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Galvanised by their experiences in continuous lockdowns, students emerged this year seeking the simplest of pleasures: reading, writing, and connecting with their peers. The exciting emergence of a strong student voice in the new student newspaper, The Stentorian, reflected the overwhelming need of students to be heard through the power, humour, and nuance of the written word. With articles ranging from film and book reviews to wellbeing and politics, Senior students demonstrated the breadth of their interests. In addition, the return to the much-loved Write a Book in a Day by our Years 7 & 8 Honours students saw them collaborate intensively to write, illustrate, and publish a book in one day. If students were not writing, they were reading. The launch of The Game of Loans saw all Years 7 & 8 students return to a love of reading. Students were encouraged to reconnect with the silence and solace of reading, and to share their reading choices with each other. The ongoing invitations from the Nicholas Library from Valentine’s Day to Halloween beckoned to students throughout the year to maintain their interest in reading even as 2022 returned to pre-COVID busyness. Visits by authors this year provided inspiration and reminded students of the importance of articulating their views of the world through the creativity and empowerment that writing brings. A rare treat for our Year 12 students, who were addressed by Rosalie Ham, author of The Dressmaker, and Robyn Cadwallader, author of The Anchoress, which are set texts in our Year 12 English and Literature courses, respectively. Reminded that students can make a career of writing, students were also addressed by one of their own in Old Girl, Katie Jones (Bartley ’00), as she enlightened them about the development of her novel, Storybook House. 2022 was characterised by a shared love of the written word, and the importance of social connection and collaboration in bringing it to life.

Ms Mary-Anne Keratiotis

Head of English

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