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Principal’s Letter / 4 The Dominican Difference


Dear Friends,


This time one year ago, we sent the students off on Spring Break a day early so that our teachers could have time to prepare for online classes — just in case we did not come back right away after the break. At the time, it was unimaginable that such a thing would really happen. But it did. And when it did, our teachers immediately rose to the challenge—putting every ounce of their creativity, imagination, and love into teaching their students online. Our students also met the challenge, adapting to the virtual classroom and finding creative ways to take events like the Fine Arts Coffee House, International Fest, May Crowning, and Senior Banquet online.

When we returned to campus this August with the new COVID protocols, this same spirit of facing adversity with grace and good humor has been palpable. Surely this spirit comes to us from the founding days of St. Cecilia, when the young Academy met the sufferings of the Civil War with deep faith and hope and love. Perhaps one of the things that makes such a heroic response possible is friendship— something for which St. Cecilia girls have a particular flair. Indeed, with a few good friends or even just one, we can endure trials and find joy even in the midst of suffering. Maybe this is why St. Thomas Aquinas says, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” One of my greatest joys this year has been watching friendships grow in our SCA community as we work together to meet the unique challenges of this time.

Our school theme this year of friendship couldn’t be more perfect, reminding us that God walks with us as Friend. The night before he died, Jesus told his disciples, “I have called you friends” (Jn 15:15). I love to think about this reality. When Jesus thinks of you or me, He thinks: That’s my friend. And as with any of our friends, we learn to know and to trust God as we experience His faithfulness in the ups and downs of daily life. As we look back on this year of triumphs amidst the trials of the pandemic, we give thanks for the gift of friendships— both human and divine—forged here in the hallways of St. Cecilia.

This Year-in-Review issue of Harpstrings bears eloquent testimony to the many friends of St. Cecilia. We are so proud of our alumnae, some of whom are featured in these pages, and thankful for how you inspire the next generation of St. Cecilia girls by your beautiful example. In a special way I would like to thank all of our donors whose names are listed in our annual report, as well as all those who participated in the planning process of our strategic plan. Thank you for your faithful friendship!

In Christ,

Sister Anna Laura, O.P.

(Cover) Dr. Carlenda Smith ’99, one of SCA’s Healthcare Heroines

THE DOMINICAN difference Forward in Faith, Truth, and Excellence


During COVID may not seem like the time to think about the future. Not for St. Cecilia Academy. Before Christmas the school announced its new Strategic Growth Plan which provides a roadmap forward for the next 5 years and beyond.

The St. Cecilia Academy plan (The Dominican Difference: Forward in Faith, Truth, and Excellence) and the Overbrook plan (The Dominican Difference: Growing in Wonder and Wisdom) are the culmination of a 12-month planning process, led by the Institute for School and Parish Development. Each of the schools on The Dominican Campus, which together serve 550 students in preschool through 12th grades, conducted a parallel planning process involving more than 175 people in committees and convocation. In addition, hundreds more participated in surveys.

"For generations, St. Cecilia Academy and Overbrook School have prepared students in an outstanding way for academic success and faith-filled lives of service to God. Renewing and deepening the Dominican Difference will strengthen an intellectual foundation in the liberal arts while inviting students into a lifelong friendship with Jesus Christ."

Tommy Hagey, a member of the St. Cecilia Steering Committee and parent of a current student, reflected, “It was an honor and privilege for me to be involved. The professional and seamless process mixed with the welcoming of our ideas from the Sisters made this experience not only meaningful but also spiritual. We are a first-time family at St. Cecilia Academy and the experience my daughter has had both educationally and spiritually is more than we imagined.”

The goal of this particular planning process the schools of The Dominican Campus, was personal engagement with a wide variety which are owned and operated by The of stakeholders. The two schools benefited Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, and the STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN 2021-2026 7from the best wisdom of faculty, staff, parents, unique ways in which the schools serve the alumni, parents of alumni, and friends as these children and young women entrusted to their constituents completed surveys, participated in care. At the core of the 2021-2026 Strategic interviews, served on committees, volunteered Growth Plans for St. Cecilia and Overbrook is on planning teams, joined the convocation an articulation of The Dominican Difference. gathering, and helped prioritize goals. An executive committee oversaw both schools' With hopeful determination, St. Cecilia pressed planning processes and a shared planning team forward despite the challenges 2020 presented. focused on organizational development and In March, both schools evaluated the COVID school collaboration between St. Cecilia and situation, and with the full support of those Overbrook. Each school’s steering committee involved, they shifted to Zoom meetings to and planning teams conducted analyses of complete the tasks. Even the Convocation, strengths, challenges, and opportunities. a broad-based gathering and signature They then proposed...strategic solutions component in the ISPD process that involved to solve the challenges of planning areas more than 75 people for each school, took which included: place virtually.

• Faith, Reason, and Virtue • Facilities

• Advancement

Time and again throughout the process, participants mentioned "The Dominican Difference" as a unique spirit that permeates The plans for St. Cecilia provide exciting blueprints for school's continued growth and vitality – aimed at renewing and deepening the Dominican Difference. Sister John Mary, O.P. Director of Education for the St. Cecilia Congregation and member of the Strategic Plan Executive Committee, noted, Sr. John Mary went on: "The Dominican Sisters and I are grateful for all the good people who gave of their time and best thinking to the Strategic Growth Plans as we bring the planning phase to closure and begin implementation." ◊

Scan the QR code above with your smartphone camera to read the full St. Cecilia Academy Strategic Growth Plan or visit our website at https://www.stcecilia.edu/about/strategic-plan

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