Welcome to our Senior School Prospectus, a series of snapshots of life at St Catherine’s, Bramley. I hope these convey the vitality and focus of this happy and purposeful school community, where hard work and fun go hand in hand.
In the 21st century, self-esteem and self-belief are critical if girls are going to maximise their potential, not only as an individual but how she impacts on the world around her. In and outside the classroom, we offer your daughter the experiences, opportunities and support to build her confidence and capabilities. With a deep sense of self-belief and her feet firmly on the ground, she can excel academically and in life.
Underpinning everything, a strong and supportive House system creates a very special St Catherine’s sense of belonging in which each girl feels supported and valued. The wellbeing of the girls is a priority as we support girls as they face personal and academic challenges through their teenage years. For girls who board, their boarding houses become a home from home.
St Catherine’s leavers go on to pursue the widest possible range of courses at leading universities or colleges in the UK and worldwide. We hope that they
have been prepared to lead full and happy lives, feeling confident to make decisions about family and career and, above all, believing that there is nothing that a woman cannot do.
Above all, St Catherine’s is a school where staff and girls work closely together creating memories which help forge strong links between our active alumnae community and the School. The St Catherine’s Association Community, to which all girls, parents and staff belong, provides a careers and social network for life.
A prospectus can only give you a flavour of what a school is like. Our website offers further glimpses of life at St Catherine’s, but a visit will allow you to experience so much more. Most importantly, it will offer our students a chance to show you why they are proud to call themselves St Catherine’s girls.
I very much look forward to welcoming you to St Catherine’s.
Mrs Alice Phillips - Headmistress St Catherine’s School‘A place where heavyweight academic expectations truly are balanced with robust pastoral care, at the heart of which is a strong house system through which girls quickly bond.’
Girls competing for their Houses on St Catherine’s Day
‘An all-girls learning environment provides the motivation, self-belief and resilience for girls to feel confident about their abilities in maths and science, they are more assertive, willing to take risks, ask questions and make mistakes.’
MS BRIDGE, EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF ALLIANCE OF GIRLS’ SCHOOLS AUSTRALASIA‘Expertly helmed by the smart, discerning, positive, resilient Head.’
TATLER, 2023
‘Excellent facilities including fields with long jump pit, fitness suite, indoor pool and vast multi-sports hall.’
Train together, win together. National Schools Lacrosse Championship winners of the ‘treble’ U19A, U19B, and U19C.
‘Subject and study skills widely praised by parents, as were teachers who are generally described as ‘off the scale’ and ‘dedicated.’
‘Not short on facilities here. There’s a huge well-equipped DT studio, photography studio with dark room, Masterchef system kitchen classroom, two textiles studios and even an artist in residence.’
‘Thank you so much for arranging the wonderful concert last night. Our daughter had such a great experience and was most inspired. What lovely, talented down-to-earth performers!’
“School gently religious, stunning gothic revival chapel is central to the school site and a foundation on which the school was built.”
Christmas Candlelit Reunion
‘Our daughter has loved every moment of her studies, making friends from the start. Whilst of course an important part of the success of the School stems from the wonderful facilities on offer, nonetheless even more important will surely have been the excellent academic and pastoral support the School provides.’
‘The pastoral care is excellent…the school has supported our girls every step of the way. They are continually looking our for them and the communication by their form tutors, head of house, and tutors has been invaluable in making them feel safe and looked after.’
‘I cried for three days when my daughter began weekly boarding but she hasn’t looked back. She has grown more independent by the day and now doesn’t want to come home at weekends, she loves it that much!’
‘Our daughter has made so many friends from all corners of the world.’
‘St Catherine’s has been all about building our daughter’s self-belief whilst giving her access to so many wonderful and diverse opportunities. A few years ago she may have held back but now we see her throwing herself into everything she can – Gold D of E, Philanthropy Board charity fundraising, school plays, netball, lacrosse, House events; it’s so great to see.’
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award adventures – over 320 girls have completed Gold since 2000.
‘The Association Community, made up of girls, former and current parents and staff and alumnae, is a powerhouse. It offers my daughter and her peers careers connections, discussion groups and a life-long network for professional support. Whilst in School she can research Unis through the alumnae ‘Uni-Buddies’ scheme and make global contacts and I get invites to be part of Community Choirs, Book Clubs and overseas cultural trips. Amazing!’
‘We would often have courageous and inspirational people who come and talk to us. I never felt like the sort of person that would be so adventurous and brave, but the point of those talks was not to get us all to become daredevils and explorers, but to give us the courage to do what was in our hearts.’ ALUMNA
Cassa Jackson (2016) – Singer/Songwriter and MFL graduate delivering an End of Term Lecture. From Jazz & Rock Concerts and the St Cat’s Got Talent competitions while at School to performing as the support act for JLS at the O2!
‘St Cat’s taught me to be a friend, a hard worker, a team player, a leader and most of all the confidence to be whomever I want to be. Thank you for providing and continuing to provide an education for girls to be the very best that they can be, in whatever path that they choose.’
‘In our experience our daughter’s inner confidence has grown so much and now she believes anything is achievable. At age 15 she is ready to take on the world thanks to the journey she has been on with St Catherine’s.’
The Lower 6 Musical, Annie, including 80 girls: directed and produced by girls.
‘We chose the School for our daughter based on its reputation for results, coupled with a strong, deserved reputation for pastoral care.’