SCA HarpStrings | Fall 2016

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FA L L 2 0 1 6 I M AG A Z I N E


Students join over 2 million Catholics from around the world to see Pope Francis in Krakow, Poland!

At St. Cecilia Academy we have faith in young women. Faith in their capacity to change the world for good, faith that they will find themselves, faith that they will be successful in ways that really matter, and faith that they will come to nurture a relationship with the God who made them. We believe our young women benefit immeasurably from our promise to have faith in them in today’s confusing world. And we believe today’s confusing world benefits immeasurably from our young women.

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. Vice Principal of Students Andres Montana Vice Principal of Academics Sister Maria Ivana, O.P. Director of Admissions Betty Bader Director of Athletics Bryan Picklesimer

On the streets of Krakow: Sr. Amelia O.P., Emily Vick '17, Sr. Anne Catherine, O.P., and Dominican Father Reginald Lynch, who served as SCA's pilgrimage chaplain.

Dear Friends,

The picture above captures a moment from the trip that twenty-two of us—St. Cecilia students and adults—made to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland this past summer. If you are not familiar with this tradition begun by Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day is an international gathering of young people with the Pope in one of the major cities of the world for unforgettable days of prayer, catechesis, solidarity, and downright fun. Over its 25-year history, World Youth Day has gradually become a permanent feature in the life of the Catholic Church. I attended my first World Youth Day when I was in college. Thanks to the witness of the young people I met, I came back from that experience changed— more intentional and courageous in the practice of my faith and especially inspired by Pope John Paul II, whose heroic witness ultimately nudged my own religious vocation. Journeying this past July to the homeland of one of the great saints of the 20th century was indeed a thrill, not only because our group was able to visit the major sights associated with Pope John Paul II’s life, but particularly because I was able to accompany the next generation as they experienced the graces of World Youth Day for the first time. When we scroll through the daily news or flip on the TV, we are assailed on every side with stories that discourage and alarm us. The cultural conversation has indeed become coarsened. Threats of violence and division seem to loom on all sides, both at home and abroad. These are the headlines that bombard us daily.

But there is another story, one that does not typically make the front page, and its subtext is what we experienced at World Youth Day. Traveling with our students and encountering youth from every part of the globe, I can confidently say that our young people give us great reason for hope. During our pilgrimage to Krakow we experienced huge crowds, yet without an incident. Rather, a spirit of peace, camaraderie, living faith, and joy reigned wherever we went. Hundreds of thousands of young people mingled in the streets and found ways to connect: reaching out with high-fives to one another, laughing, singing, trading trinkets and snapping pictures. These simple gestures afforded us a glimpse of the blessed unity in diversity to which we are all called: “Father, that they may be one as we are one” (Jn 18:11). At World Youth Day in Toronto several years before his death, Pope John Paul told the crowd, “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures. We are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son.” In an age that promotes many false messages about who we are and how we can be happy, the Pope’s words remind us that it is not those false voices that define us, but the love that is poured into our hearts by the living God, a love by which we are remade in His image. Please know of our prayers for you and your families. In Christ,

Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. Principal

Contents 4 WYD 2016 | 8 Camp St. Cecilia | 20 Annual Report | 28 Q and A with alumna Lizzie Nora Harless '12 | 34 Class Notes | STCECILIA.EDU

Director of Alumnae Relations Bridget Nolan Thomas ’05 Director of Communications Alexza Clark Director of Advancement Sister Catherine Marie, O.P. Director of Development Deb Fay Harpstrings Staff Alexza Clark, Editor Michael Ann Zinser ’88, Graphic Designer Photographers: Alexza Clark, Susan Beavin George ’08, Uchida Photography. Front: Savannah Evans ’19, daughter of alumna Marie Stewart '98 and granddaughter of Harriet Stewart '69, Brianne Kendall ’17 and Cosette Bolt ’17 at a World Youth Day rally in Krakow, Poland this summer.


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WYD 2016

The Church is Young By: Corinne Baroni ’18, Student Contributor

“Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

This summer, I was blessed to attend World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland with 18 other St. Cecilia

girls. World Youth Day was a trip of firsts for many of us: our first time flying overseas, our first time in Europe, our first time meeting and speaking to people from all over the world, and our first time seeing and listening to Pope Francis in person. WYD at a Glance I’ve heard the number 2.5 million tossed around before in math problems and studies, but at World Youth Day this number became a reality. About 2.5 million Catholic youth from around the world made the pilgrimage to World Youth Day and were pres-


ent at the closing Mass with pope Francis at Campus Misericordiae. World Youth Day was the most beautiful experience of my life. Streets were filled with crowds of smiling pilgrims, bursting with the noise of youth chattering away in numerous languages and singing national

anthems and hymns. Every day I found myself saying, “I’ve never seen so many people before in my life,” and the most amazing part was that every one of them was just like me. Although we spoke different languages and came from different backgrounds, we were all united in our Catholic faith. World Youth Day was an experience of the uni-


FA I T H J O U R N E Y versal church that gave me a global view. We made friends with youth from all over the world. These friendships hold a special place in my heart, as do the countries in which my new friends live. World Youth Day was definitely a pilgrimage for our group. We experienced many delays on our way to Poland, and once we finally arrived, it was not a touristy vacation. We walked almost everywhere, stayed in tiny hotel rooms, and many times we were tired and hungry. However, the atmosphere of World Youth Day was always filled with joy. Despite hardships and delays, God was always with us. Even in our daily sufferings, we grew closer to Christ and to each other. Everyone at World Youth Day was there for one reason – to experience Jesus Christ, and all were willing to do anything for Him. There was not one moment during World Youth Day that was not joyful.

The Gift of the Present Moment: Pope Francis One day we were leaving a Mass and catechesis with youth from Africa to go to the World Youth Day opening ceremony. The line for food was longer than usual and we were all nervous that the delay would make us late or cause us to lose our spot. Earlier that morning, Coach Montana had told us to try to keep the words of St. Therese of Lisieux in mind: “Everything is a grace.” Once we finally finished lunch and began the trek to the field where the ceremony was being held, we were surprised to see people lining the streets expectantly. We stopped to ask why they were waiting there, and they told us Pope Francis would be driving by soon. Although the Pope’s route is subject to change, we decided to stay for a couple minutes and see if Pope Francis would come by. We were all praying that we would get to see him when suddenly a parade of police motorcycles and black cars sped by. Sure enough, Pope Francis was waving and smiling from one of the windows of a black car. Our street erupted with cries of “Papa Franceso!” and many of us were brought to STCECILIA.EDU

Top: SCA pilgrims after saying good-bye to Pope Francis. Bottom: After hiking 12 miles in the summer sun, pilgrims rest before the final prayer vigil with the Pope. tears by the beauty and grace of seeing Pope Secondly, Pope Francis called the youth around Francis come within 20 feet of us. the world to be great. He told us our lives have purpose, and added “Do not be afraid to be From that point on, I felt like I knew Pope dreamers.” He inspired me to bring courage Francis. When he spoke to the crowds, it and faith home to my family and community. felt like he was speaking directly to me. The words of Pope Francis were incredibly ap- World Youth Day was an experience we will plicable to my life, and they had a profound never forget. I am so happy St. Cecilia gave impact on me. Among many graces, two key us the opportunity to go. We forged friendpoints from Pope Francis really struck me. ships that will last a lifetime and we grew closer to Christ and His Church. There was First, he said that happiness and mercy are for a particular beauty and joy at World Youth all people of all ages. Jesus Christ is infinitely Day in coming together with the youth of merciful and He loves every person. We are our Church that cannot be found anywhere His Church. else, and we will always remember and hold this joy in our hearts. HARPSTRINGS | 5


No school, no exams, no waking up early, but don’t let that fool you! Summertime is anything but boring at SCA. Take a look at some of the fascinating programs and projects our students and teachers were involved in this summer.

T R AVEL SCA seniors Margaret Hallock ’17, Shannon Schrenger ’17, and Eileen Kile ’17, along with teachers Sarah Marvel and Madame Begley, participated in the Veritas Connection Student Exchange Program in France this summer. They spent three weeks in Bordeaux at a Dominican boarding school and one week in Paris at the Légion d'Honneur boarding school.



E X P LO R E B E YO N D S UMMER C AMPS & PROFESSION A L D E V E LOPM E N T Senior Zoe Dongas ’17 attended a musical theater seminar in New York City with a scholarship from the Anthony Quinn Foundation. Senior Mia Jones ’17 attended a Pre-College Program at the Watkins College of Art Design and Film. Junior Teesha Brown ’18 attended an Engineering Camp with a focus on 3-D printing at the University of California, Berkley. Three sisters from St. Cecilia Academy, Sister Cecilia Anne, Sister Michaela, and Principal Sister Anne Catherine took classes in theology towards their Master's degree from the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

Choir teacher Stephanie Hahn Nolan attended a seminar on the McClosky Voice Technique, an approach to freeing up the voice by understanding the muscle tensions that can stand in the way. The seminar was taught at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. Art teacher Barbara Gronefeld taught a portfolio summer workshop at SCA to rising juniors in Pre-AP and AP Art students. The students learned how to create a copper repoussé and photographic cyanotypes. Mrs. Gronefeld also attended the Advanced Placement Institute at Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta. (Pictured at right)


Lea r n in g by do i n g — t h e S CA way Junior Zoe Potter ’18 (above left) spent her summer volunteering at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, Florida. The aquarium is a hospital for sick and injured marine life. Senior Kennedi Fitts ’17 (above right) interned at the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee and was a featured guest blogger on their website. In her post, Fitts shares that one of the most valuable lessons she learned while at Second Harvest Food Bank was that “While I am on this

Earth, the best thing that I can do is serve and help others.” SCA science department teachers Ashley George and Louisa Bateman took 9 students (Pictured at right) to serve with the Missionaries of Charity sisters and the Mercy Church of Atlanta, Georgia. They also participated in the Steubenville South Youth Conference, where they joined with 54,000 teens from across the United States to experience an awakening of their faith.

AWA RDS A ND RECOGNITIONS Senior Lizzie Kimbrough ’17 traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah with her winning poetry piece to compete in the 2016 High School National Debate and Speech Tournament. She competed with more than 3,500 high school students in a week-long competition and earned 14th place nationally in her category.


Tennessee Governor's Schools provides 12 challenging and high-intensity programs for students in the tenth and eleventh grades. The following students were accepted to the 2016 Tennessee Governor’s Schools: Amy Nguyen '17 for International Studies Clare Harney '17 for the Arts: Vocal Music Melissa LeClair '17 for the Arts: Visual Arts

Cecilia Green '17 for the Arts: Vocal Music Sophie Rowlett '18 for Computational Physics Liz Rohricht '17 for International Studies Grace Regnier '18 for the Sciences and Engineering Elise Driver '17 for the Sciences and Engineering Corinne Baroni '18 for the Sciences and Engineering



Siblings Elise ’20 and Ava Durelli ’19 with campers this summer. Several SCA students work at Camp St. Cecilia every summer, serving as role models for future generations of St. Cecilia girls.

Camp St. Cecilia

brings SCA community together In the past five years, Camp St. Cecilia has become a powerful outreach of the St. Cecilia Academy community. The summer program is designed to have campers aged 4-17, experience St. Cecilia Academy’s academics, athletics, and fine arts programs, and interact with faculty, students, coaches, alumnae, and parents. With nearly 400 campers participating this past summer, it truly takes a village of enthusiastic counselors, volunteers, and employees to give every camper the great St. Cecilia experience. At the helm of the camp is director Amie Pike. “I love directing camp because I want to share the mission of St. Cecilia Academy with as many young ladies as possible. SCA is a special place where any girl can be herself and feel accepted and loved by her peers and the faculty, but also by God. At camp, we strive to provide opportunities for every girl to ex-


plore any interest she might have that she can continue to develop it when she attends high school,” said Pike. Pike has served as camp director since 2012 and has been instrumental in building the camp to what it is today. "I am so pleased with the growth of the camp! It has grown past my initial expectations and goals. In my first year as director, we began with parish visits on Sunday mornings to share the opportunities we offer for girls in the summer. From there, the word has gotten out and we continue to grow with more campers each year. We actually have teachers from diocesan schools asking to teach camps because they have heard about the programs. Each year we are more excited about what we can offer to girls,” said Pike. While it is wonderful to have new faces at St. Cecilia, one of the great joys of the program has been in the number of alumnae who


CAMP SCA have returned to their alma mater as camp teachers and coaches. This past summer, nine alumnae returned to help with camp in some capacity. From athletics to baking and filmmaking camps, alums help ensure that every girl who participates in a summer camp at St. Cecilia experiences the joy of learning. “I am so pleased to see how the summer camp program has grown and expanded over the last several years. It offers enriching opportunities for hands-on learning in a relaxed, joyful environment, giving younger girls a taste of the faith we have placed in young women over the last 156 years,” said Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. To learn more about Camp St. Cecilia and to be the first to know about enrollment for Camp St. Cecilia 2017, contact Camp DirecSonia Fernandez LeBlanc ’95 leads Let’s Get Creative! a camp where students get to bring their tor, Amie Pike at . favorite stories and characters to life through improv, games, and storytelling. Creativity builds confidence, develops verbal skills, and encourages collaboration, says LeBlanc.

Alumna Jennifer Niemyer Harwell ’89, owner of the Tennessee Arts Conservatory brings her experience of dance and choreography to Camp St. Cecilia. Each day her campers are introduced to the world of dance through creative movement and a fun, nurturing environment.

Current staff member and alumna Margaret Strobel Pyburn ’93 offered the ever-popular American Girl Doll Camp, where campers explore the experiences of American girls from colonial times to the present.




To give truth...

Seeking Truth Seeking Truth Seeking Truth


... is the greatest charity By Sister Maria Ivana, O.P. Vice Principal of Academics

“It is good, Lord, to be here” (Mt. 17:4 ). New to the St. Cecilia Academy community, I have the privilege of a 14,000 foot perspective, (my most recent assignment was amid the mountain tops of Colorado), of the grace and beauty of St. Cecilia girls and this school. St. Cecilia is a school who knows her end, her purpose, her mission. It is clearly evident in the poise of our girls, in the dedication of our faculty and staff, and in the leadership of our administration that life at St. Cecilia Academy is rooted in the person of Jesus Christ- the Way, the Truth, and the Life. From Him we receive wisdom to form and teach our students, “offering young women an intellectual foundation in the liberal arts that encourages them to love knowledge for its own sake and to excel in scholastic and extracurricular pursuits within the context of a joyful, Christ-centered community” (Philosophy Statement of St. Cecilia Academy).

Daily I am edified and inspired by our girls as I encounter them in conversation or just in passing. Walking through the halls and listening to our students speak, I witness joyful young women who have been ennobled, equipped to excel, and who, by their example, inspire others to lead lives of integrity. They have told me how they used their summer, to take what they received at St. Cecilia and put it into practice by attending academic programs offered through colleges and universities. They witnessed, evangelized, and experienced the greater Christian community here in our own country and abroad. They served the poor and the marginalized. It made me realize that what happens at St. Cecilia Academy does not stay at St. Cecilia Academy; rather, it changes the world. To give truth is the greatest charity: our girls receive this greatest of gifts each day, a gift that in turn reaps a hundredfold as it is taken out into the world.


HE A D OF T HE C LASS The Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and St. Cecilia Girl led a class of 56 outstanding graduates who are attending colleges and universities across the country this fall, including the University of Notre Dame, the U.S. Naval Academy, Emory University, College of the Holy Cross, Northeastern University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Tulane University, the University of Texas at Austin, Kenyon College, the College of Idaho and Clemson University.


Diane Lee ’16

Overbrook School Alumna University of Notre Dame

Diane Lee is a superlative scholar, an accomplished athlete, and a quiet leader. Diane has distinguished herself throughout her school career with an admirable work ethic. While at SCA she was a class officer, a member of our Student Ambassador Board, and President of the National Honor Society. As an athlete, she was a star player on the basketball team, reaching the impressive 1000 point threshold as a junior. She was captain of the volleyball team for two years and an accomplished triple- jumper on track and field. This fall Diane is attending the University of Notre Dame.

SALUTATORIAN Salutatorian Erin Whitney ’16

St. Matthew School Alumna University of Notre Dame

Erin Whitney is a natural leader both on and off the field, having been the captain of the soccer team and an all-district player, as well as president of her class three out of her four years at St. Cecilia. She possesses a heart for service and volunteered long hours at the Second Harvest Food Bank, as well as serving as a SEARCH leader and working as a counselor at Camp Marymount. She is also the daughter of SCA alumna Kathy Fox Whitney ’82. Erin is attending the University of Notre Dame this fall.

ST. CECILIA GIRL St. Cecilia Girl Cate Thompson ’16

Harding Academy Alumna University of Mississippi

The St. Cecilia Girl award is given to a graduating senior who is emblematic of the ideals, values, and spirit of St. Cecilia Academy and is voted on by her peers and faculty. Cate Thompson’s peers chose her for this award because they saw her faith expressed through the thoughtfulness and genuine concern she shows for anyone in need. Her desire to serve others led to her participation in Student Council, Alternative Spring Break in New Orleans and her work with Red Wagon, an organization at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Beyond service, Cate excelled in the areas of French, English, and dance at St. Cecilia. She had a particular passion for French, having experienced French language and culture first-hand through St. Cecilia’s Veritas Connection exchange program in Bordeaux. Cate is also the daughter of an alumna, Ashley Gorham Thompson ’85. She is attending the University of Mississippi this fall.



College scholarship offers totaled more than


The class of 2016 logged nearly 3,000 hours of service in their senior year alone.

$10.5 million

Our graduates are pursuing programs in fields as diverse as aerospace engineering, environmental science, neuro-psychology, pre-medicine, studio art, and creative writing.

St. Cecilia is happy to welcome seven new members of the faculty:

Mrs. Kathleen Causapin Math

Mrs. Laura Goetz

World Languages

Ms. Emily Judd English

Sr. Anastasia, O.P. Religion

Sister Krista Marie, O.P. History

Sister Maria Ivana, O.P.

Vice Principal of Academics

Sister Victoria Marie, O.P. Religion



members of the class of 2016 are enrolled in

different colleges and universities in 22


states and the District of Columbia. HARPSTRINGS | 11

G R A D U AT I O N 2 0 1 6

Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. addresses students at St. Cecilia’s 155th commencement ceremony.

Patience Thompson, Caroline Eastgate, Lauren Cianciolo, Katie Suchanick, Yaza Sarieh, Hannah Hundt, and Sarah Smith gather for breakfast before Baccalaureate Mass on graduation day.

Congratulations Graduates Graduates Jean Pflum and Grace Roushdi are all smiles before commencement.

She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25

Class of 2016 graduates toss their graduation caps on the lawn after graduation.



G R A D U AT I O N 2 0 1 6

Graduate Adela Appleby embraces her classmate after graduation.

From left. Caroline McClain, Kristen Manda, Ky Majors, and Tess McCurdy sing the alma mater during the graduation ceremony.

Salutatorian Erin Whitney, Natalie Zimberg and valedictorian Diane Lee share a hug after the graduation ceremony.


The SCA legacy continues. From left, Caroline Watkins and her mother Krissi Pancoast Watkins ’92, St. Cecilia Girl Cate Thompson and her mother Ashley Gorham Thompson ’85, salutatorian Erin Whitney and her mother Kathy Fox Whitney ’82, Jessie Gallivan and her mother Traci Garner Gallivan ’81, Margaret Cragon with her mother Julie Dortch Cragon ’78, and Madison Baird with her mother Jane Giuli Baird ’81.


Mary Hailey Derrick receives her diploma from Mother Anne Marie, O.P., Prioress General of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation. HARPSTRINGS | 13

Alive to Beauty and Art Alive to Beauty and Art


Artistic Expression

By Amie Pike Fine Arts Department Chair

The school’s patroness Saint Cecilia inspires the fine arts faculty to seek and encourage the talents of our students for the glory of God on a daily basis. If you were to walk into any of our classrooms, you will see girls being pushed artistically in all genres and sharing a love of the arts. The girls also encourage each other in their pursuit of excellence in the arts. As the visual arts instructor for the VAP (Visual and Performing Arts) course, I feel privileged to watch the freshmen blossom into confident young women over the course of the school year. They come into the course timid and unsure of what they can contribute, but often they either find a talent they didn’t know they had or strengthen in a skill they already possessed and decide to continue studies in that arts course as an upperclassman. Like Saint Cecilia, the girls appreciate the beauty of God's creation in all of the fine arts.

As students move on from VAP and pursue their talents, it is very fulfilling for us as teachers to see the passion that we have for our discipline come alive in our students. They grow in their creativity and learn to serve their community by sharing their talents while also gaining independence in seeking beauty and truth. I am honored to teach and serve at a school where every girl is encouraged to develop her God-given talents. Rather than start with the presumption that a student does not have talent or ability in the fine arts, at St. Cecilia we believe every student comes alive through her experience of authentic beauty. Even our more science and math-minded students thrive in the fine arts courses because through them they are learning to search deep within and find all that is good and true.

Printmaking project by 2016 Switzerland exchange student, Clarisa Gaines.

The VAP Experience:

A 30-year Legacy Drawing, dancing, singing, and acting - participating in the arts has become a rite of passage for all St. Cecilia freshmen in VAP the Visual and Performing Arts course. This class was developed by former fine arts chair Anne Love Brunette '72 to give girls an introduction to the basics of art, drama, and dance, and to gain an appreciation for the joy and beauy communicated through the arts. What the freshmen also gain from this expereince is poise, confidence, and comraderie with peers that goes beyond the classroom. Today, all freshmen students experience these arts on a rotating schedule where they develop dramatic skits, drawings, paintings and claywork, and choreograph dance pieces. In recent years, a choral workshop has been added to the course to encourage every girl to find her singing voice. The class comes to a culmination at the end of the year at the ArtsParts recital event, when the girls all perform group dances, skits and monologues on stage, and showcase their artwork. If you ask any graduate from the last 30 years about their VAP experience, a smile instantly comes to her face. Every girl remembers dancing on stage in front of her peers, creating artwork even though she felt she wasn't talented, and can recite for you the first lines of the Anne Frank monologue. She might even tell you that VAP inspired her to go on to pursue a particular area in the arts.

The arts help our students to be open to new experiences and to develop courage that challenges them to step outside of their comfort zones. Ultimately, that is the end goal of VAP.

Former SCA art teacher and creator of the visual and performing arts program, Anne Love Brunette ’72 with one of her art students, Jennifer Duncan ’85.


Printmaking project by current sophomore Avery Dunn.



(Left to Right) Choir teacher Stephanie Hahn Nolan works on vocal projection with freshmen Caroline Lee, Julia Khym, Sophie Claire Grant, Isabella Presler, Natalie Hernandez, Katherine Armero, Sydney Rapp, and Annaliese Evans.

A VAP painting by Caitlin Cain ’18.

Sophomore Erin Neilson works on a ceramic piece during VAP class.

(Back to front) Freshmen Yamelie Gonzalez, Isabella Presler, and Jennie Mae Sprouse learn dance techniques during VAP.

A painting by sophomore Leevie Maverick.

Schuyler Nunnally delivers a speech on the SCA theater stage for VAP class.



Scarab Nation

By Bryan Picklesimer Director of Athletics

Scarab Nation Scarab Nation Scarab Nation



Athletics at St. Cecilia Academy is a vital and important part of the SCA experience. With over 60% of the student body participating in at least one athletic sport, we are cultivating an opportunity for our students to learn valuable life lessons, create lasting friendships, and discover new insights about themselves on the field, court, and course. My goal for all of our athletes in the Scarab Nation is for them not simply to find value in the score on the board, but rather to find it in the intensity of her effort, in the depth of friendships created, and in the excellence of a sporting attitude. Our students' focus is in their willingness to prepare to win, not in the winning itself. By focusing on personal growth and putting in the hard work of preparation, our student-athletes receive a challenging experience that enables them to learn, grow, and become the whole young women God has created them to be.

Jim Tarwater, parent of Eliza ’14 and Rose ’18, once said, “Some girls may not come to St. Cecilia for the athletic experience, but they certainly find themselves through the athletic experience.” These words were confirmed to me when I recently flipped through the 2015-2016 yearbook and noticed how many of our seniors posted pictures and dedications to their athletic teams on their pages. None of the comments were reflecting on the wins, losses, or championships, but on the tight friendships and fond memories that they gained through playing. Just by watching any practice or competition, it is clearly evident that these athletes truly care for one another and the school they represent when they are wearing our colors.

The St. Cecilia Athletics Department hosted a cookout for all Scarab fans when SCA took on Franklin Road Academy. At half time, the senior members of the SCA soccer team and their parents were announced.


Row in g t a ke s fir st at C h at t a n o o g a He ad Ra ce

(Above) The SCA Womens 4+ (Abby Tarquinio '17, Madeline Quinby '17, Virginia Cheij '17, Grace Laster '18) took first place in the Chattanooga Head Race on Saturday, October 8. Competing against 19 scholastic and club boats from across the Southeast, SCA completed the 2200 meter course in 9:25, beating the 2nd place crew (Atlanta Juniors) by a full 11 seconds. (Left) SCA pair (Virginia Cheij and Madeline Quinby) also took first place in the Womens 2 at the Head Race.


on earning a bronze medal with Team USA at the World Junior Rowing Championships in the Netherlands this summer. Abby will row for Stanford University next year.



Congratulations to the St. Cecilia Academy volleyball team for taking first place in the Silver division of the Back to the Boro tournament this fall.




megan whaley ’04 M EM O R I A L B A S K ET B A LL G A M E The SCA Cross Country team won the Sharp Springs Invitational Meet this September. Four SCA runners placed inside the top 20.

FUN AT THE 2016 GOLF CLASSIC The St. Cecilia Academy Golf Classic was held Tuesday, September 20 at Harpeth Hills Golf Course. Due to the generous participation of so many parents, alumnae, faculty, and friends, proceeds from this year’s tournament will allow the athletics department to refinish several tennis courts and purchase new team uniforms.


OPEN wednesdays 1-3:30 p.m. Fridays 8:30-10 a.m. & 1-3:30 p.m. HARPSTRINGS | 17

A day in the life of a St. Cecilia Academy scarab


Treasured Traditions

By Margaret Strobel Pyburn ’93 Director of Student Activities

One of the things I love most about my job as director of student activities is sharing with students some of my favorite and time-honored traditions at St. Cecilia. Although it was over 25 years ago, I still remember my first SCA tradition—Freshmen Overnight. How could I forget? This is the night I met one of my best friends. I did not know it then, but this same friend would even get to become my eldest daughter’s (Mary Catherine ’19) godmother. There is something so special about Freshmen Overnight. Freshmen can be so scared and nervous to start high school and it amazes me how one overnight event with the entire class can quickly change the dynamic. By the end of Freshmen Overnight, every single person in my freshmen class came out with at least a handful of new friends and memories to last a lifetime.


Front, left to right: Holly McClure ’17, with freshmen Destiny Welch, Anna Regnier, Helen Anderson, and Chelsea Dongas. Back, left to right: Emily Vick ’17 with freshmen Josie McCullars, Isobel Hall, and Ann Marie Galassini.


Another great tradition at St. Cecilia is FreshmanSenior week. The concept is simple: a senior showers a freshman with secret surprises and notes for a week until the big "reveal" on Friday. But the experience is profound. I remember how special I felt as a freshman to have an upperclassman talk to me and befriend me. It is those memories of my time at St. Cecilia that I remember most fondly. Speaking of favorite memories, Spirit Week wins the prize hands-down. It is an entire week of joy, goofiness, friendly competition and lots of Scarab spirit. Each day during the week has a special theme. For example, this year, featured Marvel Monday, where students dressed up as their favorite superheroes. Some of my St. Cecilia colleagues and I thought it would be fun to join in the Spirit Week zanieness and we dressed up as St. Cecilia Superheroes. It is a thrill to relive my favorite SCA tradition with a whole new generation of students (and faculty!). When I saw the pictures from Marvel Monday, I had a feeling of déjà vu. That is because during my senior year in high school 23 years ago my classmates and I dressed up for Mardi Gras Monday and I wore nearly the exact costume that I wore this year! It goes to show that no matter how many years go by, I will always be a St. Cecilia girl at heart.

Caroline Lee ’20 with Anna Barker ’17 Liz Roricht ’17 and Janay Griffin ’20.


Seniors Madeline Quinby ’20 and Lizze Kimbrough ’20 lead classmates in a game of tug-o-war.





Annual Report 2015-2016

Annual Report 2015-2016

All that you see on these pages happens because of your faithful gifts of time, financial support, and prayers. Your confidence sustains us in ways you cannot imagine.

Gifts to the Annual Fund have a direct and tangible impact on the daily experiences of our students. The Annual Fund provides ongoing support to the operating budget, allowing us to offer competitive salaries to faculty, provide need-based aid, sustain and update existing programming, and maintain our campus facilities. The students of St. Cecilia Academy benefit directly from your generosity. On behalf of the sisters, faculty, and staff, we are deeply grateful to the following individuals and organizations who support our mission. Gifts included on these pages were received between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Thank you for partnering with us as we prepare young women to meet the challenges of modern life, to contribute in a positive way to the society in which they live, and to extend to students of all faiths the principles of Christian life in the Roman Catholic tradition. 1860 CLUB Anonymous Mary Martha & Emmett J. Doerr Charitable Trust

COAT OF ARMS CLUB Margaret & John Barker Robert & Jennifer Burns Mr. & Mrs. William T. Delay Robert & Kathy Dortch Mr. & Mrs. James P. Regnier Two Rivers Ford


3 Anonymous Mr. John Baroni Joyce & Tom Cook Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dunn Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Geny James & Michelle Hallock Kevin & Kristin Harney InfoWorks, Inc. Ms. Emily A. Johnson Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Gretchen Webber & E. Dirk Maxwell Eileen & Thomas McGinn Rob & Barb Sturgeon


2 Anonymous Stephen & Patricia Brink


Mr. & Mrs. David H. Brown Matt & Lacey Bulow Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fay Mrs. Margaret L. Garesche Mr. & Mrs. Marbut G. Gaston, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Marvin G. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Javier Hernandez Judge & Mrs. Thomas A. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hiller, Sr. W. Gerard & Colleen A. Huiskamp Foundation Mrs. James L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kane, The Kane Family Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Heather & Kris Kemp Mr. & Mrs. David L. Lassiter Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lee Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Leftwich Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Calvin P. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Lyle Dr. & Mrs. Joe M. MacCurdy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James McClain Katherine P. McCrea Mrs. Mary Ann McGinn Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGinn Dr. Catherine McTamaney Mr. & Mrs. James P. O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pancoast Lynn Moll Rassieur Steve & Donna Roach Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Smith

The Stewart Family Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mike & Beth Ussery Frances Anne Varallo Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Wisniewski


2 Anonymous Mr. Kenneth Albritton Mr. & Mrs. William F. Alexander, III Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bachman Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Mr. & Mrs. Grimes Baird Mr. & Mrs. Brett Beavers Marie DeGrella Bervoets Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bohren Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bostelman Mr. & Mrs. Carey Bringle Mr. & Mrs. George Brulin Mr. & Mrs. George Burke John E. Burns Tarama & Tonya Carver Mrs. Margaret Chance Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Cianciolo Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Clark, III Roberta Muldoon & Breck Collins Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Collins Dell & Carroll Crosslin The family of Juliana Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cunningham Brent & Maria Dongas Mrs. Jean Dortch

Mr. & Mrs. Adrian B. Durelli Dr. Andrea Birch Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Forrest Dr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Gautsch Bob & Carty Hassett Mr. Francis Horn Ms. Peggy Hunt Craig & Nichole Huseby Mr. & Mrs. Granberry Jackson, III Mr. & Mrs. Ken Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lee Michael & Teresa Marchetti Mary & Bill May Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. McClure Mr. & Mrs. Robert McTamaney Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McWilliams Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy Mark & Mary Peters Ms. Mary Katherine Pickard Ms. Michelle Polston Peggy Lampley Robeson Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rowlett Craig & Brenda Smith Target Field Trips Mr. Edward S. Temple Mr. & Mrs. William Terry Mr. & Mrs. Jason Truss Mr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Warren Krissi & Brent Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph White Kathy & Russell Whitney Mr. John Williams



4 Anonymous The John Albamont Family Jerry & Desiree' Appleby Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Augustine, Jr. Catherine Haid Baltz Frank & Mary Pat Baltz Ms. Heather Baroni Allison & Frank Bass Ms. Patricia J. Beazley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bogard Joe & Lori Bowman Ms. Lauren A. Brooks Katie & Joe Cain Dr. & Mrs. John Cate Mr. & Mrs. John Cate Laura Sanders Christy Laurie Harris Cian Ms. Ginny Cox Allen & Julie Cragon Ms. Joyce Deason The DeRoche Family Mr. & Mrs. Jason Devening Mrs. Sheila F. Duke Nina Margaret Freeman Chip & Susanne Frensley Joe & Traci Gallivan Joan & Van Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luis Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. William M. Goodyear, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Grannis, III Lisa Fridrich Grayson Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Hall Mrs. Ann Guepe Harris Mr. & Mrs. R. John Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Tony Hoffman International Industrial Products Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kelley Mr. Peter King & Mrs. Mary McCarthy-King Jeff & Mariam Kohl Ms. Emily Leftwich

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lewis Mr. Leon Lusty Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael McSurdy Mrs. Carmel C. Mire Dr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Mire Mr. & Mrs. Walter Neilsen Catherine Beasley O’Bryan Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Pearson Andra & Scott Perkerson Rosemary & Wayne Plorin Rosalinda Sbuttoni Raher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Turner Rast Jeff & Eileen Ricker Ridgeview Foundation Dr. Edward A. Roach Katherine Schuster-Luck Anita & Mike Shea Sara Caitlin Shepherd Ramona Schnupp Steltemeier Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stewart Glynn, Fatima & Evie Taylor Mrs. Bridget Nolan Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Thornton Mrs. Barbara Brunette Trautman Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Dr. & Mrs. Ryan Walsh + Juanita Wilson Kay & Randall Wyatt Ms. Cathryn Yarbrough

RED & WHITE CLUB 20 Anonymous Vernon Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Adelman Lorelei Aden Mrs. Cecilia Ann Curtis Albright Mary Prue Alley Mrs. Cary DeWitt Allyn Beverly D. Ammarell AMS Appraisal Group LLC Ms. Peggy Andrews Appalachian Oil Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Arms

2017 Seniors on the first day of school.


Annual Report 2015-2016

Mrs. Susan Sastry Armstrong Mrs. Nell Schindler Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Grimes Baird Clark & Carolyn Baker Rosemary Murphy Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bateman Mr. Walter T. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Alan Beaty Ron & Carole Begley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Philip Betbeze Ms. Isabel W. Bishop Marie Daugherty Bishop Drs. Melanie & James Bishop Mrs. Gwyne Bohren Mrs. Diane Hartnett Brady Elizabeth Durst Brown Martha Bryant Mrs. Jessica Bogard Buenahora Mrs. Kathryn Camarata Burish Ms. Kathleen B. Burns Nancy Holzmer Calderon Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Caprioli Mrs. Margaret Carden Ms. Cheryl Carpenter + Mr. & Mrs. Billy Carter + Jeri Alessio Carver Mr. & Mrs. Rich Chandonnet Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cheatham Jennifer Cheij Mrs. Faye Jewell Chiles Ms. Pam Christy Dr. Alexza Clark & Mr. Joshua Clark Teddie Clark Mary Rose & Jon Conlin Rod & Sharon Connor Mr. & Mrs. Jay Contreras Cornelia Coode John & Joan Coode Mr. & Mrs. John M. Coode Dr. & Mrs. George M. Cooper Mrs. Dale Corsa Joseph & Gloria Cote

Angela Birch Cox + Joan Richard Cozart Mrs. Dorothy N. Crabtree Ms. Beth Cragon Debbie Wallace Craig Laura Black Crawford Mrs. Adrian Cross Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crum Mary Ann Daugherty Mrs. Martha Sanders Davenport Ms. Felicia L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davis Allison & Rob DeHart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Demere Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. DeMoss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Denes Ms. Juliana M. D'Eredita Mrs. Carol Kennon Dick Mrs. Ann Dobbs Mrs. Mindy Donnellan Ms. Gena Donnelly Mr. Paul Donnelly Sunny & Harold Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Larry Douglass Dr. & Mrs. William L. Downey Spruell & Elaine Driver Jeff & Jan Duckworth Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Duffey Mrs. Maxine M. Duffey Mrs. Kristi Hill Dunlap Dr. Calvin R. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Eastwood, Jr. Mrs. MaryDe H. Elliston Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Mrs. Jennifer Erdman Ms. Jennifer Erickson Ms. Leigh Anne Ervin Dr. & Mrs. John H. Exton Emily Eyre Mrs. Patty Carroll Farmer Mrs. Antonia F. Ferguson Ellen B. Fernandez Ms. Julina C. Fernandez

Honor code signing ceremony


Annual Report 2015-2016 Mrs. Sonia Fernandez Le Blanc Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Edward L. Fike Ms. Frances C. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. John D. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Fleitz Ms. Kirsten N. Fox Ms. Dixie W. Frederiksen Lucy Freeman Mr. & Mrs. George C. Furlong, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gallivan Mr. & Mrs. Andre V. Gaccetta Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Ms. Mary Landis Gaston Mr. Peter Gentry Ms. Ashley E. George Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. George Ms. Amanda Elizabeth Gilmore Cissa Flanigen Glenn Paul & Leslie Goebel Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorham Nick & Stephanie Greco Mrs. Angela Read Greek Mrs. Lynn Berry Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Ms. Claire C. Hailey Ms. Jennifer Hannon Gretchen Keras Hart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hazelwood Mr. William R. Healy, III Martin & Eileen Heflin Geralyn & David Heller Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Herndon Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Herring Suzanne Meifert Hester Mrs. Joyce Norman Hines Mrs. Lolo Donnelly Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Heather & Graham Honeycutt Laura Cullum Hood Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hoover Cara Lise Hudson Mark & Jill Hughes The Hummel Family I.B.M. Corporation Mrs. Pily Buenahora Jenkins Mrs. Lauren Ashwood Jeter Mrs. Nora B. Jimenez-Contreras

A special delivery


Ms. Claire M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Jones Mrs. Sally Murphy Jones Cathy Jordan Mrs. Beth Harwood Kastanotis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Keller Brian A. Kendall & Deanna T. Kendall Pamela Morrissey Kennedy Mr. Kevin Kile Ms. Robin Kimbrough Mrs. Betsy Koehner Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kuyper Mrs. Suzanne Lafond Marilyn Wannamaker Leathers Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Leersnyder Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Link Ms. Lauren A. LoCicero Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LoCicero Mr. & Mrs. Al Luttrell Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mr. & Mrs. William G. Manda Ms. Alicia C. Marchesi Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Marchetti Mr. Charles Martinez & Dr. Erin Martinez Mrs. Sarah Nunan Marvel Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Maverick Ms. Cayce McAlister Mr. & Mrs. Guilbert McCarthy Ms. Shannon McCullough Kay McSurdy Ms. Nancy Melley Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Mencio Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Meyer Brad & Gina Miller Mrs. Laura Richardson Miller Mrs. Margaret Miller Ms. Merideth K. Miller Sylvia Kanwischer Miller Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Sarah & Yates Mondy Mr. & Mrs. Andres Montana Ms. Cecilia K. Moore John & Kate Mosley Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Muehe Ms. Megan Mullan Molly M. Munden

Sharon Wilson Murphy Colleen Murray Mr. & Mrs. Long Nguyen Gene & Laurie Nolan Ms. Stephanie Nolan Ms. Molly C. Nolen Tom & Vickie Norris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nunan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O'Brien Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Mr. James C. Oliver Ms. Caroline O'Neill Richard & Mary Ann O’Neill Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Overby Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Page Steve & Carol Papuchis Perkins Oil & Gas Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Perrone Amy & John Pflum Mr. Bryan A. Picklesimer Dr. Laura Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pike Karen Clarke Pirkle Mrs. Ewa Poplawska-Pagan Ms. Carol Poston Kurt & Dana Potter Mr. & Mrs. Pat Pound Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Pyburn Mr. & Mrs. Jay Quinby Mr. & Mrs. Willard Raddant Sara Graf Remke Mrs. Alison Ames Rheaume Mrs. Charlotte Richard Dr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Richard Mrs. Robert T. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ritter Mrs. Claire Miller Robbins Ms. Sarah Robinson Jacquie Rohricht Raymond & Donna Rolin Noah & Christy Rosen Ms. Beverly Rothfuss Mr. & Mrs. Pete Rowlett Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rucker Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rucker Ms. Angela Runder Karen Trauernicht Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Kody Salem

Junior give back day

Mrs. Mary Lou Carden Sander Mrs. Nonie Carden Sanders Dr. Annette Sastry Veronica Schrenger Susan J. Schultheiss Mr. Julian Scruggs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Knowles H. Shaw, IV Ms. Sarah K. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. S. Jay Sheppard Ms. Angela Siefker Donna & Mohammed Sika Mr. & Mrs. Frank Simpson Dr. Christopher & Mrs. Janie Sizemore Dr. & Mrs. Clifton Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James L. Smith Mrs. Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer Mary Lou Spurlock Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stamps Mr. & Mrs. Kent T. Stewart Mrs. Jean McCaffrey Stout Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stowe Carrie & Daniel Strobel Mr. & Mrs. M. Jerome Strobel Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Strobel Bolin Kane Stumb Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Stumpf, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David M. Suchanick Mike & Ginger Sullivan Ms. Theresa Bell Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. W. Laurence Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Stephanie Crews Sundock Mr. & Mrs. Ernest S. Sutherland Sandra McMillin Sutterlin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tapia Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tarolli Mr. & Mrs. James Tarwater Mrs. Barbara Templeton The Lively Lane Corp Mrs. Susanne Reynolds Thombs Mr. Paul L. Thompson Ron & Mary Thompson Ms. Ragan M. Todd Mr. Laurence O. Trabue Mrs. Doris Treiss Ms. Kathleen Urciuoli Ursula Vann

2016 Golf Classic


Mrs. Mary Kelly Vicars Mr. & Mrs. Norman Voss Catherine Stuart Vrettos Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Wahl Mrs. Beth Hailey Walker Ms. Joanne Collins Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jon Wall Mrs. Fran Coode Walsh Mrs. Suzanne Sevier Walters Mrs. Janet Bellamy Warfield Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Watkins, III Veronica & Jerry Wauford Ms. Annie Waugh Mrs. Ann True Wehby Margaret Sutherland Wellborn Mrs. Jenny Holditch Wesson Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wheat Ms. Diana Weisman Ms. Holly Anderson Wilds Ms. Linda Williams Shirley & John Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilson Janine Lawson Winnard Tony & Dana Wirth Mrs. Sara Wizniuk Mr. Philip K. Woodlief Donna Brown Woods Patricia Woods Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wright Ms. Katherine L. Wright Lisa Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yates Caroline & Brad Young Mr. & Mrs. Andy Zimberg Becky Alderson Zimmerman


Restricted gifts allow our supporters to designate a particular purpose, activity or area of interest that is special to them. 3 Anonymous The John Albamont Family Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Mr. & Mrs. Grimes Baird Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Barber, Jr. Margaret & John Barker The Family of Kathleen Smith Barry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bateman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bolster Joe & Lori Bowman Dr. James Bracikowski & Dr. Andrea Bracikowski Reverend Joseph P. Breen Mark & Mary Brewer Stephen & Patricia Brink Robert & Jennifer Burns Ron & Sherin Burt Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Caprioli Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chapman Ms. Rebecca M. Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cook, Jr.


Mr. & Mrs. Keith S. Corkum Allen & Julie Cragon Debbie Wallace Craig Mr. & Mrs. Brent Dongas William A. & Mary Jo Dortch Robert & Kathy Dortch Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Eastwood, Jr. Ms. Jennifer Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fair Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fay Joe & Traci Gallivan Ms. Ashley E. George Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. George Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorham Mrs. Barbara A. Gronefeld Dr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Hakim James & Michelle Hallock Kevin & Kristin Harney Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hazelwood Mr. William R. Healy, III Geralyn & David Heller Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Herndon Francis Horn Craig & Nichole Huseby Brian & Deanna Kendall Cathy & Bob Krumm Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lee Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Link Dr. & Mrs. Joe M. MacCurdy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Manda Drs. Kathleen & Derek Marks Mr. Charles Martinez & Dr. Erin Martinez The Honorable & Mrs. W. Neal McBrayer Mr. & Mrs. Paul McGinn Eileen & Thomas McGinn Dr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Mire Jesse & Linda Moore Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nunan Drs. Ken & Molly Petroni Amy & John Pflum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Pike Ms. Michelle Polston Mr. & Mrs. Pat Pound Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Pryor Penny Templeton Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Steve E. Roach Robert Hewitt Smith Memorial Fund Jeanne & Mark Robinson Ms. Sarah Robinson Jacquie Rohricht Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Roushdi Susan J. Schultheiss Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sizemore Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stamps The Stewart Family Target Field Trips Mr. & Mrs. James Tarwater Mrs. Bridget Nolan Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thompson

Annual Report 2015-2016

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Thornton USS Rich Association Charles & Mimi Vaughn Ms. Dina Velocci Mrs. Beth Hailey Walker Mr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Warren Ms. Katie Laurel Wells Kathy & Russell Whitney Mrs. Paulette Clark Whitworth Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wilgenbusch Cathy & Gary Wilson, Wilson Family Advised Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Special thanks for contributions made in honor of and in memory of loved ones and friends. Tribute gifts to St. Cecilia Academy are a special remembrance to those who have enriched our lives. Those honored are remembered in the daily prayers of the Dominican Sisters and the students at St. Cecilia Academy. Honored during the past year are:


Sister Scholastica Niemann, O.P. Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Alice Marie Nipp Ms. Shannon McCullough Katie Norris Mr. Vernon Adcock Micaela Rucker Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wheat Cathie Stamps Ms. Jennie Stumpf Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Stumpf, Jr. Dr. Edwina Temple Mr. Edward S. Temple Debbie Waugh Ms. Annie Waugh


Kathleen Dyer Abbey Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Duffey Ms. Karen Abbey Giunta John Albright Mrs. Cecilia Ann Curtis Albright

Sister Elizabeth Anne Allen, O.P. Mrs. Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy

Sister Angelico Dr. & Mrs. George M. Cooper

Mrs. Susan Sastry Armstrong Dr. Annette Sastry

Mary Jo Beavin Mrs. Jean Dortch Mrs. Sheila F. Duke

Betty Bader + Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Robert Collins Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos

Rosemary Bingham Dr. & Mrs. George M. Cooper Vallie Brooks Mrs. Margaret Chance

Ann Dobbs Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn

Alice B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. McCrea

Palmer Cherry Duffey Mrs. Maxine M. Duffey

Matthew Byarlay Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Sister Helen Marie Glaser, O.P. Mrs. Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy

Maryanne Cain Mrs. Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Dr. Charmion & Mr. Bill Hearn Francis Horn Mrs. Josie Sevier Alston + Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mrs. Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy Ms. Caity Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos Jennifer L. Kerwin-Nutkis Mr. & Mrs. Guilbert McCarthy

Jeri Alessio Carver Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Cecil Chance Mrs. Faye J. Chiles Thomas F. Cone, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Ruth Cornelius Mrs. Margaret Chance

Katherine Trabue Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John D. Fitzgerald, Jr.

Joan Richards Cozart Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Beaty Ms. Dixie W. Frederiksen Ms. Claire C. Hailey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Keller Mrs. Janine Lawson Winnard

Erin Neilsen Mr. & Mrs. George Brulin

Gerry Gallagher Crawford Judge & Mrs. Thomas A. Higgins

Harriet McSurdy Mrs. Kay McSurdy


Annual Report 2015-2016

Dorothy Sharp Daue Mr. Doug Henard & Ms. Cornelia Coode Ginger & Mike Sullivan Mrs. Fran Coode Walsh

Dody Davis Mrs. Sheila F. Duke Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yates Olga Miyares deCardona + Jeri Alessio Carver Chip Dobbs Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn William A. Dortch Mr. & Mrs. Guy Adkins American Constructors, Inc. Mr. Kyle Beste Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Brewer Buck Overby Construction, Inc. Butler Snow, LLC Mr. John E. Cain, III Mrs. Margaret Carden Mrs. Margaret Chance Mrs. Dorothy N. Crabtree Ms. Beth Cragon Mr. & Mrs. Norman Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Devlin Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Jr. Rose Drennan Mrs. Sheila F. Duke Elder Building Supply Mrs. MaryDe H. Elliston Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Grover Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Hardaway, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Heer Mrs. Julia Davis Kellett Mrs. Betsy Koehner Dr. & Mrs. Kent Kyger Mr. & Mrs. George P. McGinn, Jr.

Freshman-Senior Week


Mr. & Mrs. Donald McMullen Janet McMullen Jason M. Milek Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mrs. Evelyn Mulloy Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Richardson, III Mrs. Betty M. Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Saltsman Ms. Rachel Sazanowicz Ms. Janet Sharp Ms. Teresa Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Sharp Mr. Charles W. Snyder St. Bernard Academy Mrs. Kitty Beavin Steffenhagen Ms. Mary R. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Stumb Ginger & Mike Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Turner Ms. Kathleen Urciuoli Ms. Diana T. Wilker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yates John Duke Mrs. Sheila F. Duke

Joseph A. Galante Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn James Gavin Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Thomas C. Harlin Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Billy Ray Hearn Mrs. Ann Dobbs Mrs. Ellen Harrison Martin Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Stringer Angela Henrick Ms. Frances Anne Varallo

Rose Otto Thoni Hornberger Ms. Jennifer Hannon Betsy & Kent Stewart

Elizabeth James Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Herring Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Ms. Colleen M. Murray Mrs. Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Anita & Mike Shea Mrs. Barbara Templeton Mr. Laurence O. Trabue Mr. Philip K. Woodlief

Diane Jenkins Julie H.Fisher

Sister Margaret Mary Dr. & Mrs. George M. Cooper

Billy Jewett Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Lisa Markham Ms. Nicole X. Suozzi

Shirley Kelly Johnson Mrs. Carol Kennon Dick

James J. Mathieson Mrs. Jean Dortch

Lisa Pendergrass Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Duffey

Betty Miller Mr. & Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Margaret Ann Hostettler Mrs. Kimberly Coakley

Rebecca Kemp Mrs. Debbie Wallace Craig Sarah Case Kurek Anonymous Mary Agnes Lawson + Joan Richard Cozart Mrs. Dorothy N. Crabtree Mrs. Debbie Wallace Craig Ms. Dixie W. Frederiksen Mrs. Laura Richardson Miller Ms. Carol Poston Mrs. Charlotte Richard Dr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Richard Mrs. Mary Lu Richardson Louis Gino Marchetti, Sr. Ms. Beth Cragon Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Mrs. Jean Dortch Mrs. Sheila F. Duke Mr. Peter Gentry

Rebecca Oliver Mr. James C. Oliver Michael A. Perrone Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Hood Michael J. Philbin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yates James Pilkerton Mrs. Linda Peterson Benson Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Sister Anthonita Porta Dr. Catherine McTamaney Marie Resha Mrs. Jean Dortch Dr. L. S. Ribeiro Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Sharp The Lively Lane Corp Joseph P. Sbuttoni Mrs. Rosie Sbuttoni Raher

Pre-Calculus lab


Stan R. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. S. Jay Sheppard Sue Ann Mannion Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Pearson Phillip Simpson Mrs. Nell Schindler Ayers Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Wesley Taylor Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Frances Varallo Ms. Frances Anne Varallo Ted Welch Colleen Conway-Welch Megan Whaley Ms. Sarah K. Shea Juanita Wilson Mr. Doug Henard & Ms. Cornelia Coode Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. DeMoss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Geny Mr. & Mrs. R. John Hoff Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Mencio Ms. Molly C. Nolen Ginger & Mike Sullivan Mrs. Janet Bellamy Warfield John A. Zalud, Jr. Mrs. Maura Zalud Johnson

ALUMNAE GIVING BY CLASS July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

Class of 1940 Nelle Schindler Ayers Class of 1941 Novarese Ballentine Klingenberg Class of 1948 Paulette Clark Whitworth Class of 1949 Martha Nell Long Bryant Shirley Vaughan Williams Class of 1951 Jean Drennan Dortch Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Class of 1952 Cecilia Ann Curtis Albright Ramona Schnupp Steltemeier Joanne Collins Walker Class of 1953 Rosemary Murphy Ballinger Marie DeGrella Bervoets Class of 1954 Emily Sanders Davis Class of 1955 Diane Hartnett Brady Joyce Norman Hines


Class of 1956 + Jeri Alessio Carver Gedy Crawford Higgins Helen Hunley Glaser Yates Class of 1957 Rosemary Barrett Byers Laura Sanders Christy Martha Sanders Davenport Carmen Otto Morrissey Class of 1958 Therese Howell Schafluetzel Veronica Burns Wauford Class of 1959 Beth Harwood Kastanotis Susy Reynolds Thombs Class of 1960 Holly Cochrane Anderson Clair Petre Ivanov Peggy Lampley Robeson Bolin Kane Stumb Suzy Sevier Walters Class of 1961 Catherine Haid Baltz Elizabeth Lea Crockett Peggy Kelly Hiller Connie Overbey Luttrell Patricia Clinard Sutherland Class of 1962 Carroll Brunner Crosslin Class of 1963 Diana P. Boyd Ann Guepe Harris Mary Katherine Pickard Frances Anne Varallo Class of 1964 Carol Kennon Dick Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer Theresa Bell Sullivan Sandra McMillin Sutterlin Class of 1965 Debbie Wallace Craig Claudia Bickley Davis Judy Winter Gupton Gretchen Keras Hart Phyllis Taylor Kemp Ellen Harrison Martin Rosie Sbuttoni Raher Alison Ames Rheaume Cindy Adams Somerville Bailey White Class of 1966 Lorelei Aden Mary Prue Polk Alley Patty Carroll Farmer Lynn Berry Gregory Marilyn Wannamaker Leathers Jean McCaffrey Stout Barbara Brunette Trautman Holly Anderson Wilds

Annual Report 2015-2016

Donna Brown Woods Patricia D. Woods

Ginger Luster Sullivan Janet Bellamy Warfield

Class of 1967 Anne Wall Christeson Ellen Butler Fernandez Karen Schultz Goodyear Jane Grannis Nonie Carden Sanders Margaret Hoffman Skene Mary Lou Kaiser Spurlock

Class of 1975 Kelly Davis Adelman Mary Davis Marchetti Cayce McAlister Lynn Moll Rassieur Jenny Holditch Wesson

Class of 1968 Julie Hofstetter Fisher Mary Lee Whitehead Jackson Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Sharon Wilson Murphy Laurie Stewart Nolan Class of 1969 Beverly Deal Ammarell Peggy Andrews Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Sarah Murphy Jones Pamela Morrissey Kennedy Karen Trauernicht Sadler Mary Lou Carden Sander Harriet Weglarz Stewart Class of 1970 Sharon Coode Connor Cornelia E. Coode Cissa Flanigen Glenn Lolo Donnelly Hobbs Cathy Jordan Colleen Murray Class of 1971 Cary DeWitt Allyn Mary Pat Becker Baltz Mary Jo Luster Dortch Donna Beazley Drinkwine Sheila Davis Duke Nancy Glenn Gollobin Susan Gracey Michele Koch Keith Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Molly M. Miller Kay Van Echop Quinn Penny Templeton Richardson Mary Jane Staed Smith Kitty Beavin Steffenhagen Tina Hostettler Whitley Barbra Haltom Young Class of 1972 Katie Hines Benson Nancy Holzmer Calderon Class of 1973 Marie Daugherty Bishop Catherine Beasley O'Bryan Karen Clarke Pirkle Class of 1974 Katherine Power McCrea Jean Dortch Rast Betsy Merlin Stewart

Class of 1976 Laurie P. Bouchard Mary Louise Hymel Cohen Lynn Black Dolan Suzanne Meifert Hester Maura Zalud Johnson Beth Brackney King Dale Baird Mitchell Nancy Schuler Moeller Barbara Miller Paslay Karen Rowan Pilkerton Class of 1977 Maureen Abbey Angela Birch Cox Andrea Birch Ferguson Mary Ruth Peffen Geny Peggy Hunt Claire Miller Robbins Sarah K. Shea Norma Trauernicht Volz Fran Coode Walsh Class of 1978 Mary Barrett Brewer Julie Dortch Cragon Lisa Fridrich Grayson Patricia Kyger Hunt Julia Davis Kellett Missy Yokom Koehn Denise Lounsbery Sharp Becky Alderson Zimmerman Class of 1979 Patty Beazley Laura Black Crawford Emily Eyre Laura Cullum Hood Mary Elcan May Gina Morrissey Miller Sylvia Kanwischer Miller Denise Dobbs Richards Allison Burns Sheehan Margaret Derrick Simpson Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Ann True Wehby Class of 1980 Denise Donnelly Beaty + Joan Richard Cozart Katherine Higgins DeLay Claire Hailey Laura Richardson Miller Janine Lawson Winnard Class of 1981 Jane Giuli Baird Traci Garner Gallivan


Annual Report 2015-2016 Marye Walker Lewis Sarah K. Shea

Class of 1982 Palmer Cherry Duffey Karen Abbey Giunta Alicia C. Marchesi Kate Kirkpatrick Mosley Mary Holzmer Peters Kathy Fox Whitney Class of 1983 Leah Brooks-Wehby Murray Clayton Lee Anne Chance Demere Cathy Cook Krumm Sara Graf Remke Stephanie Crews Sundock Class of 1985 Elizabeth Durst Brown Pamela G. Christy Cara L. Hudson Kelly Heinrich McBrayer Rosemary Walsh Plorin Ashley Gorham Thompson Class of 1986 Susan Elcan Farrell Pily Buenahora Jenkins Margaret Goodrum Kennedy Nancy Melley Elizabeth Carden Phillips Beth Hailey Walker Margaret Sutherland Wellborn Class of 1988 Jenny Mondelli Robertson

Nicole X. Suozzi Laura Gregory Warren Michael Ann Zinser

Class of 1997 Danielle White Herndon Kathleen Wall Marks

Class of 2007 Beth Cragon Jennie Stumpf

Class of 1989 Kara Devine Devening

Class of 1998 Donna Castelli Garay Laura Dray Pierce Marie Stewart Mary Kelly Vicars Catherine Stuart Vrettos

Class of 2008 Susan Beavin George

Class of 1990 Josie Sevier Alston Kristi Hill Dunlap Martha Ashley Fuson Holder Class of 1991 Susan Sastry Armstrong Laurie Harris Cian Ellen Bush Durelli Dawn Curtis Hayes Mandy Hatchell Howard Nichole Wood Huseby Diane Lennon Meier Class of 1992 Jessica Bogard Buenahora Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy Carrie Sevier Outlaw Kristine Pancoast Watkins Caroline Ragsdale Young Class of 1993 Angela Read Greek Molly Kopansky Munden Margaret Strobel Pyburn Megan Hayes Wilson Class of 1995 Sonia Fernandez Le Blanc Stephanie Eads Greco Class of 1996 Sarah Dray Mondy

Class of 2000 Kathryn Camarata Burish Lauren Ashwood Jeter Katie Laurel Wells Class of 2001 Lauren A. Brooks Emily A. Johnson Merrill Moore Lennon Sara Brunette Strobel Lindsey Conlin Walsh Class of 2002 Heather Yopp Honeycutt Mary Mattingly Pietrzyk Katherine L. Wright Class of 2003 Mindy Eads Donnellan Sarah Nunan Marvel Class of 2004 Julina C. Fernandez Class of 2005 Bridget Nolan Thomas Class of 2006 Caity Shepherd

Class of 2009 Ragan M. Todd Class of 2014 Juliana M. D’Eredita Class of 2015 Isabel W. Bishop Kathleen B. Burns Frances C. Fitzgerald Kirsten N. Fox Mary Landis Gaston Claire M. Johnson Lauren A. LoCicero Cecilia K. Moore Caroline O'Neill


In 2015-2016, 36% of students received a total of $690,728 in tuition assistance. Endowment gifts for tuition assistance provide a permanent source of financial aid to St. Cecilia students. St. Cecilia Academy is grateful to the following alumnae, parents and friends who have generously established or contributed to endowed and annual scholarship funds, to help ensure that all young women can access and benefit from a St. Cecilia Academy education.

First day of school treat



Alma Wehby Memorial Scholarship Estate of Elizabeth Wehby Alumnae Association Scholarship Holly Cochrane Anderson Denise Donnelly Beaty Leah Brooks-Wehby Rosemary Barrett Byers Pamela G. Christy Mary Louise Hymel Cohen Emily Sanders Davis Donna Castelli Garay Jane Grannis Dawn Curtis Hayes Kendra Scott LLC Novarese Ballentine Klingenberg Missy Yokom Koehn Sharon Wilson Murphy Carrie Sevier Outlaw Publix Tennessee, LLC Jenny Mondelli Robertson Peggy Lampley Robeson Margaret Hoffman Skene Catherine Stuart Vrettos Anne Eidell Wall Endowed Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Christeson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wall Aurelia Varallo Mariani Scholarship Nashville Catholic Business Women's League Class of 1971 Scholarship Mary Pat Becker Baltz Mary Jo Luster Dortch Donna Beazley Drinkwine Nancy Glenn Gollobin Susan Gracey Michele Koch Keith Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Molly M. Miller Kay Van Echop Quinn Penny Templeton Richardson Mary Jane Staed Smith Kitty Beavin Steffenhagen Tina Hostettler Whitley Barbra Haltom Young Class of 1976 Scholarship Lynn Black Dolan Kim Hoover Maura Zalud Johnson Beth Brackney King Dale Baird Mitchell Nancy Schuler Moeller Barbara Miller Paslay Class of 2011 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lee Grubbs, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Marzialo

Dr. Henry Schmitt Scholarship Lt. Col. Hank Goodrum & Ms. Aidan Lee Mary Ann S. Goodrum Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Semenick Kathleen Dyer Abbey Scholarship Maureen Abbey Karen Abbey Giunta Lisa Elcan Bruner Memorial Award Susan Elcan Farrell Sara Hynes Lea Scholarship Anonymous Stacey "Chip" Dobbs & Ann Perkerson Dobbs Scholarship Ann Dobbs Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jerre Richards, Jr. William T. Coakley Memorial Scholarship Kimberly Coakley

SCA ANNUAL TUITION ASSISTANCE GIFTS 2 Anonymous Mrs. Rosemary Murphy Ballinger Margaret M. Bost Trust Ms. Lauren A. Brooks Mr. John E. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Calhoun The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Denes Dr. Michael DeRoche & Dr. Paula Guerette Diocese of Nashville Dr. Andrea Birch Ferguson Mrs. Lynn Berry Gregory Mrs. Helen G. Holland Mrs. Pily Buenahora Jenkins + Mr. & Mrs. David Lassiter Mrs. Merrill Moore Lennon Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Lyle Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Guilbert McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McWilliams Mrs. Kate Kirkpatrick Mosley Mrs. Sharon Wilson Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Page Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Pearson Mrs. Peggy Lampley Robeson Ms. Jennie Stumpf Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Stumpf, Jr. Ms. Frances Anne Varallo Mrs. Lindsey Conlin Walsh Ms. Diana Weisman

Annual Report 2015-2016

Mrs. Paulette Clark Whitworth Ms. Holly Anderson Wilds


We also express gratitude and acknowledge the following individuals that have made a gift to our Fine Arts Capital Campaign. These gifts were received between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. 2 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Guy Adkins American Constructors, Inc. Mrs. Linda Peterson Benson Mr. Kyle Beste Mark & Mary Brewer Buck Overby Construction, Inc. Ed & Wyeth Burgess Butler Snow, LLC Mr. John E. Cain, III Mrs. Margaret Carden Mrs. Margaret Chance Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Chilton Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Clark Mrs. Kimberly Coakley Mary Rose & Jon Conlin Colleen Conway-Welch Mrs. Dorothy N. Crabtree Ms. Beth Cragon Claudia Bickley Davis Emily Sanders Davis Mr. & Mrs. Norman Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Devlin Mrs. Ann Dobbs William A. & Mary Jo Dortch Rose Drennan Mrs. Sheila F. Duke Elder Building Supply Mrs. MaryDe H. Elliston Mr. & Mrs. Bob Forster Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Geny Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Grover Judy Winter Gupton Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Hardaway, Jr. Estate of Billy Ray Hearn Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Dr. Charmion Hearn & Mr. Bill Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Heer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Howell Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Hunt Ms. Miller K. Hunt Mrs. Julia Davis Kellett Phyllis Taylor Kemp Missy Yokom Koehn Dr. & Mrs. Kent Kyger Mrs. Ellen Harrison Martin Mr. & Mrs. George P. McGinn, Jr. Eileen & Thomas McGinn

Mr. & Mrs. Donald McMullen Janet McMullen Jason M. Milek Mr. & Mrs. Allen A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. James G. Morrissey Mrs. Evelyn Mulloy Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Ben R. Rechter, Rechter Family Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Richardson III Mrs. Betty M. Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Saltsman Ms. Rachel Sazanowicz Ms. Janet Sharp Ms. Teresa Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Sharp Mr. Charles W. Snyder Cindy Adams Somerville St. Bernard Academy Mrs. Kitty Beavin Steffenhagen Ms. Mary R. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Stringer Bolin Kane Stumb Rob & Barb Sturgeon Mike & Ginger Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Turner Unum Ms. Kathleen Urciuoli Frances Anne Varallo The Volz Family Mr. & Mrs. James E. Walton Dr. & Mrs. John Weiss Ms. Katie Laurel Wells Ms. Bailey White Ms. Diana T. Wilker WTC Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yates


Individuals and businesses are also very generous to St. Cecilia Academy with gifts-in-kind. We thank the benefactors below for their continued generosity. Athens Distributing Company Christie Cookie Co. Mrs. Jean Dortch Goodrum Construction, LLC Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Hunt Brothers Pizza J & J Interiors Inc. Lipman Brothers Peg Leg Porker Peggy Lampley Robeson Frances Anne Varallo Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wall

Please note that every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the reporting of this data and the donor’s wishes with regard to recognition. If you believe there is an error, please contact Kim Hoover at 615.279.3885. If corrections are necessary, we will confirm and reprint them in the next issue of HarpStrings. Thank you for your generosity to St. Cecilia Academy.




Imagined Anew:


By Bridget Nolan Thomas ’05 Director of Alumnae Relations As you may have seen in the Alumnae Experience booklet mailed this summer, St. Cecilia is re-imagining Reunion Weekend 2017, moving it from June to early April. Alumnae will have the opportunity to interact with our current students and see the hallways full of life and excitement, just as they remember it. Reunion Weekend will be a destination, with loads of opportunities to reconnect with old friends. The St. Cecilia Art Market and Festival will kickoff the weekend on Thursday, April 6, 2017 from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Alumnae, guests and friends are all invited to the market, but alumnae will have a special VIP area to reconnect with classmates. The night will be full of SCA artisans and community friends selling their wares, from pottery to jewelry and paintings to stationery. We will even feature an SCA Hatch Show print, along with new SCA alumnae-specific merchandise. Food trucks will be parked in the courtyard and alumnae musicians will be playing your favorite tunes. We will have beverages to sip while you shop and student art work will be for sale as well. On Friday, April 7, beloved English teacher Dr. Robert Collins will be leading an interactive and educational workshop titled "The Curious Fork". Come hungry for entertainment followed by delicious food. Student-led tours of campus will be available after the workshop. On Friday night, the Sisters will host the Class of 1967 50th Dinner in the Dominican Campus White House, a wonderful and intimate event for the 50th reunion class. The dinner begins at 6 p.m. On Saturday, April 8, the Alumnae Association invite all alumnae to Mass at 10:30 a.m. in the St. Cecilia Theater with the Most Reverend Bishop David Choby and Father John O’Neill, St. Cecilia Chaplain. Immediately following Mass, the Class of 1967 will receive their Cecilian Society Certificates from Principal Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. The 112th Annual Alumnae Luncheon will follow at noon and will honor the Outstanding Alumna and Young Alumna of the Year. Be on the lookout for more details about Reunion Weekend. If you are interested in helping with any of these events, please email me at We hope that Reunion Weekend will bring back all alumnae, regardless of whether or not you are celebrating a milestone. Hope to see you there!




Q&A with alumna

Lizzie Nora Harless ’12 who uses theater to help children in war-torn countries After graduating from New York University this past spring with a major in drama and a minor in Spanish, alumna Lizzie Nora Harless ’12 is finding a unique way to use her theater experience to help children in some of the world’s most devastated regions. The thread that has connected her work from South America to Cuba and now Somalia, is an unwavering determination to empower young people. Harless works for an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Ecuador that collaborates with Ecuadorbased lawyers, environmentalists and theatre artists on crisis rehabilitation in developing countries. Most recently, she worked in the coastal regions in Ecuador doing trauma therapy and aid work after the earthquake that struck the region this past April. Her work has also led her to Cuba, where as part of the NYU journalism program, Harless wrote about Chinese immigration in Old Havana and the Chino-Cubano generation that fled from one communist regime to another. Today, Lizzie is teaching 8th grade pre-algebra and 7th grade English at a school in Somalia.

Q: Describe your theater experience at SCA. A: My theatre experience at SCA was easily the most

impactful and instrumental in shaping my future, both immediate and long-term. Mrs. Stamps single-handedly acted as the role model and barometer for the level of continued on page 30



ALUMNAE continued from page 29

work that I was capable of, on and off stage. My time on the forensics team, particularly, gave me a critical eye and appreciation for varying forms of self-expression, which I carried into my work at NYU.

Q: What do you love about theater? A: In high school, I was fortunate enough

to take for granted the freedom I had for creative self-expression. In college, I was able to hone my skills as an artist and global thinker, while also becoming increasingly aware that, in many parts of the world, art is either a luxury or an entirely foreign concept. At NYU I also studied Spanish Language, where I found many crossovers between language acquisition, political development, and cultural expression, specifically in the realm of education.

Q: What made you decide to major in theater in college? A: I went to NYU not

knowing my exact focus, but knowing that I wanted to study theater, language and international studies in some capacity. I found that, with the resources at the university and the expansiveness of the programs, studying drama was the most all-encompassing way to approach my academic career.

Q: How do you use theater to help children deal with and process trauma?

Q: How does theater help children find their voice?

The methodology behind theater as exA: Although we usually view theatre prop- A: pression is less one of “finding a voice� and er from a Western lens, drama in the case of post-crisis situations can mean as little as sensory activities or vocal production games. Many of the tools I learned in theater creation have proved valuable when working in such stripped down and extreme situations.

more of giving permission and ownership to use it in a fulfilling way. Teaching artistry in developing countries is particularly rewarding because of the potential merits it can lend to future generations. The mentality that art becomes luxury after prosperity is dangerously unproductive to the betterment of the world's less privileged populations. In my experience, when art becomes a commodity, the overall well-being of a people improves as a result.

Q: What

is the greatest lesson you have learned in teaching theater in Somalia (and/or other countries in general)?


No one dislikes a hearty round of applause. continued on page 31

Alumna Lizzie Nora Harless teaches Advanced and Intermediate Algebra and English (Speaking and Listening/Drama) to Middle Schoolers in Somaliland, an independant republic.




Sister Angelina, O.P., Novarese Klingenberg ’41, and Sonia Fernandez Le Blanc ’95 at the 111th Annual Alumnae Luncheon. Novarese was the oldest living alumna in attendance.

2016 Alumnae Luncheon

The great class of 1971 celebrated all weekend long, with events both Friday and Saturday night.

continued from page 30

Q: What inspires and motivates you to do the work that you do?

A: Working with middle school and high

school students in Northern Africa is much different than working with elementary school children in South America; they have different goals, different world views, and different ways of thinking. Their minds have been shaped according to their life experi-


ences and have adjusted to different norms. The other day a 12th grade student, for example, was griping to me about not knowing what to write about for her college application essay. “Why don’t you write it about your family’s fleeing from Yemen in 2014?” I suggested. “Or losing your half-brother to violence by the Houthi rebels?” She sighed. “Eh. Maybe… That’s boring, though.” In other words, working on what feels like very isolated, micro projects in fact contributes to the larger socio-political conversation in an

The Outstanding Alumna of the Year, Jeri Alessio Hardin Carver ’56 and the Outstanding Yound Alumna of the Year, Katie Wells ’00. Jeri passed away just three weeks after receiving this honor.

influential way. Being a player, albeit minor, in this kind of global improvement is what I will continue to strive for.

Q: What advice do you have for St. Cecilia students in regards to sharing the fruits of their learning at St. Cecilia Academy with others? A: Just as they say generality is the enemy

of all art, close-mindedness is the enemy of improvement.



The 50th reunion class of 1966 outside the Dominican Campus White House before dinner hosted by the Sisters.

The Class of 1996, celebrating their 20th reunion.


The Class of 1976, celebrating 40 years.



The class of 2006, celebrating their 10 year reunion. The Class of 1986, celebrating 30 years.

When you think of Memories you've made with Friends ... Those memories become Treasures The class of 1981, celebrating 35 years at Table 3 restaurant in Green Hills.

The Class of 2011, celebrating their 5-year reunion.




1 W EDDI N G S 1. Alexandra Marie Koetters '07 married Scott Reid Freundlich on October 24, 2015. Jessica Cardin '07 served as maid of honor. The couple met freshmen year at DePaul University and reside in Chicago, Illinois.


2. Ragan Todd ’09 was married on June 4th, 2016, to Daniel Ogg. The couple met at the University of Notre Dame. Five of Ragan’s bridesmaids were her closest friends from St. Cecilia, Kelly Bodell Hutchinson, Caroline Worley, Alexandra Koehn, Gigi Guglielmi, and Allie Saxon (all members from the class of 2009). 3. Laura Vorholt Stinnet ’05 was married in Ave Maria, Florida on June 4, 2016 to Kevin Stinnet. The couple lives in Nashville and Laura is currently finishing her last semester of nursing school at Belmont University.



A LU MN A E NOTES 1. Missy Alston Kane ’73 was inducted into the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame on June 18, 2016. Kane competed in the 1500 meters at the 1984 Olympics and won a bronze medal in the 1983 Pan-American games and placed 6th in the World University games. She spent four years coaching distance runners at the University of Tennessee, and was named Southeastern Conference cross-country coach of the year in 1990 as her team won the SEC title and finished 6th in the NCAA. Kane is currently the health and fitness coordinator for Covenant Health and is fitness host of a television show “Missy Fit and Fun” in East Tennessee. 2. Ana Escobar ’88 received the Outstanding Local Government Official Award from the Nashville Coalition Against Domestic Violence during a ceremony on October 1, 2016. Ana is an Assistant District Attorney in charge of the Domestic Violence Unit in the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. She is one of four St. Cecilia Alumnae current serving as Assistant DA’s in Nashville. The other attorneys who are also St. Cecilia grads are Jenny McMillen Charles '96, Rebecca Schwartz Valiquete '97,


7 1 and Jordan Hoffman '04. 3. Blair Ely ’14 has been selected as a member of the esteemed Emory Scholars Program and has been named a Henry L. Bowden Dean’s Achievement Scholar at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. Blair is one of 23 students selected from almost 200 candidates by the Dean’s Achievement Scholar Selection Committee made up of 58 Emory faculty and staff and Emory Scholar alumni. The Dean’s Achievement Scholarship is based entirely on merit, applies to the cost of tuition and is valued at $10,000 for each of her remaining years at Emory. 4. Larisa Yackow, '11, is a first-year Law Student at Tulane Law School, New Orleans, LA.

8 She has a B.A. in Spanish from Baylor University, Waco, TX. 5. Annelise Yackow, '14, will be serving for the third time as a Class Senator. She has also been elected Secretary of the Senate, for the



In Memoriam


Forever in our prayers, we remember each alumna as pictured in her high school class composite.



MARIE THERESE ROSE OTTO HOWELL THONI SCHAFLUETZEL '48, HORNBERGER '49, daughter of Marguerite Nolan Howell ’25 (deceased) and sister of Catherine Howell ’47 (deceased)

JERI ALESSIO CARVER '56, sister of Iris Alessio Brown ’51 and sisterin-law of Rose Carver Kirkpatrick ‘49

LINDA KISTNER SWINK '65, mother of Melissa Swink Mann ‘90

Student Assembly. She is majoring in International Relations at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. 6. Mary Marshall Anderson '13 will be joining management consulting firm Oliver Wyman as an Associate in New York City after graduating from Vanderbilt University in May 2017. 7. Classmates from 2014 gather together before the end of summer. Pictured are Hannah Perryman, Grace Brink, Kathy Hill, Emily Peters, Christine Wehby, Eliza Tarwater, Bridget Sullivan, and Maddy Marchetti. 8. Recent SCA grad Kathryn Cole ’16 was inducted into the Naval Academy class of 2020 and did six challenging weeks of basic midshipman training as part of Plebe Summer. Approximately 1,200 candidates are selected each year for the Academy’s “plebe” or freshman class. The pressure and rigor of Plebe Summer is carefully designed to help plebes prepare for their first academic year at the Naval Academy and the four years of challenge which awaits them.



mother of Angela Thoni Power ’73 and sister of Carmen Otto Morrissey ‘57 and Lillian Otto Harris ’39 (deceased)

May the souls of our faithful departed alumnae, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. To view recent memorial notices of our alumnae’s family members and friends of St. Cecilia Academy, please visit

9. Caroline Watkins ’16 signed a publishing deal with Warner/Chappell Music, the second largest music publishing company in Nashville. Caroline, who also attends Belmont, works alongside numerous artists, including many #1 hit songwriters. 10. Alumna Melissa Johnson '14 was selected among 16 architecture students from Miami University of Ohio to serve the village Esiam in Ghana, Africa for 6 weeks by designing and building a 3500 sq. ft. Community Center. After spending time traveling Ghana to learn more about the culture and environment, her group lived and worked in the village while the project was under construction. The village was able to provide 14 workers to assist with the labor, even though they were limited in adequate equipment (3 wheel barrels, 4 pick axes, 6 shovels, 9 head pans, 1 handmade ladder, and no power tools) for such a large scale structure. The project faced many daily challenges, but served to better the Village of Esiam and its people in need.


Send birth and wedding announcements, alumnae notes and photos to:

NOTE: Photos taken with phones can’t be used. Image size should be high resolution of 300dpi and (at least) 4x6 inches.






4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205 STCECILIA.EDU


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December 9, 2016


February 9, 2017

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