S BUDDING ENGINEER enjoyed using our
ur Form I (Year 3) girls have and programme special Lego kits to design, build and play the girls robots. Through experimentation king and engineering developed their computational thin of robots in helping skills. They also learnt about the role arching examples of to make scientific discoveries, rese volcano monitoring robot use in deep-sea exploration and picking and packing and also found out how they help in the family’s Amazon deliveries!
! AWARD ACCOLArtlisDE ted for the Independent Schools
e were thrilled to be sho our Science teaching. of the Year Award in recognition of marvellous Mrs Kelly, was Our specialist Science teacher, the scientific enquiry in all our girls. acknowledged for inspiring a love of girls’ curiosity is nurtured as In our fully equipped WonderLab the tes and learn how to extract they get hands-on with NASA meteori of a Royal Society judging DNA strands. They girls are also part ed at children under 14. panel to scrutinize Science books aim
D BR AIN! N A … L U O y arning to pla FO R T H E S
m in le at enthusias e gr n the Prep w o sh rls have eme. Filling h gi ) Sc 2 gs ar n e ri (Y I St II r P f ou e ably ent as part o viola they ar m d ru an st in lin g o n vi ri , y a st on the cello impressed b with music ho’ve been w rs e t h n e ac m te p School Hall velo Music help brain de ur specialist to o n y b ve d ro e to p id o gu dm r usic is language an d efforts. M s’ e rl in gi rm e te th e g d n their porti express ortunity to ortant in sup p p p o im e lly th ta vi d in and is ally enjoye andparents girls have re ents and gr ar p ir e skills. The th for performing themselves, certs. informal con
dding to o ur title of National Ath National Ne letics Cham tball; 3rd in pions; 4th in National Sw National Ch imming, we ampion in th now have a e U9’s IAPS Competition National Gym ! She’s train n as e tics 2-Piece d tirelessly, as showed com have all her mitment and p e u ers who’ve nceasing ene their routine rgy in prepar s in our speci ati o alist gymnas n, practicing Prep School tic studio. O take part in ver 170 girls competitive Lower 3 (Year in the sports from 6) across netb Form I (Year all, gymnasti and football. 1) to cs, swimmin g, cross coun try
on the ur Pre-Prep and Prep girls enjoyed taking They roles of Head and Deputies for the day. orted our greeted girls at the School gate and supp to form girls e urag ‘Playground Ambassadors’ who enco out of t mos new friendships and help each girl get the future lesson playtime. A working lunch saw them discuss words of a plans and new extra-curricular ideas. In the l day! derfu won a girls parent, “Thank you for giving the their build s This is exactly the kind of experience that help l derfu won confidence. Just one small example of how St Cat’s is!”
ur ‘Careers Ideas’ sessio ns are designed to introd uce girls in UII (Year 5) and LIII (Year 6) to possible future opportu nities. We were delighted to welcome cur rent parent Robyn Matth ews to share her career in Trading and Fund Mana gement. She helped the girls look beyond the piggybank, explaining the difference between saving s and investments. Inspiration arrives next fro m a doctor and a Gover nm ent Environmental Policy Advisor … who kno ws which paths our girls wil l take!
St Catherine’ s Prep Scho ol Station Road , Bramley, G uildford, GU 5 0DF +44 (0)1483 899665 prepadmissi ons@stcath erines.info www.stcath erines.info