2 minute read

A Grace-filled Way of Life Religious Orders & Christian Communities


One of the better kept secrets in the church is the presence of Religious Orders and Christian Communities in the Anglican Communion. Last summer, to remind the church of these faithful Orders and Communities, the General Convention of The Episcopal Church passed a resolution that the Third Sunday after the Epiphany be observed as “Religious Life Sunday”. The General Convention’s goal was to remind all Episcopalians of our religious orders and Christian communities and to share who they are, what they offer, and how to connect with them for building up the Church, the Body of Christ.

Religious orders and Christian communities have long made important contributions to the life and work of our diocese and to the spirituality of its members. Members of religious orders live together under a rule of life and under vows such as poverty, chastity, and obedience. Members of Christian communities live in their own homes, have jobs and families, and form vowed communities that follow a shared rule of Christian life.

Religious orders and Christian communities have long developed practices that assist with spiritual growth and discernment. Their members teach about prayer, lead retreats, and provide spiritual direction. Religious orders also frequently offer hospitality for short visits or longer retreats and – like Christian communities – are eager to welcome new members.

At right is a list of and links to religious orders and Christian communities that are recognized by The Episcopal Church and active in our diocese.

The Rev. Dr. Peter B. Stube, TSSF Minister Provincial, Third Order, St. Francis, Province of the Americas

Religious Orders

Community of the Holy Spirit (women) | chssisters.org

Community of St. John Baptist (women) | csjb.org

Order of the Holy Cross (men) | holycrossmonastery.com

Society of St. Francis (men) | ssfamericas.org

Society of St. Margaret (women) | societyofstmargaret.org


Anglican Order of Preachers | anglicandominicans.org

An apostolic religious community made up of members all throughout the Anglican Communion inspired by the spiritual tradition of our founder Saint Dominic de Guzman. We live to praise, to bless, to preach.

Brotherhood of St. Gregory (men) | gregorians.org

The members follow a common rule and serve the church on all levels. The trust that all labor and life can be sanctified is summed up in the community’s motto: Soli Deo Gloria, To God Alone the Glory.

Community of Francis & Clare | cfcfranciscans.org

A contemporary vowed community seeking to follow Jesus in the Franciscan tradition by living simply and humbly, serving and praying with and for the marginalized members of our communities and by helping to re-build the church in our day to day contexts.

Order of the Ascension | orderoftheascension.org

Seeking the presence of Jesus Christ in the people, things, and circumstances of life through stability, obedience, and conversion of life.

Rivendell Community | rivendellcommunity.org

Renewing the Church through lives of prayer and hospitality.

Third Order, Society of St. Francis | tssf.org

A spirituality of joy and a community with a contemplative heart that pursues justice, peace, and the loving care of creation.

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