FESTIVE FUN FOR FAMILIES In Pre-Prep we understand that fun is a serious business and play is an essential ingredient in every child’s development and emotional well-being. This festive season let’s allow ourselves time for play. Engage in it with your children and my experience is that you too will reap the benefits that come from spending time simply having fun. With Season’s Greetings
Naomi Bartholomew
Headmistress, St Catherine’s Prep School
e have come up with some ideas for child friendly ways to celebrate the festive season. Colour in the Christmas tree to remind yourselves of the things you did together.
GET ARTY Experiment with colour mixing to create shades of green and use your hands to paint Christmas wreaths and trees. Don’t forget to add a red ribbon or a golden star to your design to add some festive sparkle.
READY, STEADY, COOK A rainy afternoon may be just the time to whip up a batch of cookie dough or cupcake batter and challenge your family to a Christmas Bake Off decorating challenge! Even the youngest member of your family will enjoy icing a biscuit and covering it with sprinkles.
TIME TO SHINE Hold a family talent show in your living room … a great chance to show your children that they you still have that certain something!
SEASONAL STAR GAZING Wrap up warm and head out into the garden on a cold, clear night to gaze at the stars … maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of Rudolph and his sleigh!
Transform your lunch with unicorn mash. A little beetroot juice or food colouring added to your potatoes before you mash them will bring a smile to everyone’s face. Maybe add a carrot horn to finish it off!
BACK TO NATURE Get into the garden and make a bug hotel. There are lots of natural materials around in the Autumn and many creatures will still be looking for a place to hibernate over winter.
MUSIC MAKERS Christmas is the perfect time to come together and make music. Create a shaker from an empty tube or carton and decorate it with wrapping paper and glitter. Put on the Christmas music and play along!
GET READY FOR RUDOLPH Mix together oats and eco friendly glitter to create magical reindeer food. On Christmas Eve sprinkle it in the garden to show the reindeer how to find your house.
SHARE A STORY Put on your pyjamas and snuggle up to share a favourite story. Ask everyone to take a turn choosing a book or maybe gather together on December 24th to read The Night Before Christmas … listen carefully for the sound of reindeer hooves!
For more fun with your little ones keep an eye on the Baby Cats page of the St Catherine’s website at https://www.stcatherines.info/prep-home/baby-cats.
(0- 4 YEAR S) Friday 28 th January 2022
(2- 4 YEAR S) Friday 25 th February 2022
(0- 4 YEAR S) Friday 25 th March 2022
SP RI NG 20 2 2
free, creative Join us for Baby Cats, a series of , nurturing activities with your toddler in a safe our Let nt. and encouraging environme d’s chil r you ire insp specialist teachers imagination.
To book your place at one of our Baby Cats events please complete the online booking form here: https://bit.ly/3ocKUID
With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year from all at St Catherine’s School, Bramley
St Catherine’s Prep, Bramley GSA Day & Boarding School since 1885 | 4 - 18 years Guildford GU5 0DF | www.stcatherines.info | 01483 899665