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St Catherine’s Community Groups
With a full and exciting calendar of events and programs, SCOGA headed into 2021 with vigour and enthusiasm to make up for lost time. Despite the intermittent restrictions in the first half of the year, we were able to slot in quite a number of reunions, the Leavers’ Panel and Mentor Program. Sadly, as the belt was tightened through the latter months, we had no choice but to cancel or postpone all our remaining festivities. All are being rescheduled for 2022, with dates to be advised in coming months. We look forward to presenting our remarkable recipient of the SCOGA Fellowship 2021 to the entire St Catherine’s School community at Speech Night this year. Sherren House has been the home to many of the functions held by SCOGA, but Old Girls of late have been enjoying our latest initiative from their own sitting room. We are now hosting our fabulous information sessions via Zoom.
The wrapping up of 2021 brings with it the end of my four years as President of SCOGA. It has been the most brilliant experience. We set the bar high. We dreamed big. We set goals which would stretch us; and here we are, and I feel incredibly satisfied and thankful. To the SCOGA Committee members who have volunteered their precious time for the benefit of all St Catherine’s Old Girls… you are truly magnificent. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the entire community. To Principal, Michelle Carroll and her staff, School Council, Advancement Office, Marketing Department, Business Office, Community Engagement Committee – there are no words other than, thank you. Lastly, to the Old Girls, thank you for being engaged. Thank you for donating your time, your money, your enthusiasm, your energy, your feedback, your stories and your memories.
Chrissy Ryan (Graham ’79)
St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association President
Unfortunately, the Past Parents’ Committee was not able to enjoy its usual busy year due to the second year of COVID-19. Normally, we would be helping to arrange a large number of dedicated Year Level Past Parent Reunions for Year levels going as far back as 2000. However, fortunately there was a small window of opportunity in March that did work and we were able to hold a Year Level Reunion for the past five years, 2016 to 2020. With COVID restrictions, we held a Past Parents’ Reunion at St Catherine’s, for the first time, rather than at past parents' homes. We gathered around the Fountain outside Sherren House and enjoyed the company of 60 past parents. Despite the smallerthan-hoped attendance, those who did join in did so with much joy. There was lively chatter around the tables, filled with delicious platters kindly brought along by our guests. Not much food was left at evening’s end – perhaps a good indication of a happy gathering. We all trust that 2022 will see a return to more normal social gatherings and with that, Past Parents’ Reunions. The format for past parents is asking for a volunteer past parent to host their daughter’s Year level for a casual drinks party at home. This is strictly hosted on a ‘BYO bottle and plate to share’ basis to make the evening an easy and inclusive way to get together. The Committee assists with email-only invitations circulated by the School. There is no charge involved and our Committee supply St Catherine’s glassware, delivered to and collected from the host’s home.
2022 will see the return of our much-loved Cranlana All Year Levels Cocktail Evening on 27 October. Held in the glorious gardens of Cranlana this has become a much loved and anticipated event. We are most thankful to Lady Southey AC and Ms Lindy Shelmerdine (’80) for their generous ongoing support, providing the beautiful Cranlana gardens for us to gather in for this fabulous evening. Past parents from all Year levels are warmly invited. Watch the St Catherine’s website for details. We are delighted our 2022 event will be jointly hosted with the St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association with past teaching staff also included in the gathering. All past parents are invited to visit the St Catherine’s website to check for future reunion dates and activities at: stcatherines.net.au/our-community/pasts-parents/
Mr Scott Reinke
Past Parents' & Families' Network Chair
In 2021, we welcomed new Foundation members and Foundation Board members – current parents, Ronald and Fleur Calvert (McKay ’94) and Paul and Nina Aberdeen (Kirby ’94). We also welcomed new Foundation Members – current parents, Damon and Janene Krongold, Brianna (Nan) Zhou and Tony Shu, along with Past Parents, Emma and Nick Young, Old Girl Associate Professor Anne Brooks AM (’70) and Old Girl and Past Parent, Diana Brélaz (Deutgen ’44). We also welcomed new Jeanie Hood Society Patrons – Jamie and Rebecca Gray, who have for many years shared in St Catherine’s vision of developing confident, capable and healthy young women of the future, through the delivery of exceptional education. We are thankful that Jamie and Rebecca have committed the lead gift to kick-start St Catherine’s Black Box Theatre Campaign. With this gift, the School can welcome Jamie and Rebecca into our top donor tier, as Jeanie Hood Society Patrons, an esteemed group of eight families to date. In the Her Ties campaign, we asked our Old Girls to join together to impact the lives of young women in whose hands lie our future. In particular, young women from regional, rural and remote Australia who may not have access to exceptional education. We thank all donors to this campaign, especially Old Girl and SCOGA Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum recipient, Associate Professor Anne Brooks AM (’70), and Old Girl and Past Parent, Diana Brélaz (Deutgen ’44), who gave leading gifts to establish this Fund. Diana made her gift on the occasion of her 95th birthday, and at the same time became a Foundation Member, proving it is never too late to join. For the 251 donors who supported the St Catherine’s Hardship Fund this year, particularly on our second Giving Day in August, we are deeply grateful. A total of $216,341 was raised on Giving Day, and through the generosity of our matching donors, combined with our efforts from 2020, the total raised for the Hardship Fund to date is $1.4 million. Established in 2020, this Fund enables the School to assist current families facing changes in their circumstances, and also new families who would otherwise not be able to send their daughters to St Catherine’s, due to financial challenges. The St Catherine’s School Foundation now comprises 591 members, generations of families who have given for a myriad of reasons, but who are all connected to the intelligence of the heart. Thank you for your ongoing support of St Catherine’s School.
Mrs Sally Joubert
Chair, St Catherine’s School Foundation
The PFA’s primary role is to build and maintain a sense of community, reinforcing the links between St Catherine’s, students, teachers, parents and wider School community. Our secondary role is to fundraise for the benefit of the School – to enhance the environment, learning and wellbeing of our students.
We host a range of entertaining and significant community events, providing opportunities for families to bond over shared experiences. Unfortunately, similar to last year, many of our events were affected by COVID lockdowns and restrictions. This year, our welcome event for all parents from the ELC, Junior and Senior Schools was cancelled. Our Year level cocktail parties were held, except for that of Year 12, with a lockdown unfortunately preventing that from going ahead. The Twilight Picnic for all Junior School and ELC 4YO families was held in March on the Village Green, reinstating a much loved annual event, last held in 2016, prior to the Barbreck redevelopment. We were pleased to hold our Mother’s Day stall and breakfast once again but were prevented from holding these events for Father’s Day. Our reintroduced Fathers’ Drinks night was also cancelled. At the time of writing, although the Ruth Langley Luncheon has been postponed twice, we are looking forward to hosting this signature event in December, along with a St Catherine’s Christmas Celebration for Junior School and ELC Families.
This year, the PFA made its first payment towards our new pledge of $25,000 over three years for St Catherine’s Black Box Theatre. Our donation will fund the blackout curtains which will be essential for performances and presentations in the Theatre. Integral to our fundraising is the PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop. Now in its fifth year of operation, it continues to provide an exceptional service for our community and a welcoming window to the School for new parents. Thank you to Tamsin Greig for her stewardship as Uniform Shop Coordinator over the past two years and to the volunteers who have worked alongside her. To all parents, please consider volunteering in the Uniform Shop, becoming a class representative or joining an auxiliary – you will make friends and enjoy the experience. I am pleased to have served as PFA President for the past two years and thank each member of the PFA Committee, as well as all the PFA Class Representatives, for their ideas, enthusiasm and hard work during this second disrupted and unusual year.
President Parents’ and Friends’ Association President
The 2021 St Catherine’s Rowing program had a positive turnout this season with 78 registered rowers making up seven Junior, four Intermediate, one Composite and two Senior crews. Captains’ of Boats Chloe Cooper and Claire Gray were fabulously encouraging, training hard and setting the tone for an inclusive and friendly squad. Rowing is a team sport that values hard, unrelenting work, dedication, sacrifice, courage and selflessness – some of the best personal qualities to carry throughout life. St Catherine’s School has invested in rowing for 32 years. The Heyington Club ensures our School has the best coaching staff and equipment available for our girls. 2021 was St Catherine’s most successful Rowing season. Our Junior and Intermediate crews had stella seasons showing great promise for the future. For the first time our two Senior eight crews won the Head of the Schoolgirls Regatta. The first VIII boat, The Fearless Girls, had an undefeated school girl race season. Both of our Senior crews competed at the Rowing National Championships in Tasmania. The Fearless Girls received a Silver medal in the A division final and The St Catherine’s 120, won the 500m sprint Gold medal. The Rowing community were fortunate to have held the Crew Presentation Award night in March where all our girls were recognised for their contribution to Rowing. It was wonderful to witness so many of the girls across all Year levels give presentations about their crew and thank their coaches. St Catherine’s is so fortunate to have such a strong coaching group headed by the wonderful Miss Brigette Carlile, Head Rowing Coach and Mr John Saunders, our Senior Coach. Rowing at St Catherine’s is fun and inclusive for girls and their families. We are a small school, but our drive, generosity of time and spirit is enormous. It is always evident on the riverbank with our presence and enthusiasm equal to, if not exceeding, our much larger competitors. 2021 was my final year as President. I have many fond memories and made wonderful lifelong friends as has my daughter Chloe. Thank you to Felicity Bongiorno, Damien Gray, Emma Green and Sam Cooper for their ongoing support. Without them, I would not have been able to get the job done. It has been such a joy to be involved. Row on! Go St Caths!!!
Mrs Sophie Cooper
Heyington Club President
The Creative Arts Auxiliary (CAA) recognises the importance of creative arts education, the benefits of sustained involvement in the arts and an advocacy role for the creative arts within the whole School community. The Auxiliary exists to support the students; Heads of Music, Art, Drama and Performing Arts Departments; and all creative arts staff by supporting their performance and exhibition events, including raising funds for purchases or projects identified by the Heads of Departments. The Auxiliary also promotes the development of School community friendship and fellowship by drawing on parents, past parents and Old Girls to assist in our activities. Evolving from St Catherine’s community, amongst the creative arts arena in 2021 in unprecedented times, is first and foremost empathy, followed by perseverance and gratitude. The constant and extended lockdowns have been profoundly received, with a united and encouraging response. The support, dedication, resilience and flexibility of staff and families has been dynamic and extraordinary in its structure and execution. The Senior School production, Letters to Lindy by award winning playwright Alana Valentine, was performed by a cast of exceptional talent and direction. Depicting Australia’s obsession with Lindy Chamberlain, it explored her relationship with the public through the voluminous letters and correspondence. The production brought tears and laughter to everyone with elements of documentary, drama, Greek tragedy, aboriginal folklore and sensationalism, all set against an Australian outback and delivered in our very own Dorothy Pizzey Centre. Two Weeks with the Queen, adapted from the best-selling novel by Morris Gleitzman was an uplifting, heartbreaking and meaningful play for all ages. The Years 7 and 8 performance embraced a story about real life events, with humour, laughter, hope and support. It drew on the importance of family, friends and community, messages resonating in today’s environment. The Linocut Workshop delivered an enthusiastic collaborative group of attendees with the dedication of the Art Department staff. It fostered creativity, confidence, perseverance and social gathering. Learning the elements and principles of art in lino cutting was inspiring, challenging and rewarding. The Jazz Night and Concerto music performances by our accomplished musicians and dedicated staff were captivating. Music is a universal language that ignites one’s passion, imagination, brings pleasure and unites us all. Thank you to every CAA member and School staff for your ongoing commitment and continued support of the CAA, and creative arts for 2022.
Mrs Irene Karas
Creative Arts Auxiliary President
After many false starts in 2020 we were all excited to get back on the slopes in 2021. Unfortunately Covid had other plans (again)! Luckily, we still managed to enjoy some successful and fun events. On Sunday 28 March our inaugural pre-season Ice Skating Event at O’Brien Icehouse took place with 56 students attending. We look forward to continuing this tradition and bringing the girls together with their Snowsports friends in a ‘wintery environment’ to get excited about the upcoming season. Thank you Tiffany-Lyn Pascoe and Adam Gill for being the driving force behind this event. After last year’s cancellation we were happy to enjoy Opening Season Drinks, generously hosted by the Aberdeen family. This was an enjoyable social event with a huge turnout, providing a fabulous opportunity to reconnect with the St Catherine’s Snowsports community after a long break. Our Snowsports Swap this year was our biggest and best ever! After last year’s cancellation we were happy to once again host our famous annual sale. This year’s Swap exceeded expectations, generating more income than any other year. Our Swap has become an institution, with many families returning year after year. This event created so much excitement people lined up for hours in anticipation of the doors opening. We are proud to host such a successful fundraiser, but also proud we are providing an important recycling service to the community. Unfortunately, House Snowsports weekend was cancelled the day before it was scheduled. This was heartbreaking for the girls (missing out for a second year in a row). Thank you to the incredible Sports Faculty, Mr Tom Crebbin, Mr Nick Racina, Miss Olivia Cody and Ms Meredith Taylor for all their hard work scheduling, rescheduling and cancelling this event and Interschools.
Thank you to all the families who attended Mt Buller for the House Snowsports weekend – those who were already there or on their way – we are grateful for your commitment and support. Special acknowledgement also to the girls who participated in Dryland Training – Strength and Conditioning (a new training initiative to assist in the development of sport specific conditioning for Snowsports) in anticipation of the season, also the girls lucky enough to be at Buller during non-lockdown times, who were able to participate in XC training. Your hard work and enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed and will put you in great stead for the 2022 season. Thank you to the entire Committee, looking forward to 2022!
Ms Monique Rosshandler and Ms Tamsin Greig
Snowsports Auxiliary
The St Catherine’s Sports Auxiliary recognises and acknowledges effort, participation and excellence in the sporting achievement of our girls. The Auxiliary celebrates sport and aims to bring parents and students together in a fun community environment. This year we were hampered by extended lockdowns preventing the Auxiliary from undertaking many planned initiatives, however those that we did proceed with emphasised the tremendous sporting spirit of our School. During Terms 1 and 2, we provided fun, healthy breakfasts at end of season training sessions and House carnivals. Our Committee members thoroughly enjoyed the appreciation the girls showed. Our largest event this year was St Catherine’s versus Lauriston for the Huntingtower-Heyington Cup. This event demonstrated terrific camaraderie amongst students, staff and parents and was hosted at St Kevins’ College. The Auxiliary provided healthy food for all St Catherine’s competitors, in addition to snacks for more than 100 students and parents who cheered passionately for our girls in a fiercely fought game, which deservedly ended in a draw. The event was promoted heavily by Director of Sport Mr Nick Racina, who along with former St Catherine’s Sports Captain, Miss Celia Cody (’19) as AFL coach, created a sporting atmosphere that has set the benchmark for future GSV clashes high. With the unfortunate cancellation of the Father Daughter Dinner, the Sports Auxiliary was unable to capitalise on raffle and auction prizes the Auxiliary had obtained through generous donations. The sale therefore of Sports Auxiliary supporter caps continued to be our primary source of revenue with sales at sporting events proving our community values supporting our young active girls. At the commencement of Term 4, the Sports Auxiliary together with the Sports Department celebrated the girls’ achievements throughout the 2020-2021 calendar. Whilst the season was interrupted, the ability of our girls to excel and continue to participate across a wide range of sports was evident and applauded at the virtual Awards evening. I would like to thank our Director of Sport, Mr Nick Racina whose genuine care and enthusiasm for the girls and the Auxiliary at St Catherine’s is consistently evident. Thank you also to our Committee who tirelessly champion our girls. Whilst there are too many parents to thank, I would like to extend a special thank you to our Year 12 Auxiliary member parents, Mrs Rachael Seymour, Mrs Fleur Heidenreich and Mrs Symone and Mr Andrew Demetriou.
Mrs Lee Holmes
Sports Auxiliary President