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We have had an exciting year in the Careers Department. Returning to universities for Open Days, as well as hosting guest speakers and university representatives has helped our students make real world connections. There are many post-school pathways to choose from. This year, we have run lunchtime sessions on Early Entry Schemes, Tailoring your Personal Statements, UK and USA applications, ANU Early Offer Scheme, as well as presentations from tertiary institutions. These sessions have been well attended by Years 11 & 12 alike. Our Careers Education Program now includes dynamic workshops with Years 7, 8 & 9 students. Discussing values and the importance of personal motivators as keys to help recognise their strengths and talents, has assisted students to develop knowledge that will help them recognise future study and career paths. As part of the Year 10 Career Exploration Unit, the Virtual Work Experience initiative allowed students to attain both soft and transferable skills. Students received a Certificate of Completion for their Careers ePortfolio and Curriculum Vitae. The Careers Breakfast, the first since 2019, held on Tuesday 30 August provided students with the opportunity to meet and learn from an impressive array of Old Girl mentors from a variety of professions. As a key component of personalised academic care, Careers Counselling sessions continue to be a valuable experience for all our students.

Ms Kristy Tine and Ms Zoe Poulson

Careers Practitioners

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