Pupil Premium Statement

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Pupil premium strategy statement School overview Metric


School name

St Cuthbert’s High School

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils


Pupil premium allocation this academic year


Academic year or years covered by statement

2019/20 – 2020/21

Publish date

January 2020

Review date

January 2021

Statement authorised by

Carol Davison

Pupil premium lead

Karl Stuart

Governor lead

Veronica Stonor

Disadvantaged pupil performance overview for last academic year Progress 8


Ebacc entry


Attainment 8


Percentage of Grade 5+ in English and maths


Strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils Aim


Target date

Progress 8

Achieve above 0 progress for disadvantaged students

Sept 21

Attainment 8

Achieve above average national average attainment for disadvantaged students

Sept 21

Percentage of Grade 5+ in English and maths

Achieve above average English and maths 5+ scores for similar schools

Sept 21

Ebacc entry

Maintain significant above average Ebacc entry

Sept 21

Teaching priorities for current academic year Measure


Priority 1

Sustained increased teaching groups and time in English and Mathematics at KS3 and KS4

Priority 2

Reducing class sizes across the curriculum

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Recruiting and retaining staff

Projected spending


Targeted academic support for current academic year Measure


Priority 1

Leadership Training via Fortis Dux, debating society, Duke of Edinburgh, extra-curricular activities, competitions

Priority 2

Literacy support

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Membership of the groups by a diverse student body

Projected spending


Wider strategies for current academic year Measure


Priority 1

Increasing attendance at Summer School by disadvantaged students

Priority 2

Increase attendance at extra-curricular clubs by disadvantaged students

Barriers to learning these priorities address

Parents of disadvantaged students engaging with wider educational enrichment activities

Projected spending


Monitoring and implementation Area


Mitigating action


Ensuring enough time is given over to allow for staff professional development

Use of INSET days and school training events LSAs directed by SENCO

Targeted support

Ensuring enough time for LSAs to support students as necessary

Wider strategies

Engaging the families facing the most challenges

Using parent focus groups as a lever to engaging parents more


Review: last year’s aims and outcomes Aim


Achieve above average progress made by disadvantaged students on a like-forlike basis


Achieve above average attainment for disadvantaged students on a like-for-like basis


Achieve above average English and Mathematics 5+ percentage on a like-for like basis

Not achieved – one percentage point below


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