St Catherine’s, Bramley
Welcome to St Catherine’s Preparatory School St Catherine’s Preparatory School is a happy school with high expectations. We are fortunate to be located in the beautiful village of Bramley, near Guildford. The school is academically selective, providing a range of outstanding opportunities both in and out of the classroom. We encourage a love of learning in an environment where the art of creative thinking is taught, along with self-reliance. Supported by strong Christian values girls acquire self-respect, and show courtesy and consideration for others. The girls are fully prepared to move on to their senior schools, including St Catherine’s. Their education is an important partnership between home and school, with shared aims and aspirations.
the School is, of course, the best way to experience first-hand the happy and vibrant atmosphere at the Preparatory School. Most importantly, it will offer you the chance to meet our girls and see for yourselves why we are so proud of them.
I hope you enjoy this snapshot of our School. Our website will give you even more of a sense of all we have on offer. A visit to
Miss Naomi Bartholomew - Headmistress St Catherine’s Preparatory School
I very much look forward to welcoming you to St Catherine’s Preparatory School, Bramley.
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“Our aim is to provide an extraordinary start to school life.” DEPUTY HEAD, HEAD OF PRE-PREP
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“I am pleased I have had such wonderful teachers who have helped and guided me to reach my goals.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL
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“A very caring school with a family atmosphere and happy pupils.” PARENT
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“Recognising the talents and gifts of your fellow classmates is invaluable.” STAFF MEMBER
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“Pupils throughout the school display excellent attitudes towards their learning and a high degree of motivation.” INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS’ INSPECTORATE
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“Everyone is busy but calm – there are lots of clubs and nice quirky things to do at lunchtime.” CURRENT PARENT
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“Chapel has helped me understand what it means to be part of a community.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL
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“House events have taught me to do things for the team, not just for myself.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL
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“St Catherine’s is highly successful in achieving its aim of providing an allround education to prepare its girls to lead happy and fulfilling lives.” INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS’ INSPECTORATE
w w w. s tc a t h e r i n e s . i n f o
“I have done so many different and new things while I have been here. I really have discovered who I am.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL.
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“When I work with someone I learn about myself as well as what we are learning about.” FI (YEAR 3) PUPIL
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“When I join my senior school I want to be known as a kind person. I also want to carry on with my dancing and drama.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL
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“Pupils are proud of their school and are keen to contribute to community life both within and outside the school.” INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS’ INSPECTORATE
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“Being part of the school play helped me conquer my fear of the stage. It strengthened my friendships too.” LIII (YEAR 6) PUPIL
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“Every girl leaves feeling valued for who they are.” THE GOOD SCHOOLS GUIDE
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“If you want convincing that girls’ only education is the right and modern way for your bright and motivated daughter, go and look. This is as good as it gets.” THE GOOD SCHOOLS GUIDE
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‘Let us go on ...’
Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF | 01483 899665 |
w w w . s t c a t h e r i n e s . i n f o Reg. Charity No: 1070858 | A Company Limited by Guarantee Reg. No: 3596520