In addition, all children are placed in Tutor Groups which are made up of girls across all ages within the school (with the exception of the Pre-Prep I girls who remain as a class when meeting with their tutor). Tutor Groups meet with a member of staff on a regular basis and girls are encouraged to discuss a range of issues often not covered in the normal school day e.g. holidays, families, friendship etc. Tutor Groups also provide an excellent opportunity for girls and staff to get to know children from other year groups. From Form I upwards, Form Captains and Vice-Captains are elected each term by the girls and they represent their form at School Council; they assist the staff in various ways. Sports Captains are chosen by members of the P.E. Department. House Captains and ViceCaptains are elected by the members of the house, in Form I and above. All Lower III girls are given Prefect responsibilities and girls are allocated a specific monitor’s position, chosen by staff. All girls in positions of responsibility are expected to be role models for their peers by carrying out their duties responsibly as well as setting a good example of behaviour and appearance to the rest of the girls. New girls, due to begin school in September, are assigned a shadow from their prospective form. At the end of the Summer Term, the shadow is encouraged to write to their assigned ‘new girl,’ welcoming her to the school. It is also suggested that, when realistic, the shadow might like to arrange to meet up with her during the summer break before the beginning of the academic year in September. Girls who join the school part-way through the academic year are also assigned a shadow to assist them during their settling-in period. All girls are assigned a different ‘partner’ or ‘buddy’ each week on a rotation basis. By changing partners each week, the members of the form become better acquainted with one another thus encouraging wider friendship groups.

Child Protection St Catherine's School is committed to the care and protection of the pupils and ensuring a safe, secure. The school will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children’s welfare are minimised. Where there are concerns, the school will take action to address those concerns, working to agreed local policies and procedures in full partnership with other local agencies.

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The school has fully trained Child Protection Officers and our Child Protection Policy is available on the website.

Anti-Bullying We believe that all members of the school are entitled to a safe and happy environment. When girls join our community, they may have different expectations or views about behaviour depending on the size of their family, sibling gender or their place in the sibling order, etc. We aim to be proactive and to teach the girls to tolerate and respect each other. Bullying is not tolerated and every effort is made to deal with incidents promptly and directly. The topic is addressed through PSHCE, school assemblies and drama lessons. Please see the St Catherine’s website for our Anti-Bullying Policy.

ICT The school views e-learning as central to the girls’ education and therefore also places a very high importance on the girls staying safe online. Girls are expected to adhere to the ICT Pupil Code of Practice and parents are advised to read our ICT policy available via the school website:

ICT Pupil Code of Practice The school has installed computers with Internet access to help our learning. These rules will keep everyone safe and help us be fair to others. The following rules and guidelines are for your own safety.        

I will always ask a teacher’s permission before using a computer and will only use it whilst an adult is in the room. If I feel unwell, have a headache or my vision becomes blurred whilst using a computer I will stop and inform a member of staff. I will not bring food or drink into the computer room or run around it. If I use a computer following a swimming lesson, I will dry my hair as far as possible and if long, I will tie it back. I will not touch the computer with damp hands. I will only access the system with my own user id and password. I will only use the School computers for school work and homework. I will not use removable storage data (eg USB drives) brought in from outside school unless I have been given permission by a member of staff. I will always ask permission before printing my work in line with our School’s Green Flag status. If a computer or printer does not seem to be working properly, I will report it to a member of staff.

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I will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet and will only use it whilst a responsible adult is present. I will not download games, demos or other large files without permission.

I will only email people I know, or my teacher has approved. Any email messages I send will be polite and responsible and I understand they will bear my name and can be easily traced. I will not give any personal information, including my photo, home address, telephone number, parents’ work address and telephone number(s), the name and location of the School or arrange to meet someone, unless my parents or carer has given permission. To prevent cyberbullying I will report to a member of staff any unpleasant material or messages sent to me and will not respond to it. I understand I will not be at fault and that any report written will be used to help protect other pupils and myself. I understand that the School may check my computer files and may monitor the Internet sites I visit.

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The Curriculum A summary of the curriculum covered by each year group is available on the Community section of the website and introduced to parents by Form Teachers at the annual ‘Welcome Talks’ held at the beginning of each Autumn Term. The Curriculum includes: English Maths Science I.C.T. R.E. History Geography French (From Form I) Classics (Lower III)

Art Design Technology P.E. P.S.H.C.E. Music Ballet (for Pre-Prep I, II) Drama (From Form I) Thinking Skills from Lower II

The school monitors every child’s progress closely through both on-going informal evaluation and also a formal programme of assessment, which takes place in September, January and May. Our youngest girls are assessed via the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. The information gained is analysed and helps us to keep parents informed of their daughter’s progress. Should you be concerned at any point please contact us directly. Girls develop at varying rates and child development has accelerated periods as well as dips and plateaus. We will inform you directly if we are concerned by your daughter’s progress.

Academic Progression Pre-Prep I (Reception Year / Early Years Foundation Stage) The Pre-Prep I class is the beginning of school life and as such it is essential that good foundations are established in both social and academic learning. A child who is happy, confident and feels secure within her environment will be ready to learn. We aim to give your child the capacity and chance to develop as an individual. Our priority is to provide a positive learning experience where self-respect and independence are encouraged. We will work with you to ensure that your child is happy, enjoys school and develops physically, socially, intellectually and morally. We aim to establish good working practice. The children are taught both in small groups and as a whole class. Time is given for self-initiated activities that give girls the opportunity to experiment and explore. A strong emphasis is placed on the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills and individual needs are catered for through differentiation. The Pre-Prep I teachers are assisted by qualified Teaching Assistants and are responsible for most areas of the curriculum. Music, P.E., Ballet and ICT are all taught by specialist teachers.

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How Parents can help:  Foster positive attitudes about school.  Encourage independence. Show your child how to hang her coat, do up buttons, carry her Book Bag into the classroom, etc.  It is very important that uniform is clearly labelled including P.E. kit, shoes and plimsoles.  Let your child know who is picking her up and whether she is staying for waiting class or Cat Club.  Support with learning reading at home, reinforcing comments made by the teacher in the Reading Record Book.  Add to the teacher’s knowledge of your child by occasionally completing a ‘Parents’ Observation Note’.  Support the school Bibliocats’ Reading Scheme.  Read to your child as often as possible.  Encourage your child to bring in books and objects of interest relevant to termly topics, of which you will be notified.  Parents might be asked to give extra support where a particular need has been identified, e.g. reinforcement with learning letter sounds.  Keep the teacher informed of any changes, health problems or worries your child has, which may affect her progress in school. Pre-Prep II (Year 1) In PPII girls begin to take more responsibility for themselves and their work. We aim to introduce them to a wide range of academic, creative and physical activities and foster any particular interests they might have or develop. We will work with you to increase their self-confidence in all areas, encourage good working habits and reinforce the idea that there are times when they should ‘have a go’ and times when they need to keep persevering. We enable independent learning and encourage the girls to develop an awareness of others and a polite, kind and helpful attitude. Most subjects, apart from English, Mathematics, Music and PE are taught through topics. Teaching is supplemented by visits outside the school and from professionals coming to the school, including the occasional parent who has a particular interest or skill. In the Summer Term, the girls will start their well-supervised swimming lessons. At the end of PPII the two parallel classes are mixed as they move up into PPIII to encourage further social and academic interaction between girls. How Parents can help:  Parents and girls should read together daily.  Continue to read to your daughter.  Sometimes parents might be asked to give extra support where a need is identified.  Parents might like to take their daughters to places of interest or help them borrow library books.  Keep the teacher informed of any difficulties at home or with the child’s health that may affect her work.  Check that all items of uniform and kit are clearly labelled at all times. 25 | P a g e

Pre-Prep III (Year 2) In PPIII girls are encouraged to be more responsible, to work more independently of the teacher and with less support from the Teaching Assistant. They must learn to respond to a sequence of instructions so that they can move from one activity to another without constant reference to the teacher. We aim to develop their social skills and expect them to be able to work with a partner or in a small group. In the Autumn Term we administer our own in-house literacy screening programme to help identify any potential problems as early as possible and, if appropriate, we offer support in school. How parents can help:  Hear your daughter reading daily.  Continue to read to your daughter.  A parent may be asked to give extra support where a need is identified.  Help with learning times tables and spelling.  Check Reading Record Book daily.  Inform the class teacher of any difficulties your child may be experiencing.  Check that all items of uniform and kit are clearly labelled at all times. Form I (Year 3) Form I is an exciting year for the girls as they make the transition from Key Stage 1 activities to the slightly more formal approach of Key Stage 2. The curriculum is closely linked to the National Curriculum, and French is introduced. Individual subjects, are taught by the Form Teacher, with the exception of P.E., French, Music, ICT. Each subject is taught discretely at this stage, but we do try to utilise cross-curricular links as much as possible. The girls take part in a 2 day, Science / Environmental residential trip in the Summer Term. Girls are assigned homework twice a week as well as weekly spelling lists and tables tests for which they need to prepare. They are encouraged to read daily, both independently and shared. Girls are issued with homework diaries to record their prep. These should be signed daily by parents. They provide a useful vehicle of communication between teacher and parent. In the Summer Term, an additional homework task per week is set. Although the girls are still very young, we encourage them to work independently as much as possible. They are expected to be responsible for their own belongings, and to bring in the correct equipment each day. Of course, this independence does not happen overnight, but we are aiming to develop self-confident, pupils in the long term. At the end of Form I the two parallel classes are mixed as they move up into Lower II to encourage further social and academic interaction between the girls. How parents can help:  Ensure your daughter reads daily and, through discussion, help her to gain a better understanding of the text and vocabulary.  Set aside a time for completing homework, so that study routines become established early.  Help with learning tables and spellings.

Check school bags regularly. 26 | P a g e

Lower II (Year 4) In LII girls are encouraged to take more responsibility for their learning and develop greater independence in their attitude towards it. We aim to develop their skills to research and interpret information and their ability to present it in an interesting format. Girls are issued with homework diaries to record their prep. These should be signed daily by parents. They provide a useful vehicle of communication between teacher and parent. Girls are given one half hour written homework each night, as well as weekly spelling and table tests for which they need to prepare. In the Summer Term, an additional homework task per week is set. They are expected to present their work well and learn to write with fountain pens during the year. They are also expected to read for thirty minutes each day. The girls go on a three day, History based residential trip in the Spring Term. How parents can help:  Encourage your daughter to be well-organised.  Give regular help with thorough learning and revision of tables and spellings.  Provide a quiet area for the completion of homework and ensure thirty minutes is spent on the work. Girls should have completed the prep in the time set, and if they are regularly requiring longer, parents should inform the teacher.  Let the teacher know if your child is finding their homework particularly difficult.  Check homework diaries for prep and sign when completed.  Help your daughter to choose reading books that she will enjoy.  Listen to your child read regularly, helping her to add expression and to punctuate correctly. Through discussion, encourage comprehension of the text. Upper II (Year 5) The girls in UII are expected to have a mature and responsible attitude towards all aspects of school life. They are encouraged to strive to improve their own standards, be self-critical when considering their work and to be prepared to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a finished piece. In the Spring Term girls begin a study skills course to help them learn how to revise. We hope they will enjoy sport, regardless of ability, and will appreciate the talents of those around them. Those who have been selected for various sports teams are expected to give a commitment to these. We expect the girls to co-operate well with their peers inside and outside the classroom. They are required to set an example to younger girls in their behaviour and manners. At the beginning of the Summer Term, the girls take part in a residential trip to France. Girls have one hour’s homework each night, which is noted in the homework diaries and will generally cover two subjects a night in addition to weekly spelling and tables tests for which they need to prepare. We will work with you to encourage your daughter to organise her time effectively.

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How parents can help:  Provide a quiet area for completion of homework.  Encourage total concentration on homework and give guidance where necessary, without doing it for them.  Give regular help with the thorough learning and revision of spellings, points of grammar, tables, mathematical definitions and learning homework for tests.  Encourage girls to read daily for at least thirty minutes.  Ensure regular practice of musical instruments. Lower III (Year 6) LIII girls are now at the top of the school and we expect them to lead the younger girls by their good example. We encourage them to take on certain responsibilities that help with the running of the Prep School. Girls are appointed as Prefects, House Captains, Vice Captains and monitors. There are occasions when Lower III girls are asked to escort visitors around the school. Girls in Lower III must have their own USB storage key and must be responsible for it. This will allow work to be transferred to and from school and home. In the Autumn Term the girls will concentrate on revision and examination techniques in preparation for entrance examinations to senior schools. Self-reliance, self-motivation and independent study are strongly encouraged. Girls will be expected to devote some time, during the Christmas holiday, preparing for the January Entrance Examinations. Homework is noted in homework diaries and will generally cover two subjects a night, lasting one hour in total. Girls will also be expected to read for half an hour every night, prepare for regular spelling and tables tests, as well as do their music practice. The parents of girls doing Common Entrance to Senior Schools will be asked to pay the appropriate fees. There is a week’s residential outdoor adventure trip in the Autumn Term. During the Spring Term, the curriculum is broadened and the timetable is adjusted to provide the girls with a wider range of learning experiences. There are usually various day trips as part of the Geography and History topics and course work to help develop independent study. In the Summer Term, the girls sit assessments in several subjects. They learn to plan their study time, use their study skills and apply the knowledge learnt in class. It also provides them with further valuable experience of the style of papers they are more likely to encounter at their Senior Schools. How parents can help:  Provide a quiet environment for your daughter to do her homework and encourage her to become organised in doing the work at a set place, in a set time, and handing the work in on time.  Encourage your child to do her best and praise her for her effort.  Structure time and help with revision of knowledge-based subjects. 28 | P a g e

Assist with timed practice of test questions, prior to outside examinations.

Academic Mentoring St. Catherine’s is a De Bono Thinking Skills school, and as such, we encourage independent learning, i.e. an ability to take responsibility for achievements, both in the academic environment and in extra- curricular settings. All girls are closely monitored by their class teachers throughout their time at St Catherine’s. If a teacher feels that a pupil of any ability is having any difficulty in accessing the curriculum, she will liaise with the Head of Academic Monitoring and together, they will assess how the class provision can be further differentiated to enable the pupil to succeed. Even the most able of pupils may benefit from assistance with study skills, specific areas such as spelling or need guidance on how to organise their ideas. If, after a period of revised class provision, it is felt that there may be a barrier to a pupil’s learning, the Head of Academic Mentoring, in liaison with parents and the class teacher, may conduct an in-school assessment to investigate further. When necessary, and in consultation with parents, additional support can be provided by qualified Academic Mentoring teachers. This support is closely monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. Lessons are charged on a sessional basis for individual tuition. Literacy Profiling In the Autumn Term of Form I, in-house literacy profiling is undertaken. The aim of this procedure is to record the level of attainment at age seven:   

to inform our teaching and planning to identify any difficulties or barriers to learning to inform parents and, if necessary, to offer in-school specialist support.

We value parental input and always welcome opportunities to discuss ways of working together to achieve success. E-Learning The School is committed to providing your daughter with the tools to enable her to learn in an exciting and relevant way. The use of technology is embedded in first rate teaching and learning but rest assured the essential and timeless ingredients of a good education – excellent teaching, inspiring dialogue and rigorous independent analysis - will continue to be the foundation of a St Catherine’s education. The Prep School has been moving gradually towards making significant use of tablet technology in the classroom at all levels. For some time now girls have had access to banks of iPads or single iPads in different classrooms as part of their learning activities. In every area these devices have been used to complement traditional teaching methods which remain equally valuable, and to enhance our already highly effective use of interactive whiteboard technology in the School. 29 | P a g e

From September 2013, all girls in UII and LIII will be allowed to bring in their own mobile devices for educational use in School. Our experience with our School banks of iPads, which have been used extensively throughout the Prep School, is that they have provided a huge educational benefit to the girls’ learning. The ability to access the internet from anywhere in School, to make notes, take photos and create videos as well as using a host of educational apps has been very valuable indeed. Having access to their own personal mobile device will allow girls from UII to create, edit and store their work wherever they are, be that at home or in School. The younger year groups will continue to have access to the School banks of ipads and girls in LII may choose to bring kindles into School from September, as an introduction to using their own device in School. By September 2014 every girl in Years 5-10 (UII – Lower 5) will be required to bring her own iPad to School as part of her basic study equipment. We anticipate placing a considerable number of teaching resources which are currently photocopied into e-book form to save space and time for the girls. A future which includes e-textbooks and the return to a more modest sized school bag can only further enhance the learning experience for the girls.

Homework Homework is designed to give children the opportunity to work independently on completing exercises started during the day and thus gain greater mastery over the skills or material being studied. We often explain to the girls that homework is their opportunity to share at home what they have learnt at school. In completing their homework, the girls are learning how to learn on their own and practising important study skills. Whilst at times it can be frustrating we ask that parents refrain from completing their daughter’s homework. Incomplete or poor quality homework needs to be seen by teachers in order that this can be addressed in school. We hope that you will work together with us in helping your daughter take a pride in her own work and in working within time given. If your child takes longer than the set time to complete a piece of homework, or is clearly finding it difficult to complete independently, we would like to know; either the homework may be too demanding or the child’s work habits need our support and attention. A note can be written in the child’s homework diary book or, preferably, under a separate note to the Form Teacher. Pre-Prep I Reading books go home for four evenings and the weekend. Occasionally, extra help may be required at home, for example on letter sounds. Pre-Prep II Reading books go home every day. Occasionally, extra help may be required at home, for example on letter sounds. Spellings will be introduced in the year. Pre-Prep III Reading books go home every day. Girls will also have spellings and tables to learn each week. 30 | P a g e

Form I Girls are assigned homework twice a week as well as weekly spelling lists and tables practice. They are encouraged to read daily, both independently and shared. In the Summer Term, an additional homework task per week is set. Lower II Girls are given one half hour written homework each night, as well as weekly spelling and tables practice. In the Summer Term, an additional homework task per week is set. They are also expected to read for thirty minutes each day. Upper II Girls have one hour’s homework each night and will generally cover two subjects a night in addition to weekly spelling and tables tests for which they need to prepare. Girls will be learning to organise their time effectively. Lower III Homework will generally cover two subjects a night, lasting in total approximately one hour. Girls will also be expected to read for half an hour every night, prepare for regular spelling and tables tests, as well as do their music practice. Independent study and research is encouraged.

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Health Medical Centre If a child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, they are seen by the Office Staff; all staff are qualified in first aid and attend regular first aid training and updates. There is always a trained nurse on duty in the Senior School should there be cause of concern. If necessary, parents are contacted if a nurse has been called to attend to a child. If a child develops an abnormal temperature and/or vomiting during the day, we will contact you to arrange to take the child home. We have a comfortable room for sick children to rest in bed until parents come to collect them.

Medicines No girl may take any medicine in school except under supervision. The only exception to this rule is that girls who use asthma inhalers may administer doses to themselves. Parents must inform the School Nurse in writing, in advance, if they wish their daughter to be allowed to use an inhaler in school. Only prescription medicines should be sent in by parents to the School Office. The prescription medicine must be sent into school in its original container, with the pharmacist’s instructions clearly visible on the label. Parents must send in an accompanying note explaining any additional details and stating clearly that they request the School to arrange for it to be administered during the school day.

Sun Safety The school takes seriously the dangers of exposure to the sun and takes precautions to encourage children to practice ‘sun safe’ behaviour and provides areas of shade for the girls throughout the year. On hot sunny days the girls are required to wear a school sun hat outside. On hot days girls will be encouraged to stay in the shade as much as possible and to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day to avoid dehydration. School water bottles are available and there are also water fountains located around the School.

Head lice Please tell your daughter’s Form Teacher immediately if you notice your daughter has head lice. The School Office will then send out an information bulletin to the class. All girls must be treated before they are allowed back into school.

Nut Free Statement St Catherine’s is a nut-free school and no food containing nuts should be brought into school.

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General Information The School is built around traditions of courtesy and consideration for one another, showing respect for the feelings of others and for their possessions, as well as being punctual at all times.

Appearance Girls must arrive and leave School wearing their full school uniform. Make-up, nail varnish and jewellery are not allowed, except one pair of plain gold or silver studs, if a girl already has pierced ears. Shoulder length or long hair should be tied back or worn in bunches or plaits. Hair bands, ribbons or slides should be black or navy blue. Black leather shoes must be worn. Open-toed shoes are not permitted. A luminous yellow band must be worn on the sleeve of the winter coat. All possessions must be marked clearly with your daughter’s name. Borrowing is not permitted.

Bibliocats We rely on a number of parent volunteers to assist in the Prep Library. If you would be interested in becoming such a volunteer please contact Mrs Sheri Sticpewich, our Librarian.

Bring Your Own Device Girls in Lower II are allowed to bring kindles into school. Girls in UII and LIII may bring in their own device for study purposes (iPod, iPad, laptop or tablet). This must be in accordance with the ICT Policy and Code of Conduct which are available via the school website.

Calendar The St Catherine’s calendar app is available for parents via the i-tunes store. The full School calendar and future term dates are also available via the school website.

Dogs in school Sometimes parents come to school to collect their daughters and to watch matches with their dogs. We would respectfully request that you leave your dogs in the car or tied securely for only brief periods in the front of Church House. If you do need to exercise your dog, then we would ask that you do this outside the school’s grounds so as to avoid waste pollution, in particular of playing facilities where this constitutes a potential risk to the girls’ health. There is access just beyond the school entrance in Station Road to the old railway line which is excellent dog-walking territory!

Mobile telephones Mobile telephones are not permitted in school. 33 | P a g e

Parking Parents are asked to use the drive through and ‘drop-off’ facility at the front of Church House from 8.00am to 8.25am. Parents must not park and leave their car in the Drop-Off Zone. A member of staff will be on duty to assist should your daughter need help or you need to drop a message or letter. Parking bays at the front of Church House are reserved for Pre-Prep I parents only between 8 – 8.30am and 3 – 3.30pm. Parents of girls in Pre-Prep II and above may park at the Senior School or the Bramley Business Park. Parents may park in the Village Hall Car Park at the back of the School between 8 – 8.30am and 3 – 3.30pm only. All girls in LIII should be dropped - off at the Senior School where they will be supervised before being taken across the road to the Prep School to help prevent congestion at the Prep School. We ask that you do not park on the yellow zig-zags in Station Road and in Hall Road. Please consider sharing lifts, walking, cycling or using buses as a healthy and eco-friendly way to travel to and from school.

Property Everything brought into school must be marked with your daughter’s name. A limited number of (small and not valuable) toys may be brought to school. Occasionally, however, it becomes necessary to ban a particular toy or ‘on trend’ collector’s items such as stickers! If a large sum of money has to be brought into school, it should be handed on arrival to your daughter’s it to Form Teacher for safe keeping in a clearly labelled envelope or purse.

Party Invitations Girls can become upset if they have not been included in party invitations. Hence, we would ask that party invitations are only distributed via the Form if all the girls in the class have been invited.

PTA Our Parent Teacher Association is a very important aspect of the St Catherine’s School community and provides much support and friendship to parents via termly social and fundraising events. Each class has at least two PTA Form Reps who assist the PTA Committee. There are many ways to help out and get involved please do make contact with your reps to find out how!

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School Shop and School Uniform The School Shop School uniform has to be obtained from the School shop on site at St. Catherine’s School. It is situated in the Business Centre and can be accessed via a path to the left of the Business Centre building. The School shop is open daily during term time between 2.30 to 5.00 p.m. except on a Thursday when it is open from 1.00 to 5.00 p.m. It is also open on the two days prior to the beginning of each term. It is not open during Autumn and Spring half term but it is open by appointment during Summer half term. The School shop will be open from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. throughout July for general sales and appointments. From 29th July until 16th August the shop is only open for pre-arranged appointments during the afore-mentioned hours. From 19th August onwards it is open from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. for general sales and appointments. If you are buying a large number of items or having a complete fit out you should contact the shop to arrange an appointment. Please telephone or email









The shop accepts cash, cheques made payable to St. Catherine’s Enterprises and credit/debit cards.

The PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop The Second Hand Shop is situated at the rear of the School in the car park near the John Palmer Centre and is run by the Prep. School PTA and Senior School PTA. The Prep. School PTA open the shop on Tuesday mornings from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. and Friday afternoons from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. during term time. It is open by appointment in the summer holidays. The Senior School PTA open the shop every Friday during term time from 3.45 to 4.45 p.m. It is open by arrangement at other times and during holidays. Contact: Mrs Jackie Wells Email: In addition the shop may be open during the summer holiday Lax Camps (dates are available on the school website and via twitter @lacrossecamp). Opening times will be posted on the website and shown on the shop door.

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PRE-PREP PPI-PPIII Uniform (Reception to Year 2) Compulsory Items                     

    

Blazer Blouse – Gingham Dress – Pinafore Dress – Summer striped Jumper – V Neck Cagoule Winter coat – with hood and reflective armband Lunch overall White polo shirt Navy shorts Jogging Bottoms Fleece White short socks – Summer Navy knee length socks and/or tights – Winter White short socks for P.E. all the year round Shoes – black leather (plain sandals may be worn, not open-toed and no patent leather or suede) Black wellington boots White plimsolls or Velcro trainers (non flashing) Junior sports holdall Book bag Curriculum Ballet for PPI and PPII RAD approved colour as confirmed by the school o Pink sleeveless leotard o Pink wrap chiffon skirt (polka party skirt being phased out during 2013) o Pink leather ballet shoes with pink elastic o Pink ballet socks o Pink ballet cardigan (optional) o Ballet bag (optional) Swim hat – House – from summer term of PPII up Swimsuit – from summer term of PPII up Towel - from summer term of PPII up Goggles from summer term of PPII up Swim bag – from summer term of PPII up

PRE-PREP Uniform Optional Items       

Hat – Baseball Cold weather hat Scarf Gloves - navy Pencil case – own choice from PPIII Scrunchies or headbands – navy or matching summer striped School water bottle

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PREP Form I, LII, UII and LIII Uniform (Year 3 to Year 6) Compulsory Items                                    

Blazer Blouse – Gingham Dress – Pinafore Dress – Summer striped Jumper – V Neck Cagoule Winter coat – with hood and reflective armband Swimsuit Swim hat – House Towel Goggles White polo shirt Games skirt, new version, now compulsory for all Cycling shorts Tracksuit top and bottoms, new version, now compulsory for all Leotard Fleece White short socks – summer Navy knee length socks and/or tights – winter White short socks for P.E. all the year round Navy hockey socks - LII upwards Navy boot bag – for hockey - LII upwards Shoes – black leather (plain sandals may be worn, not open-toed and no patent leather or suede) Outdoor trainers White plimsolls or indoor trainers Football boots with plastic studs – LII upwards Sports holdall Swim bag Prep School backpack Mouth guard - LII upwards Shin pads Pritt stick, pair of scissors (named) and 30 cm transparent ruler HB lead and coloured pencils Transparent protractor and pair of compasses with H pencil LII upwards Fountain pen (named or engraved) LII upwards USB Memory Stick (at least 1 GB) LIII.

PREP Form I, LII, UII and LIII Uniform Optional Items       

Hat – Baseball Cold weather hat Scarf Gloves - navy Pencil case – own to be provided Leotard shorts Squad leotard for girls in the gymnastics squad 37 | P a g e

       

Spikes for athletics and cross country Athletics vest – available from summer 2014 Scrunchies or headbands – navy or matching summer striped Baselayer Top – navy Baselayer Leggings – navy Squad swim hat T-bag for over swimsuit at swimming galas School water bottle

Dance Extra curricular Dance uniform and shoes for Ballet, Modern and Tap may be ordered through the shop.

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Prep. School Parking Map

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Prep. School Ground Floor Map

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Prep. School First Floor Map

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