St Catherine's Non Nobis Summer 2019

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Warm welcome in Lagos

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DIARY DATES 2019/2020 JUNE Fri 21

19.00 – 21.30 Middle School Summer Concert Auditorium. All Welcome

Thur 27

19.00 – 20.30 Middle Cantores Concert St John the Baptist Church, Wonersh. All Welcome

Thur 27Fri 28

19.00 – 22.00 6th Form Musical Production of Legally Blonde Auditorium. All Welcome. Tickets via Brown Paper Tickets (BPT)*

JULY Wed 3Thur 4

19.00 – 21.30 LIII Production of James and The Giant Peach Auditorium. All Welcome. Tickets via BPT*

Sat 6

Speech Day, Open Day and Leavers’ Ball

Tues 9

16:10 – 20.30 St Cat’s Film Fest Sixth Form Philanthropy Board. Outdoor Cinema Showing Madagascar and Mamma Mia. All Welcome Tickets from School Office

Thur 11

End of Term


First Day of Term

Sun 22

14.00 -17.00 Foundation Day Celebration 125th Anniversary of Dedication of Chapel – Special Service followed by guest speaker – Nikki Henderson (2011) Round the World Yachtswoman. All welcome – book your place now. See enclosed invitation

END OF TERM LECTURE ANGELA ROSHIER FLUSHED AWAY AT THE END OF THE AUTUMN TERM WE WELCOMED ANGELA ROSHIER (CURRENT PARENT), a finance director and partner at DIF Management, to give the End of Term Lecture on the Thames Tideway, the new super sewer currently under construction beneath London. She covered the many aspects that need to be considered when planning a major project, from environmental impacts to engineering difficulties. Angela also explained the history behind London’s current sewage system, describing the links between the new system and the old Bazalgette tunnels built between 18591865. The state of the sewers under London was surprising to many, especially when she explained just how much untreated sewage is being washed into the Thames every day, especially in times of heavy rainwater. The images of the huge ‘fatbergs’ blocking the pipes certainly made many consider what they are pouring away daily! A lively Q & A followed in which venture capital and how it works to fund such major infrastructure projects was covered. For future engineers in particular this was an inspirational talk but with lots of general knowledge for everyone.

17.30 – 18.00 Choral Evensong sung by Cantores Winchester Cathedral. All Welcome

Fri 18

Hong Kong Reception – invitation to St Catherine’s families and alumnae in Hong Kong. Full details will follow

Thur 24Fri 25

19.30 – 22.00 Middle School Production of The Grimm Tales All welcome. Tickets via BPT*

19.30 – 22.00 St Catherine’s Day Gala Concert Parents only or listen via live stream on the website


18.30 - 20.00 Association Carols by Candlelight Chapel. All Welcome

* Contact for more information

IN MARCH WE WELCOMED POLLY BROOKS (DERBY)(1990), ALUMNA, Prep School parent and survivor of the 2002 Bali bombing, to give our End of Term Lecture. Polly talked about her time at St Catherine’s and how she moved to Hong Kong with her career. It was living out there that she met her husband Dan Miller. Polly then told us about the incident that dramatically changed her life. Polly was on her honeymoon with Dan and a group of friends, including her school friend and bridesmaid Annika Linden (1990), when two bombs were set off in a nightclub. Polly managed to escape, running across the burning roofs not realising she was on fire herself. After the bombing, Polly underwent 11 operations to heal the burns to 43% of her body. It was during this time that she found out that not one of her friends, including Dan and Annika, had survived the incident.

‘And so you see life goes on and for every down there is always an up…and once you learn you are in control of your own emotions nothing can stop you from being happy other than yourself….’



Polly’s story of recovery and loss is one of perseverance and determination. She told us about the charity she created, Dan’s Fund for Burns, which helps burn survivors on their road to recovery, and how she managed to achieve something good in her life, when just about everything else had seemed to go wrong. She is an inspiration to us all; despite her long recovery process and ups-anddowns along the way, her determination to rebuild her life and her positivity is something we can all aspire to.




Prep School

Wednesday 26th June Tuesday 24th September Wednesday 16th October Thursday 21st November

Friday 7th June Wednesday 25th September Thursday 17th October Friday 15th November

Senior School Registrar - Clare Woodgates 01483 899 609

Prep School Registrar - Sally Manhire 01483 899 665

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LILY IS CALLED TO THE ROYAL COURT LILY TRAVERS (2008) STARS IN ITV’s VICTORIA Lily Travers writes: THE FILM AND TELEVISION INDUSTRY IS A REAL ROLLERCOASTER. IT'S A PRIVILEGE TO PURSUE A CAREER IN SOMETHING YOU LOVE, heart and soul, but unless some special stars align and you're swept straight out of RADA into a Spielburg movie, breaking into acting takes a lot of perseverance, passion, hard work and self-belief. At school and at university we are given the opportunity to play Shakespeare's heroines and to study the best playwrights, but in the ‘real world’ you often have to be satisfied with playing ‘Girl at Bar’ who walks on and says one line. That can be quite unsatisfying, so it was a real gift, as well as a surprise, to be cast as Duchess Sophie in Season 3 of ITV's Victoria. It was literally only days going from the audition room to set. Normally I love getting to do some pre-prep and research for roles, but this one was straight in at the deep end. Unlike theatre (and some film), there generally isn’t the opportunity for rehearsals or workshopping the script. In television time is money! Sophie is a fictional character in an historical show, which gave the writer, Daisy Goodwin, leeway to take liberties with her storyline and also to weave in some interesting facts. Some of Sophie's story is based on a woman called Caroline Norton who petitioned the Queen regarding women's marital rights. After nearly 10 years in an unhappy and abusive marriage to George Norton (MP for Guildford!), Caroline tried to divorce him, only to have all of her earnings confiscated and her children taken away. By law, everything she owned was legally his. In one pamphlet she wrote: ‘l exist and I suffer, but the law denies my existence.’

Though Sophie has her duties as Mistress of the Robes as some distraction, she also has a horrible husband to contend with. Desperately unhappy at home, she becomes embroiled in a rather dangerous and passionate love affair - so there was a lot to get my teeth into. Life on set was full on; very early starts, an ever-changing timetable, new sets, new people, lots of tea and biscuits, oodles of lace gowns and tiaras and perfectly set ringlets. Getting to dress up in amazing gowns dripping with jewels sounds like a dream but each came with about five petticoats. There was a particularly cumbersome ‘duvet’ layer that weighed a lot and on top of a corset meant that we often had to take breaks to lie on the floor and just breathe!

Lily playing Titania in ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ at school in 2003 One of the best things about the whole shoot was the incredible cast and crew. There's always a great sense of camaraderie on set. You have to make new friends quickly and they were the most talented, kind and joyful bunch. It was an honour to work with them. I hope some of you might have watched the show - history, heartbreak, politics, palaces, corsets and candelabras ... what's not to love!

ST CAT’S FIRST AT LACROSSE VARSITY MATCH ON SATURDAY 23RD FEBRUARY, CAMBRIDGE HOSTED THE 103rd ANNUAL VARSITY LACROSSE MATCH. What was particularly special for us this year was that both Oxford and Cambridge were captained by St Catherine’s alumnae – Sophie Tamblyn (2017) Cambridge and Becky Robinson (2015) Oxford. There was a large and rowdy crowd and it was a closely fought match. Despite Cambridge edging ahead in the second half, it was 8-8 with four minutes to go, finally ending in a win for Cambridge 9-8. Sophie Tamblyn wrote ‘It was very special having both teams captained by St Catherine’s girls as well as having others involved too. I feel so privileged to have been a part of such an historical event, and leading the winning team really was the cherry on top of the cake! It really could have been either team being sprayed with prosecco following the final whistle!’ Supporting the Captians were fellow alumnae Phoebe Terelak (2015) for Cambridge and Cat Tiplady (2018) for Oxford. Francesca Tamblyn (2015) played for the Cambridge 2nd’s team who also won and she was named most valued player of the match.

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In November two members of the Association Office, Dawn Pilkington and Fiona Haywood, headed north stopping in five cities in five days. During the day they visited our alumnae and, in the evening, hosted a drinks reception in each city for members of the Association community.

Mairi Grossart (Paterson) (1952) Brenda Robson (Croysdill) (1954)

Marion Morris (Sinclair) (1948)

Bryony House (Braybrooke) (1950)



We plan to travel the UK every three years. Let us know if you would like a visit.

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LAGOS REUNION Just before Christmas, Alice Phillips, Pippa Carte and Dawn Pilkington travelled to Lagos to host St Catherine’s first reunion in Nigeria. o The temperature was a lovely 30 , matching the warm welcome received from our Nigerian community. The event was supported by over 60 alumnae from 1982-2018, current pupils and current and former parents. It was also a wonderful opportunity for prospective pupils and parents, who attended the reunion, to see the St Catherine’s community spirit in action. There were many appreciative comments from parents during a slideshow, which highlighted what the girls had been doing during the term, and a formal presentation from Dr Awele Elumelu (Current Parent). We also introduced our first Nigerian Ambassador – Feyi Bello (Adesanya) (pictured above) who left St Catherine’s in 2010. Feyi gave a lovely thank you speech on behalf of the alumnae, emphasising how much St Catherine’s had supported her and given her the confidence to achieve whatever she set her mind to accomplishing. She is currently Government Relations Officer at Oando Plc. Apart from the challenge of negotiating the roads and traffic, about which many parents had provided helpful tips, thankfully they did not have to drive themselves and all three thoroughly enjoyed the Nigerian reunion and their trip to Lagos. Our thanks go to the Aig-Imoukhuede, Elumelu, Eric-Udorie and Erikitola families for their support and assistance to make it such a successful trip.

HONG KONG REUNION Reception October 2018 Alice Phillips and Gill David were delighted to welcome alumnae, current parents and pupils to a drinks reception at the Sky Lounge in the Sheraton Hotel in October. The School was very grateful to Andrea Leung, our Hong Kong Ambassador, for arranging the evening. We were so pleased that so many of the St Catherine’s community in Hong Kong were able to join us.

DUBAI REUNION Trudi Jones (Drake) (1993) St Catherine’s Dubai Ambassador reports: At the beginning of March, a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by some of the St Catherine’s alumnae now based in Dubai, together with Naomi Bartholomew, Headmistress of the Prep School, and Izzy Cook, Keller Boarding Housemistress, who had been attending the British Boarding Schools Show. A couple of us had bumped into each other unwittingly before, but it was great to come together officially to reminisce about the good old days! In fact, realising that it had been 30 years since we had seen Lucy Parker (who left at the end of U4) certainly did remind us how long ago it had been. Memories came flooding back as we shared stories and plenty of giggles at the things we got up to, as well as comparing notes on our life journeys since. Our range of experiences has certainly been diverse. I have been in the region teaching History at Dubai College for 17 years (living with my husband, three children and various animals!) whilst Lucy is now a top Dubai Real

Estate influencer, trainer and broker with Keller Williams. I happen to be teaching the son of Vicky Grundy (Atkinson) (1993) who is now Director of Quality & Compliance with a regional law firm (Al Tamimi & Company) whilst Nicky Duncan (1993) is the COO at Simmons and Simmons law firm. Both live with their husbands and two children though Nicky heads back to the UK this June. We are certainly looking forward to getting together again so please, anyone who is moving to the region or indeed just passing through, do get in touch!

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We were delighted to welcome two inspiring speakers during the Spring Term to give the St Catherine’s Presents lectures on ‘Leadership’ and ‘The Creative Use of Technology’. Both speakers touched on the importance of diverse views in finding better solutions to today’s problems. THE ART OF MOTIVATION NICKY MOFFAT CBE JANUARY 2019 As a Brigadier, Nicky Moffat was formerly the highest-ranking woman in the British Armed Forces, and more recently she was an adviser on the BBC’s Secret Agent Selection: WW2. She shared her army experience and leadership lessons and explained how to empower teams and individuals.

TECHNOLOGY: A BRAVE NEW WORLD? JACKY WRIGHT - MARCH 2019 A thought-provoking talk from Jacky Wright, Chief Digital Officer at HMRC, inspired us to question the status quo, to listen to a broader range of voices and to think creatively about how we might solve problems (with and without technology!) She touched on the importance of a dynamic work environment, upward mentoring and giving back, and made working in government and the world of technology sound interesting and exciting.

‘I just wanted to give feedback on the recent talk from Nicky Moffat, which was not only about motivation, but also about what good leadership is. I was also impressed with the questions from the audience, which were all well answered ... although I also liked that she could not give Theresa May any advice. A good honest answer.’ (St Catherine’s Parent) ‘It was my pleasure to spend time with you all ... there was such a wonderful cross section of questions from your spectacularly generationally-diverse audience! I left thinking that the education of the girls was in very fine hands.’ (Nicky Moffat CBE)



Jess Murphy writes: September 1997. Nine years old. For various reasons, such as parents’ jobs, moving house etc, this was my fifth go at being the new girl. I was well-seasoned at adapting to different uniforms, routines and learning names by now (a skill that would end up being very useful in my career!) and I was longing to settle. Fast forward seven years into my St Catherine’s journey and talks about where to go for sixth form. My decision to stay was predominantly my appreciation of St Catherine’s and how it made me feel - why unsettle everything when I had spent time in my first four primary schools seeking what I now had? I may not have had five years at the

Senior School by that point were it not for the sense of belonging and contentment created at the Prep School, which then gave me the ambition to go ‘across the road’ and all the way through to sixth form (not quite a ‘Lifer’ though – still disappointed by that). September 2018. Older. For various reasons, this was my fifth go at being the new member of staff – St Catherine’s Prep School Form 1 Teacher. Shoeboxes are still taken to Harvest Festival, ‘cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green’ didn’t make the cut this year, but is still sung spontaneously among my family. Our art room, which is now the staff room, where I remember battling blanket stitch to make a Fanta drink can cushion and the pride that I felt on completing the electric circuit for our miniature bakery in DT. A sense of pride, as well as surprise, at what we could achieve continued, coming second inhouse gym in

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The words of our guests say it all: ‘I thought it was a really well put together event, with a broad panel. I hope the girls felt more informed by the end.’ (Current Parent)

LONDON NETWORKING IS COMMITTED TO HELPING ST CATHERINE’S ALUMNAE IN THEIR CAREER DEVELOPMENT and every year we support many of them by making connections to other alumnae and parents working across a plethora of professions. Exponent Private Equity kindly hosted the latest event in March. Over 70 people gathered to explore the world of Private Equity. Parents, alumnae and friends of St Catherine’s shared their experiences and insights to support our young alumnae as they plan their future careers. There was no shortage of ambition in the room! Huge thanks, as always, to Dame Rosemary Squire, our Chair, and to Richard Lenane, our host for the evening.

‘Thank you once again for inviting me. I really enjoyed the evening and think it’s a great initiative to introduce the girls so early to the complex world of Finance!’ (Friend of St Catherine’s) ‘It was an absolute pleasure and honour to speak among other very impressive panellists. I really enjoyed the event, meeting others in the industry. Needless to say, the London Network is a fantastic initiative. Please do let me know if there are events in the future that I can help with. I am always grateful for the foundations I got from my time at St Catherine’s and keen to help the next generation of girls.’ (Alumna 2011)



Join our ‘private’ group, open to all members of the Association. We have over 850 members and share articles and comment on professional working life, leadership and career development. Visit the School website and click on the LinkedIn logo at the top of the Home page.

a duo with the same partner I had on that DT project, neither of us known to be sporty. Some buildings have grown storeys, rooms have moved around, but cops and robbers is still played with ‘the big tree’ as ‘home’. The excitement for residential trips is still off the scale, you still go to wait on the red sofa for music lessons and the Prep School is still a place where pride and confidence is instilled in girls every day. I remember my French teacher at Senior School Lucy Strong (Derby) (1987) telling us that she had gone to St Catherine’s and thinking what a bizarre thing to do, to go back to work at the school you attended. Now, bizarre or not, I find myself doing the very same thing. Coming back as a teacher has been very surreal and a hugely reflective process for me. After each bout of reflection and nostalgia, I am always left with the same

feeling of appreciation for what I had and excitement for the faces that greet me every morning, knowing all that is in store for them. My schooling started with a lot of movement and displacement, as did my teaching career; taking me to London, Brighton, Seville, Nice and Monaco, into state, independent and international schools. The frequent uprooting as a child equipped me with a skillset and confidence to do the same as an adult, which enabled me to gain a breadth of experience early on in my career. I now feel satisfied that I can settle, and the positive memories and emotions attached to St Catherine’s have brought me to where I am now. I don’t know if it is a coincidence that the fifth chapter of my career is the same location as the fifth one of my education, but if the former is as successful as the latter, then ‘fifth time lucky’ is the new ‘third time lucky’.

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A STANDING OVATION WAS THE FINAL ACT OF APPRECIATION FOR THE PERFORMERS AT THE ST CATHERINE’S ASSOCIATION CHOIR CONCERT after the schools’ debut of Howard Goodall’s Invictus: A Passion. This was the highlight of a programme that also included: Emily Nott (pictured right), Senior Jennifer Bate Organ Scholar, playing the Finale of Rheinberger’s Organ Concerto No1 in F; Camerata playing Elgar’s Serenade for Strings in E minor, Op. 20 and Haydn’s Toy Symphony, and the joint choirs of the Association Choir, Senior Choir, Middle Chamber Choir and the orchestra performing Haydn’s ‘Insanae et Vanae Curae’. Howard Goodall sent warm encouragement to the performers and we were delighted his parents joined us for the concert. They were extremely impressed and shook the hand of our Director of Music, Matthew Greenfield, as he took his bows. Fleur de Bray (2002), soprano, and Ben Thapa, tenor, were quite outstanding in this contemporary telling of the Passion story through texts by female poets Amelia Lanyer, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Christina Georgina Rossetti and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. This year, the charitable beneficiary of the concert was The Children’s Trust – The Extraordinary Music Box Appeal which uses music therapy to create new ways of communicating and moving for children whose lives have been forever changed by brain injury. We were delighted to be supporting such a worthwhile cause and raised £1,200 towards their appeal.

Emily Nott (U6)

‘Thank you so much once again for an amazing concert and the constant sense of fun that makes the Association Choir the delight that it is.’ Graham Biggs (Current Parent) ‘This year was no exception. Loads of fun during rehearsals and a magnificent evening on the night - here’s to next year’s programme.’ Martin Rolls (Former Parent)

Fleur de Bray (2002)

Charlotte spoke on behalf of The Extraordinary Music Box Appeal

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Dear future creative thinkers, influencers and decision-makers, I leave this School for you. When you leave a gift in your will to a place that’s special to you, you’re protecting it for the next generation. Your gift could help a girl get to grips with Shakespeare, learn how to lead on the lax pitch or give a girl on a Bursary the chance to be part of the community.

To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will: Visit Call Pippa Carte on 01483 899754 or email

St Catherine’s BR AMLEY

Registered Charity No 1070858

Dr Sarah Fane

Prof Carys Bannister

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Create the Future

THE BUILDING OF THE 6 – THE NEW SIXTH FORM BOARDING ACCOMMODATION AND SOCIAL SPACE – begins in July 2019. For those of you that remember the Unit and the Barbara Platt building, The 6 will replace this 1970’s accommodation and provide a modern, vibrant living space. The girls were asked to help us name the bedrooms by suggesting women who they believe have or are making a remarkable contribution to society. We hope that generations of girls will be enthused and energised by the stories of the women for whom their rooms are named. Women from across the world in the fields of science, the arts, civil rights, philanthropy and more have been chosen: Rosa Parks, Dr Marie Stopes, Amina J Mohammed, Nadiya Hussein, Tu Youyou and Baronness Grey-Thompson and many more. We are also delighted to recognise St Catherine’s alumnae for their valuable contributions to society.

Prof Beverley McKeon

Nikki Henderson

Isabel Hardman

U A Fanthorpe

Prof Carys Bannister 1935-2010 - Neurosurgeon and Medical Researcher and Alumna of 1953 Alumna Carys Bannister began her medical career in 1958 and went on to become Britain’s first female neurosurgeon. She ran a research laboratory at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology where she had a particular interest in congenital disorders of the Central Nervous System. Dr Sarah Fane - Founder of Afghan Connection and Alumna of 1981 In 2002, following her travels as a wartime doctor in Afghanistan, alumna Dr Sarah Fane set up Afghan Connection. Afghan Connection has built 46 schools and 100 cricket pitches and has touched the lives of 285,000 young Afghans. Dr Sarah Fane writes ‘Education for girls is at the heart of the charity and St Catherine’s has supported every step of the way.’ U A Fanthorpe 1929-2009 – Poet, English Teacher and Alumna of 1949 After a successful career as Head of English at Cheltenham Ladies’ college, UA Fanthorpe turned into what she famously called ‘a middle-aged drop-out’, taking a modestly paid job as clerk in a hospital in order to devote more time to writing. Her many honours and awards include a Royal Society of Literature fellowship, the Arts Council Writers’ Award and the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry awarded in 2003. Isabel Hardman - Political Journalist and Alumna of 2004 Isabel Hardman is Assistant Editor of the Spectator and presenter of Radio 4’s Week in Westminster. She regularly writes political columns for a number of other publications and is based in the parliamentary press gallery. Nikki Henderson – Yachtswoman and Alumna of 2011 In 2018, Nikki became the youngest ever skipper to lead a team in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race at the age of 25, finishing second. Nikki will be coming to share her story at St Catherine’s on Foundation Day - 22nd September 2019. Prof Beverley McKeon Reynolds – Professor of Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology and Alumna of 1992 Professor McKeon found herself attracted to an academic career, interrogating and mastering airflow over aircraft. With her team she explores new ways to optimise aircraft performance and in turn reduce harmful CO2 emissions.

Tara Singh Vachani

Juliet Stevenson

Juliet Stevenson Actor and Alumna of 1974 Part of the ‘new wave’ of actors to emerge from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Juliet Stevenson has starred in numerous productions for the Royal Shakespeare Company and National Theatre as well as having a hugely successful radio, television and film career. Tara Singh Vachani - Businesswoman and Alumna of 2004 Tara describes herself as being ‘driven by the passion to create an enriching and fulfilling lifestyle for seniors that is unique to India.’ As founder, CEO and Managing Director of Antara Senior Living she has been able to realise her vision. SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION Above are our celebrated alumnae. If you’d like to support the education of girls just bristling with the potential to become the changemakers of the future, you can donate to The 6 campaign. You might choose for your gift to be acknowledged against one of our women of influence. Find out more here: Thank you for considering giving back to St Catherine’s.

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ASSOCIATION TRIP TO AMSTERDAM Dawn Pilkington writes: EARLY ON THE MORNING OF SATURDAY 16th MARCH, 23 MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION - alumnae, current and former parents and staff - flew to Amsterdam for an action-packed weekend of culture with a great deal of fun on the side. Skillfully led by our two experts and guides, Alex Perry-Adlam, Head of Art, and Emily Ward, History of Art teacher, we pounded the streets of Amsterdam visiting Anne Frank’s and then Rembrandt’s houses. Both were so moving and interesting in very different ways. This was followed by an evening river cruise through the canals, which gave another lovely view of Amsterdam at night. Fortunately Sunday was lighter on our Fit Bits - we had walked 25,000 steps on the Saturday! This is where Miss Ward’s expertise came to the fore in the Rijksmuseum with a talk on Rembrandt and, in particular, his painting ‘The Night Watch’. We then leapt forward in time with a tour of the Modern Art Museum, situated just next door. After this we enjoyed three hours exploring Amsterdam at our leisure. A fun weekend was had by all. We will be announcing our 2020 Association Trip destination in due course, watch this space… (Middle front row) Eileen at school in 1924

CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT HENNY FOORD (2018) WRITES: In the Christmas holidays it was lovely to be invited back to St Catherine’s for the annual Carols by Candlelight. It was a great occasion where alumnae could all come together and return to the chapel to sing our favourite carols! It was great to go back with my friends in the class of 2018. I think I found it particularly special as a border because going to chapel was such a central part of our week. I would like to thank the Association for putting this event on for us, as I know it was appreciated by everyone who attended, and I look forward to returning soon. This event has grown year on year and we look forward to filling the chapel again. Book your pew for 16th December 2019. All are welcome.

CELEBRATING WITH OUR OLDEST ALUMNA In December, Fran Flammiger and Fiona Haywood were delighted to be invited to join Eileen Symonds (Buxton) (1931) in celebrating her 105th Birthday. In Wimbledon they joined five generations of Eileen’s family, who all loved seeing the photos of her at School. It’s incredible to think she came to St Catherine’s in September 1924!


CHANGING OF THE GUARD Thank you and farewell to Bel Casciani Govan, Megan Gough and Eva Smith who have been excellent in their roles as Association Prefects over the past year. A warm welcome to Tilly Black, Amelia Farquharson and Ese Onokpasa who have taken over these roles.

YEAR OF 1977

On Friday 12th April we hosted a very special gala dinner to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Jennifer Bate Organ Academy. The dinner was preceded by a recital from Dr Jennifer Bate herself, and staff and alumnae were invited back to catch up with friends and former tutors. Girls who have attended this very special course in the past are now organ scholars or Directors of Music at prestigious institutions such as Oxbridge colleges and cathedrals. This year the Academy hosted twelve students – our largest number of participants – who took part in a number of masterclasses, sang together in Guildford Cathedral, and each conducted a choir, accompanied a service of Evensong, performed a concerto and played the harpsichord and the harmonium!

CELEBRATE THEIR 60TH BIRTHDAY YEAR Many memories and laughs were shared by the alumnae from the Year of 1977 who got together in April for a reunion to celebrate their 60th birthday year.


L-R standing: Jane Stonehewer, Sheila Dobson, Jo Corson, Alison Sinclair, Helena Tompsett, Liz Kershaw, Anne Downer, Lalage Weldon and Penny Reid L-R sitting: Emma Girardot, Lindsey Slater, Sue VaughanJones, Karen Tapp, Caroline van Oldenborgh, Camilla Peterken, Jane Hayes and Kate Gordon


We were delighted that Charlotte came in to School in February to talk in Senior School Assembly about her fundraising for the charity Sarcoma UK, in memory of her school friend, Sarah Read (Palmer) (2005) who sadly passed away from sarcoma in 2018. Sarah was one of four Palmers to have been at St Catherine’s – including her twin Kathryn, and older sisters Charlotte (2002) and Victoria (2003). The assembly presentation moved girls and staff very deeply and led to another mufti day collection which raised a large sum towards the cause.

We were delighted to welcome back a group of alumnae on 13th April. They had travelled from Moscow, Amsterdam, San Francisco and London. Anjali Patel (Haria) (1994) and Iris Cheung (1994) have not seen each other since leaving school 25 years ago.

Selina Ho (2012), Eni Shobo (2012), Iris Allebrandi (1979), Maria Alieva (1999), Iris Cheung (1994), Anjali Patel (Haria) (1994), Annie Pang (1979) not in photo

Charlotte ran the Marathon on 28th April 2019. She wrote ‘I made it round in one piece (4 hours 29 minutes, which I was pleased with). Legs sore today but proud sense of accomplishment and relief! And, best of all, I've raised more than £4000 in total for Sarcoma UK. Thank you again very much to you all for your support towards this important cause.




We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899692 or email Thank you.

Non Nobis Domine! Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn Rudyard Kipling

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