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Drama and Dance

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Junior School

In the midst of a global pandemic, social distancing, and remote learning, you would be forgiven for thinking that drama and performance might not have been top of the agenda during this extraordinary year. Not so! Here at the Junior School, we have pulled together as a community and worked extremely hard to ensure as many fantastic opportunities as possible for theatre and performance were able to go ahead. As the old adage goes ... the show must go on!

The Pre-Prep children were the first to tread the boards this year, with a wonderful nativity full of charm and festive cheer performed by Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils – the perfect way to see us into the Christmas season. Following a halt in productions during lockdown, things seriously revved up a gear upon our return to school just before Easter. With a wonderful new rehearsal space in the brand-new building and months of pent-up energy, the children were raring to get creative! A spectacular showcase season soon followed. First up, Year 4 wowed us with their Roald Dahl extravaganza; from The Twits to James and the Giant Peach, The Witches to The BFG, the children worked tirelessly to create a wonderful exploration of Dahl’s most iconic stories. Up next on the playbill were Year 5 with their superb showcase on the theme of ‘Amazing Animals’. The children composed their own poems and devised performances for these as a group. Each class also devised a bucket-drumming performance using animal names as rhythms. As well as this, they explored the secret life of pets through comedy sketches and

there was a memorable dance which took place ‘in the Jungle’ and even a penguin performance at the St Dunstan’s zoo! Last, but most definitely not least, were Year 3, who delighted us with their ‘Happiness’ showcase, putting smiles on all of our faces as they explored what fills our hearts with joy through a variety performance of class poems, sketches, music and dance. A much-needed ray of sunshine performed the very same week as lockdown restrictions began to lift. With light at the end of the tunnel, the year was brought to a spectacular close with the Year 6 production of Madagascar Jr, a fun-filled, action-packed musical adventure that was the perfect end to a very strange year. The children rehearsed for weeks and despite the challenging circumstances, they created an endof-year show of which they should be extremely proud, and one which thrilled parents and loved ones. We will be singing ‘I Like to Move It Move It’ for many months to come! In what was an incredibly challenging year for everyone at times, the commitment, creativity and enthusiasm of the children’s performances most certainly have made it a year to remember. An enormous bravo to everybody!

Ms K Collard

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