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Introducing SCA's New Athletic Director Robert Jemison

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New Athletic Director



This past August St. Cecilia Academy welcomed Coach Robert Jemison on board as the school’s new athletic director. Although he is new to St. Cecilia, he is no stranger to the city or its Catholic community. A longtime parishioner of Christ

the King, Jemison attended grade school there from fourth to sixth grade before transferring to St. Vincent School for seventh and eighth grades. His love of sports started in grade school and continued at Father Ryan High School, where he played football, wrestled, and ran track. His time at Father Ryan was marked by coaches like Pat Simpson, Joe Drennan, and Tommy Bateman. “All of those coaches made such a big impact on me,” says Jemison, and his connection to them continued long after graduation.

Robert Jemison with his 1984 Father Ryan wrestling team

“These are some of the most resilient girls I have seen.

They work hard and don't come up with excuses.” —Robert Jemison

SCA Athletic Director

As he was looking around at colleges, he and his mother went to visit Texas A & M University. “She had me signed up before I knew what was going on,” Jemison jokes, but he came to love both Texas and Aggie football. Not only that, but being at A & M led Jemison “to the best move I’ve ever made,” for it was there that he met his wife, Jennifer, to whom he has been married for 29 years. They have three daughters ranging in age from 16 to 21.

After studying sports management in college, Jemison returned to Nashville and began an internship program under Ronnie Carter at the TSSAA. It was also at that time that he started to coach football and discovered the other love of his life – coaching and working with young people in athletics. After his time at the TSSAA, Jemison went on to coach for 16 years at Father Ryan. He was also the Athletic Director and coach at both Harding Academy and Battle Ground Academy.

Jemison feels like the Lord’s hand brought him here to St. Cecilia, and through this opportunity so many unexpected blessings have come alive for him over the course of his first year at SCA. Says Jemison, “When I first saw the last names of the girls here, I realized, ‘I know the dads of these girls. I coached them.’ It is very rewarding to reap the benefits of coaching the kids of the kids you coached. I feel like I have come full circle.”

Although Jemison is a dad to girls, he has never been in an all-girls environment until this year and is impressed with what he experiences. “These are some of the most resilient girls I have seen,” Jemison observes. “They work hard and don’t come up with excuses. They don’t get down or pout when things get tough, but look forward to the next challenge and want to do better. I attribute that to faith. It makes a difference.” healthy and well-rounded. Jemison says athletics is a great tool to motivate girls in a sense of belonging.

Jemison loves being back in the integrated environment of a Catholic school. He sees how athletics can be a great training ground in virtue for students by helping them put into practice the lessons learned through their studies. “I truly believe God has a role in the lives of our athletes,” observes Jemison, “particularly when it comes to adversity. Prayer is important. Even if the score doesn’t look right or the opponent looks stronger, you don’t question your effort. You can only do what God gives you the strength to do.” In his first year he has worked hard to recruit talented and qualified coaches, one of the key factors he identifies for building a strong and consistent athletic program. “Good coaching is a gift,” says Jemison. “We want coaches who understand each athlete and recognize how God has blessed each girl. I want to surround our girls with good mentors who set clear expectations and encourage them.”

Coach Jemison has great plans for the St. Cecilia athletic program, particularly with the addition of seventh and eighth grades beginning in 2022-2023. He is working with administrators and coaches at both St. Cecilia and Overbrook to create a cohesive six-year vision for student athletes. The junior high girls will compete in both the Diocesan Athletic League and the Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference, and Jemison wants to have many athletic offerings for junior high girls. This will not only prepare them for high school competition, but also help them become

Coach Jemison is also looking forward to growing and improving current athletic facilities. He is eager for the new St. Cecilia and Overbrook field house that will be built this summer to house concessions and restrooms at the field, thus expanding opportunities for hosting meets and guests for various events on campus. “We have a beautiful campus with huge potential for development,” says Jemison. ◊ Coach Jemison with Jessica and Jordan Epstein '23 making the morning announcements. Goooooooo Scarabs!

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