With over 30 extra-curricular clubs and activities on offer across Music, Sport, Drama, Creative and Skills subjects, there is something for everyone. We encourage our girls to try new activities and to develop their interests, skills and confidence. Each term, we ask our girls for suggestions of new clubs allowing them to explore their key interests further. We also encourage our girls to run a club (in conjunction with a member of staff) to develop their leadership skills and in doing so share their passions with others. The majority of clubs take place at lunchtime with a select number running after School.
It has been an absolute joy to watch my daughters immerse themselves in the many and varied Music, Art, Science and Sporting extra-curricular activities on offer. Not only has their selfconfidence grown by being able to sign up and ‘have a go’, they have also been able to develop new skills, improve on existing interests and are so excited and grateful to have the opportunity to try such a huge variety of activities.

Here’s an idea of what is on offer:
Biathlon (running and swimming)

Cross Country
Fitness Mania
Football Skills
Pioneers of Science
Super Science

Cello Ensemble

Choirs -

Melodic Magic (UII and LIII)
The Songbirds (FI and LII)
MTech* - A new musical topic is introduced each term e.g. explore the world of Space with rocket boosted beats and cosmic chords.
Musicianship Club
One-to-one Music lessons*
With over 25 instruments to choose from including:
• Cello
• Clarinet
• Double Bass
• Drums
• Flute
• Guitar
String Orchestra
String Quartet
Theory Club
Wind Band
• Harp
• Piano
• Saxophone
• Viola
• Violin
Country Dancing & Maypole
Creative Writing
Gardening Club
LAMDA Speech and Drama*
Musical Theatre*
Ballet* (Royal Academy of Dance)
Modern Dance* (ISTD)
Tap Dancing* (ISTD)

Musical Theatre*
Street Jazz Dance*
Cards & Rummikub
French Conversation & Games
Make a Difference - researching changemakers
Touch Typing
A Place to Be - An opportunity for girls to meditate, relax and have some quiet time during their busy day.
A Place to Talk - An opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy fun activities together. A wellbeing theme is picked each week and activities are based around this theme, guided by our Wellbeing co-ordinator.

The clubs above are illustrative at a point in time, recognising the passions and abilities of our staff team. Clubs on offer will vary each term according to the season – Summer brings the opportunity for more outdoor fun! Parents will be sent a comprehensive booklet outlining all extra-curricular clubs for the following term just after half term. With your daughter you can select clubs of interest. We welcome ideas for clubs from parents too!
*Denotes an additional charge. Specific clubs are taught by visiting teachers and are to be booked and paid for in advance.
Trips provide our girls with an opportunity to develop their learning outside the traditional classroom setting and allow them to develop perseverance and resilience through working both independently and as part of a team.
From FI (Year 3) upwards, we offer an annual residential trip to all of our girls beginning with one night away and culminating in a week away by the time our girls reach L3 (Year 6). All trips are included in the School Fees.

FI Holmbury St Mary - 2 days of team building and enjoying the great outdoors
LII Hooke Court - 3 days of Roman discovery
UII - Isle of Wight - 4 days of outdoor learning activities
LIII Normandy Trip - 5 days of an immersive French experience

We also offer a regular ski trip to UII (Year 5) and LIII (Year 6) girls.
To find out more about the variety of activities on offer that your daughter could enjoy at St Catherine’s, please contact our Registrar on +44(0)1483 899665 or email prepadmissions@stcatherines.info