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Special Events
On the last day of an enormously successful first half term of Lent, during remote learning children in the PrePrep enjoyed a virtual school trip to Legoland! Despite the stay-at-home order, the pupils packed their bags and their imaginations for a day ‘out’. The children started their day with a virtual tour and treasure hunt, before having the opportunity to choose from a range of exciting, creative activities set by all of the Pre-Prep teachers. From Legoinspired bakes, art and code breaking, to design and build challenges and stop start animations, it was an absolutely fantastic day (unsurprisingly, seeing as ‘everything is awesome’ at Legoland!)
Mrs E Rogers

International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day was celebrated across the Junior School in March, linked to the theme of #ChooseToChallenge. The day started with a special assembly led by Mrs Carmichael-Line and a number of Junior School staff, sharing their favourite stories of women who showed the College values of curiosity, confidence, compassion, creativity or courage. We were delighted to receive contributions to our day from inspirational Junior School parents, who shared stories and experiences of inspiring women from their lives. Amongst the wonderful stories we received from our thoughtful Junior School families, our minds were truly captured by Captain Anna Crossley, a Nursery parent, who shared with us her experiences of being ‘the only woman in the room’ as the only female officer deployed to Afghanistan in a group of 400 men. Subsequent Skills for Life lessons explored the concepts of gender equality, the history of women’s rights and how they have changed over time and what the next steps are for our community to ensure that the rights of all students are protected and met throughout their St Dunstan’s experience.

Mrs L Carmichael-Line
Celebrating women’s achievements Helping pupils to challenge gender bias and inequality
There will be assemblies, lessons and tutorials focused on the theme.
Parents, staff and pupils have been invited to share stories of women who have inspired them.
#ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

Wellbeing Week
Mental Health is always at the forefront of our thoughts and the start of March this year brought us into the third successive month of remote learning. Keen to draw on the exciting opportunities that home learning provided us with, we held our very own Junior School Wellbeing Week! The purpose was to learn and practise a range of wellbeing strategies that promote pupils’ physical and mental health, and the Junior School staff and pupils threw themselves into the week with full gusto! From live Sing-AlongDisney with Miss Marcinkiewicz; to mindfulness Skills for Life lessons, making calm jars and reflective diaries with Mrs Carmichael-Line; to Maxing and Relaxing yoga sessions with Mr Macklin; or Calm Colouring and Doodling with Mr Chambers, the opportunities to get involved were endless. Yet again, the pupils impressed with their positive engagement and wonderful curiosity to try new things; and we mustn’t forget the excellent tree poses seen in yoga. Well done, everybody!
Mrs L Carmichael-Line

Languages Day
Languages Day was a bit different this year in the Junior School, but we still had a great time learning about other countries and cultures. We were extremely lucky because even though visitors were not allowed in person, some of our parents still found ways to share their cultures. The children had a great time learning about Italy, Argentina, Wales and many more countries. Some of our teachers also shared language skills they had developed on their various adventures. In the same building you could practise Thai, Spanish, Khmer and even British Sign Language! Every phase embraced the challenge of a remote Languages Day, and some lovely storytelling or singing could also be heard throughout the corridors. Even though trips were not possible this year, we still managed to bring a bit of the Goethe Institut to St Dunstan’s when some children watched a German movie in their classrooms. In short, a busy and eventful Languages Day!
Miss J Staes

The Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 BBQs
As Government guidance thwarted our chances of attending our annual residentials, the Prep school team took it into their own hands to arrange two ‘camping’ experiences with a twist! Although prevented from overnight stays, we couldn’t resist the temptation to build campfires and undertake adventurous activity teamwork challenges in the spirit of a true camper. Mr Telford wowed us with his survival skills and fire building, Mr Macklin challenged us in groups like no other and Miss Morris set us challenges galore before we tucked into a delicious BBQ and hot chocolate in our specially designed camping mugs. A huge well done to everyone for getting stuck in with camaraderie, enthusiasm and laughter!
Mrs L Carmichael-Line

Harry Potter Day
Inspired by and held in the memory of Annamaria
What a wonderful day the children had at our special Harry Potter charity day, dressed in their wonderful outfits. The front drive in the morning was awash with different characters arriving at Hogwarts for a day of wizardry. Emerging from the street and cars were Hagrid, Sirius Black, the death eaters, Dobby, Fred and George Weasley and many Harry Potters! They were greeted by Dumbledore himself, or was it herself? It was difficult to see under that huge flowing beard. The day began with a musical welcome from two accomplished flautists, prodigies of Professor Quirrell, playing the Harry Potter theme tune. The moment of truth was imminent. It was time for the sorting hat to work its magic! ‘Hmmm, oh yes, I know just the House for you!’ it cried, as one by one the Hogwarts students wore the crooked hat, took centre stage and were sorted into Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Once witches and wizards had been sorted into their Houses, they were ready for the lessons of the day. With Professor Snape busy with his own class, Professor Flitwick and camera crazy Colin Creevey conducted the potions lessons for the younger students. The elders braved the top corridor of Hogwarts to

learn advanced potions in the Science laboratories. Meanwhile, Fleur Delacour was down in the basement teaching Wandography. This new generation of Hogwarts students would need to know how to thrust their wands and cast a spell! Such wonderfully dramatic poses would surely work against He Who Cannot Be Named. After a light refreshment of butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks at lunch, it was time for battle to commence! The winds were high for our Quidditch tournament. Viktor Krum was in command, with assistance from Hermione Granger. Moaning Myrtle managed to escape from the bathroom to haunt the highly contested matches. With broomsticks and quaffles at the ready, the Chasers were determined to beat the Keeper and take the spoils. Players earned ten points for shooting in the hoops and twenty points for catching the elusive flying golden snitch. Meanwhile, there were Quidditch training sessions running for the future stars of the game. They could be spied in the distance, weaving through the trees on their broomsticks and firing their quaffles through the target. What a wonderful sight this was for those who were lucky enough to see it. It was an exhausting but exhilarating day for pupils and professors alike, but certainly worthwhile and I suspect, imprinted in their memories forever. Thank you to Annamaria and her family for inspiring such a wonderful day, and we hope the money raised from our generous St Dunstan’s community will go some way towards beating Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Miss H Morris