2023-2024 Co-Curricular Brochure

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Co-Curricular Brochure 2023 -2024

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CONTENTS Spirituality and Catholic Life

Page 3

Character and Virtue

Page 7

STEM and Academic

Page 10

Art and Culture

Page 14

Literacy and Reading

Page 18

School Trips

Page 19

Sport and Physical Activity

Page 20

Sixth Form Enrichment

Page 21

Careers and Aspirations

Page 22

Weekly Matrix

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Spirituality and Catholic Life St Cuthbert’s motto ‘Quies In Caelo’ encourages all members of the school community to work for the greater glory of good and the common good. After all, you can ‘rest in heaven’ but for now, there is plenty of work to do. This ‘work’ could include involvement in our Catholic co-curricular programme which further enhances their personal formation.

Morning Prayers Morning prayers are an ideal way to start your day. Why not come along to our peaceful Chapel for a moment of quiet and calm before a busy day. We use a daily prayer book specially created for St Cuthbert’s by the monks of Ampleforth Abbey. When: Every Monday to Thursday Time: 8am - 8.10am Location: Chapel Staff: Mr Murray, Mr Swindells, Mr Stuart, Mr Manfredi, Mrs Gundlach, Mr Cameron,

Eucharistic Adoration Blessed Carlo Acutis said ‘By standing before the Eucharistic Christ, we become holy.’ Eucharistic Adoration is time spent with Christ. Talk with Him, listen to Him, sit quietly with Him. This important Catholic ritual will deepen your faith and your relationship with God. When: Every Friday of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week of the month Time: 8am - 8.10am Location: Chapel Staff: Mr Murray, Mr Swindells, Mr Stuart, Mr Manfredi, Mrs Gundlach, Mr Cameron, Mrs Regan

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First Friday Mass This academic year we are continuing to offer the tradition of First Friday Mass. All are welcome to attend. When: First Friday of every month Time: 8am Location: Chapel Staff: Mr Swindells and Parish Priest

Form Class Mass Every form class from Years 7-11 will plan and lead a Mass in the Chapel once a year with one of our five parish priests celebrating. Following Mass the boys will go for an early lunch with their tutor. When: Wednesday (once a year) Time: Period 1 or 3 Location: Chapel Staff: Mr Swindells, Miss Peacock, Form Tutor and Parish Priest

Form Class Liturgical Prayer Every form class from Years 7-13 will plan and lead liturgical prayer to be delivered in the Chapel with Miss Peacock and their form tutor. The Liturgical prayer will feature music, a focal point, readings and prayers written and planned by the pupils. When: Monday, Thursday or Friday Time: Tutor Time Location: Chapel Staff: Miss Peacock and Form Tutor

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Sacrament of Reconciliation Pupils have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) termly but especially during Lent. Pupils enter the Chapel to examine their conscience before confessing to one of our clergy. They then have the opportunity to perform penance in the Chapel. Day: Tuesday (Once a term) Time: 9.05-11.05 Location: Chapel Staff: Miss Peacock and Parish Priest

RE Film Club At RE Film club, you are able to explore some of the big questions of life such as ‘Is it our duty to be kind to everyone?’ ‘Is it wrong to lie?’ through the medium of film. Day: Friday . Time: Lunchtime Location: RE2 Staff: Miss Peacock, Mrs Kirk

Laudato Si Laudato Si is a letter that Pope Francis wrote in 2016 asking us to care for our common home. In light of COP28 we are keen to answer Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home and each other. At Laudato Si club, pupils fulfil this goal by tending to the school’s Mission Garden, growing fruit and vegetables to give to the People’s Kitchen, outdoor maintenance for our school/local community and much more. Thank you to the new Year 7 pupils who helped us during Summer School. We are always keen to hear how you think we, as a school community, can improve the environment. Day: TBC/Pupils will be informed Time: TBC/Pupils will be informed Location: RE5 Staff Miss Donovan

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St Cuthberts Outreach As part of St Cuthberts Outreach we will be supporting charities such as CAFOD + SVP and also taking part in outreach to our local community. We will plan events throughout the year so that all members of Gods family are looked after, cared for and supported. Day: TBC/Pupils will be informed Time: TBC/Pupils will be informed Location: TBC/Pupils will be informed Staff Miss Cunningham/Miss Peacock/Miss Charlton and Miss Mann

‘I, Daniel Blake’ Seminars For the three weeks of Advent where we are in school, Year 12’s General RE Programme is suspended and they take part in a series of seminars led by the RE Department. Each week will begin with watching 30 minutes of the film, then heading to classrooms for a series of tasks and reflections around the issues explored in the film. During Advent, Sixth Form will collect for the West End Foodbank, which is featured in the film. Day: Thursday Weeks 12, 13 and 14 Time: Period 1 Location: Chapel Staff: Miss Furness and the RE Department

Guild of St Stephen Club Our Guild of St Stephen Club is a new initiative designed at celebrating the service of those boys who serve the altar both in school and parish Masses and hoping to encourage more boy to follow their example. Day: One Thursday a Half Term (Boys to be informed in due course) Time: Lunchtime Location: RE Staff: Mr Manfredi and Mr Swindells

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Character and Virtue At St Cuthbert's we view the development of character as equally important to academic education. Part of our Mission is to develop fine young men of integrity who will live according to the pattern of life given to us by Jesus Christ. We will strive, through dedication to the formation of the whole person, to form young men of competence, conscience, compassion, and commitment, who, educated in faith and for justice, will live their lives in the service of others. Our values of faith, Catholic spirituality, and formation of the whole person, a world affirming perspective, diversity, scholarship, service and leadership underpin our Catholic Life.

Year Councils Year Councils aim to give all pupils a voice on issues that are important to them in school. They are an important feature in teaching our pupils about the British Value of Democracy. Each form group will have two representatives at their Year Council, one elected and one appointed by their Tutor. Day: Weeks 9, 13, 20, 24, 29, 33 Of the weeks listed Year 11 Council will meet on Mondays, Year 10 on Tuesdays, Year 7 on Wednesdays, Year 9 on Thursdays and Year 8 on Fridays. Time: Registration (8:45am – 9:05am) Location: Savio Staff: Miss Driver

School Council School council representatives are essential to the life of our Catholic school community. They are representatives of the student body to the wider community. They will make sure that pupil voice is represented in key decisions and developments within the school and within their year group. Representatives must be confident and comfortable talking to adults and pupil. They need to have good organisational and communication skills and have a mature and thoughtful outlook. Day: Tuesday of Weeks 6, 10, 17, 22, 26, 31, 36 Time: Registration (8:45am - 9:05am) Location: Raphael Staff: Mr Swindells 7|P a g e

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold) The DofE is a life changing experience The DofE is many things to many people, supporting generations to successfully navigate adult life. Achieving this Award is not a competition or about being first. It is all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries. Boys who sign up to complete this prestigious award will work on the four main sections of the award- Volunteering, Physical, Skill and Expedition. The information below is for weekly drop-in sessions. Gold Training expedition : 27th to 29th March 2024 Gold Assessed expedition : 17th to 20th July 2024. Bronze Assessed Expedition: 21st and 22nd June 2024 Silver Training Expedition: 27th to 29th June 2024 Silver Assessed Expedition: 3rd to 5th July 2024

ID Club Do you want to be an active part of bringing change to the school? Do you want to take a lead on making St Cuthberts a more inclusive community where diversity is always celebrated? If the answer is yes, come along. You'll play a part in designing and leading whole-school assemblies; you'll take a lead on whole-school diversity initiatives; and you'll be taking an active role in the community to champion inclusivity. Day: Monday Time: Lunchtime Location: EN3 Staff: Mr Willis

Pope John Paul II Award The Pope John Paul II Award is a faith achievement award for young people between the age of 16 and 18. It is non-competitive, inclusive, flexible and voluntary. The Award enables participants to take an active part in the life of their Church – in the life of their community and society. It enables young people to become more aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world and to engage at a deep level with Christ. The Award was created to commemorate the late Pope Saint John Paul II who was so

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committed to young people and who had such belief and confidence in them. The Award can be achieved at Bronze, Silver or Gold level and is independently verified. Sixth Form only Day: TBC Time: Lunchtime Location: RE3 Staff: Miss Charlton and Miss Mann

Fortis Dux Award The Fortis Dux (strong leader) Award was established in 2015 and is exclusive to St Cuthbert's. Every student in Years 7 and 8 are entered for the Award. Fortis Dux is a synthesis of the St Pope John Paul II Award and the DofE Award and offers our boys the opportunities to excel at different aspects of Catholic leadership. Every year the students astound staff with the creative, generous ways they give back to the school and wider community whilst completing the Award. Students who complete the Award are rewarded with a visit to Holy Island and a pin badge. The Fortis Dux Award has recently featured in the International Catholic magazine The Tablet. Years 7 - 8 only Day: Any Time: Any- Deadline for the Award is Friday 14th June 2024 Location: Any Staff: Hand completed Award booklets to Mr Swindells

Black History Month During October our ID group will plan and lead assemblies along with other activities.

Anti-Bullying Week Week 10 on the school calendar is National Anti-Bullying Week. To mark this important date, each year group will have an assembly planned and delivered by the Head Boy and Deputy Head Boys based on this year’s theme ‘Make a noise about bullying’. They, along with staff, will also be holding ‘Ear4U’ surgeries in Lower Volta for anyone who wants to talk to them about a bullying issue.

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LGBTQ+ Awareness Week Week 35 marks our LGBTQ+ Awareness Week. During this week, in addition to the planned curriculum, every boy will have an assembly on the issue, each department will deliver a lesson from their subject linking it to an LGBTQ person or issue and pupils/staff will be invited to wear rainbow laces in their school shoes.

STEM and Academic St Cuthbert’s has a long and proud tradition of academic excellence that is bolstered by our superb co-curricular offer delivered by our dedicated subject specialists. We are also keen to look to the future and offer clubs in our state of the art Science labs, IT suites and our purpose-built engineering block known as the Reece Building.

Puzzle Club If you love riddles, strategy games and Rubik’s cubes, then puzzle club is the place for you! Come along each week to pique your curiosity and challenge yourself with a wide array of engaging puzzles and games. This year, we will also be running the National Cipher Challenge and the global Einstein Mad Hat competition during puzzle club – come along to find out more! Day: Tuesday Time: 3pm - 4pm Location: MA5 Staff: Mr Shuttleworth and Mr Higgins

Dungeons and Dragons Join in the world’s most popular role-playing game. Dungeons and Dragons is a collaborative story telling fantasy game. Create your characters and work together to overcome problems, finding new and inventive solutions. Or choose to be the dungeon master, creating new worlds and challenges for other players to face. Day: Wednesday (week B) Time: 3pm – 4pm 10 | P a g e

Location: MA5 Staff: Mr Francis

Geography Club (Geogberts) What if Yellowstone Super-volcano erupts? How will the takeover affect Newcastle upon Tyne? Why is the Aral Sea almost gone? At Geogberts we explore areas of Geography from beyond the curriculum. From natural disasters to sports, you will soon realise that almost anything can be related to Geography. Come along, listen to the teachers share their expertise, and have the opportunity to be present your own interests to the group. Day: Friday Time: Lunchtime Location: GG5 Staff: Miss Charlton

Tycoon Business Enterprise Challenge Do you want to be the next Sir Richard Branson or Sir Alan Sugar? We will be taking part in the Tycoon 1K Challenge, run by the Peter Jones Foundation (Dragons Den). This national competition involves pupils forming a team and coming up with an idea for a business; they will draw up a business plan and produce a product or service. The trading period will be during November and December, when they will sell their products or service, hopefully making a profit. Years 7 - 9 only Day: Wednesday Time: Lunchtime Location: Business 2 Staff: Mrs Tomlinson and Mr Adeoye

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Computing HUB Year 10 and year 11 computing pupils are invited to come and use the hub as a support and learning space to program or revise computing content. Day: Monday - Friday Time: Lunchtime (12:20pm – 12:50pm) and after school (3pm – 4pm) Location: IT3 Staff: Mrs Pine

Design Technology Year 11 support sessions have been created to support pupils with the NEA content of the GCSE specification. Pupils will be able to access more one to one support from teaching staff on their designs. Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Time: Lunchtime Location: DT2 Staff: Miss Alexander

F1 in Schools F1 in Schools is open to all UK based secondary schools. The challenge is simply to design, make and race innovative F1 cars of the future, using a combination of design and make skills and CAD / CAM software. Day: Wednesday Time: After school 3pm – 4pm Location: Reece Building Staff: Miss Alexander

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Homework Club Students are welcome to the library after school to receive help with homework or to have a quiet space to work. Teaching staff from different subject areas will attend the homework club to assist students and answer questions. Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Time: After school (3pm – 4pm) Location: Library Staff: Various

Chess Club Interested in learning to play chess or improving your game? Come to the library to meet other players from across the school. Practice and learn new skills and strategies. Open to all levels and a year group. Day: Fridays Time: After school (3pm – 4pm) Location: Library Staff: Various

Law Club A journey through the legal process; from exploring how laws are made and interpreted by the courts, to the court rules at trial. You will be invited to take part in a mock Magistrates Court trial, as a magistrate, clerk, and witness or as a lawyer. Your skills as a listener, investigator, debater and public speaker will become extraordinary. Day: Tuesday Time: Lunchtime 12:30pm – 12:50pm Location: RE4 Staff: Mr Graham

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Art and Culture At St Cuthbert’s, we believe that every young man under our care should have the opportunity to be creative, and to experience and participate in arts and culture. Arts clubs can support mental health and wellbeing as well as building the confidence, character and resilience needed for the modern world. We see value in trying to expose our pupils to as many different aspects of culture as possible.

Year 7 Band Do you play an instrument? Do you enjoy playing together with other musicians? Come along and join in the school band. All instruments are welcome. Day: Monday Time: Lunchtime Location: MU1 Staff: Mr Anderson

Year 9 and 10 Band Do you play an instrument? Do you enjoy playing together with other musicians? Come along and join in the school band. All instruments are welcome. Day: Wednesday Time: Lunchtime Location: MU2 Staff: Mr Proudlock

GCSE and A Level Composition and Performance intervention GCSE and A Level intervention and support sessions for Y10-Y13 looking at compositional technique and performing practice, developing the needed skills to succeed at this higher level. Day: Monday 14 | P a g e

Time: 3pm - 4pm Location: MU1 Staff: Mr Anderson and Mr Proudlock

Big Band Big Band provides the opportunity for experienced musicians to develop their ensemble playing and ability to improvise. Ideal for more advanced musicians, ensemble playing covering a range of styles. Years 10-13 only, unless invited Day: Tuesday Time: Lunchtime Location: MU1 Staff: Mr Anderson

Vocal/Choir Club Do you enjoy singing? Come and join others with a passion for singing and create beautiful harmonies! There will be numerous opportunities to represent the school. See Mr Anderson for a lunch pass. Day: Thursday Time: Lunchtime Location: MU1 Staff: Mr Anderson and Mr Proudlock

Karaoke Club Karaoke Club is a place to connect with peers and have a good time. All singers are encouraged to come together and sing. It's a great way to unwind with friends in a judgement-free zone! Ran by sixth form with staff support – all welcome! Day: Friday Time: Lunchtime Location: MU1 15 | P a g e

Staff: Mr Anderson and Mr Proudlock

History Club Delve into history like never before. The club will include films, documentaries, presentations, and fact-finding missions. Day: Monday Time: Lunchtime Location: HI4 Staff: Mr Ruscoe

Year 11 History Revision A lunchtime revision session for Y11 pupils to support early content revision for the mock and GCSE assessments. Day: Thursday Time: Lunchtime Location: HI2 Staff: Mrs Casey, Mr Ruscoe and Mr Quinn

KS3 Art Club The club is run to support pupils by giving them a quiet space to complete their homework, access to drawing media and materials and offering extra tuition. This an opportunity for pupils to explore art further and explore a range of artistic approaches. Years 7 - 9 only Day: Wednesday Time: Lunchtime Location: Art2 Staff: Mrs Devin

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KS4 Art Coursework Club The club is run for pupils who would like extra tuition and further access to drawing media. Day: Thursday Time: Afterschool (3pm – 4pm) Location: Art4 Staff: Miss Cook

GCSE Art Catch-up (Y10 &11) An opportunity for pupils to catch up on any outstanding work, with access to specialised materials to further promote successes within Art. Day: Wednesday Time: Afterschool (3pm – 4pm) Location: Art 1 Staff: Mr Hedley & Mr Miller

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Literacy and Reading Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Research undertaken by the National Literacy Trust found that children who are the most engaged with literacy are three times more likely to have higher levels of mental wellbeing than children who are the least engaged and boys who are the most engaged with literacy have higher levels of mental wellbeing than girls who are equally engaged. Our literacy and reading programme aims to inspire a love of these vital skills.

Book Club Book Club is for those who love to read and get lost in a good story. This year you will have the opportunity to discuss characters, themes and events with other students and teachers, so if you want to broaden your library come and join us! We have a wide range of books to choose from, all of which you can find in our extensive ‘Book Menu’’ - there is something here for everyone! We have a book focus changing each term, so whether you like on the edge of your seat action, or a relaxing journey you can find everything you want termly! Day: Wednesday Time: Lunchtime Location: Library Staff: Miss Mann and Miss Back

Debating Society The debating society is for those who enjoying engaging in discussion and argument about big issues in society today. You will be able to develop your skills in arguing a clear point of view and using evidence and persuasion to win a debate. You will follow a widely recognised debating model and work with partners in competition against others. With your newly honed debating skills, you may even be able to convince your parents to do things for you. Typical topics could include: Is genetic engineering a good thing? Should there be a ban on music lyrics that promote violence and criminal lifestyles? Day: Tuesday Time: Lunchtime Location: EN10 Staff: Miss Foley 18 | P a g e

School Trips Ski Trip Les Menuires, France: Saturday 6th January – Saturday 13th January 2024 When it comes to location, our Clubhotel Skilt wins hands-down! This slope-side hotel overlooks its own sun terrace and bar, with the ski school meeting point quite literally a few steps from the terrace. With access to various in-house evening entertainment options, students will appreciate being able to roll out of bed and practically onto the slopes when the sun comes up in the Three Valleys.

Year 8 Trip to the Opal Coast, Northern France A 3-day opportunity to sample the French way of life including a visit to a bakery, snail farm and sea life centre. Navigate your way through the lovely town of Boulogne, using your French learned in year 7 and 8 to help you communicate with people.

World Challenge Expedition to Morocco in July 2024 World Challenge is a company that works with schools on overseas expeditions that develop leadership skills in young people. Whilst on expedition, students will take on leadership roles on a day-to-day basis, supported by the adult leadership team (a World Challenger leader plus me as the SCCHS member of staff): these will include managing the team budget, booking accommodation and organising daily food and meals. Our expedition will include climbing Mount Toubkal (the highest peak in North Africa), completing an environmental project in the Marrakech area and some rest and relaxation on the North Atlantic coast in Essaouira.

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Sport and Physical Activity

A high-quality co-curricular programme in sport inspires the participants to succeed and excel in competition and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way, which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Competitive Sports currently include: • • •

Football Basketball Rugby

Co-curricular clubs in PE often change, for the most up-to-date information visit the PE Department Noticeboard. Sports to look out for include Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Cricket, Cross-country, Dodgeball, Gym, Rock climbing, Tennis, Table Tennis and access to the school gym. 20 | P a g e

Sixth Form Enrichment The Sixth Form Co-Curricular Enrichment Programme is compulsory for all students in Years 12 and 13 and takes place every Wednesday Periods 4 and 5. It is designed to go beyond the realms of the examined curriculum and stimulate students’ interests, in both an academic and practical sense. Course



GCSE resit Compulsory for anyone who does not Miss Pearson have Grade 4 in English Language or Mr Wardle Maths Mr Giles Miss Mallabum

Meet basic requirements for FE, HE or Apprenticeships

Cooking Mr Mitchell

Learn to make delicious meals and gain recipes that you will be able to make time and time again at home.

From this course you will gain a wide range of cooking skills and processes such as baking bread, whilst learning other preparation essentials such as mise en place to ensure you are prepared for living independently.

Debate Miss Cunningham

Learn the process of formal debating using the British Parliamentary style of debate. Working in a pair, you will debate a ‘motion’ put forward to the ‘House’ and attempt to convince a judge of the strength and validity of your arguments. You will need to be able to argue either for or against different propositions (regardless of your own views), but this will enable you to become skilled in argumentation and persuasion.

This course will help to sharpen up your skills in reasoning, logic and argumentation. It will support the work done in any essay-based subject and would be ideal for any student who wishes to pursue a career in law. It will also give you more confidence in public speaking and presenting, as well as developing your ability to clearly communicate your thoughts and ideas, which are highly desirable skills in the workplace and will support any university study.

EPQ Mrs Garay

Written report of 5000 words which includes references & research OR an artefact (e.g. a piece of art, a computer game, a realised design) with a written report of approx. 1000 words.

Extended Project qualification, graded from A* to E, valued by Universities and gives UCAS points.

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A presentation of your report to an audience and a complete logbook of progress made.

Develop and improve own learning as critical, reflective and independent learners Develop and apply decision making and where appropriate problem solving skills Extend planning, research, critical thinking, analysis, evaluation and presentation skills

Mandarin Ms Ming Birkett

Learn how to have conversations in Mandarin and use transactional language.

To be able to make yourself understood and understand others if you were to travel to a Mandarin speaking country.

Sport Mr Cheema

Play a range of sports and use the gym.

Develop and maintain fitness levels.

Football Mr Adams

The Football academy programme commitment of the full academic year.

Develop playing and coaching football.

Basketball Mr Hogg

The Basketball academy programme commitment of the full academic year.

Develop playing and coaching football.

Politics Mrs Vasey

Explore different political systems across a variety of countries.

Develop an understanding of politics, systems and be able to compare and contrast different processes.

Finance Ms Tomlinson

Learn how to manage your money, looking at savings, investments and borrowing, as well as the consequences of poor financial decision-making and identity fraud.

To become financially aware and make independent financial decisions.

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Careers and Aspirations St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School’s Careers Strategy seeks to help all boys understand the range of opportunities available to them in today’s economy and acquire the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the workplaces of the future. The Careers programme and calendar are monitored and evaluated throughout the year and their impact is assessed through the range of successful destinations our students secure. Through the delivery of impartial careers information, advice and guidance, a stable careers programme, utilising Labour Market Information, St Cuthbert’s endeavours to implement the Gatsby Benchmarks. By empowering young men to take their place in society, St Cuthbert’s can help create men of competence, compassion, conscience and commitment. Year group


University & Academic events and programmes


Delivered by


HE: An Investigation; This interactive presentation takes students through a series of cryptic clues, secret symbols and quiz questions to get them thinking about HE.

Newcastle University

Working World Workshops; pupils gain an understanding of the breadth of different careers available, to recognise that different skills are needed for different careers and to reflect on their own skills and what they may want to do in the future.

Northumbria University

A game of Uni; The pupils will be presented with a series of scenarios that a student may face and will be awarded points based on the decisions they make. Pupils will find out about the academic and extracurricular activities on offer to students.


Employer led & vocational events and programmes

Student life; one stop shop of everything university. From accommodation to studying and exploring the extra-curricular opportunities that Higher Education offers, pupils will complete the session understanding more

PSHE programme weeks 36, 37 & 38 Careers lessons

Delivered by

My Big Career

St Cuthbert’s

NCW & St Cuthbert’s

National Careers week; range of activity to promote Beyond St Cuthbert’s

North East Raising aspirations Partnership; NERAP

Newcastle University

Via a variety of online and in person workshops. NE1 CAN is programme of engagement and events bringing together cross sector businesses, education and youth providers to deliver real life careers insight whilst


Newcastle College

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about their options post-18.

raising aspiration and ambition.

Newcastle University Campus visit

Newcastle College assembly to promote vocational pathways such as T levels

St Cuthbert’s

NCW & St Cuthbert’s

PSHE programme weeks 36, 37 & 38 Careers lessons National Careers week; range of activity to promote Beyond St Cuthbert’s


Decisions, Decisions An interactive workshop which focuses on decision making processes and how decisions can be affected by external influences. Ideal for those about to choose their GCSE options.

Sunderland University

Assessing your skills; a series of activities that help students reflect

on their current skills and how they can help them make future choices Student fortune; workshop investigating student finance FutureMe; Higher education ambassador workshops

Newcastle United My Big Career

Careers coaching; one to one mentoring support for selected pupils Northumbria University

Course Pursuit; This introduces pupils to the possibilities of further education and encourages them to carefully consider the educational choices they are making from this year onward, as well as introducing concepts and vocabulary used in Higher Education


Newcastle United Careers Programme

Brighter Future Workshop; a virtual employability skills workshop PSHE programme weeks 36, 37 & 38 Careers lessons


St Cuthbert’s

NCW & St Cuthbert’s

National Careers week; range of activity to promote Beyond St Cuthbert’s

Newcastle University

Army Youth challenge course

Newcastle University NECOP

Northumbria University


NE1 CAN Employer led showcases; range of workshops exploring careers in industry Global Bridge; a pioneering EdTech platform that connects talent to opportunity. Built by teachers, it connects young people & education with employers, apprenticeships and universities. Each

Global bridge


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Study Smart; a new and interactive workshop designed for students taking on their GCSE's. The session covers learning styles, revision techniques and tools, transferable skills and other top tips for revision.

student begins to build their profile as we have the licence. Build My Skills; a series of workshops, where speakers will offer insights into the sector, their own career pathways and employability skills they value.

St Cuthbert’s & DWP

St Cuthbert’s & DWP

NCW & St Cuthbert’s

Speed Networking event; pupils will interview a range of employers about their career history Mock Interview event; pupils are interviewed by a range of employers National Careers week; range of activity to promote Beyond St Cuthbert’s


Sixth form transition; range of information advice and guidance, lunchtime sessions and induction programme. A Microsoft IAG team is a platform to share information.

St Cuthbert’s

Transition week

Newcastle University & St Cuthbert’s

Year 11 Goal setting

Careers fair; range of Apprenticeship providers, employers and Higher education institutions recruiting at St James Park

ASK programme Apprenticeship providers St Cuthbert’s

St Cuthbert’s

Northumbria University

Newcastle Careers and Guidance Team

Apprentice application workshops; support staff to help complete online applications

Newcastle Careers and Guidance Team St Cuthbert’s

Future 11; designed to help Year 11 students with the transition from GCSE's through to sixth form.

Newcastle & Gateshead Colleges NCS

Campus tour

NCS assembly & promotion Oxford & Cambridge university roadshows

Oxford & Cambridge

Newcastle Careers and Guidance team, interviews and school support

Groundwork; Northern Directions NCW & St Cuthbert’s

CIAG Interview with Mrs Garay Groundwork employment coaches; one to one interviews and support offered National Careers week; range of activity to promote Beyond St Cuthbert’s

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Sixth form

Evolve; workshop on transition into Sixth form

Northumbria University Range of Universities

Access to Higher Education programmes; eligible students can apply to access programmes to lower grade offers onto degree programmes Jesus College visit; campus tour and application workshops

Careers fair; range of Apprenticeship providers, employers and Higher education institutions recruiting at St James Park

Newcastle Careers Team

St Cuthbert’s Cambridge University Sutton trust Range of Universities St Cuthbert’s

Sutton Trust activities

Range of Universities

Subject specific events & open days

Student Finance England

Progression programme; in school carousel of activities to prepare for UCAS application or alternative pathways

The Money charity

Work experience; placements arranged through school


Speakers 4 school work experience placements

Various professionals

Guest speakers; key figures talking about their industry

My Big Career EY, Prime, NE1

Employer led showcases; range of workshops exploring careers in industry

ASK Programme

NECOP Assessment centre; day mimicking what typically happens

Prospects services

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Summer schools & residentials

during the recruitment process

Student Finance information

NE Skills Convention; brings young people face to face with employers, training providers, colleges, universities and professional bodies

Zero Gravity

Money Management workshops from The Money Charity FutureMe; Higher education ambassador workshops

Range of employers

UKUniversitysearch.c om

St Cuthbert’s

St Cuthbert’s & Student recruitment

Volunteer opportunities; range of organisations deliver assemblies to recruit volunteers


UK University & Apprenticeship Search Event - St James' Park

Global Bridge


Zero gravity; a free online platform which connects state school students with university mentors to win offers at Oxbridge and Russell Group Universities A Microsoft IAG team is a platform to share information. Partnerships programmes with Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria & Sunderland Universities. Engagement with Newcastle College

Social Mobility Foundation programme

Medical school application support; series of guest intervention to support the process

St Cuthbert’s & AIMS

Global Bridge; a pioneering EdTech platform that connects talent to opportunity. Built by teachers, it connects young people & education with employers, apprenticeships and universities. Each student begins to build their profile as we have the licence. A series of Industry insights to inform about employability skills that should be developed.


Ernst & Young Nuffield Health Newcastle Careers Team

Groundwork & St Cuthbert’s

Smart Futures programme offer Nuffield research placements Weekly Apprenticeship vacancies bulletin posted on Teams

Groundwork employment coaches; one to one interviews and support offered

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Co-Curricular Timetable

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