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Year 6

Year 6
During the Michaelmas term, Year 6 got into the community spirit by composing and illustrating heart-warming letters for the recipients of VSL’s Christmas hampers. These were gratefully received, and it is lovely to think that Year 6 pupils’ words helped to brighten someone’s day.
For the instrumental concert, pupils watched a compilation of their peers’ performances and were extremely supportive and encouraging of each other’s talents. Each form was given a glimpse into the workings of the Houses of Parliament in their own expert-led UK Parliamentary Workshop which took place online. Pupils were intrigued by the workshop and they asked many fascinating questions to help them gain a greater understanding of our country’s political system. In Lent term, remote learning did not impede Year 6 pupils’ curiosity and voraciousness for learning. The use of new Microsoft Teams features enabled pupils to work collaboratively whilst at home and facilitated the development of new-found leadership skills in groups. A highlight of this term was the IPC topic ‘Go With the Flow’, in which pupils learned about all aspects of rivers. Year 6 amazed their teachers through their engagement with independent research, documentary-making and presentational skills. Upon our return to College, pupils worked together to create their own stalactite and stalagmite formations in an exciting end to the topic. At the beginning of Trinity term, Year 6 were delighted to move into their new classrooms and to use all of the new facilities. With rehearsals well underway for the Year 6 production of Disney’s Madagascar Jnr, we were positive that the pupils would deliver an outstanding performance. They raised the roof in the Big Top at the Festival and did the whole Junior School proud. Well done Year 6, a fabulous end to the year!
Mrs C Dixon and Mr A Coley