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Head of Junior School’s statement
Head of Junior School’s Statement
The 2020-2021 academic year was like no other, yet again. In true St Dunstan’s style, we did not let another lockdown deter us and whether at home or in school, we were determined that our offering – academic, pastoral and co-curricular – remained unashamedly ambitious for all.
There is, as a consequence, an awful lot for us to celebrate this year and as I read through the many achievements, memorable moments and highlights of the year, I do so with an overwhelming sense of pride for all that we have accomplished across the Junior School. To fit so much into a condensed ‘inschool’ year really is quite remarkable and while it may have been easier in many cases to cancel events, change our curriculum or forget residential visits for another year, this was certainly not the St Dunstan’s Junior School approach! Where we could not host events in person, we ensured that the show still went on, thinking creatively about how the highlights of the year could be adapted, tweaked and enjoyed nonetheless. From in-school residential visits (campfire activities compulsory), to House baking challenges, to remote trips and sports fixtures, I have been astounded at how our Junior School families and staff have demonstrated great resilience, flexibility and allround positivity once again. What a pleasure it was to be able to return to normality in the Trinity term and bring our community together in person to see off another busy academic year, enjoying the highlights of the St Dunstan’s Festival and sports events, and to prepare ourselves for what we very much hope will be a return to complete normality in September 2021.
Miss L Whitwood
Head of Junior School