2 minute read
Year 3
Year 3
Stepping into Year 3 is always an exciting time. Planners, homework, day trips and a residential are amongst some of the delights! However, this year has been like no other. Bubbles, hand washing and social distancing are the things we have had to remember. Does that mean we have not had any fun or that Year 3 has not been exciting? No, of course not! In true St Dunstan’s spirit, we have embraced all the changes with positivity and resilience.
We were fortunate to spend the Michaelmas term in school, learning new skills and making friends. Whilst some aspects of school life were different, we were still able to enjoy celebrations such as assemblies, Harvest and Christmas. Videos and Teams meetings became the norm. Then in January, our learning took place from home in front of a computer. We found ourselves using a new language: ‘Can you hear me?’ ‘Can you see me?’ ‘Put yourselves on mute.’ ‘Don’t use emojis.’ ‘Upload your work.’ ‘Download your work.’ Cries of, ‘I can’t see the Powerpoint!’ ‘My hand is not up.’ ‘My computer crashed.’ ‘Do we have to upload anything?’ became part of daily lessons. We all learnt new skills (we are now tech experts) and became more independent. Our imaginations enabled us to become explorers as we set off on an expedition to the Rainforest. We became puppeteers, storytellers, poets and magicians. We dressed up, we dressed down. We sang and we laughed. Pets and parents attending lessons became the norm. Teachers undertook challenges from the children. The children became experts at challenging the teachers. We were builders, designers, writers, bakers. We were creative, curious and courageous. As the Lent term drew to a close, spring showed signs of arriving and we were able to go back to school. It was exciting to see our friends and teachers again. It was fun being back together but there was still more excitement to come. Not only did we have a new building to move into, we had a showcase to prepare for! The theme of ‘Happiness’ seemed appropriate and after a difficult and unusual year, we certainly have much to make us smile. With the start of Trinity term, rehearsals were afoot. We danced, we sang, we performed ... on repeat! The final performance was a joyful exploration of what happiness means to each of us and we were so grateful we were able to perform it together. Nearing the end of the summer term we were treated to a Harry Potter Charity Day complete with spell-making and potions, Quidditch and costumes! To top it all off, this fantastic fundraising event finished with a Year 3 BBQ with fun activities and games to celebrate what has a been a truly exceptional year!