St Catherine's Bramley | The Art & MakerSpace Booklet

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Create the Future The Art & MakerSpace will combine Art, Photography, DT, Ceramics, Textiles and History of Art in one enlarged and enhanced building. This will enable us to adapt the much loved John Palmer Centre to create new spaces for teaching and creative exploration, and offer a gallery for changing exhibitions. Textiles will join the other Creative Arts in new bright studios. We will extend the photographic studio, incorporating Apple Mac and IT tools for digital design, and provide a proper, dedicated modern studio for sixth form students, which will replace the current informal extension room. This new vision for the creative arts will deliver a space that will fire up the girls’ imaginations, ignite their interests and allow them to expand their creativity. It will be a space that matches the excellence of the girls’ imaginative powers and will aid many to move on to a variety of wonderful careers as expressive artists, art curators, designers, architects and problem-solvers.

The art department was my favourite place at St Cats. I would spend hours there and felt truly supported in my development. I think it’s a great thing that textiles and art will be together – there will be more potential for collaboration and crosspollination. It’s deeply concerning how fast DT and other arts-based subjects are disappearing from mainstream education. Creative education is a critical form of learning and I’m proud that the Art & MakerSpace will focus even more resource and energy on these vital subjects. Jess, Year of 2006, Co-Director at Zetteler

The key benefits n C onnected teaching – Textiles and History of Art move into the fold n A dedicated 6th Form Studio n A new photographic studio and darkroom, embracing digital photography n A redesigned DT space n P ermanent exhibition space to showcase girls’ work

There's something primal about it. It's innate, the need to make marks. That's why, when you're a child, you scribble. Jenny Saville Contemporary British painter

Creative horizons n S pace to host Artists in Residence to enrich the teaching for all girls n I ncreased involvement in the Royal Academy Schools and Saatchi Gallery Programmes n S pace to welcome University Art Departments and showcase MA courses A Level Portraiture

n T he chance to participate as a Surrey Open Studio

Marine inspired ceramic

Be part of the Art & MakerSpace We invite you to help ‘Create the Future’ for St Catherine’s by giving to the Art & MakerSpace. We need to raise £0.25m to contribute to the building which will be funded by your generosity, reserves income and loan finance. Print making experiments

You’ll be creating an inspirational space of imagination and creative exploration, and in so doing, investing in the artistic minds of the future.

Electronic circuit building

Your support of the Art & MakerSpace You can choose how to give – monthly, annually or as a one-off donation. You can choose to remain anonymous or be recognised for your support. All gifts, of whatever size, are of value. The architectural plans for the Art & MakerSpace are in development and there will be opportunities to name spaces.

To find out more and to discuss your support please contact Pippa Carte, Development Director or 00 (44) 1483 899754. Thank you.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. Pablo Picasso, 1881-1973

Get in touch Pippa Carte, Development Director 00 (44) 1483 899754 St. Catherine’s School, Bramley, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0DF Registered Charity Number 1070858

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