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Our careers education program is designed to encourage girls to make their own decisions about future paths which ultimately lead to the achievement of their personal goals. Our focus is on developing the vital ‘soft’ skills looked for by employers and which are encouraged in daily School life. Getting girls ‘work-ready’ is not therefore just the domain of the Director of Careers, rather it is achieved through the many structures of School life. Here are just some examples of how a St Cat’s girl might develop her employability skills and begin to identify her future path:

TEAM W O R K evidenced daily on the sports fields, in music ensembles or in House events

LEADERSHIP Prefect roles including Wellbeing, Sports, Debating, Arts and Music, allow the girls to direct school life and to lead by example

INNOVATIVE THINKING working collaboratively on new Eco initiatives encouraging student participation

ADAPTABILITY adjusting to working with different groups in the classroom, and through extra-curricular and sports activities

COMMUNICATION SKILLS presenting on activities and events at the Whole School Assembly and leading parent tours during Open Mornings

DECISION MAKING leading House Drama, House Singing, and House Sport competitions

ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS managing extra-curricular commitments alongside academics

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE acting as a Subject Mentor supporting younger girls’ learning in subject based ‘clinics’

RESILIENCE preparing for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award volunteering and expedition commitments Through the Careers Programme girls are encouraged to develop selfawareness and the skills to research areas of personal interest which culminate in aspirational and appropriate choices. A comprehensive range of careers lectures and seminars, from professionals and industry experts, inform and inspire girls and develop their appreciation of the myriad of careers available to them.

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U3 AND L4 (YEAR 7 AND YEAR 8) From the moment girls start at St Catherine’s they are able to access many different opportunities which will help them shape their future. As well as attending the End-ofTerm Lectures when they will hear from different alumnae about their pathway since leaving St Catherine’s, girls will be exposed to different activities and opportunities which will help them decide what makes them tick. By trying different things, from sport to music, creative arts to maths competitions, girls develop crucial transferrable skills which are so important when considering their futures and are increasingly sought after by employers.

END- OF -TERM LECTURES All girls from Year 7 enjoy three lectures a year given by alumnae. Recent speakers include:

ELLIE DE LA BEDOYÈRE (2011) Senior Policy Advisor in The Cabinet Office to Michael Gove, spoke about her work.

CARLY BROWN (2009) Freelance Editor in Film and Television spoke about her work on The Crown Series 4.

CASSA JACKSON (2016) Singer/Songwriter spoke at St Catherine’s about her experience performing as the support act for JLS at the O2 and on her own solo career.

U4 (YEAR 9) WEEKLY CAREERS LECTURE During the U4, girls have a weekly lecture which aims to broaden their knowledge of different careers. The girls hear from different professionals about their career journey and take part in activities which encourage them to consider their values when planning their future. Recent opportunities have included:


A Print Designer at Sweaty Betty

A Sports Physiotherapist

Financial Technology

A Publicity Manager at Netflix

A Paramedic

Women in STEM

Engineering Careers

‘TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK ’ DAY More practically, girls are encouraged to join their parents at work for a day to learn more about a specific profession of interest. Boarders are supported by other parents in the St Catherine’s community.

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L5 (YEAR 10) LIFE MATTERS Girls benefit from a five-week course that includes: • • • •

Recognising the importance of extra-curricular activities in developing transferrable skills. Career Planning: exploring their current feelings about careers and career planning. Careers Research: analysing the links between academic subjects and careers and a research task designed to broaden their awareness of potential career options. Future Pathways: options beyond A Level are explained with a particular focus on alternatives to traditional university degrees. This includes an explanation of Degree Apprenticeships, Sponsored Degrees and Higher Apprenticeships.

CAREER PROFILING To complement the advice girls are given in school, we use the Morrisby Profiling system, a leading career matching methodology, that through psychometric assessment, subject and career matching helps girls discover their strengths, ambitions and goals. Used by leading Schools, this career profile helps girls assess their verbal, numerical, abstract, spatial and mechanical aptitudes. It enables girls to see career entry requirements and it guides them through the process of how they might achieve their goals.

BUSINESS ENTERPRISE DAY Working in teams, girls set up and run a business for the day, thus developing an appreciation of business planning and the need for innovative product design. They also have the opportunity to develop their negotiation skills, agree contracts with the buyers and arrange finance with the bankers, as well as adapting to changes in the business environment which occur during the day.

CAREERS SEMINARS Alumnae who have studied a specific degree subject or who work in a specific field share their career experiences since graduation with current students. This highlights the breadth of careers available, opens girls’ eyes to opportunities and helps girls consider their choices for A Level and University. Recent seminars have included Careers with an Environmental Impact and Careers in the World of Theatre.

All of the women were so inspirational and very informative whilst also being very entertaining and fun. They were candid about the ups and downs of their jobs and answered all questions very honestly. I really enjoyed this seminar. Alice (Current student)

U5 (YEAR 11) As part of their Life Matters course, U5 are supported with a Careers course that includes: A Level options and Careers Research: students revisit their Morrisby aptitudes to help inform their A Level subject choices. The purpose is to encourage them to utilise their strongest aptitudes in order to achieve their highest potential. Morrisby is also the starting point for a detailed careers research task allowing them to explore options which take account of both intersts and aptitudes.

CV and Interview skills:  in preparation for applications for work experience and paid employment, students create a CV, having first identified their achievements and skills to date. Interview preparation begins with an introduction to the STAR technique which can be applied in interview situations. Girls reflect on the skills they have developed to date to help them in interview situations. Sixth Form Choices: girls are supported by a staff mentor to help them make the most appropriate choices of A Level subjects. This is part of a programme in which they are able to take part in taster lessons, talk to current students about the subject and ask questions of the Heads of Department. Day girls can also try out boarding in The 6 with a view to becoming boarders for the pre-University years.


Our biennial Careers Forum gives girls the opportunity to network with alumnae and parents from a wide variety of career sectors. They have included: •

a Cloud Specialist at Microsoft

a Finance Manager at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

a Global Media Manager at Burberry

an ENT specialist at Guys & St Thomas’s’ NHS Trust

Girls can hear about a variety of career experiences and gain valuable advice to appreciate better the challenges and rewards of different career paths. w w w.stcat h erines. info


Catherine Taylor Director of Careers

Dawn Pilkington Association Director

THE CAREERS DEPARTMENT The aim of the Careers Department is to equip girls to develop the personal attributes and skills required to embrace new possibilities. In a rapidly changing work environment, girls need to recognise that they will likely have more than one ‘career’ during their lifetime. Our careers programme is underpinned by the nationally acclaimed Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure excellent quality provision.

THE ASSOCIATION A wonderful resource for the girls is the St Catherine’s Association. This is a community of of 8,500 professionals – of both past and current parents and our alumnae body who offer their support and encouragement through lectures, advice, connections and more. You will see inside, examples of recent opportunities the girls have enjoyed.

I believe the thing that sets our school apart from others is the community. Thriving alumnae and countless Association Community links prove that you really are a St Cat’s girl for life. Lara Parker-Janopulous (2021)

OPPORTUNITIES - EVENTS/LECTURES/ COMPETITIONS/WORK EXPERIENCE Our Director of Careers sends girls from L5 a range of opportunities as they arise and according to girls’ interests. These are also posted to a Careers Blog for parents of any year group to review. Recent opportunities include:

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FT annual ‘Young Financial Journalist of the Year’ competition

Weekend workshops for Digital & Tech experiences

One day courses for Medicine & Midwifery

Virtual Medical Society

Careers in Law

Lower Sixth STEM virtual summer work experience through SATRO

Jaguar Land Rover Digital and Engineering Degree Apprenticeships

FT Political Essay Competition: ‘How to make parliament representative’

SIXTH FORM DECISIONS ABOUT LIFE AF TER THE SIXTH FORM – INCLUDING UCAS SUPPORT Girls are supported and guided in making appropriate choices for their life after St Catherine’s, be that University in the UK or abroad, GAP years or the world of work, including the increasingly popular degree apprenticeship programme. Specialist support is given to the girls in the submission of their UCAS applications, drafting of exceptional personal statements and researching the most appropriate and inspiring courses available. In addition, the Sixth Form team support girls with Overseas Admissions, Oxbridge applications and specialist subjects like Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Girls are also supported in their applications for Degree Apprenticeships, internships and job applications.

SCOPE – ST CATHERINE’S ONGOING PROGRAMME OF ENRICHMENT There is more to a Sixth Form than A Levels. This course sees visiting lecturers and specialist speakers offering expertise on subjects as diverse as digital skills, interview techniques, budgeting, current affairs, securing work-experience and resilience.

WORK EXPERIENCE All Lower Sixth students take part in a week of work experience (prior to the October half term). Although girls are expected to arrange this, they are supported by the Association and the many connections available through local networks.

LONDON NET WORK An opportunity to join alumnae aged 25-35 at careers events to network in specific sectors and share industry experience. Sixth Form girls have the chance to apply to join these evening events and make links that will benefit their future amongst the parents and alumnae who attend. Recent events have included sector-specific talks in law, STEM careers, marketing and private equity. Upcoming events include: ‘How to network’, ‘Resilience in the workplace’, ‘Starting your own business’ and ‘The Impact of Climate Change on Business’. The London Network is run and chaired by a group of St Catherine’s parents with the support of The Association.

BEYOND UNIVERSITY The Association Community members are always ready and available, happy to help a St Catherine’s girl find her way in the world.

LEVERAGING THE ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY The breadth and depth of our Association Community is an incredible asset at the girls’ fingertips and stays with them when they leave School. Whilst in the Sixth Form they benefit from: The UniBuddies Scheme – we connect girls with alumnae currently at university so they can ask questions about colleges, halls, courses and university life. eg: Lisa chatted to Dr Anjuli (2011), a Sports Dentistry specialist about a degree in Dentistry. One-to-one parent and alumnae contact – tailored to career specific areas, a practical and helpful way to get guidance and make links. eg: Flora (2014) a Policy Advisor at HM Treasury, chatted to Isabella about the Fast Track Civil Service Scheme.

The Association Team at St Catherine’s are able to connect us to alumnae for both jobs and University help. They are also able to link us to alumnae who work in a variety of interesting companies who can offer us work experience and guidance with job applications and CVs. Sophie Blauth (2018)

St Catherine’s School Station Road, Bramley, Guildford, GU5 0DF +44(0)1483 899609

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