Equality Policy
Approved by:
Local Governing Committee
Review date:
December 2024
Approved on:
11th October 2022
Revision approved on:
30th November 2023
Consideration of equality is grounded in fundamental scriptural beliefs: equal dignity of all people, created in God’s image; and Christ’s redemption of all. The Catechism of the Catholic Church spells this out: “The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: “Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, colour, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1935, quoting Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, No. 29) Jesus tells the Good Samaritan story— one of his three “great parables” —to answer “Who is my neighbour?” His response addresses entrenched divisions between Jew and Samaritan and sets the stage for the unity of “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph. 4:5). This unity admits “no inequality on the basis of race or nationality, social condition or sex…” (Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 2005, No. 15. 5 Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, No. 32.) 1. Rationale Our commitment to unity and equality is clear and mandated by both Church and state. Our faith in Jesus Christ, His Gospel and the teachings of His Church makes St Cuthbert’s a community that admits “no inequality on the basis of race or nationality, social condition or sex…” (Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 2005, No. 15. 5 Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, No. 32.). The school welcomes its duties under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 as consistent with and support of the faith we profess. This policy is consistent with the Code or Practice on the Duty to Promote Equality (2001) and Preparing a Race Equality Policy for Schools (Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) 2002). The school has a significant number of pupils/students from ethnic minority groups and recognises the positive role it must play in developing an understanding of the importance of racial harmony in our community, so that our pupils/students are well equipped to play their part in a multi-cultural society. 2. Aims (a) to develop an understanding of equal opportunities (b) provide a curriculum which is accessible, broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils/students (c) to promote and develop knowledge, understanding and tolerance of others who will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, age, gender reassignment, marital status (employment), sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, disability, religion or beliefs (d) no one will be harassed, abused, excluded or intimidated on the grounds of their protected characteristic (e) inappropriate remarks, for example insulting, abusive or racist, will not be tolerated from anyone associated with the school and behaviour of this type may lead to expulsion from the organisation. (Incidents of harassment will be taken seriously. If the matter cannot be resolved by way of an acceptable apology and an undertaking that the offence will not be repeated further action will be taken.) (f) within the limits of the school buildings and its resources, welcome staff, students and visitors with disabilities, recognising the contribution to the school community (g) ensure that students transcend gender stereotyping and are empowered to play a full part in creating a society without prejudice (h) encourage the involvement of parents/carers in the life of the school. The school values the contribution of all parents/guardians and strives towards a meaningful constructive relationship between home and school (i) take action to remove all forms of discrimination and inequality from school life (j) ensure that the following are adhered to in statutory legislation and the Equality Policies of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust, the Local Authority and Diocese: 2|Page
Admissions of students Making staff appointments Awarding contracts Financial management
3. Responsibilities All staff take responsibility for the full implementation of this policy, and for its monitoring. 4. Our Commitment to Action (a) St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School is committed to ensuring equality for all its pupils, students, teachers, governors, stakeholders and visitors. Consistent with our faith that all people are made in the ‘image of God’, we aim to provide a supportive environment where all individuals are treated with courtesy, dignity and respect, and where their contribution to the learning process is valued. (b) We will strive towards creating conditions which reflect the values of a multicultural community within not only its ethos, but also its day-to-day provision, where all individuals are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential, regardless of ethnic or national origin. 5. Curriculum 5.1 Pupil/Student Grouping At the point of entry pupils are placed in teaching groups based on academic indicators. St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School operates an academic streaming approach at Key Stage 3. These streams are fluid and the group in no way limits a pupil’s opportunity to progress. Evidence over time indicates that this approach improves progress for our pupils. 5.2 Teaching and Learning Styles and Approaches A variety of styles and approaches are employed to provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve. 5.3 Entitlement of access to the curriculum All pupils follow appropriate Schemes of Work designed to stimulate, encourage, and challenge. 5.4 Support Staff Where appropriate support staff are employed to provide in-class support for pupils in need of additional support and scaffolding. They are also deployed to provide support for pupils with specific needs detailed in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Support staff also provide additional intervention during withdrawal sessions on literacy and/or numeracy. 5.5 Assessment, Attainment and Progress All pupils/students have their attainment recorded and progress tracked throughout their education at school. Under achievement is identified and appropriate interventions put in place such as through class and department intervention, study clubs, and targeted intervention programmes. Disadvantaged pupils are identified and encouraged to engage in further enrichment to enhance their learning. Pupils of different ethnicities are monitored to identify and address unjustified disparities in attainment and progress. More able pupils are identified and encouraged to engage in local and national enrichment programmes. All pupils engage in target setting and in devising strategies to raise their performance. 6. Race, Religion and Culture 3|Page
Moral judgments on racism, based on equality, are consistent: “any theory or form whatsoever of racism and racial discrimination is morally unacceptable”; (Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church No. 433) . and “racism is not merely one sin among many, it is a radical evil dividing the human family...” (US Catholic Bishops, Brothers and Sisters to Us, 1979, No. 39.) “Racism in general terms consists of conduct, works or practices which disadvantage or advantage people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin” (Macpherson Report 1999) The curriculum will reflect, as appropriate, the multi-cultural nature of society. Any inherently biased material is used in a critical way to redress the stereotypical standpoint it promotes. The curriculum gives every pupil/student the opportunity to develop a sense of dignity and self- worth in accordance with the school’s Vision, Mission, and Values. Formal teaching about racial equality takes place in the school’s Religious Education and PSHE programme of study. Although religion is not synonymous with race, it is an important element, and all pupils/students will learn about the basic beliefs, ceremonies, and festivals of the world religions as appropriate. Equality of opportunity is important for all staff as well as pupils/students. The school ensures staff of other races, religion and culture have the same treatment as others. The school provides an environment where racist assumptions, attitudes and behaviour are challenged. All incidents of a racial nature and their resolution will be recorded and reported to the Local Governing Committee. The school is committed to including active teaching and learning about racial equality in its daily life. This is reflected in the relationships and attitudes of staff and pupils/students, the formal curriculum and the monitoring of equality and opportunity. In publications and when groups of pupils/students represent the school, we ensure that the racial mix of the school is shown. 7. Disability Schools are not only places of learning but also places of employment. Equality of opportunity is important for all staff as well as pupils/students. The school prospectus supports the admittance of all pupils/students under the school’s Admission Policy. Arrangements for admitting pupils/students with disabilities are discussed with parents/carers individually. The school ensures disabled pupils/students receive the same treatment as other pupils/students. The facilities which the school provides enable disabled pupils/students to access education being offered. The school ensures that disabled people have access to school activities as follows (DfE Circular 3/97): ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Local Governing Committee meetings and those with parents/carers. Services offered to students which are not related to their studies e.g. foreign visits or leisure time activities. Fund raising events. The use of school facilities when hired to members of the public.
8. Sex and Gender This is achieved through: ▪ ▪ ▪
Teaching resources which stimulate discussion on stereotyping and provide opportunities to challenge prejudices. Programmes which aim to develop pupils/students’ self-esteem. A challenging curriculum open to all pupils/students. 4|Page
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Opportunities for work experience post-16 which encourages pupils/students to explore their strengths in a range of roles including non-traditional ones. Teachers and visitors who provide positive role models. People’s feelings will be valued and respected. A respectful manner of address and use of language, which eschews racist and sexist bias. A School Council and PSHCE programme which encourages pupils/students to debate contemporary issues. Equality of opportunity is important for all staff as well as pupils/students. The school ensures all staff regardless of gender have the same treatment as others.
9. Parents/Carers All parents/carers are welcomed into school and invited to contribute as they feel able in consultation with the school. The Home-School Agreement will be translated into appropriate languages when required for the school community. Parents/Carers have access to their son’s data via INSIGHT. Disabled access is available for all school events including: Parents’ Consultation evenings, (appointments made in a suitable location), and concerts. Pupils/students are encouraged to accompany parents/carers to meetings, and if required act as translators. The school will continue to ensure close liaison with families of all pupils/students through the provision of designated staff members with allocated time and effective communication skills. 10. Physical Education All pupils/students have access to the Physical Education curriculum and co-curricular programmes. The Physical Education Department liaise regularly with the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) and external agencies (eg physiotherapists and other external specialist PE related agencies) to plan and discuss appropriate inclusion of all pupils/students. Pupils/students who are talented in Physical Education and Sport are identified and given opportunities to extend their talents. All students have access to co-curricular opportunities and are encouraged by staff to participate. Activities are scheduled at lunchtimes, after school and sometimes before school/weekends to maximise the opportunities for pupils/students to participate. Pupils/students are consulted as to which activities are run, and regularly consulted as to the type of activities that would engage them. Staff are able to access school facilities free of charge out of hours eg fitness room. Other activities are provided to help support the welfare of staff. 11. Employing People We will take equality into account in all aspects of employment including recruitment, terms and conditions, learning and development and termination of employment. 12. Finance In the financial management of the school, consideration is given to equality when allocating resources for: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Curriculum and extra-curricular delivery. Staffing. Staff development. Supporting staff and pupils/students with disabilities
13. Staff Awareness The school is committed to ensuring that all staff understand the importance of the policy, and the necessity to deal with each and every incident. 5|Page
14. Monitoring and Review The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed bi-annually by the Leadership Group and by the Local Governing Committee within the Governors’ Policy Review Schedule. The school will monitor separately the progress, attainment and exclusions of pupils/students and minority ethnic backgrounds, as we do for majority ethnic pupils/students, more able pupils/students, and pupils/students with SEND. Attendance statistics will be monitored by ethnic background, and action taken where intervention is required. The governors will monitor bi-annually the above statistics and information.