St Catherine's Prep School - Inside Scoop | Winter 2023

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IENCE GOLD AWARD FOR SC have been awarded

e are thrilled to announce that we M) Gold Award the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQ (Outreach), the highest award possible! ng Scientists in our Mrs Kelly has been encouraging you also inspired a number Wonderlab for many years and she has She taught Natasha nce. of our girls to follow a career in Scie na studying Physics now studying Medicine at King’s and Simo zig in Germany. with Astronomy at the University of Leip


NG OUTDOOR LEARNI Programme, each year group

s part of our Outdoor Learning vities and challenges has been taking part in a number of acti y and collaboration skills. to develop their curiosity, creativit Celtic fires, making nature Activities have included: building food plates and painting maracas, designing outdoor nature be working in partnership Tudor art. We are also excited to helping us to improve our with the Surrey Wildlife Trust who are er support nature. school garden and woodlands to bett


! E T, Gf O S T E G , girls S r u K o R o A M ith all R w U rt o sp O Y in onths ON imming! busy few m ce and sw

a nastics, dan t has been pete in both etball, gym n in g n nity to com u rt o p p o participati e ependent e th sted the Ind lucky to hav o h ry e ve W e s. ar n titio We petition. onal compe nastics com ati N ym d G an ) A al n SG thlon on (I Regio Regional Bia cs Associati ti t as as n e th ym u G So Schools 6. We had t in South, from U8-U1 so took par al g) s in rl n n gi ru r u d O e U8 and g an am events, th s (swimmin ip te sh in n d io p an s, am Ch place ad of the nking list ahe 10 individual ra p e To th s t u ai ro e st We now aw num finished 1 . U11 A teams s! National final




he music de partment has been busier music events than ever wit ! Girls have h numerous enjoyed cre in the Soun ating their o dscape inco rporating m wn podcasts We have ho usic they hav sted a record e been stud number of in parents have ying. formal conce very much e rts which ou njoyed. The was a chance r Woodwind an for the girls d Brass Festi to hear profe new instrum va l ssional playi ents. The W ng and try o ind Scheme for Form 1 (Y u t h as provided the ear 3) girls to opportunity try out an ar recorder to th ray of instru e trombone ments from and everyth the ing in-betwe en!

IENDS MAKING NEW hFR in our Prep School playground

e have a buddy benc sit and talk which is a place for any of our girls to go and round buddies and to a new or even an old friend. Our playg ts (you cannot miss ambassadors, who wear bright pink jacke yone has a happy ever them!) are always around to make sure ys around to help. playtime. The Happy Cats team are also alwa




ur LIII Producti ons are a wo nderful oppo our students’ rtunity for us incredible per to showcase and design, in formance skill s, their aptitu addition to th de for music eir phenomen girl in LIII is incl al team spirit uded in this p . Each year, ev owerful cross their Prep Sch ery cu rricular project ool experience that culminat . A s the lights wen in the last per es t down over th formance of Th e Pride Lands e Lion King, th showcased su e school was ch talent. Th honoured to eir performan audiences wer have ce s were breat e left wonder h taking and ing whether Theatre, Lond the th ey were in fa on, rather than ct in The Lyce our own Ann u m iversary Halls .

St Catherine’ s Prep Scho ol Station Road , Bramley, G uildford, GU 5 0DF +44 (0)1483 899665 prepadmissi ons@stcath www.stcath

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